Start Date: ... after the finish date, or the medication will be destroyed in accordance with the law. I hereby release St. Paul Catholic School and their agents and ...
Students receiving or taking any medications at school must have a written order form from a doctor or dentist licensed to practice in Indiana, as well as a parental permission form on file in the Nurse’s office. If the Nurse does not know what medications a student may be taking, she/he cannot function effectively in the event of an emergency situation. In the absence of the School Nurse, a trained staff will be designated to administer medications. In the event that no school personnel is available to administer medications, the responsibility reverts to the parent/guardian. All medication must be in original manufacturers or pharmacy-labeled containers. Student’s Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _____________ Last
Name of medication: ______________________________ Dose:____________________________ Frequency/Instructions: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Reason for prescribing: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Start Date: ______________________________
Finish Date: ____________________________
Side effects to watch for: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Is this a controlled drug?
Parent/Legal Guardian Permission I give to the School Nurse or designated school staff, my permission to administer the above-prescribed medication to my child. I understand that unused medication must be picked up no later than two weeks after the finish date, or the medication will be destroyed in accordance with the law. I hereby release St. Paul Catholic School and their agents and employees from all liability that may result from my child taking the prescribed medication. _________________________________________________________________ Parent/Legal Guardian Signature
_____________________ Date
Formulario de autorización de medicamentos de estudiante
Estudiantes recibiendo o tomando algún medicamento en la escuela deben tener una forma de orden escrita de un médico o dentista con licencia para practicar en Indiana, así como una forma de permiso parental en los archivos de la oficina de la enfermera. Si la enfermera no sabe qué medicamentos puede tomar un estudiante, él/ella no puede funcionar con eficacia en caso de una situación de emergencia. En ausencia de la enfermera escolar, será designado un personal capacitado para administrar medicamentos. En caso de que no hay personal de la escuela está disponible para administrar medicamentos, revierte la responsabilidad a los padres/tutores. Todos los medicamentos deben estar en contenedores marcados con farmacia o fabricantes originales. Nombre Estudiante: ______________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _____________ Último
Nombre del medicamento: _________________________________ dosis: ________________________ Frecuencia/instrucciones: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Razón para prescribir: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Fecha de Inicio: __________________________ Fecha de finalización: __________________________ efectos secundarios que debe observar: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Es un medicamento controlado? Sí No ___________________________________________
Firma del médico/odontólogo
Teléfono número
Permiso de padres/Legal Guardian Dar a la enfermera escolar o designado personal de la escuela, mi permiso para administrar la medicación prescrita por encima a mi hijo. Entiendo que medicamentos no utilizados deben ser recogidos tardar dos semanas después de la fecha de fin, o los medicamentos serán destruidos conforme a la ley. Por la presente libero escuela católica de St. Paul y sus agentes y empleados de toda responsabilidad que pueda resultar de mi niño que toma la medicación prescrita. ___________________________________________________________________ Firma de Padre/Tutor
responsibility for monitoring the effects of this medication. Medication will be delivered to the school nurse or the designated person giving the ... Town ...
School District, the following information must be completed for school personnel to dispense or ... _____ Delavan-Darien High School-FAX: 262-728-9713.
4 jun. 2016 - In the Council Bluffs Community School District, students will be assigned a Google Apps Education Account that includes email and other Google services without written consent. Code of Conduct. By signing this form, I acknowledge that
I certify that I am the parent, legal guardian, or other person in legal control of the above identified student and request and authorize the school to administer the ...
3 oct. 2011 - NOTE (NOTA): The Field trip has an academic purpose, if your child will not be able to attend, he/she will be assigned a special project ...
Las ausencias justificadas están definidas como ausencias por enfermedad, lesiones, citas ...... fútbol soccer femenino, voleibol, baloncesto, lucha, tenis, pista, softbol, béisbol y fútbol ...... pudieran estar a lo largo de la ciudad, el país, o el
While observing the health of your child, the teacher and/or nurse have noted ... Medication/ Dosage prescribed. Frequency. Duration (number of days). At home: ...
15 sept. 2018 - Please note that this notice shall remain in effect for the 2018/19 school year only. Permission to Publish Revocation Form. My signature below ...
give Parenting Partners™ permission to use any photos and/or stories of mine in newsletters, brochures, other publications or media to support this organization ...
4 jun. 2016 - Code of Conduct. By signing this form, I acknowledge that I can access, at, the 2016-17 District-Wide. Student & Family ...
for the management of chronic conditions must be accompanied by written ... All sample medications provided by a physician for school administration require ... vitamins, or over-the-counter health products) on their person; in their lunch box, ...
The Education Code defines certain requirements for the administration of medication in the school setting, including field trips and after school programs.
our Physical Education classes will be participating in an in-house skating program. The skates will be delivered directly to the school. Due to insurance ...
Además libero a la escuela y su personal de cualquier responsabilidad resultante de cualquier efecto negativo que el medicamento pueda causar cuando ...
The authorization will be kept on file in the nurse's office. C. In the absence ... E. Any medication requiring administration longer than a two-week period must be.
Favor de escribir el nombre de su niño y indique si puede participar en la excursión. â¡ Yes, my child can attend. SÃ, mi niño puede participar. â¡ No, my child ...
I request and authorize school personnel from the Delavan-Darien School District to administer medication to the above named student. Name of medication: ...