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St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church

19 may. 2019 - St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception is a Catholic Community of Believers ... 816 Park Dr. La Porte, Texas 77571 .... Su donación se puede hacer como una promesa a pagar durante un .... St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store.
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St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Archdiocese of Galveston Houston

816 Park Dr. La Porte, Texas 77571 281-471-2000 Fax:281-471-9365 E-mail:[email protected] Parish Office Hours Monday - Friday 9:00 am-12:00 Noon 1:00 pm-4:00 pm

Sacrament of Baptism Baptisms are celebrated on the 1st Sunday of the month. Classes are held on the 2nd & 3rd Tuesday of each month. Please come by the Parish Office to register or call for more information. CCE Office Hours During Reconciliation CCE School Year: The Sacrament of Penance is offered on Saturdays, from Sunday 8:30 am-12:00 pm 4:30p.m. to 5:30p.m. or by appointment. Sacrament of Marriage Eucharistic Celebrations Please contact the Parish Office at least (6) six months priSaturday: 6:00 p.m. or to your desired wedding date to arrange a meeting with Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m., Father Tony or one of the Deacons. If you want a 12:30 p.m. (Spanish) Mass, you must call Father Tony. 4:00 p.m. Life Teen Mass Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Are you a non-Catholic who is interested in joining the St. Joseph’s Chapel Catholic faith? Are you a baptized Catholic who has Monday (No Mass) never received the sacraments of 1st Communion and Tuesday – 12:00 noon Confirmation? If your answer is yes to either of these Wednesday – 8:30 a.m. & questions, call the Parish Office. (1st Wednesday Only 6:30 p.m.) Thursday, & Friday – 8:30 a.m. Sacrament of First Communion First Communion candidates must be baptized, at least in Parish Staff the second grade, and have been attending CCE classes for two full years previous to their receiving the SacraRev. Tony A. Castro, Pastor ment. Adults needing First Communion should refer to the Deacon Hector Cantu rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Deacon Julio Matallana Sacrament of Confirmation Deacon Stan Avallone Confirmation candidates must have previously received Bookkeeper-Nelda Shealy the Sacraments of Baptism and First Communion. They Bulletin/Sacramental Records– must have faithfully attended Life Teen for at least one full Cheryl Frobenius year prior to beginning preparation for the Sacrament Maintenance– Steve Regan (more than three absences without a valid excuse can alter Parish Secretary-Debbie Heasty the process). A signed form stating that the parent/guardian Receptionist-Peggy Holland and the candidate understand all requirements is also C.C.E. Director-Jessica Jaramilllo necessary before the preparation begins. Adults needing EDGE Director-Randy Tercero confirmation should refer to the Rite of Christian initiation Life Teen Director-Shari Davis of adults.

Vision Statement

St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception is a Catholic Community of Believers called to serve Christ by gathering together at the Lord’s Table in worship and praise, by serving our brothers and sisters in Christ, and by being a welcoming beacon of light to all. We are many parts, yet one body in Christ.

DIOCESAN SERVICES FUND Saturday, May 11: 6:00m All Mothers Living & Deceased Sunday, May 12: 7:30am All Mothers Living & Deceased 10:00am All Mothers Living & Deceased 12:30pm All Mothers Living & Deceased 4:00pm All Mothers Living & Deceased Tuesday, May 14: 12:00pm Jerry Verret† By Angeles Sullivan Wednesday, May15: 8:30am Special Intention Llinda Robles Thursday, May 16: 8:30am Marta Kurta† By Cyril & Steven Kurta Friday, May 17: 8:30am Marcy Salinas† By Ruben & Irene Salinas Saturday, May 18: 6:00pm 35th Ordination Anniversary Fr. Tony Castro Sunday, May 19: 7:30am John Mills† By:Mark & Kathy McBride 10:00am 35th Ordination Anniversary Fr. Tony Castro 12:30pm 35th Ordination Anniversary Fr. Tony Castro 4:00pm People of the Parish Spring Is Here… Need a New Ride?

2016 Kubota (268 Hours) Z724kw - 54 Zero Turn Mower

Asking $6,000.

User’s Manuel and all paperwork available. Original Price $8, 100.

If you are interested, or would like to come by and look at it, please call the office during regular office hours @ 281-471-2000.

