and wine. After Mass, there was a reception in the hall with dinner and cake. The parishioners of St. ..... Saul Alba-Infante, Hood River. August 21, 2002. Fri. 8/9.
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The DIOCESAN Chronicle The Official News of the Diocese of Baker

Published every two weeks for the sake of the unity of the Diocese and the “greater good of souls” July 28, 2013

PARISH NEWS: St. Patrick Church, Heppner June 2, 2013, was an extremely exciting day for the parishioners of St. Patrick Church as they celebrated two very important events! It was the Feast of Corpus Christi, when Catholics celebrate the tradition and belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. In addition, six faith-filled boys made their First Holy Communion with their new Administrator, Father Kumar Udagandla. For Dillan Doyle, Adan Guerra, John Lindsay, Ryan Lindsay, Jett Stewart, and Daemon Worden this joyful and sacred event will be forever treasured. The students worked with their teachers, Joe Lindsay and Mary Ann Elguèzabal, to learn the many requirements for the Sacrament of Penance and the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. When the students were having a bit of trouble learning the Ten Commandments, the Seven Sacraments, and The Precepts of the Church, Joe Lindsay set the information to music. Quite remarkably, they learned the material in a jiffy! The boys read the Prayer Intentions and also brought up the gifts during the Offertory. Dillan carried a beautiful golden box representing the gift of grace that each would receive. Daemon carried wheat from his grandparent’s farm representing the Bread of Christ. Jett carried a basket of grapes representing the Blood of Christ. Ryan carried the collection basket. Adan carried the unconsecrated hosts. Paul carried the water and wine. After Mass, there was a reception in the hall with dinner and cake. The parishioners of St. Patrick are very fortunate to have Joe Lindsay share his musical talents. Besides the new songs for this celebration, he has also written songs for the St. Patrick’s Day Drama, accompanies the choir at Mass, and teaches the parishioners new songs in Latin and English. If you would like to hear the songs, sung by Joe and the children, check out St. Patrick’s Facebook page. St. Patrick’s welcome you to visit whenever you can. Congratulations to all the First Communicants and please keep them in your prayers. R to L: Paul Lindsay, Adan Guerra, Dillan Doyle, Ryan Lindsay, Daemon Worden, Jett Stewart . Back Row: Father Kumar and Father Condon

Volume 4, Number 15

PRO-LIFE in Bend...when you listen to God’s direction Today, I woke up with a great desire to go and join the Pro-Life group in Bend. My three children and I took our rosaries, chairs, and water and headed out to pray for the innocent ones who cannot defend themselves. Sadly, we saw only four other people standing outside holding signs as they do every Thursday. However, we gladly joined them, holding our signs as we started to pray the Rosary. As you can imagine, we got all kinds of reactions, some very colorful. A few minutes before we were going to wrap up, a young lady came out from around the hotel next door. She approached me and asked me who was the person in charge, I thought there was a problem, but she said ... “Oh, no! No problem at all.” I directed her to talk to one of the other lady parishioners and then she asked if she could make a sign because she wanted to join us. I could see in her eyes, pain and regret. But she had a happy smile when she found out, that by all means, she could join us in prayer and stand to end abortion. This seemed to me a true miracle of the conversion of hearts. I am in awe and am thankful that all these prayers may have helped us save a soul. I hope we can fill the streets in the future with faithful Catholics praying to end this abomination of abortion. In Christ, Yolanda Marrs Parishioner, St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Bend

Everyone is welcome to join the group on Thursdays from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. in committing one hour to this cause of most vulnerable souls God has created. The group is led by Susan Thorne of St. Thomas Church in Redmond under the direction of Fr. Robert Greiner, Diocesan Priest Moderator of the Office of Pro Life Activities and Pastor of St. Joseph Church in Prineville. All diocesan parishes have a Pro-Life ministry and all parishioners are encouraged to become Page 1 involved.

