St Brigid Catholic Church

3 sept. 2017 - Parish Manager.................. Mrs. ... special emphasis on the culture and heritage of the ... entrusted with the responsibility to maintain and .... grace to take up our cross and follow him. ... one job and it's this: take up your cross.
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St Brigid Catholic Church 5214 S. Western Ave. LA, CA 90062 Phone: 323-292-0781 | Fax: 323-290-1254 Email: [email protected] Website:


Pastor ....................... Rev. Kenneth Keke, SSJ Spanish Ministry ... Dcn. Hernando Rodriguez Parish Manager .................. Mrs. Cheryl Pyles Director of Religious Edu. Mrs. Floy Hawkins Parish Secretary........... Ms. Claudia Edwards

MASS SCHEDULES Saturday: Sunday:

4:00 PM 7:00 AM 8:30 AM 10:30 AM Weekdays: 8:15 AM

Levanta Tu Cruz Y Sigueme

Vigil English Español Gospel Bilingual

CONFESSION Saturday: Sábados:

3:30–4:00 PM Or by appointment 3:30-4:00 PM o por cita

OUR MISSION: We the Faith Community of St.

Brigid Catholic Church declare our mission is to know and imitate Jesus. We proclaim the reign of God in this community by preaching, teaching the Good News and celebrating our Roman Catholic worship. We witness the faith by demonstrating service and compassion for those in need. As Community, we welcome, honor and respect all people with the special emphasis on the culture and heritage of the African American and Hispanic Catholics. Infant Baptism: Prep Class for Parents & Godparents, 2nd Tuesday of the month; Baptism during Sunday Liturgy. Bautizos Infantiles: Clase de Preparacion para Padres y Padrinos, 2 º Martes de cada mes con el Bautizo durante la Misa del Domingo.

Religious Education (CCD): Saturdays, 9:30am– 11:30am, October thru MayEducación Religiosa: Sábados, 9:30am– 11:30am, Octubre a Mayo. First Communion & Confirmation: Two years preparation through the Religious Education Program. Primera Comunion y Confirmacion; Preparación de dos años Adults (Rite of Christians Initiation of Adults) RCIA: Please contact the Director of Religious Education, Mrs. Floy Hawkins to register.

Adultos (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana) RICA: por favor, contactar Floy Hawkins., Directora de Educación Religiosa,. Marriage: Please Contact the Priest at least six months in advance. Do not book the reception hall until the wedding date in the church is confirmed. Matrimonio: Contactar al sacerdote por lo menos 6 meses antes de reservar el local de celebración. Sick Calls: contact Parish Office (323)292-0781 Visitas a Enfermos: Mario Ardon: (323) 304-0194 Quinceanera: Claudia Edwards from 9am—2pm, (323) 292-0781


3 Sunday

Jeremiah 20:7-9 Romans 12:1-2 Matthew 16:21-27


4 Monday

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Luke 4:16-30


5 Tuesday

1 Thessalonians 5:1-6, 9-11 Luke 4:31-37


6 Wednesday Colossians 1:1-8 Luke 4:38-44


7 Thursday

Colossians 1:9-14 Luke 5:1-11


8 Friday

Micah 5:1-4A Mathew 1:1-16, 18-23




For our St. Brigid Families



For our St. Brigid Young Adults


Por todos los Jovenes de Sta. Brigida


For all of our St. Brigid Families


8:15 am




For Warren C Emmerson, R.I.P From Mrs. Holland



For Larry & Edna Williams, Hank Williams, Loyd Williams



For Maudell Williams, Margaret Wilson, Beverly Zuniga



For Bernadine Beatty, Beatrice Corral, Maria Matias


Weekly Deposits (Envelopes, loose, holy days, building maintenance, St. Vincent De Paul 8/27/2017: $ 4063.00 As St. Brigid parishioners, we embrace “stewardship” and welcome the opportunity to share our time, talents and treasure within our Faith Community and the greater local community we serve. We are proud of our many accomplishments, improvements, successful projects and programs which form the foundation of our “Call to Stewardship”. St. Brigid is OUR church and OUR family. We have been entrusted with the responsibility to maintain and preserve the physical plant of St. Brigid. We need and welcome your financial support and prayers as we make this Stewardship journey together.

