Tomas del Pielago

HONOR CODE CERTIFICATE. Verify the authenticity of this certificate at. Director, Programa Gestión de Proyectos para Resultados (PM4R). Ernesto Mondelo. Jefe, Instituto Interamericano para el Desarrollo. Económico y Social (INDES). Juan Cristóbal Bonnefoy. CERTIFICATE. HONOR CODE. Tomas del Pielago.
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Ernesto Mondelo

Director, Programa Gestión de Proyectos para Resultados (PM4R)

Juan Cristóbal Bonnefoy

Tomas del Pielago successfully completed and received a passing grade in

IDB6x: Project Management for Development Professionals a course of study offered by IDBx, an online learning initiative of Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) through edX.

HON OR COD E CE RTI F I CATE Issued September 10, 2015

Verify the authenticity of this certificate at

Jefe, Instituto Interamericano para el Desarrollo Económico y Social (INDES)