Pope Francis’s first encyclical, Lumen Fidei; a work of four hands (part 1 of 4) On June 29, the release of the first encyclical of Pope Francis, Light of Faith, neatly wraps up Pope Emeritus Benedict’s encyclical series on the theological virtues: On Christian Love (2005), On Christian Hope (2007), and Light of Faith. Benedict left a nearly completed draft of this encyclical prior to his departure in February. Pope Francis acknowledges his predecessors work with these words: “I am deeply grateful to him, and as his brother in Christ I have taken up his fine work and added a few contributions of my own.” This encyclical speaks insightfully to our modern times: “[Christian faith] might have been considered sufficient for societies of old, but was felt to be of no use for new times, for a humanity come of age, proud of its rationality and anxious to explore the future in novel ways.” The encyclical accurately describes today’s secularized misunderstanding of faith as “a leap in the dark, to be taken in the absence of light, driven by blind emotion, or as a subjective light, capable perhaps of warming the heart and bring personal consolation, but not something which could be proposed to others as an objective and shared light which points the way.” As a result of this misunderstanding of faith, humanity has “renounced the search for a great light, Truth itself, in order to be content with small lights which illumine fleeting moments…incapable of showing the way.” This explains why, in absence of the light of faith, everything has become confused – especially in light of our ever worsening national social and moral crisis. Lumen Fidei reminds us, “there is an urgent need to see once again that faith is a light…is unique…[and] capable of illuminating every aspect of human existence.” For this to happen we are reminded that the virtue of faith does not come from ourselves, but from God. Faith is a supernatural gift received in the sacrament of baptism. We are also reminded that for faith to manifest, to “spark [and then] become a burning flame,” requires “an encounter with the living God.” This encounter with God is the prevailing theme of the present Year of Faith proclaimed by Benedict XVI. Indeed, this is the universal truth for everything and every living person on earth! In reading through Lumen Fidei, one cannot escape the wonderful and terrifying reality that in our baptism we have been given “a primordial and radical gift which upholds our lives.” The wonderful part is that this gift – the light of faith – is the fullest manifestation of God’s love in Jesus Christ. “Christ’s death discloses the utter reliability of God’s love above all in the light of his resurrection. As the risen one, Christ is the trustworthy witness, deserving of faith, and a solid support for our faith.” Thus, it is in Christ’s faithfulness we find our salvation (cf. Rom 3:22-25). So what is the terrifying part? “Faith is not a private matter, a completely individualistic notion or a personal opinion.” Our “salvation by faith” requires a response – and it is radical! Part two of this series will examine this response. Barry Metzentine, Dir. of Evangelization and Catechesis

Primera encíclica, Lumen Fidei del Papa Francisco; una obra de cuatro partes (parte 1 de 4) El lanzamiento de la primera encíclica del Papa Francisco, Luz de la Fe del 29 de junio, termina la serie de encíclicas del Papa Emeritus Benedicto sobre las virtudes teologales: El amor cristiano (2005), La esperanza cristiana (2007), y La luz de la fe. Benedicto la dejó un casi terminada antes de su partida en febrero. El papa Francisco reconoce el trabajo de su predecesor con estas palabras: “Estoy profundamente agradecido a él, y como su hermano en Cristo, tomo posesión de su buen trabajo y solo añado algunas aportaciones propias.” Esta encíclica entiende nuestros tiempos modernos: “[la fe cristiana] puede considerarse suficiente para las sociedades antiguas, pero no para estos tiempos, para una humanidad que llega a este tiempo, orgullosa de su racionalidad y ansiosa de explorar el futuro de nuevas maneras.” La encíclica describe con precisión la mala interpretación secularizada de la fe “es un salto al vacío, en ausencia de la luz, impulsada por la emoción ciega, o con una luz subjetiva, capaz tal vez de calentar el corazón y traer consuelo personal, pero no es algo que pueda ser propuesto a los demás como una luz objetiva y compartida, que señale el camino.” Como resultado de esta incomprensión de la fe, la humanidad ha “renunciado a la búsqueda de la gran luz, la Verdad misma, y se contenta con pequeñas luces que iluminan momentos fugaces... incapaz de mostrar el camino.” Esto explica que, en ausencia de la luz de la fe, todo se ha vuelva confuso especialmente a la luz de nuestra cada vez peor crisis moral y social nacional. Lumen fidei nos recuerda que “hay una necesidad urgente de ver una vez más que la fe es luz ... es única ... [y] capaz de iluminar todos los aspectos de la existencia humana.” Para que esto ocurra se nos recuerda que la virtud de la fe no es de nosotros, sino de Dios. La fe es un don sobrenatural recibido en el sacramento del bautismo. También se nos recuerda que, para que la fe se manifieste, “se encienda [y luego] se convertirá en una llama ardiente,” requiere “un encuentro con el Dios vivo.” Este encuentro con Dios es el tema predominante del presente Año de la Fe proclamado por Benedicto XVI. De hecho, esta es la verdad universal para toda y cada persona que vive en la tierra! Leyendo, Lumen Fidei, no se puede escapar la maravillosa y terrible realidad que en nuestro bautismo se nos ha dado “un don primordial y radical que sostiene nuestras vidas.” Lo maravilloso es que este don - La luz de la fe - es la más completa manifestación del amor de Dios en Jesucristo. “La muerte de Cristo revela la certeza absoluta del amor de Dios por encima de todo a la luz de su resurrección. Como Resucitado, Cristo es el testigo fiel y digno de fe y un apoyo sólido para nuestra fe.” Por eso en la fidelidad de Cristo encontramos nuestra salvación (cf. Rom 3:22-25). Entonces, ¿cuál es la parte aterradora? “La fe no es algo privado, noción individualista u opinión personal.” Nuestro “salvación por la fe” requiere una respuesta - y es radical! La segunda parte de esta serie examinará esta respuesta. Barry Metzentine, Dir. de Evangelización y Catequesis Page 2

