at a farmworker medical clinic in California, and painted houses in Portland and Eugene. .... She was a past president of District 7 of the Oregon Nurses.
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The DIOCESAN Chronicle The Official News of the Diocese of Baker

Published every two weeks for the sake of the unity of the Diocese and the “greater good of souls”

March 25, 2012

Volume 3, Number 7


Please join us in welcoming Bishop-elect Liam Stephen Cary to the Diocese of Baker. Pope Benedict XVI has named 64-year-old Father Liam Stephen Cary, pastor of St. Mary Church in Eugene, Oregon, as bishop of the Diocese of Baker, Oregon. The appointment was publicized in Washington, March 8, by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, apostolic nuncio to the United States. Father Liam Cary was born in Portland, Oregon, in 1947, the first of John and Patricia Cary’s four children. In 1950 the family moved to Prineville, where John Cary took up the practice of dentistry and Liam attended Ochoco Grade School and Prineville Junior High School. He entered Mount Angel Seminary in 1961, graduating from high school there in 1965 and from college in 1969. After a year of theology at St. Patrick’s Seminary in Menlo Park, California, in 1970 he took a leave of absence that lasted eighteen year. In that time he spent three years in a Chicago legal aid office as a VISTA volunteer, studied Spanish for a summer in Mexico, worked at a farmworker medical clinic in California, and painted houses in Portland and Eugene. Involvement in parish ministry at St. Mary’s in Eugene led him back to the seminary in 1988. He was sent to the North American College in Rome, where he received a Licentiate in Moral Theology from the Gregorian University in 1992, the year he was ordained a priest, just after his 45th birthday. He served at St. Joseph’s in Salem from 1992 to 1994, when he was named Vocations Director for the Archdiocese of Portland and chaplain to the Sisters of Mary of Oregon in Beaverton. He was sent to Medford in 1998 and served as pastor of Sacred Heart parish there until July 2011, when he was appointed pastor of St. Mary’s in Eugene. Throughout his priesthood Father Cary has been involved in Hispanic ministry. Father Cary has two sisters (in Portland and Hillsboro) and a brother in Eugene. He is the proud uncle of eight nephews and four nieces and the proud great-uncle of seven great-nephews and three great-nieces. He has numerous cousins in Central Oregon. And so, after a thirteen month vacancy, our diocese will have a new bishop. The buzz of jubilation and excitement since the announcement was made has been overwhelming. Because Father Cary is a native Oregonian and is already widely known, respected and loved by so many throughout our diocese as well as the Archdiocese of Portland; the long vacancy was worth the wait. For more information on the ordination plans, please read Bishop Skylstad’s Reflections on page two of this issue.

Sister Sabina Mbenge speaks with Bishop-elect Cary at the press conference.

Bishop William S. Skylstad and Bishop-elect Liam S. Cary at St. Francis of Assisi Church in Bend.

Around 60 excited parishioners and clergy attended the press conference to meet and greet Bishop-elect Liam Cary.

