United Methodist Women Reading Program catalog

and his unwavering commitment to save her from the edge of insanity while doing everything he can to keep his family together. THE ROUND HOUSE. A Novel.
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Reading Program Programa de Lectura 독서 프로그램


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Welcome to the 2015 Reading Program! The Reading Program evaluators have spent hours reading to bring you this list. We are sure you will find something here for everyone. Some highlights include titles in leadership development from the Girl Scouts and women’s basketball and titles that explore our relationships with food and spiritual growth and our habits as consumers. One book asks the question: What’s so blessed about being poor? And be prepared to laugh when chickens build a wall. As always, while you read keep the purpose of the Reading Program in mind and take advantage of the suggestions for action included in this catalog. I’d love to hear from you about how you turn your reading into action. Post your comments on the Reading Program group at umwonline.org/groups/ readingprogram. Brenda Thompson Reading Program Specialist

Suggestions, recommendations or comments about Reading Program books can be sent to the Reading Program, United Methodist Women, room 1502, 475 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10115. E-mail: bathomps@ unitedmethodistwomen.org. Please indicate title, author, publisher, date of publication and price.



¡Bienvenidas al Programa de Lectura de 2015! Las evaluadoras del Programa de Lectura han pasado horas leyendo libros para poder presentarles esta lista. Estamos seguras que todas encontrarán algo de interés.

2015년 독서 프로그램에 오신 것을 환영 합니다! 여러분에게 권장도서 목록을 제공하 기 위해 독서 프로그램 평가자들은 많은 책들 을 읽었습니다. 여러분 모두에게 도움이 되리 라 확신합니다.

Queremos destacar que esta lista de libros incluye títulos sobre el desarrollo del liderazgo desde las Girl Scouts hasta el baloncesto femenino y títulos que exploran la relación que tenemos con los alimentos y el crecimiento espiritual, y nuestros hábitos como consumidoras. Uno de los libros presenta la siguiente pregunta: ¿cuál es la gran bendición de ser pobre? Además, prepárense para reír cuando los pollos construyan una pared. Como siempre, mientras ustedes leen, mantengan el propósito del Programa de Lectura en sus mentes y aprovechen las sugerencias para la acción incluidas en este catálogo.

몇몇 흥미로운 책들 중에는 걸스카우트와 여자 농구의 리더십 개발, 음식과 영성과 소비자로써 우리의 습관과의 관계에 대한 연구를 다룬 것들이 있습니다. 또한 가난한 것이 왜 축복인가? 라는 질문을 하는 책도 있습니다. 닭이 벽을 세우는 내용이 담긴 책을 읽을 때는 웃을 준비를 하십시오. 늘 그렇듯이, 책을 읽는 동안 독서 프로그램의 목적을 명심하시고, 이 안내책자에 실린 행동을 위한 제안들을 활용하십시오. 여러분이 권장 도서들을 읽고 어떻게 행동으 로 옮겼는지에 대해 듣고 싶습니다. umwonline.org/groups/readingprogram에 독서 프로그램 그룹에 대한 여러분의

Sería un gran placer poder saber cómo transforman su lectura en acción. Envíennos sus comentarios al grupo del Programa de Lectura: umwonline.org/groups/readingprogram.

의견을 올려 주십시오.

브렌다 톰슨 독서 프로그램 전문가

Brenda Thompson Especialista en Programa de Lectura 독서프로그램 권장 도서로 추천할 만한 책이 있거나 권장 도서에 대한 제안 및 평가 등 의

Sugerencias, recomendaciones o comentarios sobre los libros del Programa de Lectura se pueden enviar a Programa de Lectura, Mujeres Metodistas Unidas, 475 Riverside Drive, Oficina 1502, New York, NY 10115. Correo Electrónico: Bathomps@unitedmethodistwomen. org. Por favor indiquen título, autor, editor, fecha de publicación y precio.

견이 있다면 독서 프로그램 담당자에게 연락해 주시기 바란다. United Methodist Women Room 1502, 475 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10115. 이메일: bathomps@ unitedmethodist women.org. 추천하는 책의 제목, 저자, 출판사, 출판년도, 가격 등을 반드 시 명기해 주시기 바란다.


eduCation for Mission


CHASING CHAOS My Decade In and Out of Humanitarian Aid


Jessica Alexander Random House (2013)

Benigno P. Beltran Orbis Books (2012)



In this honest and irreverent memoir, Jessica Alexander introduces readers to the realities of life as an aid worker. We watch as she manages a 24,000-person camp in Darfur, collects trial evidence in Sierra Leone and contributes to the massive aid effort in Haiti; we also hear about parties, romances, burnouts and self-doubt while struggling to do good in places that have long endured suffering.

Smokey Mountain is a vast garbage dump in Manila, the Philippines. For some, it is a metaphor for a planet choking on garbage and waste, but for Benigno Beltran, who served as chaplain to its 25,000 scavengers for 30 years, it is a metaphor of hope, a symbol of the will to survive and the ability to create joy in the midst of abject poverty.

400 pages RP1506

192 pages RP1513


eduCation for Mission


THE GOLDEN CAGE Three Brothers, Three Choices, One Destiny

GOOD GOD, LOUSY WORLD AND ME The Improbable Journey of a Human Rights Activist From Unbelief to Faith

Shirin Ebadi Kales Press (2011)


Holly Burkhalter Waterbrook Multnomah (2013)

256 pages RP1517


208 pages RP1518

History is best described through life stories told in simple ways by appealing to what human beings hold in common: the love of life and country. The Golden Cage is the story of three brothers, as told by their sister, who each subscribes to a different ideology that tears Iran and their lives apart.

For years, Holly Burkhalter was a heartbroken idealist working on the front lines of change around the world. A witness to brutality and injustice, she found herself — often angrily, sometimes hilariously — at odds with a God who seemed distant at best and tyrannical at worst. Her riveting faith memoir will spur you to explore your own questions about God’s presence — and seeming absence — in our broken world.


eduCation for Mission

leadership developMent


FULFILLED Living and Leading With Unusual Wisdom, Peace and Joy

ABOUT BEING POOR? Seeking the Gospel in the Slums of Kenya

Kirk Byron Jones Abingdon Press (2013)

L. Susan Slavin and Coralis Salvador Orbis Books (2013)



176 pages RP1515

In this inspiring exploration of how happiness and holiness can exist in the midst of poverty and illness, two women, one a Maryknoll lay missioner, the other a New York attorney who left her law practice to become a lay missioner, tell their stories of living among the poor in East Africa.

