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St. Luke's ~ San Lucas Episcopal Church 2018 Annual

approve Donna Greene as a postulant to become an or- ...... Donations went to the ALS Association. ... develop crafts, games and educational activities suit-.
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St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas Episcopal Church 2018 Annual Report 2018 Annual Report

Kris’ Retirement Advent Wreath Making!

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2 more WHAT Bedrooms

Burning Palms for Ash Wednesday

New WHAT Bathroom Farewell to Our Curate and his family

Palm Sunday

Peace & Justice Fair

Organ Dedication Concert

Easter Sunday Day of Pentecost

VBS Vancouver Pride Fair

Library Reopening

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2018 Annual Report

St Luke’s ~ San Lucas Identity, Vision, Mission and Goals

Identidad, Visión, Misión, y Metas de San Lucas ~ St Luke’s

Identity: SL2 is a bilingual Episcopal Church serving Vancouver and southwest Washington since 1853.

Identidad: SL2 es una Iglesia Episcopal bilingüe sirviendo Vancouver y el Suroeste de Washington desde 1853.

Vision: Our vision is to answer God’s call to be an Anglo-Hispanic faith community that works together to share the love of Christ.

Visión: Nuestra visión es responder a Dios para ser una comunidad de fe Anglo-Hispana que juntos obra para compartir el amor de Cristo.

Mission: With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, our mission is to: Extend hospitality to all, Respond to human need through service, and Grow in faith together.

Misión: Con la guía del Espíritu Santo, nuestra misión es Extender hospitalidad a todos, Responder a las necesidades humanas por servicio, y Crecer juntos en la fe.

Goal 1: Develop relationships between Anglo and Hispanic congregants. Worship Fellowship Work Parties Goal 2: Expand outreach programs into the community. WHAT Daily food, clothing Helping Hands Special Giving (Thanksgiving baskets, Back to School supplies, Cold shelter) Goal 3: Provide opportunities to grow in faith in a safe social environment. Spiritual Formation (SS, Youth, Family, Adult) Worship Ministries (acolytes, altar guild, ushers, greeters) Fellowship Goal 4: Continue support of the Pastoral Care Committee’s vital work. Visitations Life Goes On group Cards and Notes Special Programs

1 Meta: Forjar relaciones entre feligreses Hispanos y Anglos. Misas y alabanzas Convivencia Días de trabajo 2 Meta: Expandir programas de servicio a la comunidad. WHAT (refugio de mujeres) Distribución de ropa y comida Costureras Manos Ayudar Dádivas especiales (canastas de pavos, materiales escolares, refugio de frío) 3 Meta: Proveer oportunidades para crecer en fe en un ambiente seguro Formación espiritual (niños, jóvenes, familias y adultos) Ministerios de Misa (acólitos, cofradía del altar, ujieres) Convivencia 4 Meta: Mantener apoyo para el trabajo pastoral del Comité de Cuidado Pastoral. Visitas a enfermos “La vida Continúa” grupo Cartas y contactos Programas especiales

426 East Fourth Plain Boulevard Vancouver, Washington 98663-3040 Phone: (360) 696-0181 Fax: (360) 696-0182

2018 Annual Report

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Agenda for 2018 Annual Parish Meeting

Agenda para la Reunión Anual de la Parroquia

January 27, 2019, 11:30 am

El 27 de enero, 2019, 11:30

Prayer: Almighty and everliving God, source of all wisdom and understanding, be present with those who take counsel in St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas for the renewal and mission of your Church. Teach us in all things to seek first your honor and glory. Guide us to perceive what is right, and grant us both the courage to pursue it and the grace to accomplish it; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. BCP p. 818 The Introduction of the Current Vestry Members: Jill McClellan Introduction/Election of the Diocesan Convention Delegates and Alternates Jill McClellan The First Ballot The Priest in Charge: The Rev. Michael Wright The Senior Warden’s Report: Jill McClellan The Junior Warden’s Report: John Mathieu The Treasurer’s Report: Doug Goodlett Bishop’s Video Walk Again– Conversations for the Road Ahead Outreach Report: Mary Maxon Report W.H.A.T.: Kathy Gallaher Report Youth and Families: Leah Reshan Report Pastoral Care Survey: Rev. Dennis Cole Benefits of Gate Keepers Ministry: Elizabeth Ruiz

Oración: Omnipotente y eterno Dios, fuente de toda sabiduría y entendimiento, hazte presente con los que deliberan en San Lucas ~ St. Luke’s para la renovación y misión de tu Iglesia. Enséñanos a que en todas las cosas busquemos primeramente tu honor y tu gloria. Guíanos para percibir lo que es justo; concédenos el valor para buscarlo y la gracia para lograrlo; por Jesucristo nuestro Señor. Amén. LOC p. 708 Presentación los miembros actuales la Junta Parroquial: Jill McClellan Presentación y Elección de los Delegados al Concilio Diocesano Jill McClellan Primero Votación Reporte Sacerdote a cargo:

Question and Answers (If Time Allows)

El Rev. Michael Wright Reporte de la Guardián Mayor: Jill McClellan Reporte del Guardián Menor: John Mathieu Reporte del Tesorero: Doug Goodlett El video del obispo vuelve a caminar - Conversaciones para el camino por delante Informe de divulgación: Mary Maxon Infome de W.H.A.T.: Kathy Gallaher Informe de jóvenes y familias: Leah Reshan Reporte Encuesta de Cuidado Pastoral: Rev. Dennis Cole Beneficios del Ministerio de Guardianes: Elizabeth Ruiz

The Lord’s Prayer and Adjournment

Boletas adicionales, si es necesario

Additional Ballots, if needed

Preguntas y respuestas (si el tiempo lo permite) El Padre Nuestro y Despedida.

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TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S 2018#AnnualReports Report Page

Rector’s Report Senior Warden’s Report Junior Warden’s Report

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REPORTES EN ESPAÑOL El Reporte del Rector El Reporte de la Guardián Mayor El Reporte del Guardián Menor Resumen de la Acción de la Junta Parroquial 2017 Reporte del Comité de Promesas Reporte del Personal Reporte de 2018 sobre Misas Bilingües Comité de Emigración Informes del Ministerio de Niños Grupo de Jóvenes Acólitos

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Goal 1: Develop Relationships between Hispanics and Anglos


Bilingual Worship Shared Events and Ministries Immigration Committee First Communion Classes

14 14 14 14

Goal 2: Expand Outreach


Community Outreach Overview 16 Daytime Outreach 17 SHARE WHAT Shelter 17 ESL 18 Helping Hands 18 2017 Outreach Events 18 (Valley Homestead, WHO, HOPE Fundraising, Babies In Need, Vancouver Pride Fair, Relay for Life, School Supply Drive, Vancouver Peace and Justice Fair, Walk to Defeat ALS, Holiday Food Baskets, Giving Tree and American Red Cross Blood Drive.)

Goal 3: Spiritual Growth – Faith Development and Enrichment Children’s Ministry Reports (Nursery, Sunday School, VBS & English Christmas Pageant) Youth Group Young Families Women’s Spirituality Group

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Sunday Topics (Lenten & Other) 22 Library Committee 22 Worship Ministries Reports 22 (Altar Guild, Bread Guild, Acolytes, Lectors & Chalice Bearers, Ushers & Greeters and Music) Community Life Reports 24 (Newcomers Hospitality, Coffee Hour, Friday Night Live, Lunch Bunch, R@R, Reception Hospitality Ministry, Hospitality Support Ministry and Photography Committee) Pastoral Letter from Bishop Rickel English 26 Spanish 27

Goal 4: Pastoral Care Pastoral Care Life Goes On Eucharistic Visitors Neighborhood Shepherds Prayer Shawls

Facility Management Accessibility Thursday Maintenance Group Facility Use Columbarium

Administration &Finance Vestry, Officers, Delegates Summary of 2017 Vestry Action Treasurer’s Office Staff Report Parish Administration Pledge Campaign Fundraising Activities Computer System Archivist Diocesan Convention Report Annual Parish Meeting Minutes, January 31, 2016 Financial Statements:

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2018 Annual Report

2018 Rector’s Report HEALING BREAK Dear SL2: I’m going to take 8 weeks starting right after Christmas Day to care for myself. I will be gone from December 26 to February 20, and I will be out of town. I am still having trouble with my recovery from this past summer’s surgery and infection. Please help out the church leadership and step up to make sure the Parish continues to thrive. I have every confidence in you. Thank you. The Rev. Jaime Case, Rector 

Senior Warden’s Report As I reflect on 2018 and look back at the “Vestry 2018 Work Plan” that was included in our Annual Vestry Retreat materials, we may have veered off course a bit throughout the year, but WOW did we get a lot more done than that plan would have predicted! Shortly after the year began, we conducted a search for a Parish Administrator replacement. Vestry members worked closely with parish staff to advertise the job posting, review applications, interview qualified candidates and provide Fr. Jaime with a short list of recommendations. Astrid Caruso was hired for this position and spent several months with us before moving on with her partner, who found a Cathedral Organist position in New Zealand. Astrid’s departure led to the second Parish Administrator search of 2018 (and third search since Kris Lawless’s retirement in 2017). This search was also facilitated by the vestry and resulted in finding a qualified candidate much closer to home. Our own Herlinda Marquez was hired and remains in the position of Parish Administrator. Meanwhile, the vestry approved the creation of a full time Youth and Families Ministry Coordinator position, and the search to fill this role was underway at the same time as the second parish administrator search. Again, members of the vestry facilitated the search process. Leah Reshan was hired for position of Youth and Families Coordinator and got right to work convening regular youth group meetings, organizing “Kids Night Out” for younger children on the same evenings as

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“Friday Night Live”, managing Sunday School and Nursery staff, and coordinating the Christmas Pageant. The vestry also applied for, and our parish received, a diocesan grant to help fund this position for one year. In addition to seeking out candidates for paid positions here at St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas, the vestry also played a key role in recommending two individuals from our congregation to ordained ministry. In September, the vestry agreed with the recommendation of the discernment committee to endorse Arlen Farley as a candidate for Holy Orders. In November, the vestry agreed with the recommendation of the discernment committee to approve Donna Greene as a postulant to become an ordained deacon. Other highlights of 2018 vestry work include the celebration of 20 years of Spanish Language Ministry, which we commemorated on St. Luke’s Sunday, October 21, 2018, a successful pledge campaign which surpassed our goal, and adoption of a vestry resolution designating all future unrestricted bequests to be used for a Capital Fund for the purchase of property, unexpected or unscheduled repairs, and improvements to the facilities. Finally, I cannot close out 2018 without mentioning the highlight of the year, which was our June 17, 2018 visit by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry. The vestry spent months planning for this event, everything from coffee hour receptions, to videography and sound system rental, to overflow seating and parking plans, to organizing parish work parties, and more. We had fantastic participation from the congregation in preparation for Presiding Bishop Curry’s visit. On the day of his visit, the sanctuary was filled to capacity for both the 8 am and 10 services. The weather was perfect for two wonderful outdoor coffee and cookie receptions following the services. We had guests from other Southwest Washington and Portland area Episcopal parishes. And, most importantly, we were treated to Presiding Bishop Curry’s passionate preaching and his message about love. Thank you to EVERY ONE OF YOU who participated and contributed to the success of St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas in 2018! Jill McClellan, Senior Warden 

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2018 Annual Report

Junior Warden’s Report It has been another year full of work and accomplishments maintaining and improving the St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas campus. The Thursday Crew continued to provide their time and talent to repair and maintain the facility. I greatly appreciate the continued support the parish shows by budgeting and pitching-in toward keeping ahead of the maintenance issues this aging facility continues to have. 2018 Accomplishments Completed the WHAT Shelter Shower Room, Laundry Room and Utility Closet upgrades. Replaced both pairs of washers and dryers in the laundry room, converting the dryers to gas. Provided AED Training for all who were interested. Built and installed the Organ Pipe display in the narthex using pipes from our 130 year old organ. Hosted the Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry! Replaced the broken mailbox door and crash bar hardware. Replaced crash bar hardware on the north sanctuary door. Replaced our sign on Fourth Plain Blvd. Replaced two control relays and made other adjustments to repair the lift which had been failing to move. Replaced the failing mixer and added an amplifier to the sanctuary sound system. Mitigated our abandoned heating oil tank outside the kitchen door. It contained about 100 gallons of oil. Replaced two original water fountains with new fountains providing filtered water and bottle fillers. Guided the city to improve drainage on E. 27th Street to prevent cloud bursts from flooding our basement. 2019 Goals Complete the final flash flood prevention tasks on our side of the property line. Refurbish the two basement bathrooms used by the WHAT women and outside groups. Refurbish the bathroom in the dishwasher room. Complete the enclosure of the shed including over-

head doors for protecting two parked cars. Replace the double doors into the Parish Hall with doors removed during the narthex expansion. Replace damaged gutters and downspouts in several areas around the building John Mathieu, Junior Warden