REFLECTIONS FROM BISHOP SKYLSTAD…GREAT NEWS!! March 8, 2012, was a great news day for our Diocese of Baker in Eastern Oregon: the appointment of our new bishop by Pope Benedict XVI! With great joy and thanks to God we have received the news that Father Liam Cary, pastor of St. Mary Presentation Parish in Eugene, will become the next ordinary for the Diocese of Baker. Father Cary was born in Portland but grew up as a youth in Prineville. He is 64. The date for his ordination as bishop will be May 18 at St. Francis Church in Bend. On the evening before, there will be a prayer service at which time he will present his credentials to the diocesan consultors, a necessary formal process of recognition of his appointment by Pope Benedict XVI as our new bishop. The ordination ceremony of a bishop is a wonderful ritual in the Church, rich in sacramental sign and symbolism. Father Cary comes to us with pastoral experience as pastor and a knowledge of Spanish which will be very helpful in fulfilling his role as shepherd of this local church in Eastern Oregon. We have a significant Hispanic population in the towns along the Columbia River, in the Ontario, Vale, and Nyssa parishes at the Eastern side of our diocese and in the Hwy 97 corridor. I will continue to fill my pastoral appointments as diocesan administrator already scheduled until Father Cary is ordained a bishop at which time he will begin his pastoral ministry as our new bishop. On the day of the announcement of his appointment, he met with the pastoral staff at our Diocesan Catholic Center in Bend, had a press conference, and had lunch with priests of the diocese at the John Paul II Retreat Center in Powell Butte, before returning home to St. Mary’s Presentation Parish in Eugene. These will be busy days for him as he disengages from his pastoral duties in Eugene, goes on retreat in preparation for his ordination, attends the ad limina visit to the Holy See in Rome with the other bishops from the Northwest (April 21-28), and finally moves here to the Diocese where he will take up residence. During these days of transition and preparation, please keep him in prayer. From personal experience, I can tell you that such a time in life is filled with a lot of mixed feelings. Yet the Lord and the Church calls. There is only one response. More details will be forth-coming about the ordination celebration. Of special importance will be the presence of Archbishop Carlo Maria Vaganò, the Apostolic Nuncio, who is the representative of the Holy Father to the United States. Certainly there will be many bishops here primarily from the Northwest and maybe a cardinal or two. Many priests besides those of our own diocese will also be present. And, of course, the faithful from all over the diocese will be coming as well. May we all rejoice and thank God! Congratulations and prayers, Bishop-elect Liam Cary. Welcome! Page 2

REFLEXIONES DEL OBISPO SKYLSTAD ... GRAN NOTICIA El 8 de marzo de 2012, fue un día de una buena y gran noticia para nuestra Diócesis de Baker en el este de Oregón: el nombramiento de nuestro ¡nuevo obispo por el Papa Benedicto XVI! Con gran alegría y gracias a Dios hemos recibido la noticia de que el padre Guillermo Cary, párroco de la Parroquia de la Presentación de Santa María en Eugene, será el próximo ordinario de la Diócesis de Baker. El padre Cary nació en Portland, pero creció en Prineville. Él tiene 64 años. La fecha de su ordenación como obispo será el 18 de mayo en la Iglesia San Francisco en Bend. En la noche previa, habrá un servicio de oración durante el cual presentara sus credenciales a los consultores diocesanos, un proceso formal necesario de reconocimiento a su nombramiento por el Papa Benedicto XVI como nuestro nuevo obispo. La ceremonia de ordenación de un obispo es un maravilloso ritual en la Iglesia, rica en signos sacramentales y en simbolismos. El padre Cary viene a nosotros con la experiencia pastoral como párroco y conocimiento del español, que será muy útil en el cumplimiento de su papel como pastor de la iglesia local del este de Oregón. Tenemos una importante población hispana en los pueblos a lo largo del río Columbia, en las parroquias de Ontario, Vale y Nisa en la parte oriental de nuestra diócesis y a lo largo de la carretera 97. Seguiré con mi asignación pastoral como administrador diocesano hasta que el padre Cary sea ordenado obispo momento en el que comenzará su ministerio pastoral como nuestro nuevo obispo. En el día que se anuncio su nombramiento, el obispo electo se reunió con el personal de nuestro Centro pastoral Diocesano en Bend, tuvo una conferencia de prensa, y almorzó con los sacerdotes de la diócesis en el salón Juan Pablo II del Centro de Retiro en Powell Butte, antes de regresar a su hogar en la Parroquia la Presentación de Santa María en Eugene. Estos serán días muy ocupados para él, dejara sus deberes pastorales en Eugene, hará un retiro en preparación para su ordenación, asistirá a la visita ad limina a la Santa Sede en Roma con los demás obispos del Noroeste (abril 21-28) y, finalmente, mudarse a la Diócesis, donde tendrá su residencia. Durante estos días de transición y preparación, por favor oremos por él. Por experiencia personal, puedo decirles que esta etapa de la vida está llena de un montón de sentimientos encontrados. Pero, el Señor y la Iglesia llaman. Y sólo hay una respuesta. Detalles de la celebración de la ordenación se publicaran luego. La presencia del arzobispo Carlo Maria Vaganò, Nuncio Apostólico es de especial importancia, Él es el representante del Santo Padre a los Estados Unidos. Ciertamente habrá muchos obispos principalmente del noroeste y tal vez un cardenal o dos. Muchos sacerdotes, además de los de nuestra propia diócesis estarán presentes. Y, por supuesto, los fieles de toda la diócesis vendrán también. ¡Que todos podamos alegrarnos y dar gracias a Dios! Felicitaciones y oraciones, Señor obispo electo Guillermo Cary. ¡Bienvenido!