NOTICIAS HISPANAS: Por uno o dos números suspendemos las capsulas apologéticas para hablar sobre la: “Legión de María” ¿QUÉ ES LA LEGIÓN DE MARÍA? Es una organización apostólica de laicos en la Iglesia Católica con más de 3 millones de miembros activos y millones de auxiliares en el mundo, nació en Dublín, Irlanda el 7 de setiembre de 1921. Las oraciones legionarias se rezan ya en 125 lenguas distintas. Ha sido aprobado por los 6 últimos Papas y fue endorsada por el Concilio Vaticano II. EL NOMBRE de Legión de María obedece a que el espíritu de la organización quiere ser el mismo de la Virgen Santa María. Ella es la reina de los Apóstoles, porque fue la primera en presentar a Cristo ante los hombres. ¿QUIÉNES PUEDEN PERTENECER? TODO CATÓLICO que practique fielmente su religión y desee ser útil a la Iglesia y a la sociedad, y que esté dispuesto a cumplir las normas funcionales de la asociación. La Legión de María no es privativa de tipos escogidos, sino que representa el auténtico catolicismo. Solo exige ganas de darse a los demás. ¿QUÉ HACE? Orar y trabajar apostólicamente. Funciona con reuniones semanales de grupo, donde se ora, se revisa la actividad apostólica, y se estudian temas formativos para hacer más eficaz el apostolado. Los grupos son mixtos de unos 12 miembros dirigidos por 4 seglares y un sacerdote. Existen grupos para adultos a partir de los 18 años. Para menores de edad hay grupos de semilleros (niños de 5 a 10 años), juveniles (de 11 a 14 años) e Intermedios (de 15 a 18 años). SU SISTEMA es bien sencillo. Cada legionario activo debe: 1. Asistir puntual y semanalmente a la junta de su grupo, donde se mezclan íntimamente la revisión del trabajo efectuado, la formación espiritual y humanoapostólica, con la oración en común. 2. Rezar diariamente la Catena, que es el Magníficat de la Virgen, la oración de los pobres y de los humildes. 3. Realizar un trabajo apostólico concreto cada semana, con duración mínima de dos horas, acompañado de otro legionario. 4. Mantener en secreto los asuntos discutidos en la Junta o conocidos en el ejercicio del trabajo legionario. ¿NO ES MUCHO PEDIR? El Concilio Vaticano II ha sido bastante más duro al decir del católico que no hace apostolado en la medida de sus posibilidades, que “debe considerarse como inútil para la Iglesia y para sí mismo” (AA, Nº 2). LOS TRABAJOS deben ser activos y sólidos. Portarse bien en casa, en el colegio, centro de estudios o trabajo, realizar ejercicios de piedad, etc. no constituye un trabajo legionario; todo esto tiene que hacerse por añadidura, porque, sin ello, todo lo demás sobraría. Fuera de lo indicado, cualquier otro trabajo puede servir como labor legionaria, pero debe ser señalado por el grupo. He aquí algunos ejemplos: Visitas a toda clase de personas para alentarlas en su vida cristiana. Encuestas entre jóvenes sobre temas de la realidad actual. Continua el próximo numero…