2018 Annual Report

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Reportes en Español El Reporte del Rector DESCANSO CURATIVO Estimado SL2: Me tomaré 8 semanas comenzando justo después del día de Navidad para cuidarme. Me iré del 26 de diciembre al 20 de febrero, y estaré fuera de la ciudad. Todavía estoy teniendo problemas con mi recuperación de la cirugía e infección del verano pasado. Por favor ayude a los líderes de la iglesia y haga un esfuerzo para asegurarse de que la parroquia siga prosperando. Tengo toda la confianza en ustedes. Gracias El Rev. P. Jaime Case 

El Reporte de la Guardián Mayor Mientras reflexiono sobre el 2018 y miro hacia atrás al "Plan de trabajo de la junta parroquial de 2018" que se incluyó en nuestros materiales del Retiro parroquial anual, es posible que hayamos perdido un poco el rumbo durante todo el año, pero WOW hicimos mucho más que ese plan habría predicho! Poco después de comenzar el año, realizamos una búsqueda de un reemplazo del Administrador de la parroquia. Los miembros de la junta parroquial trabajaron en estrecha colaboración con el personal de la parroquia para publicitar el puesto de trabajo, revisar las solicitudes, entrevistar a candidatos calificados y proporcionar al Padre. Jaime con una breve lista de recomendaciones. Astrid Caruso fue contratada para este puesto y pasó varios meses con nosotros antes de seguir adelante con su pareja, que encontró un puesto de organista de la catedral en Nueva Zelanda. La salida de Astrid condujo a la segunda búsqueda del Administrador Parroquial en 2018 (y la tercera búsqueda desde el retiro de Kris Lawless en 2017). Esta búsqueda también fue facilitada por la junta parroquial y resultó en la búsqueda de un candidato calificado mucho más cerca de casa. Nuestra propia Herlinda Márquez fue

contratada y permanece en el cargo de administradora parroquial. Mientras tanto, la junta parroquial aprobó la creación de un puesto de Coordinador de Ministerio de Jóvenes y Familias a tiempo completo, y la búsqueda para cumplir con este rol se llevó a cabo al mismo tiempo que la segunda búsqueda de administradores parroquiales. Nuevamente, los miembros de la junta parroquial facilitaron el proceso de búsqueda. Leah Reshan fue contratada para el puesto de Coordinadora de Jóvenes y Familias y tuvo derecho a trabajar convocando reuniones regulares de grupos de jóvenes, organizando "Kids Night Out" para los niños más pequeños en las mismas noches que "Friday Night Live", dirigiendo el personal de la Escuela Dominical y la Guardería, y coordinando el concurso de navidad. La junta parroquial también solicitó, y nuestra parroquia recibió, una subvención diocesana para ayudar a financiar esta posición por un año. Además de buscar candidatos para puestos pagados aquí en San Lucas ~ San Lucas, la junta parroquial también desempeñó un papel clave al recomendar a dos personas de nuestra congregación al ministerio ordenado. En septiembre, la junta parroquial estuvo de acuerdo con la recomendación del comité de discernimiento de respaldar a Arlen Farley como candidato para las Ordenes Sagradas. En noviembre, la junta parroquial estuvo de acuerdo con la recomendación del comité de discernimiento de aprobar a Donna Greene como postulante para convertirse en diácono ordenado. Otros aspectos destacados del trabajo de la junta parroquial de 2018 incluyen la celebración de 20 años del Ministerio de la Lengua Española, que conmemoramos el domingo 21 de octubre de 2018 de San Lucas, una exitosa campaña de promesa que superó nuestra meta y la adopción de una resolución de la junta parroquial que designa todo futuro sin restricciones legados que se utilizarán para un Fondo de Capital para la compra de propiedades, reparaciones imprevistas o no programadas y mejoras a las instalaciones. Finalmente, no puedo cerrar 2018 sin mencionar el punto culminante del año, que fue nuestra visita del 17 de junio de 2018 por el Obispo Presidente Michael Curry. La junta parroquial invirtió meses en la planifi-

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2018 Annual Report

cación de este evento, desde recepciones durante la hora del café hasta alquiler de videografías y sistemas de sonido, planes de asientos y estacionamiento desbordados, organización de fiestas de trabajo parroquiales y más. Tuvimos una fantástica participación de la congregación en preparación para la visita del Obispo Presidente Curry. El día de su visita, el santuario se llenó al máximo tanto para las 8 am como para los 10 servicios. El clima fue perfecto para dos maravillosas recepciones de café y galletas al aire libre después de los servicios. Tuvimos invitados de otras parroquias episcopales del suroeste de Washington y del área de Portland. Y, lo más importante, nos invitaron a la apasionada predicación del Obispo Presidente Curry y su mensaje sobre el amor. ¡Gracias a CADA UNO DE USTEDES que participó y contribuyó al éxito de San Lucas ~ St. Luke’s en 2018! Jill McClellan, Guardiána Mayor 

Reporte del Guardián Menor Ha sido otro año lleno de trabajo y logros manteniendo y mejorando el campus de San Lucas ~ St. Luke. El equipo de los jueves continuó brindando su tiempo y talento para reparar y mantener las instalaciones. Aprecio enormemente el apoyo continuo a los espectáculos parroquiales al hacer un presupuesto y colaborar para mantenernos a la vanguardia de los problemas de mantenimiento que esta instalación de envejecimiento sigue teniendo. Logros 2018 • Se completaron las actualizaciones de QUÉ Shelter Shower, Cuarto de lavado y Armario de servicios públicos. • Reemplazó ambos pares de lavadoras y secadoras en el cuarto de lavado, convirtiendo las secadoras en gas. • Brindé capacitación en AED para todos los interesados. • Construí e instalé la pantalla Organ Pipe en el nártex utilizando tubos de nuestro órgano de 130 años. • ¡Recibió al Obispo Presidente, Michael Curry! • Reemplazó la puerta del buzón roto y el hardware de la barra de protección.

• Se reemplazaron los herrajes de la barra de protección en la puerta del santuario norte. • Reemplazamos nuestro letrero en Fourth Plain Blvd. • Reemplazó dos relés de control e hizo otros ajustes para reparar el elevador que no se había movido. • Reemplazó el mezclador defectuoso y agregó un amplificador al sistema de sonido Sanctuary. • Mitigamos nuestro tanque de combustible de calefacción abandonado afuera de la puerta de la cocina. Contenía unos 100 galones de aceite. • Reemplazó dos fuentes de agua originales con fuentes nuevas que proveen agua filtrada y llenadores de botellas. • Guié a la ciudad para mejorar el drenaje en E. 27th Street para evitar que las ráfagas de nubes inunden nuestro sótano. Metas 2019 • Complete las tareas finales de prevención de inundaciones repentinas en nuestro lado de la línea de propiedad. • Renovar los dos baños del sótano utilizados por las mujeres QUÉ y grupos externos. • Reformar el baño en la sala de lavavajillas. • Complete el recinto del cobertizo, incluidas las puertas basculantes para proteger dos carros estacionados. • Vuelva a colocar las puertas dobles en el salón parroquial con las puertas retiradas durante la expansión del narthex. • Reemplace las canaletas y bajantes dañados en varias áreas alrededor del edificio John Mathieu, Guardián Menor 

2018 Annual Report RESUMEN DE LAS ACCIONES DE LA JUNTA PARROQUIAL 2018 ENERO:Acordó seguir las pautas de seguro médi co y dental establecidas anualmente por la diócesis y el Fondo Médico de la Iglesia Episcopal. FEBRERO: Ninguno . MARZO: Ninguno ABRIL:Ninguno MAYO:Ninguno . JUNIO:Aprobó una resolución que designa legados no restringidos al uso de un Fondo de Capital para la compra de propiedades o para reparaciones y mejoras importantes inesperadas o no program adas . JULIO: Ninguno AGOSTO:Ninguno SEPTIEMBRE:Aprobó el estatus de Arlen Farley como Candidato para las Órdenes Sagradas . OCTUBRE:se modificó el contrato de alquiler de QUÉ, lo que permite a SHARE instalar un sistema de video para la seguridad. NOVIEMBRE:Aprobado el postulantado de Donna Greene al diaconado DICIEMBRE:acordó hacer una presentación sobre cómo convertirse en una parroquia santuario en la reunión parroquial anual. Tom Amies, Clérigo de la Junta Parroquial 

Reporte del Comité de Promesas

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mente. Pero las ganancias positivas se evidencian en un mayor número de unidades de compromiso y ofertas consistentes. Doug Goodlett, Tesorero 

Reporte del Personal El 2018 trajo muchos cambios difíciles y positivos en la dotación de personal en San Lucas y San Lucas. Después de que Kris se jubiló en 2017, Erika ingresó el año 2018 como administradora de nuestra parroquia, solo para dejarnos inesperadamente en febrero. . Kris regresó y ayudó a mantener la oficina en funcionamiento hasta que encontramos un nuevo reemplazo en Astrid Caruso. Nuevamente nos quedamos sin un administrador de la parroquia cuando Astrid le avisó en septiembre para mudarse a Nueva Zelanda con su pareja. Después de pasar por la búsqueda nuevamente, Herlinda solicitó, entrevistó y se le ofreció el puesto. Después de aceptar, ella comenzó en octubre y actualmente está asumiendo las tareas diarias de administrador parroquial. También en 2018, fuimos bendecidos con la nueva incorporación de Leah Reshan. Ella es la nueva coordinadora de jóvenes y familias y supervisa los programas de guardería, escuela dominical y grupo de jóvenes. También contará con apoyo de respaldo para Herlinda cuando esté enferma o en vacaciones. Actualmente, el soporte y el equilibrio son excelentes en la oficina y esperamos lo que 2019 nos Brinda. Herlinda Márquez, administradora parroquial .

Logros de 2018 para las promesas de 2018 Nuestras promesas son el principal apoyo financiero de la congregación. Cumplen parte de nuestro deber como cristianos, "trabajar, orar y dar para la difusión del reino de Dios (BCP Catecismo, p. 856)". Por lo tanto, importa cómo hacemos como la Comunidad Amada. El total de todos los compromisos combinados para 2019 es de $ 435,232. Eso supera nuestra meta de $ 416,000 y muestra niveles de donación saludables. Como resultado, nuestro nuevo coordinador de jóvenes y familias y las actividades relacionadas pueden recibir apoyo durante todo el 2019. ¡Gracias a todos! Se debe hacer una nota especial de que algunos de los contribuyentes a partir de la 1:00 p.m. no están familiarizados con el concepto completo de promesas de apoyo a su iglesia, y ese entendimiento viene lenta-

Reporte de 2018 sobre Misas Bilingües En 2018, ofrecimos las siguientes oportunidades para celebrar en ambos idiomas en el mismo servicio, uniéndonos a los hablantes de inglés y de habla hispana en una sola Eucaristía. La asistencia aún se mantuvo baja para los servicios bilingües no dominicales. MIÉRCOLES DE CENIZA: 14 de febrero misa a las 7 . El JUEVES SANTO: 29 de marzo tuvo misa bilingüe a las 7 con Lavatorio de Pies. VIERNES SANTO: 30 de marzo a las se celebró en dos idiomas. No hubo comunión en este Rito. LA GRAN VIGILIA PASCUAL: 31 de marzo Sábado de Gloria 8:00 PM La Gran Vigilia Pascual Bilingüe DÍA DE LA ASCENSIÓN: 10 de mayo, misa bilingüe a

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2018 Annual Report

las 7 PM FIESTA DE NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUADALUPE No bilingüe, sino anglosajones invitados. 12 de diciembre a las 6:30 PM se celebró la Eucaristía para Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe seguida de una comida compartida con suerte.

