St. Stephen's News - St. Stephen Catholic School

31 mar. 2017 - h meditation. (English). (Spanish) on – Divine or Confirma. (English). (Spanish). (Polish) on e 12th Anniv hool children for students for students.
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St. Stephen’s News With Faith, Hope and Love we will make the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Editor: Wendy Vanderhoof

March 31, 2017

Parent/Sponsor Meeting

Mark your calendars Sunday April 2nd at 9:00am and Wednesday April 5th at 4:45pm St. Stephen Church The meeting is required for parents of children receiving First Communion and parents and sponsors of children receiving Confirmation this school year. For your convenience you may attend either of the meetings. Please call Rick Padrnos at 945-6673 x107 with any questions.

Reunión de Padres / Padrinos Marca tu calendario Domingo 2 de Abril a las 9:00 am Y Miércoles 5 de Abril a las 4:45 pm Iglesia San Esteban

La reunión es requerida para los padres de niños que recibirán la Primera Comunión y para los padres y padrinos de los niños que reciben la Confirmación este año escolar. Para su conveniencia usted puede asista a cualquiera de las dos reuniones Por favor llame a Rick Padrnos al 945-6673 x107 con cualquier pregunta.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12th 7:00-8:00am in the Parish Hall Start your day off with an all you can eat plate of pancakes, sausage, coffee and orange juice for only $5 All proceeds benefit our Middle School Builders Club, and this is our last pancake breakfast for the school year. Thank you for your support!

THURSDAY MASS—April 6th 2017:

Our worship leaders will be members of our staff and our altar servers will be made up of students from the 4th and 7th grades, the bread servers are from the 1st grade and the wine servers are from the 2nd grade. Please join us!! Altar Servers:

Raymond Rosemerkel, Meritxell Ramirez, Ryan Delgadillo, and Aislynn Hoffman

Wine Servers:

Valeria Castillo and Valentina Castillo

Bread Servers:

Thea VanDyke and Hunter Zegarski


Our Lady of Fatima arrives, see detailed schedule attached.


Parent/Sponsor Mtg at 9am in the Church


School Rosary for Peace at 9:00am –Please join us!!


10-11am Lessons about Our Lady for 5th-8th grades


11am-12pm Lessons about Our Lady for K-4th grades


3rd Quarter Report Cards go home


Parent/Sponsor Mtg at 4:45pm the Church


3rd Qtr Honor Roll Presentation


Jersey/Scout Day (uniform bottoms) OR Fish Fry shirt w/jeans


Last Fish Fry!!


Palm Sunday

ATTACHMENTS  Our Lady of Fatima Statue Schedule Spring Gala

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St. Stephen’s News

UPCOMING STATIONS OF THE CROSS: During the Friday’s of Lent (when we are in school) we will be praying the stations of the cross at 2:30pm in the Church. We hope you will join us during this service. FECHAS PARA LOS VIA CRUCIS: Durante la cuaresma, los estudiantes rezaran el vía crucis (cuando estén presente en la escuela) los viernes siguientes a las 2:30pm. Por favor de acompañarnos. Friday, April 7th

IMPORTANT SACRAMENTAL DATES Confirmation Practice: Wednesday, May 10th at 6:30pm in the Church, led by Fr. Bert. First Communion Practice: Thursday, May 4th from 4pm to 5:15pm in the Church First Communion: Will be celebrated as a bilingual Mass on Saturday, May 6th at 10:00am Confirmation: Thursday, May 11th at 7:00pm

FECHAS IMPORTANTES SOBRE SACRAMENTOS: Ensayo para la Confirmación: miercóles, 10 de marzo a las 6:30pm en la Iglesia San Esteban, dirigido por Padre Bert. Ensayo para la Primera Comunión: jueves, 4 de mayo a las 4pm en la Iglesia San Esteban. Primera Comunión: la celebración será bilingüe el dia 6 de mayo a las 10am en la Iglesia San Esteban. Confirmación: la celebración será el jueves, 11 de mayo a las 7pm.

