been to celebrate it on the Thursday evening before ... oils used in the celebration of the .... a este gran sacramento con frecuencia en el Año de la fe - y.
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The DIOCESAN Chronicle The Official News of the Diocese of Baker

Published every two weeks for the sake of the unity of the Diocese and the “greater good of souls”

February 24, 2013

2013 CHRISM MASS MARIAN PILGRIMAGE RETREAT: A Marian Retreat - Praying for the power of the priesthood and the priestly people in this Year of Faith RETREAT: WHERE: SPEAKERS:

Friday, March 15 - Monday, March 18 Diocesan Retreat Center, Powell Butte Dr. Lynne Bissonnette, M.D., Ph.D., Fr. Robert Greiner, presiding CHRISM MASS: St. Francis de Sales Cathedral, Baker City, 7:00 p.m., Thursday, March 21. The complete schedule of talks, pricing, and registration can be found on the Diocesan website For more information, please call Judy Newport at (541) 923-6946. Please mail registration form(s) to the Diocese (address on form).

Volume 4, Number 4

Lord Jesus through the ministry of the priest and the presence of the community of faith. Finally, at the Mass of Chrism, the priests are asked to renew their commitment to the priesthood. PARISH NEWS: St. Thomas, Redmond The live theatrical one-man drama, The Passion According to Saint Luke, performed by actor Leonardo Defilippis of Saint Luke Productions, will be presented on Saturday, March 9, 2013, at St. Thomas Catholic Church in Redmond. A lasagna dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m., with the performance starting at 7:30 p.m. This event is sponsored by the St. Thomas Adult Education and Youth Group. This popular drama, which is currently touring for a limited time, is perfect for Lent and during this current Year of Faith, as proclaimed by Pope Benedict XVI. It opens with Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, carries us through the Last Supper, the Agony in the Garden, His death on the Cross, and at last to the glorious Resurrection. Defilippis uses few props, allowing the text, musical score, and the entire experience to draw one back 2000 years and make the Word of God literally present to audiences. The performance runs one hour and the event is open to all adults and youth ages 11 and up. Tickets are limited and are $10 per person for both the play and dinner. Stop by the St. Thomas Parish Office to purchase your tickets during business hours or contact the office about Will Call tickets. (541) 923-3390

WHAT IS THE CHRISM MASS? One of the rituals that has not been widely experienced by most of the faithful in the diocese is the Chrism Mass, which is celebrated on Holy Thursday morning or for good reason on some other day beforehand. The tradition in the Diocese of Baker has been to celebrate it on the Thursday evening before Holy Week in our Cathedral of St. Francis de Sales in Baker City. At the Chrism Mass the three oils used in the celebration of the sacraments for the coming year are blessed. These oils are: oil of catechumens (used in Baptism), oil of the sick (used in the Sacrament of the Sick) and chrism. The last is PARISH NEWS: St. Francis of Assisi Parish - Lenten Mission used in several different ways: Father Michael Sears’ Mission “Healing anointing in Baptism, Confirmation, the Whole Person” will be presented Priestly Ordination, Ordination of a Bishop and the through his homily at all Masses on Sunday, consecration of a new altar. Olive oil is used for all three March 3rd at St. Francis o f Assisi Church in oils and balsam or another sweet-smelling matter is Bend. He is also having teaching added to chrism to give it a very pleasant odor. conferences, followed by Mass and a The Church asks that Healing Service at the Historic Downtown as many priests as Church, 7:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m., Monday through Wednesday, possible participate in the March 4th, 5th, and 6th. Chrism Mass for obvious Jesus healed all humanity from sin, death, and evil, but reasons. These are the oils He also touches us in mind and body, here and now. “Is blessed and consecrated anyone among you sick? He should summon the Presbyters that they will be using in of the Church, and they should pray over him and anoint the coming year. The use him with oil in the name of the Lord, and the prayer will of the oils in anointing raise him up.” James 5:14-15 through touch provides a special encounter with the > Page 1 For more information please call (541) 382-3631.