Recomendación para todos los empleados que tomen una clase de cuidado de niños certificada (YMCA o Cruz Roja) • Todo el personal certificado en entrenamientos de primeros auxilios, resucitación cardiopulmonar y resguardo de los niños de Dios. Leah Reshan Coordinadora de Ministerios Juveniles 

Comité de Emigración En 2018, el Comité de Inmigración continuó proporcionando Guardianes cada domingo para el servicio de San Lucas. Esto es para brindar comodidad y protección a quienes asisten al servicio. Hay quienes se ofrecen voluntariamente para esto cada mes y estamos extremadamente agradecidos por su regalo de tiempo. Alentamos a más a inscribirse y brindar seguridad a este servicio. En 2019, estamos considerando convertirnos en una iglesia Santuario en la que proporcionaríamos un espacio vital para una persona o familia que ha vivido en los EE. UU. Durante años y que ahora está siendo amenazada de deportación. Esta es una decisión difícil de tomar ya que sería costoso, y tendríamos que obtener un seguro para esto. Esperamos tener reuniones con miembros de SL2 para discutir la viabilidad de este próximo paso Elizabeth Ruiz Reyes and Melanie Kenoyer 

Informes del Ministerio de Niños Guarderia

Escuela Dominical Logros de 2018 • •

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Logros 2018 • • • • • •

Asistentes del personal: Kai Malcolm, Arianna Zavala, Diana Hernández. Nuevas contrataciones: Katherine Klug y Maddy Surface. Atención a niños menores de 4 años, se proporciona los servicios de 10 y 1 domingo. El cuidado de enfermería se proporciona con uno de los siguientes requisitos de cobertura: El director y un asistente están presentes. Dos asistentes, un asistente mayor de la edad de 18, estan presentes

Metas 2019 •

El director continuará brindando instrucción continua sobre el cuidado de niños, específico para este entorno.

Promedio de asistencia de seis a ocho niños en el Mañana y de doce a quince de la tarde. Cora Wildfang, Katie McClellan, Ali Taque y Daniela Pena han ayudado con los niños más pequeños y han sido de gran ayuda para ellos. Maestros: Herlinda Márquez, Lee Wilson, Catherine Hennessey y Justin Little. Organizó un concurso de Navidad para todos los niños en edad de escuela dominical el 24 de diciembre de 2018 con ayuda especial de Donna Greene, Herlinda Márquez, Claudia Frahm y Haley Dewitz. Contraté a Haley DeWitz como asistente de enseñanza de la escuela dominical. Entrenamiento programado de Godly Play para el 1 y 2 de marzo para que todos los maestros y asistentes estén más familiarizados con el plan de estudios. Comenzó a hacer materiales para las nuevas lecciones de Godly Play con la ayuda adicional de la tripulación del jueves haciendo las piezas de madera necesarias.

Metas 2019 • • •

Reclutar voluntarios dedicados para enseñar. Hacer materiales para nuevas lecciones. Limpie y organice el aula de la Escuela Dominical para optimizar el espacio y desechar los materiales rotos e innecesarios. Leah Reshan Coordinadora de Ministerios Juveniles 

2018 Annual Report Clases de Primera Comunión Practicamos la comunión abierta para cualquier persona bautizada, incluso un bebé, pero a medida que maduramos, aprender sobre la Eucaristía puede cambiar. Este curso es bilingüe y está diseñado para niños de escuelas primarias (3er grado y superiores) que pueden leer y escribir, y así participar más plenamente en la adoración del domingo. Logros 2018 • Solamente fue una clase • La clase fue en el otoño y tuvo 4 estudiantes que completaron exitosamente el 20 de enero de 2019. • La maestra fue Herlinda Marquez. • P. Jaime desarrolló nuevos criterios y Herlinda lo está implementando. Metas 2019 • Continuar utilizando los nuevos criterios y evolucionar las nuevas lecciones. • Configurar clases 2019 con los nuevos materiales.. Herlinda Marquez 

Reporte VBS Este verano tuve el honor de trabajar con la iglesia para organizar el Campamento de Verano de la Escuela Bíblica de Vacaciones basado en el tema inspirado en Concordia de Babilonia: El valor de Daniel en cautiverio. El kit de información de Concordia nos dio un excelente punto de partida para desarrollar manualidades, juegos y actividades educativas adecuadas para nuestra parroquia. Más de 35 voluntarios se reunieron unos meses antes en reuniones semanales para compartir ideas, ideas y apoyo integral. Nuestro principal objetivo para la EBV de este año fue difundir el mensaje de que "Dios está siempre contigo y te ama" a los jóvenes que crecen en un mundo lleno de desafíos aterradores. Cuando los campistas escucharon una interpretación interactiva del coraje de Daniel con los leones en Babilonia (cortesía del Padre Dennis Cole), cantaron y bailaron sus corazones, y trabajaron juntos para crear un hermoso vestuario de altar que todos en la sala pudieran ver que el futuro de nuestra iglesia es una brillante Me complace informarles que a través de nuestros números fluctuaron enormemente a lo largo de la semana, ¡no tuvimos menos de veinte campistas participando cada día! La comunidad de St. Luke en San Lucas brindó un compromiso y una flexibilidad

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abrumadores, lo que hizo que el proceso de organización y diversión durante la semana fuera mucho mejor. Como muchos recordarán, tuvimos una lección de baile de algunos de nuestros campistas el domingo después de la EBV, donde enseñaron al servicio de las 10 en punto cómo bailar con una de sus canciones favoritas de la semana. Si bien hubo muchos aspectos maravillosos en VBS 2018, el gran tema discutido en la reunión de reflexión fue el hecho de que la participación de la congregación hispana debe ser más alentadora y accesible. Generamos muchas ideas geniales de los miembros de la comunidad sobre cómo fomentar la inclusión y difundir información. ¡Estoy encantado de decir que VBS 2019 lo va a sacar del parque! Ver las sonrisas en los rostros de los jóvenes de nuestra iglesia y de la comunidad que nos rodea es uno de los mejores regalos que nuestra iglesia puede dar, y me gustaría agradecer personalmente a todos los miembros de San Lucas y San Lucas que hicieron posible este esfuerzo. Quisiera terminar ofreciendo uno de los versículos bíblicos favoritos del campista que aprendimos a lo largo de la semana: "Así que no temas, porque estoy contigo, no te desanimes, porque yo soy tu Dios". Te fortaleceré y te ayudaré. Te sostendré con mi diestra justa ”(Isaías 41:10). Elizabeth Hennessey 

Reporte del Grupo de Jovenes 2018 Logros •

• • •

Hemos tenido varias reuniones ahora en las que he llegado a conocer a los jóvenes que han participado anteriormente en el programa y a los nuevos jóvenes interesados en participar. Comenzamos con el proyecto de servicio Plarn Sleeping Mat que votaron los jóvenes. Los jóvenes votaron para comenzar a reunirse dos veces al mes los domingos por la noche. Cinco jóvenes viajaron y asistieron a la Conferencia Juvenil Juvenil en Bellingham, WA. Como personal de apoyo, tuve la oportunidad de observar cómo se organizan las conferencias, conocer a otros jóvenes y líderes de diferentes congregaciones en la diócesis y dedicar tiempo a conocer a algunos de los jóvenes de SL2. Gracias a San Lucas ~ St. Luke’s por apoyar a nuestros jóvenes en todas estas cosas im-

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portantes con oración, interés y dinero. Es muy apreciado, y estamos entusiasmados con el viaje por delante.

2019 Metas •

Este año espero más crecimiento y aprendizaje. • Continuar discerniendo nuestra visión y coordinar las actividades para el nuevo año. • Definir y ofrecer eventos educativos para padres e hijos. • Planifica eventos con diversión y comida. • Reclute voluntarios para ayudar con las reuniones y eventos del Grupo Juvenil que podamos organizar. • Explorar opciones de recaudación de fondos para financiar actividades y viajes futuros. • Coordinar con la parroquia para encontrar un espacio permanente para que el Grupo Juvenil se reúna y llame al suyo. Leah Reshan Coordinadora de Ministerios Juveniles 

En General •

He asistido y he sido certificado en RCP / Primeros auxilios / AED, Salvaguardar a la gente de Dios y Salvaguardar las capacitaciones de los niños de Dios. • Me encargué de administrar la cuenta de Twitter de St. Luke, tengo acceso de administrador para ayudar a administrar la página de Facebook y he creado y administrado una cuenta de Instagram. • Junto con Cindy y Herlinda, estoy ayudando a que el nuevo sitio web sea lanzado y funcional. • Viajé y asistí al retiro Connect Youth Leader en Camp Huston en Gold Bar, WA. Participé en talleres enfocados en recursos de enseñanza para el estudio de las Escrituras, en grupos pequeños de discusión, y para animar a los jóvenes a participar en el Grupo Juvenil y en la iglesia. Leah Reshan Coordinadora de Ministerios Juveniles 

Acólitos Retos para 2019 En las misas de español, hemos tenido un gran regalo de tiempo y talento por parte de dos jovencitas que llenaron los papeles de los acólitos. Son Joanna

Villaseñor y Geiry Villaseñor. Joanna ha servido como portacáliz también, añadiendo a su responsabilidad. Lastimosamente al final del año, la familia Estamos buscando dos jóvenes para servir en el altar y llenar nuestro equipo de acólitos. Gracias a Geiry y Joanna por su apoyo en la misa. El Rev. P. Jaime Case 

2018 Annual Report

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Baptisms - Bautismos Epiphany Epifania Maria Sanchez Moreno Leandro German Hurtado Vazquez Nayeli Galvan Beltran Antonio Galvan Beltran Peter Casarez Barba

Easter Domingo de Pascua Grace Isla Burik Marquise Matthew Philbrook Diego Gomez-Cortez Mateo Gomez– Cortez DAY OF PENTECOST/ DÍA DE PENTECOSTÉS Kamila Pegueros Special Requests Erick Mondragon-Martinez Landon Robert Wanke Remmy Joseph Beaupre

Marriages/ Matrimonios September 22 Earl Lee Johnson and Gale Donald Beagle

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2018 Annual Report

Ministry Reports in English Goal 1: Develop Relationships between Hispanics and Anglos Bilingual Worship

Immigration Committee

In 2018 we offered the following opportunities to celebrate in both languages at the same service, joining the English speakers and Spanish speakers in a single Eucharist. Attendance still remained low for the nonSunday bilingual services.

In 2018, the Immigration Committee continued to provide Gatekeepers each Sunday for the San Lucas service. This is to provide comfort and protection for those who attend the service. There are those who volunteer for this every month and we are extremely grateful for their gift of time. We encourage more to sign up and provide safety to this service. In 2019, we are considering becoming a Sanctuary church where we would provide a living space for a person or family who has lived in the US for years and is now being threatened with deportation. This is a difficult decision to make as it would be expensive, and we would have to obtain insurance for this. We expect to have meetings with SL2 members to discuss the feasibility of this next step . Elizabeth Ruiz Reyes and Melanie Kenoyer 

2018 Celebrations: •

• • • •

ASH WEDNESDAY BILINGUAL SERVICE: Wednesday, February 14th Ash Wednesday Holy Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes 7:00 PM (with music) MAUNDY THURSDAY: March 29th, we shared our Agape potluck simple meal starting at 6PM. At 7 PM we shared the Holy Eucharist including foot-washing and stripping of the altar. GOOD FRIDAY: March 30, at 7 PM. THE GREAT VIGIL OF EASTER: March 31, 8 PM ASCENSION DAY: May 10, 7:00 PM THE FEAST OF OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE: Not Bilingual but Anglos invited. On December 12 at 6:30PM a Eucharist was celebrated for Our Lady of Guadalupe followed by a shared pot luck meal.

Shared Events and Ministries 2018 Accomplishments • • • • • • • •

January 28 - Annual Meeting and Pot Luck Lunch February 13 - Shrove Tuesday Dinner and Burning of Palms for Ash Wednesday. March 29 – Agape meal before Maundy Thursday Bilingual Eucharist July 10-13 Vacation Bible School September 9 - Welcome Back Sunday BBQ November 21- Thanksgiving Eve Pot Luck Dinner December 12 - Our Lady of Guadalupe Pot Luck Dinner Outreach Clothes Closet: Volunteers sorting donated clothes and donating toiletries.

