May - June - July - August
Summer 2013 ~ Verano 2013 2433 York Street, Blue Island, IL 60406 708.388.1078
Next Stop: Blue Island Vermont Street Blue Island has a rich history which dates back to 1830’s. One of the important aspects of Blue Island’s history includes both freight and commuter trains. The Tech Annex is implementing a new interactive train exhibit to include: 1. An N-scale replica of the Rock Island Metra Commuter train will simulate the route from Joliet, through Blue Island, to downtown Chicago. The model will also feature the Blue Island train yard. 2. Trainz Simulator 12 for users to drive virtual trains around the country. 3. Videos and oral histories about the Metra and Rock Island. The project will be documented with video recordings to preserve how the exhibit was put together. We are looking for oral histories and stories about the Metra and Rock Island to add to the exhibit. If you or anyone you know has such a story, we would love to include it in the exhibit. To tell your story or get involved, please contact Darren Thompson at
Monday - Thursday: 9:00am - 9:00pm Friday & Saturday: 9:00am - 5:00pm Sunday: 1:00pm - 5:00pm Closed Sundays from May 26th-Sept. 1st Monday, May 27, 2013, Memorial Day
Holiday Closings Thursday, July 4, 2013, Independence Day Monday
September 2, 2013, Labor Day
Join the Blue Island Public Library’s Adult Summer Reading Program!
We are challenging all adults and teens (13 and older) to read 5 or more books this summer! Whether you read eBooks, audiobooks, or comics, it all counts toward your goal. Best of all, everyone that reads 5 or more books will receive a voucher for a free treat and chance to win 1 of 3 exciting prizes: a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2, a $50 Amazon card, or a $25 Target card. To participate, simply pick up a Summer Reading Passport at the library. After every book you read, bring it back to get it stamped. Once you’re done reading, turn in your passport to qualify to win one of our hot prizes. The program will begin June 1st and end July 31st. See the Adult Reference Department for more details.
Have Books, Will Travel!
“Have Books, Will Travel” is the theme for this year’s youth summer reading program at the Blue Island Public Library. Registration begins on Monday, June 3, and this year’s journey will see us hosting a range of activities encouraging children to embrace reading for pleasure. Participants will be eligible for prizes upon reaching their reading goals, so make sure your children are signed up and reading to win!
Learn to Create Your Own Story
Helpful staff are available to assist you in creating your own story in the Tech Annex. Assistance with Tech Annex resources include photography, graphic arts using Photoshop, audio production using ProTools and video production using Premiere. Patrons with intermediate computer usage skills are encouraged.
Creativity’s Where It’s @
The Tech Annex will be hosting various programs including but not limited to cooking, painting and drawing, gaming and live music events. Stop by the Tech Annex for details on dates and times of events.
My name is Sonia Rodriguez, and I’ve been part of the library staff for 13 years. Until recently I served in the children’s area. I have just been assigned responsibility for Outreach and Programming to the Library’s Spanish Speaking patrons. I leapt at this opportunity as this is the area where I’ll use my knowledge and experience in program planning to make a very significant and positive impact in our community. I thank the Library Board and the Director for this opportunity and for their confidence. I pledge to them, and to you, to do my very best in this new role. You can contact me at (708) 388-1078 ext. 18 or
Mi nombre es Sonia Rodriguez y he side parte del personal de la biblioteca durante 13 años. Hasta hace poco tiempo,Serví en el area de Servicios a la Juventud. Recientemente, se me dio la responsabilidad de la Programación en Español para la población hispana. Aproveché la oportunidad, ya que es la zona en la que voy a utilizer mis conocimientos y experiencia en la planificación de programas para lograr un impacto significativo y positive en nuestra comunidad diversa.
Your library has a recording studio!
We have drums, guitars, keyboards, amps and percussion instruments for you and/or your band to use. To set up a recording session, contact Darren Thompson.
For questions or appointments, contact Darren Thompson via email
¡Viva Sonia Rodriguez!
Doy gracias a la Junta de la Biblioteca y la Directora por esta oportunidad y confianza. Me comprometo a ellos, y a ustedes hacer lo major en este Nuevo rol. Llamé al (708) 388-1078 ext. 18 o por correo electrónico For the latest videos, audio recordings and more, check out the Tech Annex website:
Board Meetings
The Board meets at 7 pm on the third Wednesday of every month in the Conference Room located on the 1st floor of the library. Summer meeting dates are: May 15, June 19, July 17, and August 21.
Schedule of Events Contact Information Sarah Cottonaro Director 1-708-388-1078 x 14 | Sonia Rodriguez Eventos en Español Darren Thompson Tech Annex & Museum Information 1-708-388-1078 x 28 | Deborah Beasley Children’s, Pre-Teen and Family Information 1-708-388-1078 x 22 | Dan Carroll Programs & Events 1-708-388-1078 x 30 | Hope Standifer Adult Reference & Reader Services 1-708-388-1078 x 21 |
EVENTOS EN ESPANOL MAYO 5 de Mayo - Recepción de Libros Nuevos en Español Domingo, 5 de Mayo, 2:00 - 4:00pm La biblioteca celebra el 5 de Mayo con libros nuevos de Mexico! Estos libros fueron comprados en la Feria de Libros de Guadalajara, Mexico. Sea el primero en llevarse a casa este nuevo material desde libros, música y películas. Habrá música en vivo y antojitos mejicanos. No se lo pierda!
