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Tribute to the Disappeared - Mano a Mano: Mexican Culture Without

25 sept. 2015 - Tribute to the Disappeared was co-founded by Andrea Arroyo after the ... Curaduría por Andrea Arroyo ... Wendy Coulson Catalan, Mexico/US.
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Andrea Arroyo and

Mano a Mano: Mexican Culture Without Borders present

Tribute to the Disappeared

Opening Reception: Friday, September 25, 2015 6 to 9pm Exhibition: September 25-October 17, 2015 Gallery hours: Tues - Fri: 10am – 6pm and by appointment (large groups) The Malcolm X & Dr. Betty Shabazz Memorial and Educational Center 3940 Broadway (@165th Street) New York City, NY 10032

Tribute to the Disappeared Curated by Andrea Arroyo Tribute to the Disappeared is an art project that honors the men and women disappeared in Mexico (from Juarez to Ayotzinapa), and other victims of violence and injustice around the world. Just as the AIDS Memorial Quilt brought attention to the AIDS epidemic, the project aims to bring public attention to another epidemic -that of innocent lives lost to injustice, war, poverty, and displacement. The project includes artwork related to forced disappearances, as well as non-literal disappearances, carried out through discrimination, injustice and violence. Tribute to the Disappeared was co-founded by Andrea Arroyo after the disappearance of 43 youths from Ayotzinapa in Mexico’s state of Guerrero on September 26, 2014. The project has three public components: an online exhibition, a series of physical exhibitions and a series of community workshops. To date, over 300 international artists and 13 organizations and collectives are participating. About Artist and Curator Andrea Arroyo Andrea Arroyo is an award-winning artist with an extensive trajectory, her artwork is exhibited and published internationally. Her curatorial projects include “I Have a Dream-50 Years of Change”, “September 11-Past, Present, Future” and “AriZONA, Artists Respond to the Immigration Issue.” About Mano a Mano: Mexican Culture Without Borders Mano a Mano: Mexican Culture Without Borders is a New York-based non-profit organization 501(c)(3) dedicated to celebrating Mexican culture and promoting the understanding of Mexican traditions. About The Malcolm X & Dr. Betty Shabazz Memorial and Educational Center The Malcolm X and Dr. Betty Shabazz Memorial and Educational Center honors the lives and legacies of Malcolm X and Dr. Betty Shabazz by continuing the work of Al Hajj Malik, Malcolm X, and Dr. Betty Al-Shabazz through the advancement of human rights and social justice. Participate in the project: Join Tribute to the Disappeared! Send us your images (300 dpi,) brief texts, videos (artists keep copyright and original art.) Facebook - Webpage -

Tributo a los Desaparecidos Curaduría por Andrea Arroyo Tributo a los Desaparecidos es un proyecto en honor a los hombres y mujeres desaparecieron en México (desde Juárez a Ayotzinapa), y otras víctimas de la violencia y la injusticia en el mundo. Así como el AIDS Memorial Quilt llamó la atención sobre la epidemia del SIDA, el proyecto tiene como objetivo llamar la atención pública a otra epidemia, la pérdida de vidas inocentes ante la injusticia, guerra, pobreza y desplazamiento. El proyecto incluye obras de arte relacionadas con las desapariciones forzadas, así como las desapariciones no literales, llevadas a cabo a través de discriminación, injusticia y violencia. Tributo a los Desaparecidos fue co-fundado por Andrea Arroyo después de la desaparición de 43 jóvenes de Ayotzinapa en el estado de Guerrero en México el 26 de septiembre de 2014. El proyecto tiene tres componentes comunes: una exposición en línea, una serie de exposiciones físicas y una serie de talleres comunitarios. Hasta la fecha, más de 300 artistas internacionales y 13 organizaciones y colectivos están participando. Acerca de la artista y curadora Andrea Arroyo Andrea Arroyo es un artista galardonada con una extensa trayectoria, sus obras se exhiben y publican internacionalmente. Sus proyectos curatoriales incluyen “I Have a Dream-50 Years of Change”, September 11-Past, Present, Future” y “AriZONA, Artists Respond to the Immigration Issue.” Sobre Mano a Mano: Cultura Mexicana Sin Fronteras Mano a Mano: Cultura Mexicana Sin Fronteras con sede en Nueva York es una organización sin fines de lucro 501(c)(3) que se dedica a celebrar y promover las tradiciones mexicanas. Sobre el Malcolm X & Dr. Betty Shabazz Memorial and Educational Center El Malcolm X & Dr. Betty Shabazz Memorial and Educational Center honra la vida y el legado de Malcolm X y la Dr. Betty Shabazz, continuando la obra de Al Hajj Malik, Malcolm X, y la Dr. Betty Al-Shabazz a través de la promoción de los derechos humanos y la justicia social. Participar en el proyecto: ¡Únete a Tributo a los Desaparecidos! Envíenos tus imágenes (300 dpi), textos breves, vídeos (artistas mantienen los derechos de autor y arte original.) Facebook - Página web -