First Communion Classes We practice open communion for any baptized person, even a baby, but as we mature, learning about the Eucharist can change. This course is bilingual and is designed for elementary school children (3rd grade and above) who can read and write, and so participate more fully in the Sunday worship.

2018 Accomplishments • • • •

Provided one class The class was in the fall and had 4 students that completed successfully on January 20, 2019. The teachers was Herlinda Marquez. Fr. Jaime developed new criteria and Herlinda is putting it in place.

2019 Goals •

Continue to use the new criteria and evolve the new lessons • Schedule 2019 classes with the new materials . Herlinda Marquez 

2018 Annual Report

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2018 Annual Report

Goal 2: Expand Outreach Programs into the Community Community Outreach Dear Beloved Community Outreach can report that in 2018 the combined efforts of this generous community are at 6% of our Operations. This has been a long-term goal of the Parish under “Goal 2: Expand outreach programs into the community.” Our operations expended a total of $552,607.29. Our combined CASH and IN-KIND comes to $30,807.00. Below are a number of tables that show how we achieve the 10% figure in our work together. This table shows expenses of cash for all categories of Outreach: Discretionary Fund


Bus Passes Pride Fair

3720 328

Ongoing Food, etc






Peace & Justice


School Supplies


Friends of the Carpenter


Chaplains on the Harbor


Diocese of S. Dakota (Lakota)


WHAT Expenses Good Friday Designated

1848 175

HOPE Burgerville Designated


Babies in Need Designated


Passports Designated


Immigration Legal Issues TOTAL

1000 48090

Submitting your receipts for purchases for Outreach helps give the Parish a truer idea of the financial impact it is having on those in need. This table shows the amounts that individuals spent of their own money

(In-Kind), and submitted receipts to SL2 to record. This table cannot show all in-kind giving to Outreach. Please put your receipts in to the Treasurer: Your gift could be the one that puts us over 10% IN-KIND In Kind Receipts


When a person comes to the Daily Distribution, they have different needs which we try to provide. Some need only a bus pass, which we record in the CASH table above. Others need one or more of the following items. This table shows what Daily Distribution gave away in all categories, some donated by the companies, agencies, and individuals from outside the Parish. The value of these items cannot be estimated: Outreach food bags prepared: Fresh lunches Single bags Family bags Road bags Total

7236 78 163 726 8203

Outreach food bags distributed: Fresh lunches Family bags

6224 176

(361 adults and 327 Children)

Single bags Road bags Total People Total Bags

46 685 7643 7127

Toiletries: Total guests


Clothes Closet: Total guests


It is important to acknowledge that none of these ministries are possible without the gifts of time and talent that many people have given, hours and hours, uncounted days of effort. Our emailing list alone reveals 27 members who are heavily involved. Others from Hewlett Packard and the Latter Day Saints have also helped. And of course we have occasional help from all parts of the church, such as our children (Cora). We are the Beloved Community. Russ Roseberry 

2018 Annual Report Daytime Outreach Beginning 2018 four times a week and later in the year 5 days a week, for 3 hours a day, all year long, Daytime Outreach serves our neighborhood’s low income and homeless citizens. We provide sack lunches, hygiene products, clothing, food boxes, bus tickets, and pastries and bagels. Our table hosts also offer acceptance, listening hearts, and encouragement. We have 31 volunteers who use their best gifts to show God’s love through our actions. For some their gift is gleaning, packaging, sorting, and storing non- wanted items from local stores. Others use their time and treasure to make lunches and/or supplement items we are able to give our guests. Several volunteers meet every Wednesday to lovingly put together food boxes using carefully planned menus based on what was donated Sunday and bargains they found while shopping. The gift of cooking is prevalent especially on Fridays and in the Warming Center with home cooked soups, casseroles, and other tasty treats. One volunteer uses her gift of knitting to create warm hats and scarves. Another uses his gift of time and health to walk the streets and visit homeless camps in order to hand out leftover food. This year we have had two major improvements. The clothing storage room was relocated upstairs. This now allows easy access for our volunteers. Additionally, we have formed a partnership with a local LDS church. They have held hygiene and clothing drives for us and plan to help more in the future. We are grateful for the generosity of St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas and feel blessed to be the hands and face of Christ. Russ Roseberry 

Share WHAT Shelter Ministry (Women Housing And Transition)

This year was the second year of the W.H.A.T. Shelter running year round instead of only 6 months. Our shelter serves the most vulnerable of the women living on the street. This means they have a multitude of issues; i.e. health, job loss or mental health that have led to them being unhoused. On any giving night there will be 18 women housed in the shelter. They are here from 7:00 pm to 7:30 am. During this time, they receive

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help from case managers with their housing plans and other daily living issues. The goal is to transition them to permanent housing. St. Luke’s role is essentially to be a good landlord but the people of the parish have carried it so much further. As each woman transitions to housing, they are provided with a laundry basket full of paper towels, toilet paper, kitchen towels, pot holders, bath towels, shower curtain and rings, food, a pretty candle or decoration for their new place and a gift card to Winco, Walmart or Target. You cannot imagine how thrilled the women are to have their own laundry basket and a gift card. All of these items are donations from our congregation. At Christmas, each woman received a gift bag loaded with items like a fleece blanket, socks, gloves, hats from our daytime outreach people. They had a very special Christmas thanks to everyone. Sometimes you will see a woman attending one of our services or coffee hour. I encourage you to talk with them and get to know them. Here are the statistics for this past year: Date Range: 1/1/18 to 12/31/18 Total women receiving shelter: 46 Total women who were chronically homeless receiving shelter: 26 Total women with diagnosed mental health condition: 35 Total women experiencing domestic violence: 31 Total women with physical disability: 16 Total women with medical disability/chronic medical condition: 27 Of the women who exited shelter: 42% exited to housing 7% exited to mental health or drug/alcohol treatment The rest exited to a combination of jail, staying with friends/couch surfing, or other shelters. We only had 3 women exit to the street after staying with us in shelter. That is a BIG deal. Here are a few other stats:

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33 women received case management/housing support 46 have established a housing plan 46 had access to a shower/bathing 46 accessed clothing assistance 46 received food/nutrition support 46 received laundry facilities 5 women entered mental health services/ outpatient counseling

Use creativity to develop new patterns and “cute” clothes for kids. • Make stuffed hearts to put with clothing donations in February. • Install brackets to cutting table to make it safer • Continue to enjoy the camaraderie of the group and other members of the church . Julie Love, Helping Hand Chair 

2018 Outreach Events

Kathy Gallaher, WHAT/ SL2 Liaison 

January - Valley Homestead Shelter Monthly Meal Sign-Ups

ESL – English as a Second Language

Once a month throughout the year St. Luke's parishioners provide a meal for the Valley Homestead Shelter, for families. Groceries are purchased and then delivered to the shelter. The residents prepare the meal. They are very appreciative of our involvement and are looking forward to our partnership with them in 2018. Dena Cassidy, Outreach Committee Member 

2018 Accomplishments ESL was offered three days a week from January through March, and twice a week from October through December. Attendance was limited. From January through March, one to five students and three to four instructors participated in classes. From October to early December three students and three instructors met regularly twice a week. The three students left the country in mid-December. One additional student began attending the ESL class in early December and continues to meet with the instructors twice a week. Stefanie Aschmann 

Helping Hands 2018 Accomplishments • • • • • •

Sewed and donated 918 articles of clothing and other items to Share House Serviced our own sergers and machines this year. Received fabric donations from Project Lines and Others. Used the sewing room for personal projects on an alternate day. Mary Ellen sewed curtains for the Sunday School room.. Out closely knit group supported one another in a truly Christian spirit.

2019 Goals • • • • •

Find other sources of fabrics Increase the amount of donated clothing for 2019. Add a new member to the our sewing family. Reach out to the church community for any other sewing needs. Install lights on north wall of room.

February - WHO (Winter Housing Overflow) From February 25 through March 2, St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas members, friends and neighbors supported this men’s shelter by providing volunteers for each day’s shifts.

May - Babies in Need Baby Shower On May 6 we held a baby shower during coffee hour for Babies In Need, a ministry of All Saints Episcopal church in Hazel Dell. Requested donations were for preemies and newborn babies up to three months old. Babies In Need Director, Kitty Ash, was on hand to share about this ministry and then took all donations back to All Saints. All Saints volunteers sort and assemble layettes that are distributed at local hospitals to mothers who have limited resources to obtain baby items for their newly born infants.

July - Vancouver Pride Fair The annual Vancouver Pride Fair was held July 14, 10AM-6PM at Esther Short Park. St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas presented a booth showing how we support and welcome the LGBT community. Lee Wilson and Melanie Kenoyer 

July - Relay for Life On Saturday, July 7, the annual American Cancer Society “Relay For Life” took place. The four Sundays, prior to the relay, a table was set up in the Parish Hall during the Coffee Hour with luminary bags, felt pens,

2018 Annual Report and stickers so that the people of the parish of St. Luke's ~ San Lucas could decorate and dedicate bags to loved ones, fighting the battle against cancer or to those who have lost the battle. I am proud to say the response was great. We took over 45 decorated Luminari bags and over $200 to the relay for our contribution to the American Cancer Society. The Luminary bags were part of the evening ceremony. Each had sand and a lighted candle then placed around the track on the athletic field. So beautiful. Joan Wilson 

August - School Supply Drive In August, the school supplies shopping list was published in the bulletin. Our parishioners responded generously, with supplies and monetary donations. After August 19, with the help of volunteers, the backpacks were filled with supplies according to school and grade requirements. Fifty two filled backpacks were distributed to children from preschool through high school. Kids from St Luke’s ~ San Lucas received their backpacks on Sunday, August 26 at the Blessing of the Backpacks. The neighborhood kids picked up their backpacks from the office. Leftover supplies were donated to Washington Elementary School. Lee Wilson 

September - Vancouver Peace & Justice Fair We were exhibitors with a booth at the fair Saturday, September 8 at Esther Short Park. Had a nice crew of volunteers greeting fair attendees. September - WALK TO DEFEAT ALS. As Always we walked in loving memory of Father Eric Werts. Our team name was again FOR THE LOVE OF ERIC. Donations went to the ALS Association.

November - Holiday Baskets

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16 holiday baskets were distributed just before Thanksgiving. Each included a variety of nonperishable foods, treats and a turkey. Thanks to the generosity of the congregation for a nice abundance of food to fill the baskets! Dena Cassidy, Outreach Committee Member 

November - December - GIVING TREE The Christmas tree was up with lights aglow. The Giving Tree tags were hung just so. The first Sunday they appeared and then that same day all of them disappeared! Share gave us more tags to fill and that we did. With the generosity of St.Luke’s/San Lucas we bought gifts for 58 people and 7 gift cards!! This has been the best year for the Giving and a big thank you for all of you who participated. Dena Cassidy, Georgie Wildfang thank you for delivering all the gifts to the Share in the pouring rain. One of many ways we at St. Luke’s Outreach ministries give to our community . Kreta Saathoff, Outreach Committee Member 

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Goal 3: Spiritual Growth Nursery

Began making materials for new Godly Play lessons with extra help from the Thursday Crew making wood pieces needed.

2018 Accomplishments

2019 Goals


• • • • • •

Staff assistants: Kai Malcolm, Arianna Zavala, Diana Hernandez. New hires: Katherine Klug and Maddy Surface. Care for children under age 4 is provided the 10 and 1 Sunday services. Nursery care is provided with one of the following coverage requirements: The director and one assistant are present. Two assistants, one assistant over the age of 18, are present

2019 Goals •

The director will continue to provide ongoing instruction in childcare, specific to this setting. • Recommendation for all employees to take a Certified Babysitting Class (YMCA or Red Cross) • All staff certified in First aid, CPR and Safeguarding God’s Children trainings. Leah Reshan Youth Ministries Coordinator 

Sunday School 2018 Accomplishments • Average attendance of six to eight children in the morning and twelve to fifteen in the afternoon. • Cora Wildfang, Katie McClellan, Ali Taque and Daniela Pena have helped with the younger children and have been a tremendous help with them! • Teachers: Herlinda Marquez, Lee Wilson, Catherine Hennessey, and Justin Little. • Organized a Christmas Pageant for all Sunday School age children December 24, 2018 with special help from Donna Greene, Herlinda Marquez, Claudia Frahm, and Haley Dewitz. • Hired Haley DeWitz as a Sunday School Teaching Assistant. • Scheduled Godly Play Training for March 1 & 2 to get myself, all teachers, and assistants more familiar with the curriculum.