Leadership can be mentally, emotionally and spiritually exhausting. In Fulfilled, Kirk Byron Jones examines stillness, awareness and playfulness, three inner capabilities that every leader can access but most simply ignore or disregard. He shows you how to draw on each of them in daily life and how the fulfilled leader lives in wisdom, peace and joy, successful in all the most important ways.

176 pages RP1544


leadership developMent

THE NEW FEMINIST AGENDA Defining the Next Revolution for Women, Work and Family

SUM IT UP 1,098 Victories, a Couple of Irrelevant Losses and a Life in Perspective

Madeleine M. Kunin Chelsea Green Publishing (2012)

Pat Summitt Random House (2014)


304 pages RP1526


416 pages RP1537

Feminists opened doors in the 1960s and 1970s. Women now make up nearly half of all medical and law students and have entered the workforce in record numbers. But are U.S. women where they thought they’d be? It’s time, says former U.S. Ambassador and Governor Madeleine M. Kunin, to usher in a new social revolution — one that calls for the kind of policies than can improve women’s lives and strengthen their families.

Pat Summitt, a country girl from Henrietta, Tennessee, grew up driving fast and playing hard, learning basketball playing with a homemade backboard against three brothers. She went on to win an Olympic medal and at 22 became head coach of the University of Tennessee Lady Vols. Her autobiography tells the whole story, full of humanity, wit and fierceness, by a giant among coaches who has transcended American sports.


leadership developMent

nurturinG for CoMMunity

TOUGH COOKIES Leadership Lessons From 100 Years of the Girl Scouts

THE END OF YOUR LIFE BOOK CLUB Will Schwalbe Random House (2012)

Kathy Cloninger John Wiley (2011)


352 pages RP1511


181 pages RP1540

The End of Your Life Book Club is the inspiring true story of a son and mother who start a book club that brings them together as her life comes to a close. Over two years, Will and Mary Anne carry on conversations that are both wide-ranging and deeply personal, prompted by a diverse selection of books and a shared passion for reading. Throughout, they and we are reminded of the power of books to comfort, astonish and teach.

Full of inspired wisdom, Tough Cookies describes Girl Scouts’ transformative journey to become an integrated, unified movement for girls. It captures the essence of this iconic institution and the principles that have sustained its 100-year history of success. Millions of American businesswomen, thought leaders and politicians received their first lessons in salesmanship, money management, marketing, teamwork and fulfillment from Girl Scouts — as will millions more to come.


nurturinG for CoMMunity

JANUARY FIRST A Child’s Descent Into Madness and Her Father’s Struggle to Save Her

THE ROUND HOUSE A Novel Louise Erdrich Harper Collins/Harper Perennial (2013)

Michael Schofield Random House (2013)


368 pages RP1534


320 pages RP1521

This is the story of Joe, whose life is irrevocably transformed one spring day when his mother is attacked. As she takes to her bed, Joe is increasingly alone and finds himself thrust prematurely into an adult world for which he is ill prepared. May contain provocative language.

At age 6, January Schofield was diagnosed with one of the most severe cases of child-onset schizophrenia on record. Michael Schofield takes us on his journey with his daughter as they face seemingly insurmountable obstacles and daily challenges with her care and his unwavering commitment to save her from the edge of insanity while doing everything he can to keep his family together.


nurturinG for CoMMunity

WHATEVER HAPPENED TO DINNER? Recipes and Reflections for Family Mealtime

WHEN PASTORS PREY Overcoming Clergy Sexual Abuse of Women

Melodie M. Davis Herald Press (2010)

Valli Boobal Batchelor (editor) World Council of Churches Publications (2013)



242 pages RP1543

220 pages RP1545

Whatever Happened to Dinner? invites families to eat together, even as we live in a culture that often pulls us apart. Author Melodie M. Davis examines the role food and mealtime play in the family and reminds us of why God gave us the good gift of food.

While clergy abuse of children has received worldwide attention, little has been written about the more widespread and devastating phenomenon of clergy abuse of adult women. This project addresses a problem that undermines the very foundations of institutional Christianity. When Pastors Prey not only brings forward the stories of many women whose trust has been abused, it also offers a helpful framework in which to understand and address the problem.


soCial aCtion




Saru Jayaraman Cornell University Press (2014)

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Random House (2014)


208 pages RP1504


608 pages RP1502

As you enjoy your restaurant meal, have you ever wondered what’s behind the kitchen door? Blending personal narrative and investigative journalism, Saru Jayaraman shows us that the quality of food that arrives at the table not only depends on the ingredients’ sources but on the attention and skill of the people (restaurant workers are subject to poor working conditions and live on some of the lowest wages in America) who prepare and serve.

Ifemelu reluctantly left Nigeria on a college scholarship and seems to have everything a Nigerian immigrant in America could desire. But culture shock, hardships and racism have left her feeling like she has “cement in her soul.” Astonished at the labyrinth of racial structures that confront her, Ifemelu launches an audacious and instantly popular blog that explores what she calls Racial Disorder Syndrome. May contain provocative language and content.


soCial aCtion


A NEW DAWN IN BELOVED COMMUNITY Stories With the Power to Transform Us

ECOLITERATE How Educators Are Cultivating Emotional, Social and Ecological Intelligence

Linda Lee (general editor) and Safiyah Fosua (consulting editor) Abingdon Press (2012)

Daniel Goleman, Lisa Bennett and Zenobia Barlow John Wiley (2012)



These are stories of people, in their own words. Their goal is to provide a tool that will help the church build beloved communities in ways that can transform the world. They speak their truths and experiences, provide suggestions for action and offer visions of hope. They will awaken stories in you that will transform both heart and soul.

Hopeful and bold, Ecoliterate tells stories of educators, activists and students who embody an integration of emotional, social and ecological intelligence. Through stories from the Arctic to Appalachia, New Mexico to New Orleans, the authors reveal how education that engages in some of the most pressing ecological issues of the day advances academic achievement, fosters resilience and helps communities play a vital role in protecting the natural world.