Ministries Honoring their annual commitment 2017

Aids Ministry – Altar Servers Art/Environment Bereavement Drum Ministry Education Committee Emmanuel Eucharistic MinistersFinance Council—$250 Gospel ChoirGuadalupanos - $1000 Hospitality—$500 KPC, Council #259 KPC, Court #259 -$500 Lectors - $250 Legion of Mary Liturgy Committee Ministry Thru Prayer - $855 New Generation Choir Parish Council Religious Education—$500 Resurrection Choir Soup, Salad & Scripture - $75 Spanish Evangelization Spanish Lectors Spanish Ushers - $3000 St. Vincent de Paul—$200 Traditional Choir -$100 Tuesday Night Bible Study Usher Board—$250 Welcome Committee- $563 Women’s Ministry Young at Heart - $500 ***************************************

WILLS & ESTATE PLANNING Doris Fork - $15,000.000| 2

This Week at SBC Parish Goal: $22,400 Amount Pledged: $11,104 Amount Paid: $8,519



SEPTEMBER 3, SUNDAY 7:00 am – Guadalupanos Brunch, Hall 12:30 pm – Jr. Daughters, R 7 12:30 pm – Hospitality R 1 12:30 pm – Drum Ministry, R 5 12:30 pm – Technology, R 2




Family, Friends & Parishioners are invited to our


Grandparents Tea September 10th, @ 12:30pm hosted by our KPC Jr. Daughters

YOUTH MINISTRY Calling all of our St. Brigid Youth ages, 13-18 to join our

Young Leaders Program

every Friday @ 7pm in Room 3 For more information please contact Brittney Perry, Program Coordinator or Alejandra, Parent Liaison CHILDREN MINISTRIES Calling all children ages 7 – 12

to handle jobs so big that only a kid can do: Altar Servers, Drum Ministry, Children’s Choir, & Youth Ushers Brunch Dates Available: Nov. 26th, Dec. 10th, & Dec. 31st

Please contact Parish Office to secure your date.

3 | St. Brigid Catholic Church

10:00 am – Ministry Thru Prayer, Rectory 1:00 pm – Young @ Heart, Hall 7:00 pm – Gospel Choir Reh., Church

SEPTEMBER 6, WEDNESDAY 2:00 7:00 7:00 7:00

pm pm pm pm

– – – –

Legion of Mary, Chapel Emmanuel, R 4 Youth Lectors, Church Traditional Choir, Church

SEMTEMBER 7, THURSDAY 11:30 am – SVDP 7:00 pm – Spanish Evangelization, R 5 7:00 pm — Resurreccion Choir, Church 7:00 pm – LALA, Hall

SEPTEMBER 8, FRIDAY 5:00 6:00 7:00 7:00 7:00

pm pm pm pm pm

– – – – –

Quincianeras Altar Servers OA, R 5 Youth Lectors, Church Youth Ministry, R 1

SEPTEMBER 9, SATURDAY 10:00 am – Toast Masters, R 5 12:00 pm – Block Club, R 5 1:00 pm – KPC, Rms, 2 & 4 2:00 pm – AA, R 5 7:00 pm – Spanish Liturgy, R 7

~ REFLECTION ~ Today is a day of reflection for all of us who have gathered here at God’s invitation. Jesus asks us what profit there is in gaining the whole world if we forfeit our life. We would do well to assess our priorities and examine whether we wish to live for ourselves or for Christ. Let us pray today for the grace to take up our cross and follow him. ~ REFLEXION ~ Hoy es un día de reflexión para todos los que nos hemos reunidos aquí por invitación de Dios. Jesús nos pregunta de qué nos sirve ganar el mundo entero si perdemos la vida. Haríamos bien en evaluar nuestras prioridades y examinarnos en cuanto a si queremos vivir para nosotros mismos o para Cristo. Oremos hoy para pedir la gracia de tomar nuestra cruz y seguir a Cristo. Did You Know? Unfortunately,

conflict and even bullying seem to be a widespread experience our country’s schools. Children may fall victim to, or perpetuate, intimidation and teasing, sometimes with lasting consequences to themselves and/or others. As children head back to school, it is important to talk to them about how they treat others and how to handle conflict or bullying in their classrooms and on the playgrounds. Get involved in your child’s school and ask about plans or programs for bullying prevention. To request a copy of the VIRTUS® article “Understanding School Violence, Part 2” email [email protected] or call (213) 637-7227.