Recruit dedicated volunteers to teach. Make materials for new lessons. • Clean and organize the Sunday School classroom to optimize space and dispose of broken and unneeded materials. Leah Reshan Youth Ministries Coordinator  •

VBS Report This summer I had the honor of working with the church to put on Vacation Bible School Summer Camp based on the Concordia inspired theme of Babylon: Daniel’s Courage in Captivity. The Concordia information kit gave us a great starting point to develop crafts, games and educational activities suited to our parish. Over 35 volunteers rallied around months before at weekly meetings to share ideas, insights and all-around support. Our main goal for VBS this year was to spread the message that “God is Always With You and Loves You” to young people growing up in a world full of scary challenges. As campers heard an interactive rendition of Daniel’s courage with the lions in Babylon (courtesy of Father Dennis Cole), sang and danced their hearts out, and worked together to create a beautiful altar clothe everyone in the room could see that the future of our church is a bright one. I’m pleased to report that through our numbers greatly fluctuated throughout the week, we had no less than twenty campers participating each day! The St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas community provided overwhelming commitment and flexibility, which made the process of organization and fun during the week all the better. As many will remember, we had a dance lesson from some of our campers the Sunday following VBS where they taught the 10 o’clock service how to boogie to one of their favorite songs from the week. While there were many wonderful aspects to VBS 2018, the big topic discussed at the reflection meeting was the fact that the Hispanic congregation’s participation needs to be

2018 Annual Report more widely encouraged and accessible. We generated many great ideas from community members on how to encourage inclusivity and spread information. I am delighted to say from what I saw VBS 2019 is going to knock it out of the park! Seeing the smiles on the faces of the youth of our church and surrounding community is one of the greatest gifts our church can give, and I would like to personally thank every single member of St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas who made this endeavor possible. I would like to finish by offering up one of the camper’s favorite bible verses learned throughout the week, “So do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10). Elizabeth Hennessey 

OTHER SPIRITUAL ENRICHMENT Youth Group 2018 Accomplishments •

• • •

We have had several meetings now where I have gotten to meet the youth that have previously been involved in the program and new youth interested in participating. We have started on the Plarn Sleeping Mat service project the Youth voted on. The youth voted to begin meeting twice per month on Sunday evenings. Five youth traveled to and attended the Junior Youth Conference in Bellingham, WA. As support staff, I had the opportunity to observe how the conferences are organized, meet other youth and leaders from different congregations in the diocese, and spend time getting to know some of the SL2 Youth. Thank you to St Luke's ~ San Lucas for supporting our youth in all of these important things with prayer, interest, and financially. It is so appreciated, and we are excited about the journey ahead.

2019 Goals • • •

This year I look forward to more growth and learning. To continue discerning our vision and to coordinate the activities for the new year. Define and provide educational events for parents

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and children. Plan events with fun and food. • Recruit volunteers to help with Youth Group meetings and events we may want to host. • To explore fundraising options to fund future activities and trips. • Coordinate with the parish to find a permanent space for the Youth Group to meet and call their own. Leah Reshan Youth Ministries Coordinator  •

Overall •

I have attended and been certified in CPR/First Aid/AED, Safeguarding God’s People, and Safeguarding God’s Children trainings. • I have taken over managing the St. Luke’s Twitter account, have admin access to help manage the Facebook page, and have created and manage an Instagram account. • Along with Cindy and Herlinda, I am helping to get the new website launched and functional. • Traveled to and attended the Connect Youth Leader retreat at Camp Huston in Gold Bar, WA. Participated in workshops focused on teaching resources for scripture study, small group discussion, and getting youth excited to participate in Youth Group and church. Leah Reshan Youth Ministries Coordinator 

Young Families The Young Families ministry has been added to the Youth ministries coordinator position that has been filled by Leah Reshan. More developments to come in 2019!

Women’s Spirituality Group 2018 Accomplishments Met monthly on the second Saturday from 10AM to Noon, January through June using the book, The Heartbeat of God – Finding the Sacred in the Middle of Everything by Katherine Jefferts Schori, former Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, as a basis for our study and discussions. We started up again in October and continued through December with a new resource for study and

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discussion using the book, Super Girls and Halos: My Companions on the Quest for Truth, Justice and Heroic Virtue by Maria Morera Johnson. Our sessions averaged 10-14 women each month. We continued requesting women to bring donations of feminine products for the Daily Outreach Ministry. Mary Boettcher, Janet Butler and Kris Lawless 

Lenten Sunday Topics KNOW YOUR PRAYER BOOK Bishop Greg Rickel always selects a book for the Diocese during Lent. Here at SL2 the best kept secret is the Book of Common Prayer that resides in our pews. Throughout Lent, February 18, through March 18 we will offered these Lenten series of talks each Sundays following the 10AM service in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit (Children’s Chapel). Unearth the treasures of the BCP—Fr. Jaime

Confirmation Classes We did not have a confirmation class in 2018. Please look in the Messenger and Sunday Announcements 2019 for information on future classes.

Library Committee 2018 Accomplishments •

Sorted and shelved several boxes of donated books. • Reorganized shelving to provide easier access. • Provided 3 Coffee Hour Displays using library resources for Lent, Pentecost, and Advent Sandra Kimura, and Nan Williams 

Bread Guild 2018 Accomplishments •

• • •

Provided home-baked communion bread throughout the year, including special unleavened bread for Lent. Added several new members and now have 12 bakers who rotate through the schedule. Set up a system of having “emergency” frozen bread to use as needed. Set up reminder system to alert bakers of their designated week.

2019 Goals • •

Continue to add bakers to the rotation as needed. Train more bakers to do unleavened bread.. Pam Goodlett 

Acolytes Acolytes perform as servers, torchbearers, lighters of candles, crucifers, thurifers, and banner-bearers. They provide very important assistance to the priest during the worship service, lending dignity and diversity to the Altar party. Currently we have 3 regular acolytes and we have 3 younger children that occasionally fill in. We are looking for acolytes in the ages of 10 and through adults that are willing to commit and serve at least once a month. Fleur Romagosa 

Lectors and Chalice Bearers 2018 Accomplishments

WORSHIP MINISTRIES Altar Guild 2018 Accomplishments •

Covered all regular services (208). And numerous weddings, memorial services, and quinceneras. • Replaced some old linens with new ones. • Acquired a new oil Paschal candle. • Started Coffee Hour and Palm making workshops. • Presented at the 3 newcomers dinners • Added four new members for a total of 117 active members plus 3 substitutes. Carol Hiltz and Sandra Kimura 

Kathy Gallaher led a Lector and Chalice Bearer one -day training and refresher course a few times over the year. During the past year, we routinely scheduled two Chalice Bearers and one Lector for Sunday 10 AM services and one Chalice Bearer for Wednesday afternoon services. Sunday 8 AM services had one or two Chalice Bearers scheduled per service throughout the year. Lectors and Chalice Bearers were scheduled throughout the year as needed for memorial services and other occasional services. We currently have 27 ministry group members on

2018 Annual Report our roster, with about 21 of them serving regularly. Our numbers are up a bit from last year, and we always have room for new additions to this ministry group.

2019 Goals • • •

Continue to provide Lectors and Chalice Bearers as needed for all scheduled and special services. Recruit, train and license new Lectors and Chalice Bearers. Make sure all all Chalice Bearers are licensed through the Diocesan guidelines.

Ushers and Greeters 2018 Accomplishments: • • • • • • • •

Jane Melhuish schedules ushers for 8 AM service. Stu Hennessey schedules the usher and greeters for 10 AM service Continued to add ushers and greeters. Ushers and greeters served over one hundred regular services. Usher greeter schedule was updated Updated usher and greeter instructions to reflect added safety needs. Provided usher and greeter training on safety. Leadership of the ushers and greeters transferred for 10 AM service.

2019 Goals • •

Increase the number of ushers and greeters. Provide the ushers and greeters with training for CPR, AED, and safety. • Improve communication to and from the ushers . Russ Roseberry 

Music 2018 Highlights •

The St. Luke’s Choir and Handbell Ringers continued to grow in musical maturity. Welcome to tenors Paul Hamman and Bill Cassidy and to bass Jim Frahm. The men’s section of our choir is the largest it has been for many years The Jazz Vesper CD, a substantial project funded in a large part by our Music Memorial Fund, was recorded in June, edited, mixed, designed, professionally produced, and made available for purchase in December. Six of our favorite soloists from the Saturday vesper services are fea-

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tured, directed by Mike Horsfall. Jazz Vespers continues our established alternative worship experience at St. Luke’s Special thanks to our “House Band”: Karyn Slanina (cantor), Don Lawry (drums), Laurent Nickel (bass.) Several special concerts were presented in the past year, including an Epiphany celebration with Phil & Gayle Newman, an organ recital by Isaac Drewes, who grew up musically at St. Luke’s, a centenary celebration of the iconic American composer Leonard Bernstein, and the continuing series presented by Bravo Choir. The TGIF Festival Vancouver moved from August to July for another series of concerts on four Fridays at 6, supported by several area restaurants. Featured were solo pianist Christopher Schindler, guitarist Jon Yerby, the Chameleon Wind Ensemble, and the Digitus XX Piano Duo. Tenor John McCullum shared his woodworking skills again with the parish by building four portable handbell tables and a solid stand for the harpsichord and “soprano emerita” Joan McLean donated her beautiful Knabe upright piano for use in the Choir Room Willy Silva and the members of his band continue to play for Spanish-language services and, with the addition of an expert accordion player, have developed a unique and engaging sound. The Parish shouts out a big “thank-you” to all the dedicated ringers, singers, instrumentalists, and members of the Music Committee who continue to work hard to enhance the worship life at St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas. A special “Thank You” goes to our own soprano Catherine van der Salm, who shares her wonderful talent when her schedule allows.

2019 Goals •

Focus on outreach for music events via the new website and social media. • Continue to work with the Music Committee to present musical events for the community. • Expand music opportunities for the children on Sunday mornings and consider the purchase of hand chimes Tim Nickel, Music Director/Organist 

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2018 Annual Report

COMMUNITY LIFE Newcomer Hospitality 2018 Accomplishments: •

• • • •

Welcomed newcomers and guests with notes or emails. Followed up with registration paperwork if desired. Started producing handouts to help newcomers learn what volunteer programs are available and where they can become involved. Scheduled newcomer dinners during the year. Got feedback from newcomers on what was helpful to them in becoming involved with parish life. Continue doing last year’s tasks. Added signage around church.

Goals for 2019 •

Continue warm welcome of newcomers and parishioners alike at coffee hour and events. • Continue to write welcome notes and follow up with registration paperwork as requested. • Add even more signage to make navigating the church and grounds easier. • Produce handouts to help newcomers learn what volunteer programs are available and where they can become involved. • Continue offering newcomer dinners and tours of the church. • Work with usher coordinator to recruit new ushers and greeters and offer training. • Work on updating the parish directory. Jamie Mathieu 

Coffee Hour We are blessed to have our able kitchen staff of Ryan Bishop and Joey Johnson to help make our Coffee Hours possible. St. Luke’s hosts served 52 Coffee Hours this past year. 39 families were represented 5 ministry groups were represented When each family signs up for one Sunday a year the commitment is spread throughout the parish. It may be helpful for some to host with a friend. If you choose to do so please sign up to host twice as hosting with a friend uses up two families. Judy Morrison, Coffee Hour Coordinator 

Friday Night Live 2018 was a great year for Friday Night Live. Attendance at each event averages about 30. The potluck format continues and everyone seems to like this format. Our final Christmas party was a huge success with many more in attendance than usual. New friendships have been forged, and existing relationships among friends strengthened as we all get to know each other better in an informal setting. However, 2019 begins with a challenge as we have several months with no hosts signed up. We hope and pray that those who attend this event each month will step forward to assure its continuance. Sharon and Jim Mayhew 

The Lunch Bunch 2018 Accomplishments January 9- Epiphany Pageant tracing how the message of Jesus spread throughout the world and the ages to the present day from Jesus to the first presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church. February 13 - Joseph Ziemba provided a program entitled “Thomas Jefferson – Farmer”. March 13 – Catherine Hennessey presented a BBC program on the history of the Church of England Book of Common Prayer (the grandparent of our BCP). April 10 - Roy and Mary Ellen Sandberg provided a video program: “Jewel of the Desert - the Kartchner Caverns of Arizona”. May 8 - Stuart and Catherine Hennessey provided a slideshow and discussion of the Spanish Immersion language and culture program they attended last summer at the Episcopal Center in Cuernavaca Mexico. June 12 – Program speakers, Bob and Phyllis Matson shared about their trip to Syria and their work at a Christian humanitarian facility. September 11 - Joseph Ziemba gave a presentation about the pleasures of reading, the care for your most loved books, Thomas Jefferson and his role in establishing the Library of Congress and his experiences while studying bookbinding by hand at the Smithsonian. October 9 – Amy Case shared photos and anec-

2018 Annual Report dotes from her trip to Sweden and Norway. November 13 - program speaker, Ramona Perkins of Villages Clark County. December 11 - Fr. Jaime Case and Herlinda Marquez provided a program about the 9 days of Posada.