142 pages RP1525

192 pages RP1510


soCial aCtion


NOT JUST A PRETTY FACE The Ugly Side of the Beauty Industry

Rilla Askew Harper Collins/Ecco (2014)

Stacy Malkan New Society Publishers (2007)


432 pages RP1522


192 pages RP1528

A new Oklahoma state law makes harboring an undocumented immigrant a felony. Rilla Askew’s brilliant, hilarious and heartfelt novel follows a handful of complicated lawmakers and lawbreakers as workers are exiled, friends turn informers and families are torn apart in a statewide exodus of Hispanics. In the end, Kind of Kin reveals how an ad hoc family and an entire town unite to do anything necessary to protect its own.

The beauty myth is peeled away and the industry’s toxic secrets emerge in Not Just a Pretty Face. This book chronicles the quest that led a group of breast cancer activists and environmentalists to the offices of the world’s largest cosmetic companies asking some tough questions about the safety of the cosmetics they market as safe.


spiritual Growth

EAT WITH JOY Redeeming God’s Gift of Food

FINDING GOD IN A BAG OF GROCERIES Sharing Food, Discovering Grace

Rachel Marie Stone InterVarsity Press (2013)


Laura Lapins Willis Abingdon Press (2013)

208 pages RP1509


224 pages RP1514

Food is the source of endless angst and anxiety. We struggle with obesity and eating disorders, and agricultural horror stories make us worry about whether our food is healthy, nutritious and justly produced. Rachel Marie Stone asks us to rediscover joyful eating by receiving food as God’s good gift of provision and care and fills this book with practical insights and tasty recipes.

In a tiny food pantry, Laura Willis discovered her own hunger for God and a world of neighbors she never knew: the lonely, the unemployed, chronically poor families and middle-class folks surprised to be struggling in a great recession. To each she offered a bag of groceries, a compassionate ear and a heart of love.


spiritual Growth

NO LONGER SILENT The Empowerment of Women in the Gospels

PRAYING TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE A Guide to Productive Prayer

Susan Dehn Matthews ACTA Publications (2011)

Suzette T. Caldwell Destiny Image Publishers (2009)



Imagine, along with Susan Dehn Matthews, that you hear the voices of the women in the Gospels, many of whom have been overlooked, ignored, misrepresented or misunderstood. Listen as they reveal the stories behind their words and actions in the Scriptures. They are no longer silent but speak the truth about themselves as it was revealed to them by their encounter with the one they called teacher, prophet, brother, beloved and son.

Praying to Change Your Life is an action-oriented, results-driven, howto guide for believers that glorifies God, transforms lives and increases the power of your prayers. Through instruction, prayer exercises, personal stories and testimonies, you will learn what prayer is, why you should pray and how to pray using the six categories of the Lord’s Prayer.

256 pages RP1527

303 pages RP1530


spiritual Growth

THE SEVEN PATHS Changing One’s Way of Walking in the World

SHOPPING Christian Explorations of Daily Living

Anasazi Foundation Berrett-Koehler Publishers (2013)

Michelle A. Gonzalez Fortress Press (2010)



This poetic, moving story presents the meditations of an ancient Native American tribesman who rejects his family and community and sets off on a journey through the desert. He walks seven paths, each teaching a lesson symbolized by an element of the natural world: light, wind, water, stone, plant, animal and the unity of all beings with the Creator.

What could be more mundane or less religious than shopping? Yet every day, shopping asks us to choose our values and to weigh the good in ordinary terms. It also brings us instantly in contact with the many relationships and labor of people all over the world who have grown, harvested or crafted the food, clothes and other items with which we sustain and adorn our lives.

102 pages RP1535

128 pages RP1536


larGe print

B nurturinG for CoMMunity

soCial aCtion

ACROSS MANY MOUNTAINS A Tibetan Family’s Epic Journey From Oppression to Freedom

THAT USED TO BE US How America Fell Behind in the World It Invented and How We Can Come Back

Yangzom Brauen Thorndike Press / Gale Cengage Learning (2012)

Thomas Friedman and Michael Mandelbaum Thorndike Press / Gale Cengage Learning (2012)


481 pages RP1501


696 pages RP1538

In this memoir, Yangzom Brauen tells the story of her now 90-yearold grandmother Kunsang (a nun) and grandfather’s (a monk) daring decision to flee from Chinesecontrolled Tibet to India with her mother, then 6 years old. With little money and no idea of what they would meet along the way, they began their journey to cross the Himalayas on foot.

In That Used to Be Us, Thomas Friedman and Michael Mandelbaum analyze the four major challenges on which America’s future depends — globalization, the information technology revolution, chronic deficits and our pattern of energy consumption — and spell out what we need to do now to rediscover America and rise to this moment.


larGe print

spiritual Growth

spiritual Growth


THE WELL WOMEN Crossing the Boundaries

Anne Lamott Thorndike Press / Gale Cengage Learning (2012)

Ladine Housholder Copper Teapot Publishing (2012)



157 pages RP1519

424 pages RP1542

Help. Thanks. Wow. Three simple prayers — asking for assistance, appreciating the good we witness, and feeling awed by the world — get us through the day and show us the way forward.

Nine women are reunited on a tour to the West Bank city of Nablus, the historic site of Jacob’s Well. Beneath the stylish veneer of accomplishment and affluence, each woman has been deeply hurt and nearly broken by her life. But as they share their journey to recovery through the healing power of living water from Jesus Christ and the love and support of the group, they truly meet one another for the first time.



eduCation for Mission


eduCation for Mission

Kelly Cunnane (author) Hoda Hadadi (illustrator) Random House Children’s Books (2013)

MY NAME IS BLESSING Eric Walters (author) Eugenie Fernandes (illustrator) Tundra Books (2013)


40 pages RP1508


32 pages RP1523

Lalla wants to wear a malafa (the veiled dress worn by Muslim women) and doesn’t understand why she can’t. She sets out to find out why and learns what the garment represents.

This is the true story of Muthini, a young Kenyan boy with a physical disability. There is plenty of love at home with his grandmother but never enough money or food. Muthini is too young, and with his disability he needs too much. His grandmother must make a difficult choice to help him, and they set off on a journey that will change both of their lives.



nurturinG for CoMMunity


nurturinG for CoMMunity

Jean-François Dumont (author, illustrator) Eerdmans Books for Young Readers (2013)

BECAUSE AMELIA SMILED David Ezra Stein (author, illustrator) Candlewick Press (2012)



33 pages RP1507

40 pages RP1503

When a friendly hedgehog visits the farm, the chickens build an enormous wall to keep out other “prickly invaders.”