“Do Not Neglect to Share What you Have”

Parish Goal 2019 $52,000.00

Amount Pledged: $36,730.00 Amount Paid: $27,030.00 (51.98%) Total # of Participants 95

If you have not already offered your pledge in this year’s Diocesan Services Fund (DSF), please do so today. DSF 2019 reminds us, the Church, to Not Neglect to Share What you Have, and through our willingness to share our blessings, benefit ministries that serve thousands and thousands of our brothers and sisters in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. With your generous support of DSF, you offer praise to God and care to the many pressing needs that cannot be addressed individually or by one parish alone. Our parish goal for 2019 is $52,000. With every parish family’s full participation, we will surely exceed this amount advancing the work of the Church in our community. To give online, please visit For those of you who have already responded with a gift, please accept our sincere gratitude.

IGNITE CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Our Faith, Our Mission Begins! Addressing the Short and Long-term Needs of Our Church and those God calls us to serve. All parishes in the Archdiocese of GalvestonHouston are joining together for the IGNITE Campaign. We seek to raise over $150 million over the next 4 years to prepare our faith family for the future. At its heart, this campaign is about supporting our future by focusing on our parishes, our future priests, Catholic Education and Faith Formation as well as Rebuilding in Light of Harvey and ensuring a future Disaster Fund. Please take time during the next few weeks to learn more about the campaign and the needs we will address together. Please prayerfully consider your commitment!

Dear parish family, IGNITE COMMITMENT Sunday You may have received the letter, you may have seen the presentation video, or have already attended one of the Information meetings regarding the IGNITE: OUR FAITH, OUR MISSION. Now comes the Sunday we do our parish commitment to the Archdiocesan Capital Campaign. This is the largest in years for a big reason that will squarely address the needs at the present and above all benefit the generations to come. There are six urgent factors that come together to form the catalyst for this historic campaign: The necessity to not only repair the damages from Hurricane Harvey but to better prepare the Archdiocese to address these needs for future disasters, the need to modernize St. Mary’s Seminary, the need to protect and provide access to quality Catholic School Education and Faith Formation, and the growth of our parishes and Archdiocese. After prayerful consideration, Cardinal DiNardo, along with the pastors, and the leadership of the Archdiocese, has placed before us a challenge to raise $ 150 million. All parishes have their goals to reach depending on its size in a span of four years. Our goal to reach is $ 470 and 33 percent will come back to us for our parish renovations or improvements. Everyone is asked to be part of this effort; however, not everyone is asked to give the same amount. Your contribution is a faithful response to how generous God has been to you. Not everyone can make same gift, however, everyone can make the same sacrifice. Your gift can be made as a pledge payable over a four-year period on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annual basis. Your campaign pledge is a restricted gift, used solely for the case elements of this Campaign (please refer to the brochure and corresponding budget). Pledges are not legally binding but rather an indication of your intention to donate. We cannot also be penalized if we do not reach our goal in four years. However after reaching our goal, 67% of money over goal will be given back to us. We can surely reach it when we do a sacrificial offering in our individual capacities. Blessings to all and HAPPY MOTHERS DAY! Fr. Tony Querida familia parroquial, DOMINGO DELCOMPROMISO IGNITO Es posible que haya recibido la carta, que haya visto el video de presentación o que ya haya asistido a una de las reuniones informativas sobre IGNITE: NUESTRA FE, NUESTRA MISIÓN. Ahora llega el domingo que hacemos nuestro compromiso parroquial con la Campaña Arquidiocesana. Esta campaña es la más grande en años por una gran razón que abordará directamente las necesidades en el presente y, sobre todo, beneficiará a las generaciones venideras. Hay seis factores urgentes que se unen para formar el catalizador de esta campaña histórica: la necesidad no solo de reparar los daños causados por el huracán Harvey, sino de preparar mejor a la Arquidiócesis para hacer frente a estas necesidades de desastres futuros, la necesidad de modernizar el Seminario de Santa María. , la necesidad de proteger y proporcionar acceso a la educación escolar católica y la formación en la fe, y el crecimiento de nuestras parroquias y Arquidiócesis. Después de la consideración en oración, el Cardenal DiNardo, junto con los pastores y el liderazgo de la Arquidiócesis, nos ha presentado el desafío de recaudar $ 150 millones. Todas las parroquias tienen sus objetivos para alcanzar dependiendo de su tamaño en un lapso de cuatro años. Nuestra meta de alcanzar es de $ 470 mil y el 33 por ciento regresará a nosotros para las renovaciones o mejoras de nuestra parroquia. A todos se les pide ser parte de este esfuerzo; Sin embargo, no se pide a todos que den la misma cantidad. Tu contribución es una respuesta fiel a lo generoso que Dios ha sido contigo. No todos pueden hacer el mismo regalo, sin embargo, todos pueden hacer el mismo sacrificio. Su donación se puede hacer como una promesa a pagar durante un período de cuatro años sobre una base mensual, trimestral, semestral o anual. Su compromiso de campaña es un regalo restringido, utilizado únicamente para los elementos de esta Campaña (consulte el folleto y el presupuesto correspondiente). Las promesas no son legalmente vinculantes, sino más bien una indicación de su intención de donar. Tampoco podemos ser penalizados si no alcanzamos nuestra meta en cuatro años. Sin embargo, después de alcanzar nuestra meta, se nos devolverá el 67% del dinero por encima de la meta. Seguramente podemos alcanzarlo cuando hacemos una ofrenda de sacrificio en nuestras capacidades individuales. ¡Bendiciones a todos y FELIZ DÍA DE LA MADRE! P. Tony