• •

2019 Goals A new ministry leader is needed for this monthly event. The attendance has greatly reduced. The Rev. Jaime Case, Rector and Kris Lawless 

R@R - Retirees at a Restaurant 2018 Accomplishments: We continue to meet at Dulin's Village Cafe, 1929 Main St, in the Uptown neighborhood of Vancouver. It is just a short hop from St. Luke's/San Lucas. We have grown our group a bit this year. We average about 8-12 hungry friends. We enjoy lively conversations that include subjects as diverse as the group desires. We welcome all comers. It isn't even a requirement to be retired. You just have to be hungry and enjoy a nice warm chat.

2019 Goals: We are a relaxed group, we don't need goals this isn't school! Nancy Denny and Bob Stevens 

Reception Hospitality Ministry 2018 Accomplishments •

• • • •

Members of our committee: Dena Cassidy, Pam Goodlett, Kreta Saathoff, Mary Ellen Sandberg, Peggy Lincoln, Georgie Wildfang and many other volunteers. February 17: Memorial service and reception for Muriel McNamara . March 24: Memorial service and reception for Father Jerry Lonegran, Jr. May 6: Baby shower - "Baby's in Need" June 17: Reception for The Most Reverend Michael Curry, presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church (the entire Parish was supportive with this event...) September 29: A Celebration of the Life of Brent Williams-Ross, followed by reception

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September 29: A Celebration of the Life of Brent Williams-Ross, followed by reception Appreciation to those St Luke’s ~ San Lucas men and woman who help with setting up chairs/ tables/linens, etc; and most especially to Joey Johnson who always provides kitchen support for our receptions.

2019 Goals •

Continue to serve grieving families; support during planning; making the reception a time that shows our love and support of the family. • Continue to make St Luke's ~ San Lucas a warm, welcoming place to have a wedding and reception Georgie Wildfang 

Hospitality Support Ministry To begin, we passed inspection by the County Environmental Health Dept. Our permit is good thru February 25, 2019. Ryan Bishop continues to provide very good support in the kitchen for the Coffee Hour after the 10AM service on Sunday’s. Joey Johnson filled in for him 2-3 times in 2018. Don Lawry and other volunteers carried the day for our Thanksgiving eve dinner, I got to sit down and enjoy my food. Jamie Mathieu continues to monitor and replenish our kitchen inventory. 2019 Goals: I must encourage more parishioners to obtain a food handler license to maintain our excellent food safety record. Provide additional support for the winter warming stations and for daytime Outreach. I need to get more people involved in our VBS scheduled for the 2019 summer, you’ll have a great time with our kids! Joel Johnson 

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2018 Annual Report

Pastoral Letter from Bishop Rickel To all the good people of the Diocese of Olympia, This past summer, at our General Convention in Austin, Texas, the Episcopal Church took some historic and much needed steps in addressing past abuses by clergy toward lay persons and toward other clergy in the church. For far too long there has been too much silence, and often misdirection, when persons in our church were brave enough to bring such allegations forward. I am writing this letter, and asking that it be read in every congregation,on Sunday January 6th and/ or January 11th, in order to make you aware of the implementation of one specific resolution from General Convention, namely, D034, which called for the lifting of the statutes of limitations as spelled out in Title IV.19.4 of the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church specifically as it relates to sexual misconduct of clergy. That three year period of suspension begins on January 1, 2019 and will run until December 31, 2021. While the canon in question, and all the wording of D034, is attached to this letter and available on our diocesan website, the bishop's blog, and in hard copy for anyone who wishes to have it in that form, the basic result of this suspension is that any allegation against a cleric in this Church for acts of sexual misconduct may be brought forward in this three year window regardless of any prior invoking of a statute of limitations. In short, you do not have to wonder if the allegation comes from too long ago. In our diocese, the Intake Officer for such allegations is the Rev. Canon Joan Anthony. She can be reached at the Diocesan Office or by simply emailing her at [email protected]. She can also be contacted directly by phone by calling the diocesan office. If, for any reason you do not feel comfortable reporting this to her, you may also report to the Canon to the Ordinary Marda Steedman Sanborn, your local cleric, any diocesan staff member, and finally the Bishop himself. Keeping your confidentiality, especially in the early phases of any allegation and investigation, is our duty. While I am in complete support of this measure, and voted for it at General Convention, I also want to make clear that since the moment I walked through the doors

of DHouse to become the 8th Bishop of Olympia, whenever this particular clause regarding statute of limitations has arisen, my response has always been, "there are no statute of limitations in the Body of Christ." This has been our policy for the past nearly 12 years and will remain so even beyond this 3-year suspension. Also attached to this letter is the letter on this topic addressed to the church, from the President of the House of Deputies Gay Clark Jennings, and our Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry. I urge you to read that too. There is yet much more work to do on this topic. Our diocesan convention passed a resolution at our most recent convention which calls for the creation of a Task force on Sexual Harassment in our diocese. At our upcoming clergy conference all of these topics will be a major focus of our time together, including input from clergy on the make up of the Task Force. I invite anyone in the diocese, clergy or lay, to also offer your input on the creation of this committee. You will be hearing much more about all that, and many other topics in the days to come. I want to summarize that this resolution, as well as our diocesan policy, has as its goal to break down every possible barrier to reporting an allegation of sexual misconduct in this church. As President Jennings and Presiding Bishop Curry said so well in the end of their letter, I will end this one. May this resolution and other steps help "our church move closer to the day when, having repented of our sins and amended our common life, we may be restored in love, grace and trust with each other through our Savior Jesus Christ." Please pray for all those affected by misconduct, and pray for our Church. I remain your faithful servant. The Rt. Rev. Gregory H. Rickel VIII Bishop of Olympia

2018 Annual Report

Carta pastoral del Obispo Rickel A todas las personas buenas de la Diócesis de Olimpia, Este verano pasado, en nuestra Convención General en Austin, Texas, la Iglesia Episcopal dio algunos pasos históricos y muy necesarios para abordar los abusos pasados por parte del clero hacia laicos y hacia otros clérigos en la iglesia. Durante demasiado tiempo ha habido silencio, y con frecuencia desvío de la atención, cuando las personas en nuestra iglesia fueron lo suficientemente valientes como para presentar tales alegaciones. Estoy escribiendo esta carta y solicitando que se lea en todas las congregaciones el domingo 6 de enero y/o el 11 de enero, para informarles sobre la implementación de una resolución específica de la Convención General, llamada D034, que solicitó el levantamiento de los estatutos de limitaciones como se detalla en el Título IV.19.4 de la Constitución y los cánones de la Iglesia Episcopal, específicamente en lo que se refiere a la conducta sexual inapropiada del clero. El período de suspensión de tres años comienza el 1 de enero de 2019 y se extenderá hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2021. Si bien el canon en cuestión, y toda la redacción de D034, se adjunta a esta carta y está disponible en nuestro sitio web diocesano, el blog del obispo, y en copia impresa para cualquier persona que desee tenerlo en esa forma, el resultado básico de esta suspensión es que cualquier denuncia contra un clérigo en esta Iglesia por actos de conducta sexual inapropiada puede presentarse en este período de tres años, independientemente de cualquier convocación previa a un estatuto de limitaciones. En resumen, no tiene que preguntarse si la acusación viene desde hace mucho tiempo. En nuestra diócesis, el Oficial de Admisión para tales acusaciones es la Reverenda Joan Anthony. Puede contactarse con ella en la Oficina Diocesana o simplemente enviándole un correo electrónico a [email protected]. También se la puede contactar directamente por teléfono llamando a la oficina diocesana. Si, por alguna razón, no se siente cómodo compartiendo esta información con ella, también puede informar a Marda Steedman Sanborn, a su clérigo local, a cualquier miembro del personal de la diócesis y, finalmente, al propio obispo. Mantener su confidencialidad, especialmente en las fases iniciales de cualquier

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alegación e investigación, es nuestro deber. Aunque apoyo completamente esta medida y la voté en la Convención General, también quiero dejar claro que desde el momento en que entré por las puertas de DHouse para convertirme en el 8vo Obispo de Olimpia, siempre que esta cláusula particular con respecto al estatuto de las limitaciones ha surgido, mi respuesta siempre ha sido: "No hay un estatuto de limitaciones en el Cuerpo de Cristo". Esta ha sido nuestra política durante los últimos 12 años y seguirá siéndolo incluso más allá de esta suspensión de 3 años. También se adjunta a esta carta la carta sobre este tema dirigida a la iglesia, de parte del Presidente de la Cámara de Diputados Gay Clark Jennings y nuestro Obispo Presidente, Michael Curry. Les insto a que también lean dicha carta. Todavía hay mucho más trabajo por hacer sobre este tema. Nuestra convención diocesana aprobó una resolución en nuestra convención más reciente que exige la creación de un Grupo de Trabajo contra el acoso sexual en nuestra diócesis. En nuestra próxima conferencia de clérigos, todos estos temas serán un foco importante durante el tiempo que nos reunamos, incluidos los aportes del clero sobre la composición del Grupo de Trabajo. Invito a cualquiera en la diócesis, clero o laico, a que también ofrezca su opinión sobre la creación de este comité. Escuchará mucho más sobre todo eso y muchos otros temas en los próximos días. Quiero resumir que esta resolución, así como nuestra política diocesana, tiene como objetivo romper todas las barreras posibles para denunciar una acusación de conducta sexual inapropiada en esta iglesia. Terminaré esta carta como lo hicieron el presidente Jennings y el obispo presidente Curry. Que esta resolución y otras medidas ayuden a que “nuestra iglesia se acerque más al día en que, habiéndonos arrepentido de nuestros pecados y modificado nuestra vida comunitaria, nos restauremos en el amor, la gracia y la confianza entre sí a través de nuestro Salvador Jesucristo.” Por favor, oren por todos los afectados por la mala conducta, y oren por nuestra Iglesia. Sigo siendo su fiel servidor. El Reverendísimo Gregory H. Rickel VIII Obispo de Olimpia

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2018 Annual Report

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Goal 4: Pastoral Care Pastoral Care Committee 2018 was a busy year for the Pastoral Care Committee. Each month we met as a group to talk about the needs and joys we encountered the previous month through our contacts with 15 or so parish members who are unable to come to church or are involved in a medical challenge or other circumstances. Our People In Need list includes around 15 people that we are committed to contacting regularly. We sponsored a workshop with Fr. Ellen Richardson who wrote the book Holy Dying and who came to talk with us about her book and the many important issues in facing dying, which is something we all will be involved with. She also preached on the Sunday of the weekend she was here. As we worked with people we began talking about how well we were doing and were there other ways that we could be of assistance. As a result of those discussions we wanted to hear from the parish about what others thought we were doing and other areas we might be involved with. We are currently digesting what we learned from our Survey and plan on making a presentation to the parish in the coming months. New areas we are exploring are regular ways to provide transportation to and from church, setting up meals for people who need them for limited periods of time, and additional opportunities for prayers of healing and support in the life of the parish. We have had several new and very active members of our committee. We are always open to having additional people join our committee. The Rev. Dennis Cole, Associate 

Life Goes On Life Goes On is a group of people who meet monthly at Glennwood Retirement Center to explore the stages of grief each on is involved in. The meetings range from 8-16 people, some of whom are new members and some who have been involved for several years. Each person has experienced the loss of a spouse or family member and the group is now a community in which grief is a shared experience. This past year, with the visitation of Fr. Ellen Richardson, who wrote the book, Holy Dying, to the parish, prompted con-

siderable discussion about the role of the caregiver in the dying process. Virtually all of the members of the group have been caregivers and several still are as their spouse is experiencing a form of dementia and grieving takes on a different form. The loss of a pet has been discussed several times as well. This December we held our annual Christmas Banquet which was held in the Parish Hall. We were led in singing carols by Ann Vitort, Judy Sloan’s daughter, who is a music therapist. It was a wonderful event. In the coming year, in addition to our regular gatherings, which include food goodies, we anticipate exploring developing a Caregiver Support Packet for those involved directly in caregiving. New members are always welcome and we have had some attend who are not St. Lukers and they are a wonderful addition to our group. Fr. Cole is the facilitator of the group . The Rev. Dennis Cole, Associate 

Eucharistic Visitors A Eucharistic Visitor is a lay person who is trained, licensed and authorized to take the consecrated elements to members of the congregation who, by reason of illness or infirmity, were unable to be present at the Celebration of the Eucharist. A Eucharistic Visitor acts under the direction of a deacon, if any, or otherwise, the member of the clergy or other leader exercising oversight of the congregation or other community of faith.