What is a vocation? A vocation is a call from God to share intimately in His inner life of love. We are pleased to present the first of, hopefully, many more Vocation stories from the Priests of our Diocese. Father Julian Cassar is the Rector at St. Francis de Sales Cathedral in Baker City. I was born in Malta from two devout parents, the third child between two older sisters and two younger brothers. I attended school in my native Malta, later on in the major Seminary and the University of Malta and was ordained there on June 19, 1977. I served for four years in my own home-town of St. Julian’s, until I decided to come to the USA in 1981. Since I grew up in a predominantly Catholic country, I was always exposed to Churches, priests, prayer, etc. and so ever since I was a young boy I wanted to be a priest, serving the people, as I saw the other priests doing. Being an altar-boy since the age of four also helped in this, even being chosen to serve at the Vatican in 1966. After serving in various parishes in New York for 22 years, in March 2003, I left the biggest city in the world and ventured out west, ending up in one of the smallest parishes in John Day, Oregon, with a very small community who were all yearning for involvement, leadership, and pastoral care. I enjoyed my time there, especially driving to my mission churches on weekends, even though there would be anywhere between 3 to 15 people in attendance. But I realized that if I did not go to them they would never have a Mass, they would never see a priest. Their churches were small chapels, at times a little trailer, but it was a community and they deserved attention. In June of 2005, the Bishop asked me to take over the Cathedral parish in Baker City, and right away we embarked on an ambitious project to renovate the sanctuary of the Cathedral, especially since, in 2008, the Cathedral would celebrate its centennial. It is a joy to share my priesthood with other priests who come from all parts of the world, India, Sri Lanka, Poland, Nigeria, Argentina, Mexico, Tanzania, and some from the USA. I felt God was calling me to dedicate my life to His people, which for me meant leaving everything, including family, and coming to the USA four years after my ordination, realizing that “the world is my parish.” God never asks us about our abilities or inabilities, but always about our availability - this has been my motto for the past 36 years. My priorities as a priest consist of serving people, being available for them, praying, celebrating the liturgies, planning special celebrations, and communicating with people, through letters, phone-calls, e-mails, and through our parish web-site. I firmly believe in what Dietrich Bonhoeffer once said, that “the priest should preach with the Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other.” I add further… “and with an IPad, the Internet at arm’s reach and access to e-mail.” Page 3


PRIESTLY ORDINATION ANNIVERSARIES: Congratulations to the following as they celebrate their ordination anniversaries during August:


Very Rev. Ronald Maag, Hood River Rev. Fabian Nwokorie, Dufur Rev. Innocent Diala, Chiloquin Rev. Kumar Udagandla, Heppner Rev. Francis Akano, Lakeview Rev. Michael Nwokocha, Nyssa Rev. Theodore Nnabugo, La Pine Rev. Saul Alba-Infante, Hood River


August 14, 1978 August 11, 1990 August 10, 1991 August 22, 1994 August 21, 1999 August 28, 1999 August 19, 2000 August 21, 2002

We are most grateful for the years of service of all our Priests and Bishops. Please keep them in your prayers. DIOCESAN JOB OPPORTUNITY: Internal Staff Auditor The key purpose of this position will be to perform high quality financial and administrative internal audits of the parishes and schools of the Diocese of Baker. Eligible applicant must be a practicing Catholic and possess a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting or a combination of an Associates Degree with related experience. Applicants must also have knowledge of payroll processing systems, Federal and State tax laws, excellent written and verbal communication skills, as well as the heart of a teacher. Excellent organizational and problem solving skills are a must. Position will require travel throughout the diocese and some overnight stays. For a full list of qualifications and job description, please visit Any additional questions can be answered by contacting Hope Burke at (541) 388-4004.

FORWARD IN FAITH A comprehensive formation experience for all Catechists, DREs, RCIA Leaders, Teachers, and Youth Ministers who serve the English and Spanish speaking communities across the Diocese of Baker. Sesiones de habla Español incluidas! SPEAKERS: Bishop Liam Cary “...not to be served but to serve...”


Leadership John D. LaBarbara Vice President, FOCUS ...developing leadership competency… Deacon Gustavo Ruiz Director, Hispanic Ministry ...building intercultural competence in ministry...

Thu. 8/15 - Sat. 8/17 Fri. 8/23

- Sun. 8/25

Gregorian Chant Seminar

Evangelization & Catechesis Symposium

Catechesis Joseph E. Burns, EdD Prof. Emeritus, Augustine Institute ...the definitive aim of catechesis… Barry M. Metzentine Dir. of Evangelization & Catechesis ...incorporating the Gospel story in all catechesis...

Fri. 8/30

- Mon. 9/2

Campamento Familiar

Fri. 9/27

- Sun. 9/29

Marriage Encounter Weekend

Sat. 10/5


Annual Pro-Life Conference

Mon. 10/7 - Thur. 10/10 Clergy Assembly Fri. 11/15

Discipleship Tricia Tembreull Regional Director, Life Teen ...creating relational ministry… David O’Neill Director, Youth Ministry ...creating disciples for Christ…

- Sun. 11/17

Thur. 11/21 -

Day of the Son Retreat H.S. St. Francis School 6-8 Retreat

Fri. 11/22 - Sun. 11/24 Day of the Spirit Retreat M.S.

Call the Diocesan Office or visit our website’s Calendar of Events for details:

For Complete Schedule & Registration: Phone: 541-388-4004 Email: [email protected]

BISHOP CARY’S UPCOMING SCHEDULE: August 5 - August 7 KC Convention, San Antonio August 8 - August 11 Private Event