JUNIO La Hora del Cuento Los Jueves, 6, 13 y 20 de Junio, 11:00am - 12:15pm La familia con hijos menores esta invitada a escuchar cuentos con la Señora Rodriguez. Habrá manualidades y actividades divertidas. Feria Artesanal en el Parque MetroSouth (Western & York) Viernes,14 de Junio, 11:00am - 2:00pm Habrá objectos únicos de decoración, artículos de tejido y cristal, corte y confección de ropa, joyas y mucho más. Los artistas comparten sus técnicas y promueven sus cursos. Habrá entretenimiento para los niños. Clase de Arte, Pintando en Cristal Para Adultos Martes y Miercoles,18 y 19 de Junio, 1:00 - 2:30pm Empieze a guardar tus artículos de vidrio desechable o quizas te gustaría pintar una decoración a una copa o un florero. Es necesario inscribirse para este curso antes del 14 de Junio. Limite de participantes 20.
JULIO La Hora del Cuento Jueves, 11 y 18 de Julio,11:00am - 12:15pm La familia con hijos menores esta invitada a escuchar cuentos con la Señora Rodriguez. Habrá manualidades y acividades divertidas. Feria Artesanal en el Parque MetroSouth (Western & York) Viernes, 12 de Julio, 11:00am - 2:00pm Habrá objectos únicos de decoración, artículos de tejido y cristal, Corte y confección de ropa, joyas , bolsas de rafia y mucho mas. Los artistas comparten sus técnicas y promueven sus cursos.
Clase de Tejido con Hilo Rafia para Adultos Miercoles y Jueves, 17, 18, 24, 25 y 31 de Julio, 12:00 - 2:00pm Quieres aprender hacer tus propios bolsos con hilo de rafia? Trae tu propio material para aprender. Te diremos que material traer cuando te inscribas antes del 12 de Julio. Limite a 12 participantes. Clase de Arte Para Niños Martes y Miercoles, 23 y 24 de Julio, 1:00 - 2:30pm Te gusta pintar como un artista? Pues ven a diseñar tu propia camisa, bolso o gorro con pintura acrílica! Niños de 6 a 11 años pueden participar. Es necesario inscribirse antes del 19 de Julio. Limite a 20 participantes.
AGOSTO Clase de Tejido con Hilo Rafia para Adultos, Continua Miercoles y Jueves, 2, 7, 8, 14 y 15 de Agosto, 12:00 - 2:00pm Dias de Inscripciones Para Clases de Inglés, Nivel 1 Miercoles y Jueves 28 y 29 de Agosto 10:00am - 12:00pm Inscripciones para clases de Inglés en la biblioteca. Curso comenzará el 25 de Septiembre.
Library Events & Programs
Event codes: ‘A’ adult event | ‘C’ children’s event | ‘F’ family event
‘YA’ teen event | ‘T’ tech annex event | ‘G’ general all ages event
MAY Dial-A-Drama (C) (F) Ages 9+ 3:00 pm, Wednesday, May 8th Participants can create their own television show using original stories and illustrations and assembling a television model! Creative Portraits Class (G) (T) 4:00 pm Thursday, May 9th Create unique portraits with every day words in a not-so-every-day way. All art supplies furnished. Contact Darren at dthompson@ or 709-388-1078 x 28 for more information. Open Mic Night (G) (T) 5 pm-8 pm Thursday, May 9th Illinois Fallen Heroes Traveling Memorial Wall (G) 12-4:00 pm, Sunday May 19th at Memorial Park 12804 S. Highland The Wall honoring Illinois Service Members lost in Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom will be displayed beginning at noon with a formal ceremony starting at 2 pm followed by a Patriotic Concert offered by the Encore Concert Band. The afternoon is offered in tribute to the men and women of the United States Military by the City of Blue Island, the Illinois Patriot Guard in cooperation with several Southland Veteran’s Organizations, the Blue Island Park District and the Blue Island Public Library. Contact Dan at or 708-388-1078 x 30 for more information.