What a difference a smile makes. See how Amelia changes the day for people all over the world just by smiling. It’s contagious!



soCial aCtion soCial aCtion


Nicola Davies (author) Laura Carlin (illustrator) Candlewick Press / Walker Books (2013)

Jennifer O’Connell (author, illustrator) Tilbury House (2013)



32 pages RP1512

40 pages RP1531

A team of volunteers is called to rescue a humpback whale tangled in yards of crab-trap lines, struggling to stay at the surface to breathe. What follows is a rare and remarkable demonstration of the unique connections we can have with animals — even whales.

On a mean street in a mean city, a young thief tries to snatch an old woman’s bag. But the old woman won’t let it go until the girl promises something in return. That promise is the beginning of a journey that will change her life — and a chance to change the world for good.



spiritual Growth


spiritual Growth

Suzette T. Caldwell (author) Nikkolas Smith (illustrator) Caldwell Ministries (2013)

NASREDDINE Odile Wuelersse (author) Rébecca Dautremer (illustrator) Eerdmans Books for Young Readers (2013)


40 pages RP1520


This book will remind children that as they go about their day, there is always time to pray.

34 pages RP1524 As Nasreddine and his father take dates, wool, chickens or watermelon to market, people tease them no matter who is riding their donkey. The more they tease, the more Nasreddine tries to meet their approval. Until his father helps him understand that he will never please everyone.



leadership developMent

eduCation for Mission



Katie Quirk Eerdmans Books for Young Readers (2013)

J.J. Johnson Peachtree Publishers (2011)


320 pages RP1539


256 pages RP1516

Evie is different. Not just her upbringing — though that’s certainly been unusual — but also her mindset. She’s smart, independent, confident, opinionated and ready to take on a new challenge, the institution of school. It doesn’t take this homeschooled kid long to discover that high school is a whole new world. It’s also a social minefield, and Evie finds herself confronting new problems at every turn. May contain provocative language.

Despite her family problems, 13-year-old Shida is excited that her people will be moving to a nearby village where she will have the opportunity to go to school and learn from a nurse to become a healer. However, after a series of puzzling misfortunes, Shida must prove to the elders that moving was the right decision and that they can have a better life in their new home.



nurturinG for CoMMunity

nurturinG for CoMMunity


VICIOUS True Stories by Teens About Bullying

Joe Lawlor Eerdmans Books for Young Readers (2013)

Hope Vanderberg (editor) Free Spirit Publishing (2012)



246 pages RP1505

167 pages RP1541

Jun Li is a brilliant student, more comfortable around computers than people. But his world is turned upside down when the school principal accuses him of cyberbullying and gives him seven days to prove his innocence. Jun Li discovers along the way that everyone’s story is more complicated than it seems and that people might have more in common than they think.

In Vicious, teen writers tell about their experiences with bullying of all kinds: physical, verbal, relational and cyber. The cruelty and hurt they experience are unmistakably real, as are their struggles to protect themselves and their friends. Whether they were bullied, bullied others or witnessed bullying, these stories are at times painful, but admirable and compelling for the resilience they reveal.



nurturinG for CoMMunity

soCial aCtion

THE POWER TO PREVENT SUICIDE A Guide for Teens Helping Teens

REFUSE TO DO NOTHING Finding Your Power to Abolish Modern-day Slavery

Richard E. Nelson and Judith C. Galas Free Spirit Publishing (2006)

Shayne Moore and Kimberly McOwen Yim InterVarsity Press (2013)



When teens were asked, “Who would you tell about wanting to commit suicide?” 90 percent said they would tell a friend first. The Power to Prevent Suicide shows how young people can be friends who care and know what to do and say.

Slavery never ended. It just went underground, and people continue to exploit powerless men, women and children in horrific ways throughout the world. Refuse to Do Nothing will share insights to illuminate the shadows where the trafficked and traffickers hide and will compel, motivate and mobilize friends and strangers to refuse to do nothing.

115 pages RP1529

192 pages RP1532




aCCión soCial

soCial aCtion


ACCIÓN SOCIAL Hugo Magallanes Abingdon Press (2012)

Julia Alvarez Random House Children’s Books (2009)


95 páginas RP1551


352 pages RP1533

Este libro presenta las bases y fundamentos necesarios para responder y tratar de cambiar la percepción de que el objetivo de la iglesia es solamente espiritual. El autor nos ofrece sugerencias y métodos útiles para desarrollar ministerios de acción social con el propósito de aliviar las necesidades y sufrimientos de la gente pobre y vulnerable que se encuentran en nuestras comunidades.

Mari’s family needs work but must hide in fear of deportation to Mexico. Tyler’s family is struggling after an accident brings their farm to the brink of foreclosure. Their meeting is a stroke of luck for both families, but there are questions: Is Mari’s family undocumented? Did Tyler’s family break the law by hiring them? In a novel full of hope but no easy answers, Alvarez shows how friendship can reach across borders.



aCCión soCial

CreCiMiento CoMunitario


libro para la Juventud

Suzette T. Caldwell Publicaciones CMI (2009)



Gabriel Salcedo Editorial Mundo Hispano (2011)

303 páginas RP1555


96 páginas RP1554

Con una intensa determinación por implementar el mensaje de Dios para su vida, la autora ha estudiado la oración, y con bases bíblicas y teológicas nos explica la estrecha relación entre el evangelio y la acción social. A través de ejercicios de oración, historias personales y testimonios, usted podrá aprender el significado de la oración y comprender por qué, por quién y de qué manera oramos. La autora transforma la palabra “oración” en un llamado a la acción.

El autor nos presenta un grupo de personas comunes que hicieron una diferencia en la vida de otros seres humanos a pesar de sus limitaciones. Estas acciones nos demuestran que ser un héroe ordinario es ser un buen amigo, ser un esposo o esposa fiel, es entender la vida como una red de relaciones donde todos nos beneficiamos con las buenas acciones de otras personas.



desarrollo de liderazGo

CreCiMiento espiritual



Awilda Nolla Impreso en Colombia (2013)

Irving Cotto Pérez Editorial Nueva Comunidad (2013)



Este es un libro testimonial, cargado de emociones, donde la experiencia de la autora como pastora y como paciente nos muestra cómo confrontó su enfermedad y cómo depositó su confianza en Jesús. Tuvo esperanza en medio de la incertidumbre, mantuvo su ánimo en medio de las adversidades gracias a su fe y a la comunidad que la acompañó.