Ministry Schedule May 18 & 19, 2019 SATURDAY 6:00pm Altar Servers Andrew Nguyen, John Paul Nguyen Lector Pat Stanton Commentator Tim Hughes Extraordinary Ministers Joe Sturm, Kathy Sturm of the Eucharist SUNDAY-7:30am Altar Servers Alex Molina, Natalie Molina Lector Neall Broussard Commentator Susie Burgess Extraordinary Ministers Diana Ortiz, Robert Ortiz of the Eucharist SUNDAY-10:00am Altar Servers Sophia Melton, Isabella Melton Lector Cindy Bremer Commentator Tracy Avallone Extraordinary Ministers Greg Bremer, Eloy Lara of the Eucharist SUNDAY-12:30pm (Spanish) Altar Servers Jasmine Rodriguez, Victor E. Velasquez Lectors Enrique Rincan, Marielena Constantivo Extraordinary Ministers Victor Velasquez, of the Eucharist Juanita Velasquez SUNDAY-4:00pm Altar Server Ean Lopez, Eros Lopez Lector Jason Woods Extraordinary Ministers Joe Lopez, Cecilia Lopez of the Eucharist

May 4 & 5, 2019 Weekly Goal $12,000.00 Sunday Collection $11,247.28 April On-Line Giving $1,851.00 Special Projects Donation $15,010.90

Activities of the Week

Sunday, May 12: All Masses IGNITE SIGN-UP ~ COMMITMENT WEEKEND ~ Monday, May 13: Novena for the Holy Spirit , Chapel 6-9pm Tuesday, May 14: Baptism Class (English) Wednesday, May 15: Thursday, May 16: RCIA 6pm Friday, May17:Spanish Prayer Group 7pm Saturday, May 18: Grief Share 9:00am EDGE Lock-In Rosary Hall 7pm

Imposter Priest Email/Texting Scams

In recent months, there have been numerous reports in Texas of individuals impersonating a parish priest and soliciting donations - normally in the form of gift cards -from members of their St. Mary’s Family Bazaar congregation. Last month, the Attorney Sunday, October 20, 2019 General of Texas issued a related consumer alert. Please notify the church Nine Week Novena Join us in praying a nine-week novena for a office immediately if you receive any fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit at St. unfamiliar donation requests in order to Mary’s. We began April 8 and will help stop such scams. continue until Pentecost on June 9. We will begin each week with 3 hours of Adoration in the chapel on Monday evenings from 69pm. Come for as much or as little of the Adoration time as you can, and if you can’t come to Adoration at all you can still join us in prayer and meditation with special intentions for each week. Email Tracy at [email protected] for information and/ or to sign up to receive our weekly meditations and intentions by email.


May 11/12:Wedding of Efrain Gracia & Anisa Ramos

Chapel Flowers In Loving Memory of Marta Kurta By Cyril & Steven Kurta

Available Dates for Altar Flowers 2019 June 1/2, 8/9, 29/30 July 6/7, 27/28 Aug. 3/4, 1011, 17/18, 24/25 To place flowers on the altar contact Jan Hughes @ 281–402-5401 or 903-780-5090.

