Survey of Mexican Folk Music I. THE GEOGRAPHY OF MEXICAN ...

Guerrero m. Hidalgo n. Jalisco o. México p. Michoacán q. Morelos r. Nayarit s. Nuevo León t. Oaxaca u. Puebla v. Querétaro w. Quintana Roo x. San Luis Potosí.
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Mus337 - map

Midterm Exam - MUS337 - Survey of Mexican Folk Music I. THE GEOGRAPHY OF MEXICAN MUSIC Name the States of Mexico. Write the letter of the state name next to the number that matches the state number on the map. Choose from this list: a. Aguascalientes b. Baja California c. Baja California Sur d. Campeche e. Chiapas f. Chihuahua g. Coahuila h. Colima i. Distríto Federal j. Durango k. Guanajuato l. Guerrero m. Hidalgo

n. Jalisco o. México p. Michoacán q. Morelos r. Nayarit s. Nuevo León t. Oaxaca u. Puebla v. Querétaro w. Quintana Roo x. San Luis Potosí y. Sinaloa z. Sonora

aa. Tabasco bb. Tamaulipas cc. Tlaxcala dd. Veracruz ee. Yucatán ff. Zacatecas

Mus337 - map