El autor nos contagia con el espíritu de fiesta característico de nuestro pueblo y nos ofrece el fundamento bíblico y teológico de la adoración y la liturgia con sus diferentes expresiones culturales. Además enfatiza que la oración es la expresión primordial de la iglesia y la adoración es la celebración central de la comunidad de fe.

150 páginas RP1552

129 páginas RP1553


한국어 도서

공동체 양육

선교 교육

바에니 쑤웅아 (거룩한 희생)

기후 붕괴 시대, 생명을 살리는 교회 환경 교육

이건호 지음 서울: 홍성사, 2012 $30.00 310쪽 RP 1548

유미호 지음, 한국 교회 환경 연구소 기획 서울: 도서출판 동연, 2011 $26.00 251쪽 RP 1547

이 책은 저자 이여호수아 선교사가 남태평양 원주민들에게 복음을 전하기 위해 온몸을 바친 생생한 선교 현장의 보고서이다. “나도 사단도 더 이상 밀릴 수 없는 최후의 격전지에서 맞붙었다”(58 쪽)는 문장에서 볼 수 있는 복음의 야성이 이 책의 매 쪽에서 발견된다. 개인적인 신앙 문제에 매달려 고민하는 성도들에게 이 책은 복음의 싱싱한 생명력을 통해 신앙과 소명을 새롭게 돌아보는 계기를 마련해 줄 것이다.

이 책은 교회가 환경 문제에 대한 책임을 다하기 위해서는 교육과 교육과 교육의 삼박자를 다 갖추어야 한다는 전제하에 구체적인 프로그램의 실례와 개체 교회들의 성공 사례를 담고 있다. 특히 “사순절의 탄소금식”같은 것들은 교회 전통과 환경 교육이 어떻게 접목될 수 있는 지를 보여주는 좋은 예가 된다. 인간성과 자연성 회복이라는 큰 주제를 실천적으로 접근하는 이 책은 교회의 환경 교육을 어떻게 해야 될까로 고민하는 목회자들과 현장 교육자들에게 좋은 안내서가 될 것이다.


한국어 도서

사회 참여

영적 성장

아웅산 수치의 평화

춤추는 평화

아웅산 수치 지음, 이문희 옮김 서울: 공존, 2007 $24.00 331쪽 RP 1549

홍순관 글, 도종환 (시인) 추천 서울: 토토북, 2012 $26.00 240쪽 RP1546

이 책은 버마의 민주화 운동 지도자인 아웅산 수치 여사가 일본 마이니치 신문에 연재한 라는 글모음이다. 버마의 정치, 경제, 사회, 문화, 종교의 여러 면들을 민주화 운동과의 관련 속에서 바라보는 감성이 풍부한 글이다. 버마의 민주화가 보통 사람들의 행복한 삶으로 열매 맺기를 염원하는 여사의 간절한 마음이 아름답게 표현되어 있다. 험난한 정치 투쟁을 아름다운 시어로 승화시킨 여사의 인품과 삶에 동참하고 싶은 이들이 꼭 읽어야 될 책이다.

이 책의 저자 홍순관은 실제 평화를 노래하고 춤추는 평화 가수다. 이 책의 제목도 한국에 평화 박물관을 건립하기 위해 전세계를 돌며 기금 모금 공연을 할 때 사용하는 공연 제목에서 따왔다. 33 인의 한국의 저명 인사들에게 “평화가 무엇인가요?”하고 묻고 받은 대답 앞에서 그 분들과 대화하는 마음으로 저자의 생각을 모은 글이다. 평화는 무엇이고 나는 그것을 이루기 위해 무엇을 어떻게 할 수 있는가 하는 문제로 씨름하는 이들에게 도움이 되는 책이다.


reCoMMended readinG

한국어 도서

These books can be read for credit but are not available from United Methodist Women Mission Resources.

GET OFF YOUR DONKEY! Help Somebody and Help Yourself ld

Reggie McNeal Baker Books (2013)

VITAL VOICES Alyse Nelson John Wiley (2012)

HAVE YOU SEEN MARIE? Sandra Cisneros (author) and Ester Hernandez (illustrator) Random House (2012) nfC

JOURNEY OUT OF SILENCE An Autobiography William Rush LuLu Publishing (2008)

영적 성장 AGAINST A TIDE OF EVIL How One Man Became the Whistleblower to the First Mass Murder of the Twenty-first Century

센터링 침묵 기도

THE ENOUGH MOMENT Fighting to End Africa’s Worst Human Rights Crimes John Prendergast and Don Cheadle Random House (2010)

HUNTING SEASON Immigration and Murder in an All-American Town Mirta Ojito Beacon Press (2013)


이 책은 가톨릭에서 오랫동안 가르쳐온 “항심기도” (혹은 “관상기도”라고도 불림) 를 실제 하는 과정을 “센터링 침묵기도” 라는 이름으로 소개한다. 침묵하면서 우리 영혼의 깊은 심연 속으로 들어가는 (센터링)데 필요한 준비, 실제 센터링의 과정, 그리고 그 열매에 대해서 자세하게 안내하고 있다. 내 안의 거짓 자아와 잘못된 외적인 습관들로부터 자유해지고 삶의 기쁨과 풍성한 열매를 얻기를 원하는 이들이 꼭 읽어 보아야 할 책이다.

Mukesh Kapila and Damien Lewis Pegasus Books (2013)


토마스 키팅 지음, 권희순 옮김 서울: 가톨릭 출판사, 2006 $16.00 216쪽 RP 1550


LIVING INTO HOPE A Call for Spiritual Action for Such a Time as This Joan Brown Campbell Skylight Paths (2010)

FOUR READING PROGRAM PLANS Choose and follow one of the four plans. When you’ve read the required number of books and magazine issues, report your completion to your local member in charge of program resources. Titles read from the 2010 list will be credited through December 31, 2014.


PLAN II 10 Books Per yeAr

• One book from each category: Education for Mission, Leadership Development, Nurturing for Community, Social Action and Spiritual Growth.

• Two books from each category: Education for Mission, Leadership Development, Nurturing for Community, Social Action and Spiritual Growth.