Thoughts Along the Way from Bishop Cary Pensamientos del Camino por el Obispo Cary Lent 2013 is Lent in the Year of Faith. How can these Cuaresma 2013 es la Cuaresma del Año de la fe. ¿Cómo forty days of prayer, fasting, and works of mercy help us pueden estos cuarenta días de oración, ayuno y obras de live our faith at a deeper level? misericordia ayudarnos a vivir nuestra fe en un nivel más The Church prays in a different way liturgically during profundo? Lent, and so should we personally. For example, I’ve La Iglesia ora litúrgicamente de una manera diferente made it a practice to say the 900-year-old Prayer of St. durante la Cuaresma, y personalmente también debemos Ephrem every day of Lent; and I’ve learned why Eastern hacerlo. Por ejemplo, yo he hecho una práctica de decir la Christians esteem it so highly. (text on page 4). Pope Oración de hace 900 años , de San Efrén todos los días de la Benedict has urged us to include the Profession of Faith Cuaresma, y he aprendido por qué la autoestima de los from Sunday Mass (the Creed) in our daily prayer cristianos de Oriental es tan alta. (Texto en la página 4). El throughout the Year of Faith. Lent would be a good time Papa Benedicto nos ha instado a incluir el Credo de la misa del to take up this practice. The same goes for the Holy domingo en nuestra oración diaria durante el Año de la fe. Father’s encouragement of praying the Rosary. And Cuaresma sería un buen momento para hacer esta práctica. families might take a few minutes each day to say También el estímulo del Santo Padre, de rezar el Rosario. together the Family Prayer for the Year of Faith (text on Y decir en familia la oración familiar para el Año de la Fe (el page 4). “I believe, Lord,” the man says to Jesus in the texto en la página 4). “Creo, Señor”, dice el hombre a Jesús Gospel; “help my unbelief.” If we want to live out of en el Evangelio: "ayuda mi incredulidad." Si queremos vivir en deeper faith, we must pray for it. una fe más profunda, debemos orar por ella. This Lent television offers an unusually imaginative Esta Cuaresma la televisión ofrece una manera para way to deepen faith by opening up the Scriptures right in profundizar la fe, abre la Sagrada Escrituras en la sala. El the living room. The Bible premieres March 3rd on the estreno de las miniseries de la Biblia el 3 de marzo en el History Channel - a ten-part miniseries that tells the story Canal de Historia - diez capítulos que cuenta la historia de of salvation from Genesis through Revelation. It’s a very la salvación desde el Génesis hasta el Apocalipsis. Es una high-quality production from some very talented Catholic producción de alta calidad de algunos profesionistas professionals. A half-hour preview at a recent bishops’ católicos muy talentosos. Una vista previa de media hora meeting left me imagining familiar scenes in an entirely en una reciente reunión de obispos “me dejó imaginando new way. Go to and consider escenas familiares de una forma completamente nueva. Ir a adding The Bible to your Lenten schedule. y considere agregar la Biblia a su Each Sunday we profess our faith in “the forgiveness horario de Cuaresma. Cada domingo profesamos nuestra of sins,” and we enact that belief in the confessional. fe en “el perdón de los pecados,” y promulgamos esa Penance is a sacrament of faith from start to finish. Going creencia en el confesionario. La penitencia es un to confession is saying we believe that God is merciful, sacramento de fe de principio a fin. El ir a la confesión es that He wants to forgive us our sins. It’s saying we confesar que Dios es misericordioso, y quiere perdonar believe that Jesus is God, because “who can forgive sins nuestros pecados. Es decir que creemos que Jesús es Dios, but God alone?” It’s saying we believe in the Church as porque “¿Quién puede perdonar pecados sino Dios?” Es the vehicle of God’s mercy and in the priest as Christ’s decir que creemos que la Iglesia es el vehículo de la chosen vessel to bring His mercy home to us. And finally misericordia de Dios y el sacerdote es instrumento escogido we must believe (how else could we know?) that we por Cristo para traer su misericordia a nosotros. Y por really are forgiven, that this brief conversation has último, creer que en realidad somos perdonados, que esta changed our life. breve conversación ha cambiado nuestra vida. It is no surprise, then, that Pope Benedict calls us to Por eso el Papa Benedicto XVI nos invita a acercarnos approach this great sacrament frequently in the Year of a este gran sacramento con frecuencia en el Año de la fe - y Faith - and especially in this season of penance. Make a sobre todo en este tiempo de penitencia. Haga una good Lenten confession. Your faith will be the better for it. confesión cuaresmal buena. Su fe será lo mejor para ella. As it will if you consciously set out to perform one Si usted se dispone a realizar un acto de misericordia act of mercy each week of Lent. Follow the advice of cada semana de Cuaresma. Siga los consejos del Beato Blessed Frederick Ozanam, founder of the St. Vincent de Federico Ozanam, fundador de la sociedad de San Vicente Paul Society, and “put your faith under the protection of de Paúl, “poner su fe bajo la protección de la caridad.” La charity.” For faith tells us that Jesus hides Himself in the fe nos dice que Jesús se esconde en el “disfraz de los “distressing disguise of the poor,” as Mother Theresa put pobres”, como la Madre Teresa recordaba lo que aseguro it. “The poor you have always with you,” Our Lord Nuestro Señor. “A los pobres los tienen siempre con assures us; we have only to open our eyes and look ustedes,” sólo tenemos que abrir los ojos y mirar alrededor. around. Lent in the Year of Faith is a hallowed time to Cuaresma en el Año de la fe es un tiempo sagrado, para find our way to the poor and put ourselves at their encontrar el camino a los pobres y ponernos a su servicio lo service as best we can. There is no better or quicker way mejor que podamos. No hay manera mejor o más rápida de to grow in faith. Page 2 crecer en la fe.