IN MEMORIAM: Loleta C. Vogt of St. Mary’s, Pendleton, died Thursday, March 1, at St. Anthony Hospital in Pendleton. She was 85 years old. A Mass of Christian Burial was said at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, March 8, at St. Mary’s Catholic Church. A private interment followed at Echo Cemetery in Echo, Oregon. Contributions in memory of Loleta may be directed to a charity of one’s choice. Sign the online guestbook at

Ms. Vogt was born June 30, 1926, in Echo. She was the daughter of George and Clara (Bottger) Vogt. The family moved to Pendleton the following year. She attended local schools and graduated with honors from Pendleton High School with the class of 1944. In September, 1944, she joined the U.S. Cadet Nursing Program and was enrolled at the St. Anthony Hospital School of Nursing becoming a registered nurse. She worked at St. Anthony, Providence Hospital in Seattle, Pioneer Hospital in Heppner, Oregon, Drs. Broun, Calhoun, Easton and McLaughlin which later became Pendleton Surgical Clinic retiring on April 1, 1986. Loleta enjoyed making friends, camping, crocheting and traveling. She made trips to Hawaii, Alaska, England, Europe, Rome, and twice to the Holy Land. She was an active member of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Pendleton. She was a past president of District 7 of the Oregon Nurses Association and a life member of St. Anthony School of Nursing Alumni, a member of Oregon Medical Group Management Association and was secretary-treasurer of that organization in 1975-1976, a member since 1964 of Medical Group Management, an international association for clinic managers dedicated to education. She served for several years on the advisory board for the Nursing and Medical Secretary Board at Blue Mountain Community College. She was a charter member of Credit Women International of Pendleton, serving as president for two terms. She received the Local Educational Award in 1981 for presenting the best educational award in competition. She was Credit Woman of the Year in 1985. She was a past member of the Consumer Credit Association of Oregon. She was certified in Society of Certified Consumer Credit Executives, or CCCE, in 1982. She was a life member of the V.F.W. Auxiliary and St. Anthony Hospital Auxiliary, a 60 plus-year member of the Catholic Daughters, as well as of Research Club. She is survived by cousins and a host of friends. She was preceded in death by her parents, a brother, George, and a sister, Florence E. Crowner. Page 3

PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN UPDATE: Our children are a treasure and the future of our Holy, Catholic Church. Jesus said, ‘Let the children come to Me and do not hinder them.’ Let us pledge ourselves to love and protect our children as Jesus calls us to love one another. There are many suitable strategies for helping assure the safety of our children. The Parishes and the Diocese is doing what they can but everyone in the Church needs to take an active role. Parents, particularly, must be engaged. April is designated as Child Abuse Awareness Month. Most communities have organized activities to make people aware of our collective responsibility to prevent and confront all forms of child abuse and neglect. Please support your local community in this effort. Here at the Diocese of Baker we use the Darkness to Light program to better inform and educate the volunteers who work with the children at the parishes and schools as well as parish staff and the diocesan staff. Before our diocese is in complete compliance with the USCCB’s Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, we must complete one last training program - the training of the children themselves. The selected program to accomplish this last segment will be presented soon throughout the Deaneries in our Diocese. It is being presented to the priests at their Days for Clergy which was held March 14 and 15 at the Powell Butte Retreat Center. Watch for more to come from the Diocesan Religious Education Director, Jill Schwartz. ACTUALIZACIÓN DE LA PROTECCIÓN DE LOS NIÑOS DE DIOS: Los niños son un tesoro y el futuro de nuestra Santa Iglesia, Católica. Jesús dijo: "Dejen que los niños vengan a mí y no se lo impidan." Comprometámonos a amar y proteger a nuestros niños como Jesús nos pide que nos amemos unos a otros. Hay muchas estrategias adecuadas para garantizar la seguridad de nuestros niños. Las parroquias y la diócesis está haciendo lo que pueden, pero todos en la Iglesia tiene que tomar un papel activo. Los padres, en particular, deben estar activos. Abril es el Mes de la Concientización del Abuso Infantil. Muchas comunidades han organizado actividades para tomar conciencia de nuestra responsabilidad colectiva para prevenir y hacer frente a todas las formas de abuso y negligencia infantil. Por favor apoye a su comunidad en este esfuerzo. En la Diócesis de Baker, utilizamos el programa de la Oscuridad a la Luz para informar y educar mejor al personal parroquial y diocesano, y a los voluntarios que trabajan con nuestros niños. Antes de que nuestra diócesis este en total conformidad con la Carta de la USCCB para la Protección de los Niños de Dios, debemos completar un último entrenamiento - el entrenamiento de los propios niños. El programa para este último segmento se presentará en breve en los Decanatos. Esté pendiente. Directora de Educación Religiosa Diocesana, Jill Schwartz.