5 Books Per yeAr

• Selections can be from the 2011–2015 reading lists if not included in previous reports (including youth titles).

• Selections can be from the 2011–2015 reading lists if not included in previous reports (including youth titles). • Regular reading of response magazine.

• Regular reading of response and New World Outlook magazines.

PLAN III 15 Books Per yeAr

PLAN IV 20 Books Per yeAr

• Two books from each category: Education for Mission, Leadership Development, Nurturing for Community, Social Action and Spiritual Growth.

• Two books from each category: Education for Mission, Leadership Development, Nurturing for Community, Social Action and Spiritual Growth.

• Plus 5 additional books from any category.

• Plus 10 additional books from any category.

• Selections can be from the 2011–2015 reading lists if not included in previous reports (including youth and children’s titles).

• Selections can be from the 2011–2015 reading lists if not included in previous reports (including youth and children’s titles).

• Regular reading of response and New World Outlook magazines.

• Regular reading of response and New World Outlook magazines.


proMotinG the readinG proGraM Secretaries of program resources or their equivalent will work with the local United Methodist Women leadership team to promote the program. The following are some suggestions:

• Take Reading Program books and response to retirement and nursing homes. Read regularly to residents. • Inform parents, grandparents and Sunday school teachers that books for children and youth are available through the Reading Program.

• Explain Reading Program procedures to interested individuals and enroll them in the program.

• Highlight large print books and book listings available for the visually impaired.

• Use the action suggestions listed in this catalog as a guide for choosing titles and mission responses.

• Honor those who participate in the Reading Program. Order Reading Program certificates from United Methodist Women Mission Resources to present to those who complete reading plans. • Display progress charts in a prominent place, showing readers’ names, books being read and the reading plans being followed. • Show special recognition to groups and/or individuals who complete Plans III and IV. • Capture interest by attractively mounting quotations from Reading Program books and posting them throughout the church. Include title, author name and publisher and year title was featured on Reading Program list.

• Secure books and circulate them among unit and circle members. • Distribute copies of this catalog. • Direct members to the Reading Program Online Community at umwonline.org/groups/ readingprogram. • Distribute copies of the Reading Program brochure so participants can keep track of and report their reading. The brochure is available for shipping and handling or as a free download at www. umwmissionresources.org.

The Bible undergirds all Christian reading, including that of the Reading Program. response, essential reading for understanding the mission of United Methodist Women, is part of all four reading plans.

• Develop displays — permanent and portable — to encourage book sales, especially around holiday seasons and vacation times.

local and district Groups • Join the Reading Program Online Community.

the readinG proGraM leads to aCtion!

For more than 140 years, members of United Methodist Women and predecessor organizations have been involved in mission that includes prayer, study and action. The Reading Program is a study opportunity, but it should also lead to action. Here are a few suggestions to assist you.

• Form an action team to address issues discussed in one or more books. • Start a reading group of adults and/ or children or youth. Meet regularly to share and discuss the books members are reading. • Present book reviews at United Methodist Women group meetings and on the online community.


action suggestions Pray. Books often raise concerns about people, countries and issues. Bring these concerns to God during your prayer time at home and at group meetings.

(and celebration) of differences. Read The Eye of the Whale and discuss the relationship between people and animals. Read Kind of Kin with an adult class and discuss the many layers of connection in immigration. Learn more about immigrants in your community and how you can partner with them to work toward being a more welcoming church and country.

Host a program. For example, a locally sponsored program on the environment could help the church and community explore ways to be better stewards of God’s earth. Read Shopping and discuss the value we place on everyday items or read The Seven Paths for a Native American view of nature. Sponsor a phone bank or letter-writing session to contact your government representatives to let them know that, as a person of faith, you stand in support of God’s creation and the Environmental Protection Agency’s actions to protect it.

Involve youth. Read Refuse to Do Nothing with a youth group to introduce the issue of human trafficking. Visit. Visit homebound elderly and nursing home residents and read any of the titles with them. Be inclusive. Continue your action on the Charter for Racial Justice Policies of The United Methodist Church.

Teach a Sunday school class. Read titles from the children’s list to a Sunday school group. Read The Chickens Build a Wall and discuss tolerance

God bless you as you pray, study, act and organize in Christ’s name.

united Methodist women mission studies can be read for credit in the following categories: • spiritual growth study for spiritual Growth • Geographic study for education for Mission • issue study for social action

bonus books Bonus Books count as two books—either as two books in one category or as one book in two categories. For example, Faith and Struggle on Smokey Mountain and What’s So Blessed About Being Poor count as one book in Education for Mission and one book in Social Action. Good God, Lousy World and Me counts as two books in Education for Mission. Behind the Kitchen Door and Ecoliterate count as two books in Social Action



CUATRO PLANES PARA EL PROGRAMA DE LECTURA Elija y complete uno de los cuatro planes. Cuando usted haya leído el número requerido de libros y de revistas, informe que ha finalizado a la persona de su grupo local a cargo de recursos de programa. Cualquier libro leído de la lista del año 2010 se podrá acreditar hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2014.



5 Libros por Año

10 Libros por Año

• Un libro de cada categoría: Acción Social, Crecimiento Comunitario, Crecimiento Espiritual, Desarrollo de Liderazgo y Educación Misional.

• Dos libros de cada categoría: Acción Social, Crecimiento Comunitario, Crecimiento Espiritual, Desarrollo de Liderazgo y Educación Misional.

• Selecciones pueden ser de las listas de lectura de 2011-2015 que no se hayan incluido en los informes anteriores (incluyendo títulos de Libros para la Juventud).

• Selecciones pueden ser de las listas de lectura de 2011-2015 que no se hayan incluido en los informes anteriores (incluyendo títulos de Libros para la Juventud).

• Lectura regular de la revista response.

• Lectura de las revistas response y New World Outlook.

PLAN III 15 LIBros Por Año

PLAN IV 20 LIBros Por Año

• Dos libros de cada categoría: Acción Social, Crecimiento Comunitario, Crecimiento Espiritual, Desarrollo de Liderazgo y Educación Misional.

• Dos libros de cada categoría: Acción Social, Crecimiento Comunitario, Crecimiento Espiritual, Desarrollo de Liderazgo y Educación Misional.

• Más 5 libros adicionales de cualquier categoría.