The Lenten Journey: why do we fast, pray, and give alms? Oftentimes I hear it said that the Catholic Church is about “rules and regulations.” But, a better way of understanding the Church’s teachings is to understand the why. So why does the Church call us to fast, pray, and give alms? In fact, why does the Church give us precepts at all? What lies at the source of all Church precepts is the love of God. Every “commandment,” every counsel and admonishment, indeed every word of God is Love. If we have any doubt as to God’s love we merely need to look up and gaze upon the crucifix as his greatest act of love. The precepts of fasting, praying, and giving alms are truly gifts of love. Why? By choosing these gifts, we receive a greater gift, grace; grace which frees us from those things holding us back from God’s love, mainly our sinful nature, which we inherit as a result of our first parents fall from grace. As a result of Adam and Eve’s disobedience they were cast out of God’s presence resulting in the loss of supernatural life (spiritual death), preventing them – and all of their descendants – from sharing in God’s blessed life. As a result of their spiritual death, the inner harmony of their human nature was wounded, resulting in the soul’s spiritual faculties over the body to be shattered. The Church calls this “triple concupiscence.” St. John states these inherited effects as “the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and pride of life.” (1 Jn 2:16) These effects manifest as:   

inordinate pleasures of the senses (passions, hungers, and thirsts), covetousness for earthly goods (greed), and self-assertion contrary to reason (pride).

In our baptism, through the work of the Paschal Mystery, the “stain of original sin” is washed away restoring supernatural life in us. What is not fully resolved is our concupiscence (inordinate desires). These inordinate desires can, and do, become obstacles in our life with God here on earth – and towards our heavenly destiny. And so God, who desires that all people return to him, provides us a triple remedy to our triple problem! Fasting, as a discipline, strengthens our bodily and spiritual resolve to overcome inordinate desires of the flesh. Giving alms (tithing being foremost) reminds us that all material goods belong to God. By giving back, we are strengthened in our ability to let go of our earthly attachments so that we are better able to attach ourselves to life with God. Prayer reminds us who we are as creatures of God and our dependence upon him; to not pray is an act of pride as we essentially are saying that I am self-sufficient and do not need God’s grace. So as we continue in our Lenten Journey may we choose to follow the Church’s precepts, not because they are “rules and regulations;” rather, because we choose to be freed from sin to have newness of life in Christ! —Barry Metzentine, Director of Evangelization and Catechesis

DIOCESAN APPEAL ENHANCEMENT GRANT AWARDED TO DIOCESE OF BAKER Catholic Extension is a national fundraising organization committed to supporting and strengthening poor mission dioceses across the United States. They provide funding and resources to dioceses and parishes through programs and services investing in people, infrastructure and ministries. This support is given based on need, passion and commitment to the growth of the Catholic faith. Catholic Extension recently awarded the Diocese of Baker the Diocesan Appeals Enhancement Grant. We were one of five dioceses who received this grant. The Annual Catholic appeal provides a critical fund that allows the diocese to respond to the needs and serve more people. Catholic Extension and the International Catholic Stewardship Council will partner with the diocese to provide hands-on support to the diocese annual appeal, enabling us to implement specific techniques that promote greater participation. The Diocese will develop a Diocesan Appeal Enhancement committee. If you are interested, please contact Arlene Gibson, J.D., Director of Development at (541) 388-4004. PRIESTLY ORDINATION ANNIVERSARY: Congratulations to Reverend Jude Onogbosele of St. Edward the Martyr parish in Sisters. Father Jude was ordained to priesthood on March 22, 2003. We are most grateful for the years of service of all our Priests and Bishops. Please keep them in your prayers. YOUTH MINISTRY UPCOMING EVENTS: March 8-10 March 17