TRIBUTE TO THE DISAPPEARED Participating Artists Included Ekiwah Alder-Beléndez, Mexico Kiani Brown, USA Erica Alliston, US Daisy Bugarin, USA Verónica Alvarado, Mexico Guadalupe Buján, Mexico Laura Alvarado & Erick Almeida, USA Ricardo Camacho B., Mexico Claudia Alvarez Larrauri, Mexico Teresa Carmona Lobo, Mexico Blanka Amezkua, Mexico/USA/Greece Donají Castañeda Arredondo, Mexico Laura Anderson Barbata, Mexico/USA Hazael Castilla-Bernardo Ramírez, Martha Andrade-Dousdebes, USA Mexico Baez Annecy, USA Jesse Castillo, Mexico Javier Arango Garfias, Sahara Occiden- Melanie Cervantes, Mexico tal Sabina César García, Mexico Andrey Aranyshev, Russia Elina Chauvet, Mexico Yolotzin Arias, Mexico Kate Church, Canada Andrea Arroyo, Mexico/USA Sue Coe, USA Sara Arroyo, Mexico/USA Laila Cohen, Mexico Ximena Arroyo-Estrada, Mexico Wendy Cohen, USA Carlos Avila, USA Santiago Cohen, Mexico/USA Axolote, USA Nancy Cohen-koan, USA Ranjeeta Bachaspatimayum, USA Karla Pérez Cánovas,Mexico Joey Baez, USA Jonathan Cordoville, Mexico Monique Bailly, France Beatrice Coron, France/USA Carlos Barberena, Nicaragua/USA Vannesa Cortés, Mexico Alejandro Barragán, USA Cecilia Cota, Mexico Lena Bartula, USA/Mexico Wendy Coulson Catalan, Mexico/US David Batalla, Mexico Emma Craig, USA Lou Beach, USA Dana Crossan, USA Cecilia Beaven, Mexico María Cruz, Mexico BEF (Bernardo Fernández,) Mexico Vladimir Cuesta, Mexico Evelyn Beltrán, Mexico Mike Cullen, USA Yael Ben-Zion, Israel/USA Stephanie Dalton, USA Ellen Benson, Philadelphia, USA Yadira de la Riva, USA Karen Bernedo and Jorge Baldeón, Peru Deadfuture, USA Sophie Blackall, Australia/USA. Bonnie Deakin, USA Serge Bloch, France Viviana Debicki, Argentina Angel Boligán, Mexico/Cuba Denise Deleray, USA Cintia Bolio, Mexico Claudia DeMonte, USA Flavia Bomfim, Mexico Dignidad Rebelde, USA Danielle Boodoo-Fortuné, Eric Dijkstra, Netherlands Trinidad & Tobago Jocelyn Dolores, USA Rosa Borrás, Mexico Katherine Dominguez, Mexico/France Diane Brawarsky, USA Maria Dominguez, Dominican Republic

Julia Egl, Mexico Felipe Ehrenberg, Mexico Fabian Emmanuel Muñoz, Mexico Nicky Enright, USA Cheyanne Epps, USA Cintia Eraso, Argentina Mariel Escalante, Mexico/USA Ellen Escobar, Mexico Jorge Escobedo Aguilar, Mexico Camille Eskell, USA Maru Esquivel y Marmolejo, USA Max Estrada, Mexico Leticia Estrada, Mexico Celia Fanjul Peña, Mexico Julian Ferguson, Mexico Virginia Fernandez, Mexico Romina Fernández, Mexico Maria Cristina Fernandez Hall, Mexico Susann Ferris-Jones, USA/Canada Ferruco, Mexico Dena Fisher, USA Zhara Fitta, Mexico Flavia, Mexico Demian Flores, Mexico Paco Flores, Mexico Mario Fuentes, Ecuador Claudia Fuentes Cano, Mexico Kanako Fujioka, USA Simone Gad, USA Felipe Galindo/Feggo, Mexico/USA Luciana Gallegos, Mexico Valeria Gallo, Mexico Oscar García, USA Gerardo Garduño, Mexico Ro Garrido, Peru/US Juno Gemes & Aku Kadogo, Australia Angela Gentleman, Wales Vita Giorgi, Italy/USA Kyle Goen, USA Janet Goldner, USA Even Gonzaga, Mexico Dagoberto González Camaño, Mexico Germán González Hidalgo, Mexico Alexa Grace, USA Antonio Gritón, Mexico

