vosotros (in Spain) ustedes (in Latin America) vosotros (vosotras if “tú” is also female) ustedes (in Latin America). RULE # 2. (anyone) y tú = vosotros(as)/ustedes.
When talking about yourself, we use the 1st person pronoun “yo”.
When “I” am part of a group
yo I
Jorge and I Jorge y yo
nosotros we
Esteban y yo Ana y yo
nosotros nosotros - nosotras* *if “yo” is also female
José, Juan y yo
nosotros RULE # 1
(anyone) y yo = nosotros/nosotras
When “you” are part of a group
you all
(familiar Spain)
you all (Formal Spain) you all (in Latin America)
vosotros (in Spain) Esteban y tú ustedes (in Latin America) vosotros (vosotras if “tú” is also female) Ana y tú ustedes (in Latin America) vosotros (in Spain) José, Juan y tú ustedes (in Latin America) RULE # 2
(anyone) y tú = vosotros(as)/ustedes
Sr. Villa y usted Ana y usted
ustedes ustedes
Sra. López, Juan y usted
RULE # 2 continued
(anyone) y usted = ustedes
When talking ABOUT a group of people, we use the 3rd person pronouns.
they (males or mixed)
they (females only)
Esteban y Diego Ana y Lola José, Juan y Eva
ellos Remember:
Lola = ella Miguel = él
ellos RULE # 3
(name) y (name) = ellos or ellas
When talking about a SINGULAR NOUN, we use the 3rd person SING. pronouns.
la señora
el profesor
él RULE # 4
(singular noun) = él or ella
When talking about a PLURAL NOUN, we use the 3rd person PLURAL pronouns.