Please Pray For Our Troops and …

Ernest Corkell, Brenda & Sid Kokes, Ruth Christian & Family, Laura Jaramillo, Rick Novak, Alexandria Riley, Brigitta Dobmeier, Rosie Hernandez, John “Blackie” Odam, Joel Rivera, Paul Newman, Maryellen Carew, Martha Love, Jonathan McBride, Hope Villarreal, Susan Massey, Charlie & Rosemarie Michna, Mr. Zamora Lawrence Farias, Alma P., George Hanson, Linda Zeller, Oscar Cantu, Alan Buxkemper, Andrea Pina, Pam Nunley, Hector Castro, Cody Frankoviac, Tim Sturm, Isaac Aaron Torres, Dena Michna, Craig Wade, Jennifer Wade, Bob & Barbara Jennings, Dianne Lemons, Paula Lambright, Jennifer Minor, Dave & Cindy Schmitz, Faith A., Dennis, Peggy & Erica Hargens, Marilyn James, Christina C., Chuck & Susan Thompson, Don & Allie Faye Mathews, Brad & Barbara Riley, Seth Permenter & Family, Parker Dixon & Family, Jeremy & Diana Cassidy & Family, Kendra Ramirez & Family, Raelynd and Family, Amanda Zan, Manuelita Salinas, Arthur Vidal, Sue Gonzalez, Susan Tolley, Aaron Binkley, Jordon Binkley, Erica Cantu, Salvador Vasquez, Maria Moreno, Elyssa Molina, J.B., Myron Rose, Daniel Vasquez, Michelle Meehan, Maridna Salinas, Maria Cano, Anthony Luna, Joel Rivera, Alex Knaak, Sally Nadju, Continue to Pray for Rosa Harness, Randy Hanks, Maria Garcia, Jeanette Tilley, Christina Palacios, David & Mary Gonzalez, Marisol Leyva & family, Marisol Luna, Juanita Sanchez, Cynthia de la Cerda, Betty Flynn, Orville Burgess, Ron Balsam, Pat Riley, Joe Sturm, Edward Salinas, Marlene Orellana, Humberto Villalobos, Mary Sigala, Kathy McBride, Margaret Espinoza, Romela Nolan, Joe Bernal, Fr. Gary Rickles, Renee Cortez, Pedro Sanchez, Aurelia Hinojosa, Cathy Hanzelka, Msgr. Boli Zientek, Gayle Phillips, Jane Middleton, Rosa Reyes, Tom Noonan, Deacon Tom Lewis, Gene Contreras, Irene Templet, Preston Wolf, Lawretta Foots, Marcos Vasquez, Gavin Binkley, Clarence Lewis, Red Cornejo, Linda Jaramillo, Lois Johnston, Deacon Merce Leal, Sue Crockett, Joanne Jarrell, Ben Munoz, Diana Ortiz, Bob Davis, Janet Hoffpauir, Nick Martin, Barry Armstrong and those requesting prayer via our web site. Remember Our Shut-Ins Mary Boatman, Lydia Rubio, Trinidad Arrindon, Josie Funda, Soledad Hernandez, Elida Peterson, and those battling terminal illness and the residents of La Porte Care Center and Parson’s House

Next Singles’ Outing! Monday, June 3, 2019. Leave 8:45 am from the Chapel. Baywatch Dolphin Boat Tour

Covered interior boat and is a dolphin safe tour boat. The boat is a jet drive boat; there are no propellers. They bring you up close to view the dolphins in their natural habitat. $10/pp Lunch at Miller's Seawall Grill, Galveston Plate Lunch with iced tea, 11-2 pm, M-F. Choice of entree and 2 sides $10.99 RSVP to Victoria, Phone: 281-991-4780, Email: [email protected]

Repose of the Soul of Don Bremer and Lorraine Johnwell Our Sympathy to Greg Bremer and family on the loss of his father, Don, and Versa Williams and family on the loss of her niece, Lorraine Please Note: Names on our “Please Pray For” list are left on for four weeks. If someone needs to be put back on the prayer list or added please call the Church Office.