Sabia Usted? Acoso y regreso a la escuela.

Desafortunadamente, el conflicto e incluso el acoso escolar parecen ser una experiencia generalizada en las escuelas de nuestro país. Los niños pueden ser víctimas de, o perpetuar, intimidación y burlas, a veces con consecuencias duraderas para sí mismos y/ o para otros. A medida que los niños vuelven a la escuela, es importante hablar con ellos sobre cómo tratan a los demás y cómo manejar el conflicto o el acoso escolar en sus aulas y en los patios de recreo. Involúcrese en la escuela de su hijo y pregunte acerca de los planes o programas de prevención del acoso escolar. Para solicitar una copia del artículo de VIRTUS® “Understanding School Violence, Part 2” (Entendiendo la violencia escolar, Parte 2) escriba a [email protected] o llame al (213) 637-7508.

4 | St. Brigid Catholic Church

3 Ways to take up our Cross and follow Jesus

1. Self Denial: We simply deny ourselves those things that are temporarily pleasurable but eternally painful. We deny the desire of our flesh. We deny the temptation of sin. We refuse to settle for anything less than the best which is God’s good, pleasing, and perfect. 2. Torture: Athletes torture their bodies. Thinkers torture their minds. And we get that on the physical and intellectual plane, but wish there was another way on the spiritual plane. There isn’t. Just like the physical realm: no pain, no gain. Are you willing to suffer temporal pain for eternal gain? That's what it comes down to. 3. Death: You have to die to self every day. How? By allowing your circumstances to help you become more like Christ-especially the circumstances you don’t like. Anytime you feel the pain of an insult, disappointment, suffering, physical challenge, failure, injustice, or trial-it’s an opportunity to die to pride, die to ego, die to sin, die to self. And if you keep dying to self, you’ll come alive in ways you never imagined. In fact, you’ll live forever. We worry about all the wrong things! You only have one job and it’s this: take up your cross. That is your portfolio as a Christ follower. You simply need to deny yourself, endure torture, and die to self. If you do that, God will do the rest. If you do it everyday, you have all of eternity to look forward to

3 Maneras de levantar nuestra Cruz y seguir a Jesus

1. Negacion de uno mismo: Sencillamente nos negamos a nosotros mismos aquellas cosas que son temporalmente placenteras pero eternamente dolorosas. Nos negamos el deseo de nuestra carne. Nos negamos la tentacion del pecado. Nos negamos a conformarnos con nada menos que lo mejor, y lo mejor es lo bueno, agradable y plasentero de Dios. 2. Tortura: Los atletas torturan sus cuerpos. Los pensadores torturan su mente. Y eso lo obtenemos en el plano fisico e intellectual, pero deseariamos que ubiese otra manera en el plano espiritual. Pero no lo hay. De igual manera que en el reino fisico: si no hay dolor, no hay ganancia. Estas dispuesto a sufrir dolor temporal para tener ganancia eterna? Ese es el punto. 3. Muerte: Tienes que morir a ti mismo cada dia. Como? Permitiendo que tus circumstancias te ayuden a ser como Cristo, especialmente las circumstancias que no te gustan. Cada vez que sientas el dolor de algun insulto, desepcion, sufrimiento, desafio fisico, fracaso, injusticia, o prueba, es una oportunidad a morir al orgullo, al ego, al pecado, o morir a ti mismo. Y si continuas muriendo a ti mismo viviras como nunca te lo imaginaste. Es mas, viviras para siempre. Nos preocupamos por todo lo malo! Solamente tienes un trabajo que hacer y eso es: Toma tu cruz. Ese es tu portafolio como seguidor de Cristo. Simplemente tienes que negarte a ti mismo, soportar tortura, y morir a ti mismo. Si haces esto, Dios hara el resto. Si lo haces todos los dias, tienes toda la eternidad por delante.

Children’s Column “Let

the Children come to me, do not stop them. “ - Matthew 19:14 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION DEPARTMENT CALENDAR Youth Sunday Mass: 1st Sunday of the month: 10:30 AM Liturgy CCD Classes: Saturdays 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM (September-May) Parent Sessions: Date TBA; 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM, Room 4

Thank You Jesus, For answering my prayers. Sometimes You say yes, And You give me what I want. Sometime You say no, And You give me something better. Sometimes You say wait, And You give me the best.


See Pam Nailes

or Marian Thomas| 5