• Más 10 libros adicionales de cualquier categoría.

• Selecciones pueden ser de las listas de lectura de 2011-2015 que no se hayan incluido en los informes anteriores (incluyendo títulos de Libros para la Niñez y la Juventud).

• Selecciones pueden ser de las listas de lectura de 2011-2015 que no se hayan incluido en los informes anteriores (incluyendo títulos de Libros para la Niñez y la Juventud).

• Lectura de las revistas response y New World Outlook.

• Lectura de las revistas response y New World Outlook.


CóMo proMover el proGraMa de leCtura

Grupos locales y distritales • Unirse a la Comunidad del Programa de Lectura en el internet.

Las secretarias de recursos de programa o su equivalente trabajarán con el liderazgo del equipo local de Mujeres Metodistas Unidas para promover el programa. Las siguientes son algunas sugerencias:

• Formar un equipo de acción para responder a asuntos discutidos en uno o más libros. • Iniciar un grupo de lectura para adultos y/o para la niñez o la juventud. Reunirse periódicamente para compartir y discutir los libros que los miembros están leyendo.

• Explicar los procedimientos del Programa de Lectura a personas interesadas e inscribirlas en el programa.

• Presentar reseñas de libros en las reuniones del grupo de Mujeres Metodistas Unidas y en la comunidad en el internet.

• Utilizar las sugerencias para la acción listadas en este catálogo como una guía para la elección de los libros y para responder al trabajo misional.

• Llevar libros del Programa de Lectura y la revista response a residencias de jubilados y de ancianos. Leer regularmente a los residentes.

• Asegurar libros para distribuirlos entre los miembros de la unidad y del círculo. • Distribuir copias de este catálogo.

• Informar a los padres, abuelos/as y maestros/as de Escuela Dominical que hay libros disponibles para la niñez y la juventud en el Programa de Lectura.

• Invitar a miembros a ser parte de la Comunidad del Programa de Lectura en el internet: umwonline. org/groups/readingprogram.

• Destacar que hay una lista de libros de letra grande disponibles para los discapacitados visuales.

• Distribuir copias del folleto del Programa de Lectura para que las participantes puedan escribir los libos o revistas que han leído e informar de su lectura. El folleto gratis está disponible más el costo de procesamiento y envío o puede descargarlo en forma gratuita en el internet: www. umwmissionresources.org.

• Distinguir a participantes del Programa de Lectura. Ordenar certificados del Programa de Lectura a Recursos Misionales de las Mujeres Metodistas Unidas para presentar a las personas que han completado los planes de lectura. • Preparar un cartel y ponerlo en un lugar bien visible para mostrar el progreso del programa, incluyendo el nombre de las lectoras, los libros leídos y los planes de lectura que se están siguiendo.

La Biblia es la base de toda lectura cristiana, incluyendo los cuatro planes del Programa de Lectura y response, lecturas esenciales para comprender la misión de Mujeres Metodistas Unidas.

• Mencionar con un reconocimiento especial a los grupos y/o individuos que hayan completado los Planes III y IV.


(Los Siete Senderos) para aprender sobre la naturaleza desde el punto de vista de una persona nativoamericana. Organicen un movimiento para hacer llamados telefónicos o cartas para ponerse en contacto con representantes del gobierno para hacerles saber que como personas de fe, apoyamos y protegemos la creación de Dios y las acciones que la Agencia de Protección Ambiental pueda hacer para protegerla.

• Capturar el interés poniendo carteles en toda la iglesia, que atraigan la atención, con frases significativas de libros del Programa de Lectura. Incluir el título, nombre del autor y editor, y el año en que el libro fue presentado en la lista del Programa de Lectura. • Tener carteles permanentes y portátiles para promover la venta de los libros del Programa de Lectura, especialmente alrededor de las fiestas y las vacaciones.

Enseñar una Clase de Escuela Dominical. Leer títulos de la lista de Libros para la Niñez a un grupo de la Escuela Dominical. Leer The Chickens Build a Wall (Los Pollos Contruyen un Muro) y dialogar sobre la tolerancia (y la celebración) de las diferencias. Leer The Eye of the Whale (El Ojo de la Ballena) y conversar sobre la relación entre las personas y los animales. En una clase de adultos, leer Kind of Kin (Tipo de Kin) y discutir las muchas razones y conexiones de la inmigración. Aprender más acerca de los inmigrantes en la comunidad y cómo asociarse con ellos para lograr una iglesia y un país más acogedor.

¡el proGraMa de leCtura ConduCe a la aCCión!

Durante más de 140 años, los miembros de Mujeres Metodistas Unidas y las organizaciones predecesoras han participado activamente en la misión, incluyendo la oración, el estudio y la acción. El Programa de Lectura ofrece una oportunidad para estudiar, pero también debe guiarlas a la acción. Aquí les ofrecemos las siguientes sugerencias para ayudarlas. sugerencias para la acción Oren. A menudo los libros despiertan nuestro interés y preocupación por la gente, las naciones y diferentes asuntos contemporáneos. Compartan estos intereses y preocupaciones con Dios durante sus momentos de oración en sus hogares y en las reuniones de grupo.

Involucrar a la Juventud. Leer con un grupo de jóvenes Refuse to Do Nothing (Negarse a no Hacer Nada) para introducir el tema del tráfico de seres humanos. Visitar. Visitar ancianos confinados en sus hogares y residentes de hogares de ancianos y leer junto a ellos cualquiera de los libros del programa.

Organicen un programa. Por ejemplo, un programa auspiciado por el grupo local sobre el medioambiente podría ayudar a la iglesia y a la comunidad a explorar de qué manera ser mejores administradores de la creación de Dios. Lean el libro Shopping (De Compras) y analicen el valor que damos a los productos de uso diario o lean The Seven Paths

Ser Inclusiva. Continúe su acción y compromiso con el Código de Justicia Racial de la Iglesia Metodista Unida. Que Dios les bendiga al orar, estudiar, actuar y organizarse en nombre de Cristo.


los estudios misionales de Mujeres Metodistas unidas se pueden leer y contar como crédito en las siguientes categorías: • estudio de Crecimiento espiritual para la categoría Crecimiento espiritual • Estudio Geográfico para la categoría Educación Misional • Estudio de Asuntos Diversos para la categoría acción social.

libros con Crédito adicional Los Libros con Crédito Adicional cuentan como dos libros—ya sea como dos libros en una sola categoría o como un libro en dos categorías. Por ejemplo, Faith and Struggle on Smokey Mountain (La Fe y la Lucha en la Montaña con Neblina) y What is so Blessed About Being Poor (¿Cuál Es la Bendición de Ser Pobre?) se cuenta cada uno como un solo libro en la categoría Educación Misional y un libro en la categoría Acción Social.



