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Teacher Appreciation Week May 1st – 5th, 2017

1 may. 2017 - Thanking our amazing teachers for helping our students. Monday. B Blossom. Bring in a flower for your teacher. Tuesday. L Lots of Chocolate.
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Teacher Appreciation Week May 1st – 5th, 2017 Thanking our amazing teachers for helping our students

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

B L O O M and

Blossom Bring in a flower for your teacher. Lots of Chocolate. Bring in your teacher’s favorite candy. One Gift Bring a gift that your teacher can enjoy over summer vacation. One Compliment Share with your teacher why you think they are great! Make Art Draw a picture for your teacher.

GROW at Poe.

Please join us as we thank our fabulous staff. Don’t forget to visit the Teacher Appreciation Station in the morning to write a thank you note for our fantastic teachers and staff members. Sponsored by Poe Magnet Elementary PTA.

Teacher Appreciation Week May 1st – 5th, 2017 POE Parents, thank you for helping your children participate in Teacher Appreciation Week and thank our teachers and staff. The PTA is also organizing several events during the week for which we need help. We need items donated for the Rise and Shine breakfast on Tuesday morning and snack bar on Thursday. In addition, we need volunteers to cover classrooms during lunch on Friday**. If you are interested in volunteering or can donate items to support these events, please visit our signup page at: or contact Alicia Martinelli at Cell #617-4483747. **Volunteers need to have been approved by Wake County.

La semana del 1 al 5 de mayo es la Semana de Apreciación del Maestro, durante la cual esperamos que se unan a nosotros para mostrar nuestro agradecimiento a nuestros maestros increíbles. Este año estamos agradeciendo a nuestros maestros fabulosos por ayudar a nuestros estudiantes a crecer y aprender:

Lunes Martes Miércoles Jueves Viernes

Trae una flor para tu maestro. Trae la golosina favorita de tu profesor. Trae un regalo que tu profesor puede disfrutar durante las vacaciones de verano. Dale un complemento a tu profesor; dile porqué piensas que !es estupendo! Dibuja una foto para tu profesor.

Familias de POE, gracias por ayudar a sus hijos a participar en la Semana de Agradecimiento a los Maestros y agradecer a nuestros maestros y a el personal. El PTA también está organizando varios eventos durante la semana—y necesitamos su ayuda. Necesitamos comidas donadas para el desayuno “Rise and Shine” el martes por la mañana, y bocadillos para jueves en la tarde. También necesitamos a voluntarios para cubrir las aulas durante el almuerzo el viernes**. Si está interesado en ser voluntario o puede donar comida de desayuno para apoyar estos eventos, visite nuestra página de registro:en: o contacte a: Alicia Martinelli al Celular #617-448-3747. **para ser voluntario, necesita estar en la lista de voluntarios aprobados por el condado de Wake.

Sponsored by Poe Magnet Elementary PTA.