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ucp/journal/elementa/elementa 5 221 s4

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Pandora Deep Circulation 2° S

0 500−1000 m 300−400 m −1000 −2000

6° S −4000 −5000

Bathymetry [m]


−6000 −7000

10° S 1 m/s

146° E


152° E

158° E

164° E


moorSPICE Deep Circulation 2° S

0 500−1000 m 300−400 m −1000 −2000

6° S −4000 −5000 −6000 −7000

10° S 1 m/s

146° E


152° E

158° E

164° E

Figure S4: Same as Figure 7c,d but for the deep layers, from the shipboard ADCPs


Bathymetry [m]