4가지 독서계획안 다음 4가지 계획안 중 하나를 선택하여 따르도록 한다. 각 독서 계획안 별로 필요한 수의 도서와 잡지를 다 읽은 경우, 개체 여선교회의 독서 프로그램 담당자에게 보고한다. 2010년도 목록에서 읽은 책들은 2014년 12월 31일 까지 크레딧을 받을 수 있다.

독서계획안 I

독서계획안 II

매년 5권의 책을 읽는다.

매년 10권의 책을 읽는다.

• 각 분야에서 1권씩 읽는다: 선교 교육,

• 각 분야에서 적어도 2권씩 읽는다:

리더십 개발, 공동체 양육, 사회 참여,

선교 교육, 리더십 개발, 공동체 양육,

영적 성장

사회 참여, 영적 성장

• 2011-2015년 권장 도서 목록 중

• 2011-2015년 권장도서 목록 중

이전의 보고서에 포함되지 않은

이전의 보고서에 포함되지 않은

도서들이어야 한다.

도서들이어야 한다.

(청소년 권장 도서 포함)

(청소년 권장 도서 포함)

• 정기적으로 response를 읽는다.

• 정기적으로 response와 New World Outlook을 읽는다.

독서계획안 III

독서계획안 IV

매년 15권의 책을 읽는다.

매년 20권의 책을 읽는다.

• 각 분야에서 적어도 2권씩 읽는다:

• 각 분야에서 적어도 2권씩 읽는다: 선교

선교 교육, 리더십 개발, 공동체 양육,

교육, 리더십 개발, 공동체 양육, 사회

사회 참여, 영적 성장

참여, 영적 성장

• 아무 분야에서나 5권의 도서를 추가로

• 아무 분야에서나 10권의 도서를


추가로 읽는다.

• 2011-2015년 권장 도서 목록 중

• 2011-2015년 권장도서 목록 중

이전의 보고서에 포함되지 않은

이전의 보고서에 포함되지 않은

도서들이어야 한다. (청소년 및 아동

도서들이어야 한다.

권장 도서 포함)

(청소년 및 아동 권장 도서 포함)

• 정기적으로 response와

• 정기적으로 response와

New World Outlook을 읽는다.

New World Outlook을 읽는다.


독서 프로그램 홍보

개체, 특수 여선교회

독서 프로그램 담당자는 연합감리교회

• 독서 프로그램 온라인 커뮤니티에 가 입하도록 한다.

여선교회 리더십팀과 함께 본 프로그램을 홍보하고 장려한다. 다음의 일들을

• 책에서 다뤄진 이슈를 해결하기 위한

하도록 한다.

행동팀을 구성한다.

• 관심을 가지고 있는 회원들에게 독서

• 성인 그리고/또는 어린이, 청소년 독서

프로그램의 진행방식을 설명하고, 프

그룹을 만들어, 현재 읽고 있는 책들에

로그램에 등록시킨다.

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Seven Paths를 읽는다. 믿음의 사람으로

한다. 이 때, 책 제목, 저자, 출판사, 출

서, 하나님의 창조물과 이를 보호하기 위

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들에게 어린이 권장 도서 목록에 있는 책

장 도서들을 전시한다.

들을 읽어준다. The Chickens Build a Wall을 읽고 다름에 대한 관용과 이해에

독서 프로그램은 행동으로 이끈다!

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연합감리교회 여선교회 회원들은 140

다. 성인들과 함께 Kind of Kin을 읽고

여년이 넘는 세월 동안 기도하고,

이민 관련 문제들에 대해 토의한다.

연구하며, 행동하면서 선교에 참여해

여러분 공동체 내의 이민자들에 대해

왔다. 독서 프로그램은 연구할 수 있는

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연구뿐만 아니라 행동으로 옮길 수 있도록

지에 대해 배운다.

이끌어 주기도 한다. 여러분이 책을 읽고 난 뒤, 읽은 내용을 행동으로 옮기고

청소년과 함께 한다. 인신매매에 대한 문

싶다면 다음과 같은 일을 해보기 바란다.

제를 알리기 위해 청소년 그룹과 함께 Refuse to Do Nothing을 읽는다.

행동을 위한 제안 기도한다. 권장 도서들은 다른 민족이나

방문한다. 집에만 있는 노인들과 양로원

다른 나라에 대해서, 그리고 여러가지 당

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면 문제들에 대해서 관심을 불러 일으키

을 함께 읽는다.

게 해준다. 집에서나 여선교회의 크고 작 은 모임에서 기도할 때에 이런 관심사를

포용적인 사람이 된다. 연합감리교회의

하나님께 고한다.

인종 정의 정책 헌장(Charter for Racial Policies of the United Methodist Church)을 꾸준히 실천에 옮긴다.

프로그램을 주최한다. 예를 들어, 개체 여 선교회가 환경에 관련된 프로그램을 후원 하면, 교회와 지역사회가 하나님의 선물

여러분이 기도하고, 공부하며, 조직하고,

인 이 땅을 돌보는 청지기직을 더 잘 수행

실천할 때에 하나님께서 축복하여 주시기

하기 위한 방법들을 찾는데 도움을 줄 수

를 예수 그리스도의 이름으로 축원한다.

있다. Shopping을 읽고 우리가 구입하는


연합감리교회 여선교회 선교공부 교재들을 읽으면 다음 분야에서 크레딧 을 받을 수 있다. • 영성교재는 영적 성장 분야 • 지역공부는 선교 교육 분야 • 이슈공부는 사회 참여 분야

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So Blessed About Being Poor는 선교 교육 분야에서 1권 그리고 사회 참여 분야에서 1권을 읽은 것으로 간주된다. Good God, Lousy World and Me는 선교 교육 분야에서 2권을 읽은 것으로 간주된다. Behind the Kitchen Door와 Ecoliterate는 사회 참여 분야에서 2권을 읽은 것으로 간주된다.


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