March 18

April 12-14 June 28-30 July 3-6 July 18-21 July 26-28

Idaho Catholic Youth Convention, Boise for High School Youth “The New Sexual Revolution” at St Francis Church (New), Bend for Middle School/High School Youth and Adults “The New Sexual Revolution” at Our Lady of the Valley, La Grande for Middle School/High School Youth and Adults “Walk Through Fire” at Powell Butte Retreat Center for Young Adults Upper Elementary Camp at Powell Butte Retreat Center Family Camp at Powell Butte Retreat Center Middle School Camp at Powell Butte Retreat Center Steubenville Northwest, Spokane for High School Youth

You can find more information on these events at the diocesan website or call David O’Neill at the Diocesan Chancery (541) 388-4004. Page 3

PARISH NEWS: Blessed Sacrament, Ontario Blessed Sacrament Church of Ontario celebrated with great joy the 481 anniversary of the Apparitions of Our Lady of Guadalupe in the Hill of Tepeyac. They gathered once more on Wednesday, December 12th for the traditional Mañanitas (serenade) to our Lady. Father Jose greeted them at 5:00 a.m. and they prayed the rosary and sang many songs to Our Lady of Guadalupe and concluded with a traditional breakfast of tamales, Mexican bread, and atole (sweet chocolate beverage).

A FAMILY PRAYER FOR THE YEAR OF FAITH O God our Father, in Jesus you call all Christian families and homes to be signs of living faith. By the light of the Holy Spirit, lead us to be thankful for the gift of faith, and by that gift may we grow in our relationship with Jesus, your Son, and be confident witnesses to Christian hope and joy to all we meet. In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

In the evening they gathered at 6:00 p.m. for a grand procession down 2nd Avenue and up 4th Avenue, making five stops to pray a decade of the rosary. The first stop was at the Right to Life Memorial, the second and third at parishioners’ homes.

ORACIÓN DE LA FAMILIA PARA EL AÑO DE LA FE Oh Dios, Padre NUESTRO, en Jesús llamas a todas las familias y hogares cristianos a ser ejemplos de fe viva.

The fourth was at Our Lady of the Rosary statue by St. Alphonsus Medical Center. The fifth stop was at the newly restored Our Lady of Guadalupe Statue at Blessed Sacrament. They continued the procession to the Kirkpatrick Center where the image of Our Lady was placed on a shrine, made by the parishioners, located at the top of a hill. A Solemn Mass was celebrated by Father Michael Nwokocha and Father Jose Mudakodiyil. After Mass they continued the festivities with a presentation by the Youth Group and dances by a group of families in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The celebration ended with a potluck.

Guiados por la luz del Espíritu Santo, haz que seamos agradecidos por el don de la fe, y que por medio de ese don crezcamos en nuestra relación con Jesús, tu Hijo, y seamos auténticos testigos de esperanza y gozo Cristiano para todos aquellos con los que nos encontremos. En el nombre de Jesucristo, nuestro Señor. Amén. Prayer of St. Ephrem O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, faint-heartedness, lust for power, and idle talk.

BISHOP CARY’S SCHEDULE: Mar. 2 Mar. 6 Mar. 9 Mar. 11 Mar. 12 Mar. 15-16 Mar. 17 Mar. 21 Mar. 28-31 Apr. 6 Apr. 8-12 Apr. 13 Apr. 13-14 Apr. 20-21 Apr. 24 Apr. 25 Apr. 27 Apr. 27-28

Give, rather, the spirit of chastity, humility, patience, and love to Your servant. My Lord and King, grant me to see my own errors and not to judge my brother. For You are blessed from age unto age. Amen. Oración de San Efrén Señor y dueño de mi vida, el espíritu de ocio, de indiscreción, de ambición y de locuacidad, no me lo des. Más el espíritu de castidad, de humildad, de paciencia y de amor, concédemelo a mí, tu siervo. Sí, Señor y Rey, concédeme percibir mis propias ofensas y no juzgar a mis hermanos, porque bendito eres por los siglos de los siglos. Amén. Page 4

Year of Faith Teaching Series (Spanish), Madras NW Religious Superiors Meeting, Beaverton RCIA Retreat, Powell Butte Lenten Penance Service, St. Patrick, Madras Lenten Penance Service, St. Francis of Assisi, Bend Retrouvaille Retreat for Troubled Marriages, Redmond Chastity Presentation, St. Francis, Bend, new Church Chrism Mass, Cathedral, Baker City Holy Week and Easter, Cathedral, Baker City Confirmation, Sacred Heart Priest Retreat, Powell Butte Year of Faith Teaching series, The Dalles Confirmation, St. Mary, Hood River Confirmation, Holy Family, Burns & Mission Churches Confirmation, Blessed Sacrament, Ontario Confiirmation, St. Francis Cathedral, Baker City Year of Faith Teaching series, Baker City Confirmation, St. Patrick, Vale & St. Joseph, Unity