JUNE Open Mic Night (G) (T) 5 pm-8 pm Thursday, June 13th Geronimo Stilton Children’s Book Club (C) (F) Ages 7-10 2:30 pm, Wednesday, June 12, June 19, June 26, July 17, July 31, August 14
Schedule of Events Participants create a passport to be stamped after each exciting adventure racing around the world and solving mysteries with Geronimo! Participants read chapter books independently, share their favorite parts of the story and complete story related activities. Children’s Events (C) (F) Mondays, June 3rd –July 29th 10 am: Lap Sit Stories: Helps parents develop lifetime reading skills in their children, for parents and children from birth to 3 years of age. School District 130’s “Family First” and “Cradle to Classroom” staffers offer a full hour of songs, games, and stories. 11 am: Pre-school Stories: For parents and children from 3-5 yrs. of age, 30 minutes of stories, crafts and videos with Mrs. Beasley 12 pm: Crochet for Children: For children ages 8 and up, learn how to crochet. Supplies furnished. Registration required. Making African Tribal Masks. (C) (F) 3:30 pm, Thursday June 6th “Subway Ride” by Heather Lynn Miller (C) (F) Ages 6-8 2:30 pm, Thursday June 13th The book will be read aloud and a related craft will follow. Making Summer Glow Lamps (C) (F) 3:00 pm, Tuesday, June 18th The book will be read aloud and a related craft will follow. Michael Basin in Concert (A) 1:00 pm, Thursday, June 20th, Salvation Army Center, 2900 W. 127th St. Enjoy an inexpensive lunch beginning at 11:00 am followed by the music of Pianist Michael Basin at 1:00 pm. Sponsored by the Blue Island Senior Office and Library. Contact Rita Pacyga at 708-3885735 to reserve a seat. Michael Basin in Concert (A) 1:00 pm on the fourth Saturday of the month June-August at Blue Island Memorial Park’s Swimming Pool Roof, 12804 S. Highland Sponsored by the Blue Island Park District and Library. Contact Darren for more information. The Civil War: Civil War Field Embalming (G) - Ticketed Event 7:00 pm on Tuesday, June 25th at Krueger Funeral Home, 13050 S. Greenwood. (Alternate site, Blue Island Historical Society, 13018 S. Maple, Blue Island.) Dr. Benjamin Lyford, (Jon Austin), a Union Army Field Surgeon at Gettysburg, explains methods and practices used to respectfully prepare those Lincoln called, “the Honored Dead” for interment. The evening is sponsored by the Krueger Funeral Home, the Blue Island Historical Society and Library, and the Illinois Humanities Council. Contact Dan Carroll for more information. Making Color Splash Velvet Posters (C) (F) 2:30pm on Thursday, June 27th
Open Mic Night (G) (T) 5 pm-8 pm Thursday, July 11th African Dance (Recurrent) (C) (F) Grades K-6 4:00 pm Wednesdays, July 17th to August 21st. Dianna Stewart teaches children how to communicate artistically through traditional African dance. Contact Darren for more information. Planting and Growing (G) Friday, July 19th TGIF Healthy Food Songs with Anna Strange. Making Wooden Star Frame Flower Pot Craft (C) (F) 2:30 pm on Thursday, July 25th Making a Navigator Medallion Compass (C) (F) Ages 7+ 2:30pm on Monday July 29th Summer of High Strangeness!: Our Annual Paranormal Salute to Art Bell (G) - Ticketed Event Begins July 30th - See August Section for complete Series Information!. 7:00 pm on Tuesday, July 30th Dale Kaczmarek of the Ghost Research Society explains the “how to” of ghost hunting. Dale will bring some of the technical equipment ghost hunters use to investigate possible haunted sites. This is a ticketed event.
AUGUST Summer of High Strangeness!: Our Annual Paranormal Salute to Art Bell (G) - Ticketed Event 7:00 pm on Tuesdays, July 30th-August 20th • July 30th: Dale Kaczmarek of the Ghost Research Society explains the “how to” of ghost hunting. Dale will bring some of the technical equipment ghost hunters use to investigate possible haunted sites. • August 6th: “What Psychics ‘See’ that We Don’t”: A panel of Psychics explain how they exercise their ‘abilities. • August 13th: Greg Vogel speaks about “The Archeology of Illinois’ Great Natural Disasters, Past and FUTURE!” Greg’s presentation is made possible by a grant from the Illinois Humanities Council. • August 20th: Paranormal Researcher Sam Maranto records another episode of his “Paranormal Radio Open Lines Show”. Audience members are invited to share stories of their own encounters with the paranormal. The Flying Dragon Room by Audrey Wood (C) (F) Ages 3-5 2:30pm on Thursday August 1st Travel back in time to a magical place of pirates and dragons! Explore fruits and vegetables with Mrs. Egan as she reads the story about Mrs. Jenkins and her travels. Children must be with a caregiver. Open Mic Night (G) (T) 5 pm-8 pm Thursday, August 8th
Rules of the Road Class (A) 1:30 pm on Monday, July 8th The office of the Secretary of State prepares drivers for the written License Renewal Test. Reservations are suggested. Contact Dan at 708-388-1078 x 30 to reserve a spot.
NOT For Seniors Only! Bill Helmuth Takes You on “The World’s Greatest Railway Journeys!” (A) 1:00 pm on Thursday, August 29th at Salvation Army Center, 2900 W 127th St. An inexpensive lunch begins at 11:00 am, the Journey begins at 1:00 pm. Sponsored by the Blue Island Senior Office and the Library. Contact Rita Pacyga at 708-388-5735 to reserve a seat.
Making Glow in the Dark Moon and Stars Craft. (C) (F) 2:30pm on Thursday, July 11th
Unless otherwise noted, Free Tickets for ‘Ticketed Events’ may be obtained at the Library’s Main Desk.