Monday: Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42:2-3; 43:3, 4; Jn 10:1-10 Tuesday: Acts 1:15-17, 20-26; Ps 113:1 -8; Jn 15:9-17 Wednesday: Acts 12:24 — 13:5a; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Jn 12:44-50 Thursday: Acts 13:13-25: Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27; Jn 13:16-20 Friday: Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6 Saturday: Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 14:7-14 Sunday: Acts 14:21-27; Ps 145:8-13; Rv 21:1-5a; Jn 13:31-33a, 34-35

Tour St. Mary’s Cathedral Basilica after lunch, around 1 p.m. A deacon will conduct the tour. No fee. Hurricane Ike did major damage to the cathedral and it took 6 years to renovate it. St. Mary Cathedral Basilica is the primary cathedral of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston and the mother church of the Catholic Church in Texas, as well as a minor basilica. It was completed in 1847. Location: 2011 Church Rear St, Galveston, 77550, TX

Encuentro Martimonial Mundial Los invita a vivir un Fin de Semana Conoce como puedes vivir mas intima y profundamente tu relacion. AQuieres recuperar la relacion con tu esposo (a)cunado eran novios. 281948-8690, 281-948-8640, Marco & Mercedes Arrona, [email protected]

Pope’s Prayer Intention for May Evangelization: That the Church in Africa, through the commitment of its members, may be the seed of unity among her peoples and a sign of hope for this continent.

Los Testigos del Poder de Dios Nuestra Asamblea de Oración les invita a reunirse como hermanos en Cristo para ALABAR, BENDECIR, y GLORIFICAR a nuestro Dios, Padre, Hijo y Espiritu Santo. Vengan pequenos y grandes todos los viernes de 7:30-9:00p.m. en la capilla de San Jose.

St. Mary’s Samaritan Ministry Bereavement Support Team Weekly Grief Share seminars will continue this coming Saturday. This week’s topic will be (May 18, 2019, 9:00 am to 10:30 am). The session will be on “Heaven”. Please join us if you are grieving the loss of a loved one. Each session is “self-contained”, so you do not have to attend in sequence and you will be able to pick up any session you missed in the next Grief Share seminar cycle. Pick up a pink brochure in the back or sides of the church for detailed information. For additional information please contact the Team Coordinator Nelda Shealy at 281 -471-2000. St. Mary’s Samaritan Ministry Bereavement Support Team is currently training facilitators. If you are interested in becoming a facilitator in this Ministry, please call Nelda Shealy at 281-471-2000.

Te invitamos a una Hora Santa en comunidad Todos los mièrcoles De 7-8 p.m.En la Capilla de San Josè. Para más información Puedes comunicarte con Marta y Reino Fernández 832-985-1799

St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store

St. Mary’s Church,816 Park Dr., La Porte, TX

Low-Low Prices

Clothing, Shoes, Houseware/Glassware, Hardware ~ New Merchandise Every Day ~

Hours: 9:00am to 11am Closed: Thursday & Sunday

All proceeds are used to help the needy in our community with their rent and utility bills. If you or someone you know, who lives in La Porte, is in need of assistance, please call or have them call the office to make an appointment to come in for help. Thank You for Your Support! Our Resale Shop here at St. Mary’s is in need of volunteers. Able bodied Men and Women. You can pick any day you are able to work. If you are available to help out, please contact Norma @ 281-471-1752.


Incredible online gateway to the best Catholic Content, all in one place. Go to to register. If you are having any trouble getting registered, or any other problems, please contact Tracy [email protected]. She will contact you and walk you through the steps to register.


The Lighthouse Catholic Media Kiosks…

There are several books and DVD’s of informational material designed to help us grow in our faith. Go by and check them out! We have a new Kiosk in the church office. They are also located at the back of the church and in Rosary Hall.

Come Pray With Us… Rosary for Life

Monday, May 13 - Please join us in praying the Holy Rosary, asking for our Blessed Mother’s intercession for the unborn, elderly, disabled, sick and all special intentions in St. Joseph’s Chapel @ 7:00pm.

Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible:

This 8 part study will give you an overall picture of the Bible and help you relate it to everyday life. This Study began May 9, 2019, and meets Thursday evenings @ 6pm in the Conference Room next to the church office. Cost will be $20. for materials. Contact Tracy [email protected] to register.

Our new RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)

Class began May 2 and is for anyone interested in learning more about the Catholic faith whether you want to join or not. RCIA is also for baptized adult Catholics who need First Holy Communion and confirmation. RCIA meets from 6-9pm on Thursday evenings in the conference room next to the Church office. For additional information about the RCIA program, call the office or email Tracy, [email protected].

Thanks to our guest speakers and all of the volunteers who made this seminar possible.