HOT LUNCH PROGRAM The last day of our Hot Lunch Program was Thursday, March 30th. We would love to entertain other options in order to continue offering this service to our students. If there is a group of parents who would like to organize a NEW HOT LUNCH PROGRAM, we would love to hear from you. Maybe you know of a caterer who would be willing to offer healthy lunch options, or maybe you have a great contact at a local restaurant who would provide a lunch, or maybe you have a group of parents who love to cook healthy meals, whatever the option is...we are interested. Please contact Mrs. Oliver to submit your ideas and make a plan.

PROGRAMA DE HOT LUNCH El ultimo día del programa Hot Lunch fue el Jueves, 30 de marzo. Quisiéramos tener opciones para continuar sirviendo a nuestros estudiantes de esta manera. Si usted esta interesado en organizar un nuevo programa de Hot Lunch, por favor de comunicarse con la directora Oliver. Gracias.

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St. Stephen’s News

It’s that time of year again!! Time for the Youth For Christ – Run for Youth on Sunday, May 7, at 1:00 p.m. Youth for Christ is a local organization that mentors the Valley’s youth and helps local youths raise money for summer camps and mission trips. Youth for Christ is teaming up with our school again to help us raise money for our kids. Any student who wants to run in the race is welcome. The race is at the high school and will last for one hour. If students raise at least $50, Youth for Christ will split all money raised by the students 50/50. Youth for Christ is also offering the opportunity for our school to have a concession stand at the race and 100% of those proceeds will go to our school. If you are interested in running the race or operating a concession stand please contact Michel Field at 970-379-0559.

PLEASE CHECK LOST AND FOUND...we have a growing cupboard of lost things!!! EASTER LILY PLANT SALES: Easter will be here before you know now is a good time to get your Easter Lilly plant. They also make great gifts to your family and friends. Packets went home with your children early this week, so be sure to look for it. All orders and money are due to the school office by the end of the school day on Monday, April 3rd. Lirios Pascuales de Venta: Pascua esta por llegar y ahora es el tiempo de comprar sus lirios pascuales. Hacen excelente regalos. Las formas para ordenar sus flores fueron enviadas esta semana. Forma de ordenes y dinero debe regresase antes del lunes, 3 de abril. Gracias.

Our Lad dy of Faatima Staatue Amerrican Peace Tour St. Stepheen Parissh and Scchool A April 1-3,, 2017 urday – Ap pril 1st Satu 3: 00 0 pm

Ourr Lady Statuue arrives att St. Stephenn Church

3:15 5 pm

Firsst Saturday Rosary R withh meditationns

4:30 0-5:30 pm


5:30 0 pm

Ourr Lady of Faatima Talk (English) (

6:00 0-7:00 pm


7:00 0-7:30 pm

Ourr Lady of Faatima Talk (Spanish) (

7:30 0-10 pm

Expposition andd Benedictio on – Divine Mercy Chaaplet – Privaate Prayers

Sun nday – April 2 8:00 0 am


9:00 0 am

Pareent/Sponsorr Meeting fo or Confirmaation

10:0 00 am


11:0 00-11:30 am m

Ourr Lady of Faatima Talk (English) (

12:0 00 pm


1:00 0 pm

Ourr Lady of Faatima Talk (Spanish) (

4:30 0 pm

Masss (Polish)

5:30 0 pm

Ourr Lady of Faatima Talk (Polish) (

6:00 0-8:00 pm

Expposition andd Benedictio on Proccession to celebrate c thee 12th Annivversary of Saint S John Paul P II’s deaath.

Mon nday- Apriil 3 9:00 0 am

Rossary for Peaace with sch hool childrenn

10:0 00-11:00 am m

Lessons about Our Lady for f students in grades 5-8

11:0 00-12:00 am m

Lessons about Our Lady for f students in grades K-4 K

12:0 00 – 4:00 pm m

Ourr Lady will be b availablee for public viewing, visitation andd privvate pilgrim mage

Our Lady L of Fattima religious goods will w be availaable in our newly n remoodeled Gift S Shop.