Alejandra Guerrero, Mexico Antonia Guerrero, Mexico/USA Lizette Guerrero, USA Walter Gurbo, USA Fernando Halcón, Spain Helen Hendon, Mexico Mirna Hernández, Mexico Sylvia Hernández, Puerto Rico/USA Ileana Hernández Hernández, USA Rubén Hernández y Andrés Juárez Huesos de Meduza, Mexico Sasha Hill, USA Anylú Hinojosa-Peña, Mexico/USA Bolla Hiriart, Mexico Ayano Hisa, Japan Wen Hsu, Taiwan/Costa Rica Pai Yu Hsuan, Taiwan/USA Jan Huling, USA Jorge Izquierdo, Mexico LeeAn J. DiCicco, USA Citlali Jaramillo, USA Ytzel Jaramillo, USA Janis Jiménez, USA Veronica Jiménez Vega, Mexico/USA Maria Karametou, USA/Greece Kozma Katlipoca, Mexico Imre Kepes, USA/Guatemala Carolina Kerlow, Mexico Laura King Phillips, USA Ceder Kirwin, USA Martin Kozlowski, USA Kullick Edén Bastida and Juan de Dios Ramos “Malandrín”, Mexico/Argentina Peter Kupper, USA Jessica Lagunas, Guatemala/USA Alexandra Lakin, USA María Luisa Langenscheidt, Mexico Angelica Lara, USA Aarón Lares, Venezuela Marta Larzabal, Uruguay/Australia Nerissa Lea Wynyard, Australia Natalia Leal, USA Brenda León, USA Martha León, USA Arnie Levin, USA

Pau Linisima, Mexico Josie Litchen, USA Alison Loeb, USA Alfredo López Casanova, Mexico Andrea López Caturegli, Mexico Tania López Montes de Oca, Mexico Pascuala López Pérez, Mexico Claudia Lugo, Mexico Alessio Machianovsky, Mexico Sandra Mack-Valencia, Colombia/US Leticia Madrigal Merlin, Mexico/USA Jessica Maffia, USA Frieda Mallén-Wilhelmi, Mexico Gianluca Mantovani, Italy Jared Martin, USA Stephanie Martin, USA Joanne Martin, Australia Carolina Martínez, USA Kate Martínez, USA Laura Martínez, Mexico/USA Patricia Martínez, Mexico/USA Michael Martone, USA Alana Matthews, USA Jorge Matías-Garnica, Mexico Trish Mayo, USA Arturo Meade, Mexico/USA Alicia Mendieta, USA Augusto Metzli, Mexico/Spain Ivelin Meza, Mexico Diana Michael, USA Neil Moore, Australia Jayanthi Moorthy, India/USA Carlos Muñoz, USA Kimberly Murton, USA Nani (Adriana Mosquera,) Colombia Jan Nimmo, Scotland Barry O’Keefe, USA Yemelin Ortega, USA Jose Luis Ortiz Téllez, Mexico/USA Kathy Osborn, USA Georgina Palafox, Mexico Hilda Palafox, Mexico Michael Palma, USA Nancy Palubniak, USA Sky Pape, USA