2018 Goals •

Train current Eucharistic Visitors and make sure they are licensed according to the Diocesan guidelines. • Attract new Eucharistic Visitors and make sure they are trained and licensed as well.. • Support the ongoing work of the Lay Eucharistic Visitors The Rev. Dennis Cole, Associate 

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2018 Annual Report

Neighborhood Shepherds 2018 Accomplishments

Prayer Shawls

2018 Accomplishments

Updated the various Shepherd groups based on changes reported in The Messenger. Began alerting all Shepherds of birthdays in their groups each month.

• •

2019 Goals •

Continue updating changes in existing Shepherd groups. • Assist Pastoral Care with activities suggested by that committee’s parish-wide survey. • Establish a new Shepherd Group (#21) for our parishioners who live in Oregon. Tom Amies 

Memorials During the past year the following members of St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas died and went to their heavenly reward. May they rest in peace. Patricia Miller Burnell Pamela Jocelyn Ross Neal Maddy Robert Atkins Jean McBrantney Rev. Willis Gerald Lonergan, Jr Chess Getsinger Muriel Ruth McNamara Brent Williams Ross Jamie Michael Lee Ammons

Shawls were distributed, upon request, by contacting the church office. Shawls can be given to anyone that would find it meaningful. They do not need to be members of the church. Shawls were provided to people who were ill, mourning the loss of a loved one, or facing a personal crisis.

2019 Goals •

Invite all knitters and crocheters to participate in creating and donating shawls. • Continue to provide shawls to anyone that would find benefit from having one. Significant events like a change in jobs, moving, birth of a child may also be an appropriate time to give a shawl. • Encourage the clergy and pastoral care committee to offer shawls to those they visit Lee Wilson 

2018 Annual Report

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Facility Management Reports Accessibility

Facility Use

2018 Accomplishments

2018 Accomplishments

• •

Replaced the drinking fountains including the provision of bottle fill stations. Completed installation of emergency exit ladders for each of the rooms used by WHAT. Rebuilt laundry facilities for use by WHAT as well as the parish.

Repaint exterior hand rails at building entrance and around window wells (carry over from 2018). Provide resources to improve the restrooms to better meet current needs (carry over from 2018).

Bob Hiltz 

Thursday Maintenance Group 2018 Accomplishments •

• • •

The ’crew’ of 12 averages 8 dedicated members working weekly to support building and grounds maintenance. The crew provided 1440 hours, 14% below the level provided in 2017. In addition the parish continues to benefit from the actions of the Aztec Dance Group who have maintained and improved the care provided the south and west lawns. Restriped the parking lot Enclosed the north wall of the shed west parking spots and replaced rotted sections of the west wall. Completed guarding of the Peace Garden window wells.

2019 Goals • Remodel the kitchen rest room including more efficient fixtures. • Replace the interior double doors leading into the parish hall adding emergency exit hardware. Complete the enclosure of the west end of the shed to provide more secured parking for the Rector having garage doors installed on the south side. Bob Hiltz

• •

2019 Goal •

• •

Educate the use groups and the membership about the facility use regulations. By end of year we had 18 on-going outside groups regularly meeting in our buildings. 2 Outside regular meeting groups discontinued using our facility 1 Outside regular meeting groups started using our facility. Managed use donations per contracts and negotiate new contracts. Updated all contacts and facility use fee schedules

2019 Goals •

Review all facility use agreements and update with current contact person. • Update facility use regulations and update, educate and re-post signage as needed. • Continue to update internal and external signage as needed Herlinda Marquez, Parish Administrator  Jamie Mathieu, Assistant to Office of the Treasurer 

Columbarium & St. Francis Chapel 2018 Accomplishments • Internments continue with 80 % of the niches now committed or reserved. • Options were developed that would allow expanding the number of niches from the current 224 to 256 or 272 as the need arises.. Bob Hiltz 

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2018 Annual Report

2 0 18 Ves tr y R os te r Class of 2016 - 2019

Class of 2017 - 2020

Class of 2018 - 2021

Stu Hennessey John Mathieu Elizabeth Ruiz Reyes

Melanie Kenoyer Marlene Perez, Russ Roseberry

Jill McClellan Michelle Hamann Beth Femling

2018 Parish Officers Senior Warden Jill McClellan

Junior Warden John Mathieu

Clerk of the Vestry Tom Amies

Treasurer Doug Goodlett

2018 Annual Report

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Administration and Financial Reports SUMMARY OF 2018 VESTRY ACTIONS

2019 Goals

Jan: Agreed to follow the health and dental insurance guidelines annually set by the diocese and the Episcopal Church Medical Trust. Feb: None. Mar: None. Apr: None. May: None. Jun: Approved a resolution designating unrestricted bequests to the use of a Capital Fund for the purchase of property or for unexpected or unscheduled major repairs and improvements. Jul: None. Aug: None. Sep: Approved Arlen Farley’s status as a Candidate for Holy Orders Oct: Modified the WHAT shelter lease, allowing SHARE to install a video system for security. Nov: Approved Donna Greene’s Postulancy to the Diaconate. Dec: Agreed to make a presentation on becoming a sanctuary parish at the Annual Parish Meeting. Tom Amies, Vestry Clerk 

Develop a plan to support our women’s homeless shelter with remaining grant funds from the Ed and Dollie Lynch Fund described above. • Continue seeking input from the vestry and ministry leaders to determine future financial needs based on our vision and mission to serve others. • Provide vestry members with the necessary tools to engage members more fully in the budget development and monitoring processes. • Increase the number of pledging units. • Identify creative ways to increase revenues to provide on-going funding for our ministries, including especially our new youth and families coordinator position and related activities. Doug Goodlett, Treasurer 

Treasurer’s Office 2018 Accomplishments •

All invoices were paid each month without borrowing from savings • The parish received a grant in the amount of $10,000 from the Community Foundation for Southwest Washington, Ed and Dollie Lynch Fund, for the purpose of homeless shelter needs • We ended the year with a positive balance of $29,350; these anticipated carryover funds will be used in 2019 to fully support our new coordinator of youth and families position and the related funding necessary to support this renewed effort • SHARE continues to provide $30,000 funding for the women’s shelter • The Diocesan Investment Fund (DIF) ended the year with a balance of 1,326,206 • We are most grateful for the continuing financial support of St. Luke’s parishioners Financial statements are included in the appendices

2 0 1 8 C l e rg y & S t a ff R o s t e r The Rev. Jaime J. Case Rector The Rev. Dennis Cole Assistant Priest The Rev. Amy Cox Associate The Rev. Don Greenwood Associate Tim Nickel Kris Lawless Herlinda Marquez Janet Butler Leah Reshan

Music Director and Organist Parish Administrator(01-11) Parish Administrator (10-12) Assistant Treasurer Youth and Families Coordinator

Staff Report 2018 brought many difficult and positive changes to the staffing at St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas. After Kris had retired in 2017, Erika brought in the 2018 year as our parish administrator only to leave us unexpectedly in February. Kris came back and helped keep the office going until we had found a new replacement in Astrid Caruso. Again, we were left without a parish administrator when Astrid gave her notice in September to move to New Zealand with her partner. After going through the search again, Herlinda applied, interviewed and was offered the position. After accepting, she started in October and has been currently taking on the day to day parish administrator du-

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2018 Annual Report

ties. Also in 2018, we were blessed with the new addition of Leah Reshan. She is the new Youth and Families Coordinator and over sees the programs for Nursery, Sunday School, and Youth group. She will also be back-up support for Herlinda when she is out sick or on vacation. Currently the support and balance is great in the office and we look forward to what 2019 brings us! Herlinda Marquez, Parish Administrator 

Parish Administration Report 2018 Accomplishments Kris Lawless assisted by creating the 2017 Annual Report from submitted and written ministry reports. Erika Carranza quit abruptly just prior to the end of February. Kris Lawless returned temporarily to fill in until a new Parish Administrator was hired. Astrid Caruso was hired in June and started as the new Parish Administrator July 1. Training continued into August. Mid-August Astrid gave twoweek’s notice that she would be leaving to take advantage of an opportunity to live in New Zealand. Kris Lawless continued after Astrid’s departure until the position was filled. We were delighted to be able to hire Herlinda Marquez, who had been the Office Assistant in 2016. She started in early October. Kris retired again in early December. Jennifer Cole volunteered 1/2 day Tuesdays preparing the 8AM and 10AM bulletins and Readers’ sheets, updating the Register of Services and preparing the Wednesday service bulletin. She also worked Friday morning and managed copy production of all Sunday bulletins, Announcements and emailed readers’ sheets. Jim Christen came in ½ day most weeks to prepare the weekly English Announcement sheet. Joan Wilson assisted Jennifer Cole most Fridays with assembling the Sunday bulletins. When she wasn’t available Jim Christen and John Rowe stepped in to help. Many generous volunteers helped with the assembly and preparation of the newsletters during the year

and with other special mailings. Throughout the year, even with all the personnel changes the regular duties were completed in the following areas within the scope of this position: Office Management Clergy Support Worship Support Ministry Support Communication Facility Management Records Management Periodic Reporting

2019 Goals • • •

Continue to work on developing the PA duties Know and understand the new website Build up the volunteers and management skills for the volunteers.

Parish Administrator: Kris Lawless and Herlinda Marquez 

Pledge Campaign Our pledges are the main financial support of the congregation. They fulfill part of our duty as Christians, “to work, pray, and give for the spread of the kingdom of God (BCP Catechism, p. 856).” So, it matters how we do as the Beloved Community. The total of all pledges combined for 2019 is $435,232. That exceeds our goal of $416,000 and shows healthy giving levels. As a result, our new youth and families coordinator and related activities can be supported for all of 2019. Thanks to all!

Doug Goodlett, Treasurer

Fundraising Activities In 2018 we generated a total of $2,243 and are listed below: Boomerang $527 Fred Meyer rewards program $162 Metal recycling $708 Craft & gift sale $846 Metal recycling was a huge success this year thanks to the efforts of Russ Roseberry. Boomerang, a non-profit, has gone out of business. Also, the Fred Meyer rewards and EScript programs have generated fewer funds than in past years.

.Doug Goodlett, Treasurer

2018 Annual Report

Computer System 2018 Accomplishments The church computer system consists of eight desktop computers, one laptop computer and one data server hardwired together on an Ethernet network. This year we replaced three of the oldest computers dating from 2005 and 2006. These old computers were unable to efficiently run the newer Windows 10 and Office 365 applications. Our network equipment is now all less than 5 years old. The only computer failure we experienced was the treasurer’s computer but it’s data was restored from backup and none was lost. A multi-hub WiFi system was installed to give the campus WiFi coverage through all the buildings.