Por favor únase a nosotros a darle la bienvenida Al Obispo Electo Guillermo Esteban Cary para la Diócesis de Baker. El Papa Benedicto XVI ha nombrado al padre Liam Stephen Cary de 64 años de edad, párroco de la Iglesia de Santa María en Eugene, Oregon, como obispo de la Diócesis de Baker, Oregon. El nombramiento fue publicado en Washington, el 8 de marzo, por el arzobispo Carlo María Viganò, nuncio apostólico en los Estados Unidos. El padre Liam Cary nació en Portland, Oregon, en 1947, el primero de los cuatro hijos de Juan y Patricia Cary. En 1950 la familia se trasladó a Prineville, donde John Cary ejerció su profesión de dentista y Liam asistió a Ochoco escuela primaria y Prineville Junior High School. Entró en el Seminario Monte Ángel en 1961, donde termino la preparatoria en 1965 y se graduó de la universidad en 1969. Tras un año de teología en el Seminario de San Patricio en Menlo Park, California, en 1970 dejo el seminario por un lapso de dieciocho años. Durante ese tiempo pasó tres años en una oficina de ayuda legal de Chicago como voluntario de VISTA, estudió español durante un verano en México, trabajó en una clínica médica para los trabajadores agrícolas en California, y pintó casas en Portland y Eugene. La participación en el ministerio en la parroquial de Santa María, en Eugene le llevó de vuelta al seminario en 1988. Fue enviado al Colegio Norteamericano en Roma, donde recibió una Licenciatura en Teología Moral de la Universidad Gregoriana en 1992, año en que fue ordenado sacerdote, justo después de su cumpleaños número 45. Fue vicario en la parroquia de San José en Salem desde 1992 a 1994, cuando fue nombrado Director de Vocaciones de la Arquidiócesis de Portland y capellán de las religiosas Hermanas de María de Oregon, en Beaverton. Fue enviado a Medford en 1998 donde sirvió como párroco de la parroquia del Sagrado Corazón hasta julio de 2011, cuando fue nombrado párroco de Santa María en Eugene. A través de su sacerdocio el Padre Cary ha estado involucrado en el ministerio hispano. El padre Cary tiene dos hermanas (en Portland y Hillsboro) y un hermano en Eugene. El es él orgulloso tío de ocho sobrinos y cuatro sobrinas y orgulloso tío abuelo de siete sobrinos y tres sobrinas. Tiene numerosos primos en el centro de Oregon. Y después de trece meses sin Ordinario, nuestra diócesis tiene un nuevo obispo. El rumor de júbilo y emoción que se oye después del anuncio ha sido abrumador. Porque el padre Cary es una nativo de Oregón y ya es ampliamente conocido, respetado y querido por muchos en nuestra diócesis, igual que en la Arquidiócesis de Portland; la larga espera valió la pena. Para obtener más información sobre los planes de ordenación, por favor leer las reflexiones de Mons. Skylstad en la página dos de este número.

Hermana Sabina Mbenge hablando con el obispo electo Cary en la conferencia de prensa.

El obispo Guillermo S. Skylsted y el obispo electo Guillermo E. Cary en la iglesia de San Francisco de Asís en Bend.

Unos 60 jubilosos, parroquianos y clero asistieron a la conferencia de prensa donde se presento al obispo electo Guillermo Cary.