Narcisa Paredes, USA Ericka Parra, Mexico Érick Pársifal (LUXO), Mexico Lorena Patiño, Mexico/USA Laura Patterson, Mexico Ricardo Pelaez, Mexico Amy Pérez, USA Irving Pérez, USA Leonor Pérez, Mexico Gabriela Pérez Baez, Mexico/USA Nuria Pérez Baez, Mexico/France Karla Pérez Cánovas, Mexico Nicola Perfetto, Italy Pancho Pescador, Chile/USA Victoria Pierce, USA Rapé (Rafael Pineda,) Mexico Dulce Pinzón, Mexico Ben Pitre, USA/Mexico Marie Plotena, Czech Republic Olivia Porter, USA Melissa Potter, USA Denise Puri, Germany Daisy Quezada, USA Livia Radwanski, Brazil/Mexico Lilly Ramírez, USA Axel Rangel García, Mexico David Rankin, Australia/USA Rius (Eduardo del Río,) Mexico Rocío del Carmen Ríos Jimenez, Mexico Gonzalo Rocha, Mexico Ichita Rodriguez, US José de Jesús Rodriguez, Mexico Haydee Rodríguez Peña, USA Maria Rodriguez-Morales, Puerto Rico/ USA Marcie Rojas & Isamar Jacobo, USA Magda Rojero, Mexico Paul Rolfe, Australia Sarah Rosenberg, USA Elizabeth Ross, Mexico Allan Roth, USA Lucila Rousset, Mexico Cecilia Saavedra, USA Javier Saavedra, Mexico

Paul Sachs, USA Elianny Salcedo, USA Alfredo Salomon - L. Palomar M. Ochoa - J. Carbajal, Mexico Javier Sánchez, USA Thiasol Sánchez, Mexico Victoria Sánchez Freyssinier, Mexico Luis Sánchez Núñez de Cáceres, Mexico Camilla Sands, Mexico Sarara Sanon, USA Savi Santiago, Mexico Maria Pérez Santis, Mexico Ward Schumaker, USA Rob Shepperson, USA Aline Shkurovich, Mexico/USA Avila Silvana, Mexico Julie Sirek, USA Deana Sobel, USA Alicia Sonámbula, Mexico Luciano Spanó, Mexico Nancy Stahl, USA Yasuyo Tanaka, Japan/US Emilio Tatokanij, Mexico/USA Alexander Taylor, Mexico/USA Higashi Tetsuro, USA Socorro Toxtli, Mexico Lucrecia Urbano, Argentina Guadalupe Urrutia, Mexico Bruno Valasse, Mexico Maximilian Van Dokkumburg, USA Blossom Verlinsky, USA Zael von Mazon, Mexico John Simon Peter Walker, USA Melissa West, USA Gary Willis, Australia Ezshwan Winding, USA Jordan Worley, USA Naief Yehya, Mexico/USA Guerrila Art Yescka, Mexico Yosoycultura, Mexico Lola Zalava, Mexico/Spain Guillermo Zapata & Violet Ortega, Mexico Sabrina Zarco, USA

Carmen Zenil, Mexico Alexa Zucker, USA Participating Organizations and Artist’s Collectives include Artistas por Ayotzinapa, USA Ayotzinapa Student Front, USA Bordamos Feminicidios, Mexico Bordamos por la Paz, Mexico Bordamos por la Paz Córdoba, Argentina Colectivo Chiapas, Mexico Colectivo Casa De Piedra, Mexico Imágenes en Voz Alta, Mexico Ilustradores por Ayotzinapa, Mexico/ International La Gota Derramada, Mexico LUCHA, Columbia University, USA Little Sisters of Ascension Mentoring Program, East Harlem, NY, USA Mano a Mano, Mexican Culture Without Borders, USA Mexico City Lit, Mexico/US Printmakers for the Ayotzinapa 43, USA Rexiste, Mexico Adán Xicohténcatl Elízaga’s “+ 43 Folk Artists: Crative Hands in Solidarity with Ayotzinapa” Escuela de Artesanías Xocongo, Mexico

Alfredo Casanova, 2015

Tribute to the Disappeared Curated by Andrea Arroyo Special Thanks to: The families of the 43 forcibly disappeared students from Ayotzinapa, for their infinite strength and courage, especially Cristina Bautista, Mother of Benjamín Ascencio Bautista, for sharing her story with me. Felipe Galindo/Feggo and the Arroyo Family, especially lifelong activists Alfonso Arroyo and Leticia Estrada, for their unrelenting support of the families of the Ayotzinapa Students. All participating artists Juan Carlos Aguirre, Mano a Mano: Mexican Culture Without Borders Bryan Epps, The Malcolm X & Dr. Betty Shabazz Memorial and Educational Center Sasha Hill, Tribute to the Disappeared Intern Denise and Mike Deleray Theresa Endoso All other supporters: past, present and future

Funding for the Tribute to the Disappeared exhibition is made posible in part by the Pufin Foundation; the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature; and public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Afairs in partnership with the City Council. Mano a Mano: Mexican Culture Without Borders 550 W. 155th Street | New York, NY 10032 | Tel: 212.587.3070 Fax: 212.587.3071 | [email protected]