2019 Goals Continue to monitor computer backups to assure they are happening reliably. Complete the migrate our current web site and email accounts to our new domain. , Replace our aging phone system to reduce costs and get improved functionality. Choose a new ISP to gain faster internet speeds at lower costs. Continue with the plan to replace one or two of the oldest computers each year to keep our system updated and reliable. John Mathieu 

Archivist and Historian Report This volunteer position is an administrative function to manage the Parish’s archived collections, and share our parish’s history.

2018 Accomplishments: •

• • •

Installation of archiving software, migrating over 1,000 items already cataloged in the beta database. Found new ways in the software to store pictures and lists on contents. Continued to archive boxed items in Archive Vault, including all of the Guilds boxes, as well as the existing scrapbooks (using the new list feature in the software). Prepared displays, including: “Mysteries of the Vault” picture display of unique items in the Archives. The past of St. Luke’s for Bishop Curry’s visit.

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The history of the St. Luke’s Antiques Guild. Advent calendars to go along with the Posada display. Worked with Library Committee to display various historical bibles and BCPs from the Archive Vault. Articles written for the Messenger on various historical events and facts, based on contents found in the Archive Vault and elsewhere.

2019 Goals: •

Refinement of the way certain Archive Vault contents are stored and catalogued. • Improve the way archived bulletins are stored and catalogued.. Pat Lawless, Archivist & Historian 

2018 Diocesan Convention The 108th Annual Convention was held October 26 -27, 2018, at the Doubletree by Hilton Seattle Airport. The theme this year was ”This is Us: Looking Back & Moving Forward”. Our delegates were Nancy Denny, Pat Lawless, Kris Lawless, Harry Gamble, Stu Hennessey and alternate, Amy Surface (replacing Catherine Hennessey who was unable to attend). Father Jaime Case was our clergy representative. All attended three sessions of Convention Workshops. Resolutions Results: Approved: 2019 Assessment Rate Reduction: 15% to 14.5% of the Net Disposable Income. Approved: 2020 Assessment Rate: 14.5% of the Net Disposable Income. Approved: Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) to Clergy Salary Scale for 2019: 3.3%. Approved: Model Policy for the Protection of Children & Youth: in accordance with resolutions of the 2015 General Convention. Approved: Model Policy for the Protection of Vulnerable Adults: in accordance with resolutions of the 2015 General Convention. Referred: Absurd Translation of the Nicene Creed: Requested the Standing Commission on Music and Liturgy consider the submitted analysis by Bishop William Choi, et al, of translation issues of the Nicene Creed, specifically into East Asian languages. Approved: Aligning Diocesan Fossil Fuel Divestment and Reinvestment with The Episcopal Church: exhorted the Board of Directors of

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this Diocese to fulfill its fiscal responsibilities while making this investment decision consistent with our Christian faith rather than solely to maximize financial profits regardless of the costs to God’s people and creation. Ratified: Preventing Sexual Harassment and Discrimination: to join in the work set forth by Resolution A109—Create Task Force on Sexual Harassment—of the 79th General Convention of the Episcopal Church by declaring that “sexual harassment of adults by clergy, church employees, and church members are abuses of trust, a violation of the Baptismal Covenant, contrary to Christian Character, and are therefore wrong”; and establishment of a Diocesan Task Force. Affirmed: Recognition and Affirmation of the Inherent Dignity of Transgender and Nonbinary Persons as Beloved Children of God: that all transgender and nonbinary people, and anyone whose gender identity and expression differs from that assigned at birth, are beloved children of God and are to be treated with equal rights and privileges as other human beings. Ratified: 2019 Operating Budget: as adopted by the Diocesan Council. Awards: Preaching Award: Aaron Scott, Chaplains on the Harbor and diocesan Missioner for AntiPoverty Organizing. Ky Chen Employee Excellence: Kathryn Chamberlain, Christ Church, Seattle; Kris Lawless, St. Luke ~ San Lucas, Vancouver. Bishop’s Cross: Page Eney, St. John, Kirkland; Mary O Haller, Good Shepherd, Federal Way. More convention information is available on the Diocesan website: . Bishop’s WalkAgain Announced: Bishop Rickel and representatives from our governing bodies will be traveling the diocese for a series of conversations on our common vision and road ahead. It will be a year of dialogue, a year of listening, and a year of growing to-

gether as the Episcopal Church in Western Washington. As part of this discernment, the Bishop will be taking a sabbatical during 2019. Retiring Delegates: Nancy Denny, Pat Lawless and Kris Lawless. 2019 Annual Convention will be held November 89, 2019, at the Lynnwood Convention Center. Kris Lawless, Delegate to Diocesan Convention 

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ST. LUKE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH ~ LA IGLESIA EPISCOPAL DE SAN LUCAS REVISED 2016 ANNUAL PARISH MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 28, 2018 OPENING ACTIVITIES: Senior Warden Kathy Gallaher called this Annual Parish Meeting to order in the Parish Hall at 11:35 a.m. She then led our opening prayer. The Vestry and a number of parishioners provided the delicious potluck lunch for us to enjoy. KUDOS: When Parish Administrator Erika Carranza became ill with pneumonia, her predecessor, Kris Lawless, completed the Annual Parish Report and other tasks in a timely manner. Kris received a welldeserved round of applause for her extraordinary service. FIRST BALLOT: Vestry Candidates: Three persons retired from the Vestry today. Nancy Denny and Blanca Maldonado each had completed one-year terms. Kathy Gallaher ended a full three-year term, ably serving the final two as Senior Warden. Kathy invited Beth Femling, Michelle Hamann, and Jill McClellan to come to the front of the parish hall. They are the declared candidates for the 2018-2021 Vestry term. When nominations were opened from the floor, Angela Brothers declared her candidacy. No other person declared a candidacy or was nominated. Convention Representatives: This year, Diocesan Convention is at the SeaTac Doubletree on October 2627. We can send six delegates (three men and three women) and six alternates. All serve for two years. An alternate of one gender is permitted to replace a delegate of the other. Of our existing delegates (Nancy Denny, Mike Grigsby-Lane, Pat and Kris Lawless, and Roy and Mary Ellen Sandberg), Mike and the Sandbergs have completed their terms. We need one man and two women to fill out our delegate roster. Stu Hennessey was the only declared delegate candidate. Catherine Hennessey and Harry Gamble volun-

teered to serve the parish in that capacity, and were elected. The parish has alternates: Amy Surface, Amy Case, Michelle Hamann and Melanie Kenoyer. That should suffice: it would be highly unusual to need all six. We were asked to add the names of all who were nominated or volunteered to serve to our ballots. The retiring vestry members counted them and reported the results later in the meeting. RECTOR’S REPORT: Our Annual Parish Report shows that we have many diverse and active ministries. Fr. Jaime thanked all of us who so freely share our time, talent, and treasure. St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas was a Pastoral parish, in which the Rector has a major role in most parish activities. We have been evolving into a Program parish, in which the Rector delegates many duties to the parish’s lay leadership. For example, the WHAT (Women’s Housing and Transition) shelter committee did its work and made recommendations to the Vestry. As a result, the parish basement now has two extra shelter rooms, six more women as our winter guests, and a kitchenette which once was the basement utility room. Father Jaime thanked our many parishioners who have taken on lay leadership positions. 2 Among those unable to attend this meeting were Bob Hiltz, Thursday Crew chair, and Carol Hiltz and Sandra Kimura, Altar Guild co-directresses. Our profession is what we do in our daily lives. That may be quite different from what we do at church. Quoting from an unusual source (Gandalf the Grey), Fr. Jaime noted that “all we have to decide is what to do

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with the time that is given us”. He is grateful for the beneficial choices so many of us have made. Looking out into an unhappy world, we are working out how God wants us to grow where we are now. In 2013, the Vestry and parish reviewed our Mission and Vision statements and Parish Goals. To update that process, Fr. Jaime has contacted The Rev. Alissa Newton. She is the director of the diocese’s College of Congregational Development. We may enlist her aid this year. Tithing is the church’s standard of giving. As a parish, we are very close to tithing our general budget to Outreach. If you donate clothing, food, or other items to St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas, please send in your receipts. Your in-kind donation may be the one that puts us “over the top”. SENIOR WARDEN’S REPORT: This has been an exciting, frustrating, and fulfilling year for Kathy Gallaher. We have expanded the Women’s Shelter, raised parish awareness -- and taken action -- on immigration issues, and exceeded our pledge goal. Kathy cherishes us for supporting her when she was suddenly widowed in June. JUNIOR WARDEN’S REPORT: John Mathieu referred us to his section of the Annual Parish Report. He asked that we let him know of any physical problems, even as small as a leaky faucet. Quick action now can save time and money later. John also invited parishioners to help with ongoing maintenance by joining the Thursday Crew. Partly social (with doughnuts and coffee), this dedicated group of volunteers saves the parish lots of money annually by doing repairs and construction which would otherwise be farmed out. TREASURER’S REPORT: Doug Goodlett began by thanking Janet Butler and Jamie Mathieu for taking over his duties when he was ill. They were applauded for their service. Our parish has had substantial carryovers of funds for the last two years. For 2017, the amount was $21,192,

giving us an excellent start for 2018. Much of that carryover had been earmarked for staff positions which were not filled last year. Some 2017 highlights: The WHAT shelter received $37,000 in donations. A significant portion came from outside persons who appreciate our community outreach. We also had a matching grant (which went from $3,000 to $5,000) from an anonymous donor. A tamale sale to buy passports and passport cards for our Hispanic members raised $2,400. Jazz Vespers donations totaled $2,300. Outreach donors contributed $7,000. At the end of 2017, our part of the Diocesan Investment Fund (DIF) was worth $1.3 million. The income on that amount is part of our monthly parish income. For 2018, we had 116 pledging units (individuals and families). In recent years, the number of pledging units has decreased a bit, but the average pledge has gone up, leading to a net gain. Last year’s budget was a significant stretch from the previous one. For 2018, the budget was designed to be the same as in 2017. The two staff positions budgeted but not filled were dropped for this year. Making that choice, and with the 2017 carryover, we will be able to do the following: 3 Provide Fr. Dennis Cole, Assistant Rector, with a stipend and pension. Pay Fr. Jaime’s salary and pension at the diocesan B class level (up from C class). Give all paid staff 3% raises. Without the carryover, we could not have done any of those things without making cuts elsewhere. Doug was thanked and applauded for his work as Treasurer. THANK-YOUS: Nancy, Kathy, and Blanca were temporarily called away from their ballot-counting duties. Each was given a small gift, and the congregation’s applause, for their Vestry service.

2018 Annual Report OTHER TOPICS: Fr. Jaime requested that we all read the Annual Parish Report, cover to cover. It shows how involved our church is, caring internally for our own members and externally for the larger community. Amy Surface thanked the congregation for supporting the three troops who jointly sold Girl Scout cookies. The cookies should be available during Coffee Hour on February 18.

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prayer, Kreta Saathoff appeared to have slipped or fainted. Mike Morrison and Nancy Denny both rushed to her aid. After a brief pause, they helped Kreta to stand and gently escorted her from the room. This meeting ended with the Lord’s Prayer at 12:28 p.m. Tom Amies, Clerk of the Vestry 

Russ Roseberry is still picking up metal for scrap sale. He can take dryers, washers, and dishwashers, but not refrigerators (due to disposal restrictions on the refrigerant). Russ is also recruiting new ushers and greeters for all services. Melanie Kenoyer thanked all who have served as Gatekeepers for the 1:00 service. We need people to continue this task when the present schedule ends on March 5. Catherine Hennessey thanked Jennifer Cole for volunteering and for reminders of when she was due to serve as Chalice Bearer/Lector. Tim Nickel reminded us that Jazz Vespers will be THIS Saturday (February 3) at 6:00 p.m. Catherine van der Salm will be our cantor, with Mike Horsfall as our guest instrumentalist. ELECTION RESULTS: Beth Femling, Michelle Hamann, and Jill McClellan are our new Vestry members. New and returning Vestry members were asked to meet briefly in the Library after this meeting. Our new convention delegates are Catherine Hennessey, Stu Hennessey and Harry Gamble. Our new alternates are Amy Case and Amy Surface. All of them were thanked for their willingness to serve in these new roles. CLOSING PRAYER: As we stood for the closing


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Erika Carranza, new Parish Administrator, helps mop up after the basement flooded. Aztec Dancers

1 of 8 Posadas