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St Brigid Catholic Church

Director of Religious Edu. Mrs. Floy ... welcome the opportunity to share our time, talents and .... As a general rule, widespread location-sharing should be ...
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SEPTEMBER 24, 2017

St Brigid Catholic Church 5214 S. Western Ave. LA, CA 90062 Phone: 323-292-0781 | Fax: 323-290-1254 Email: [email protected] Website:


It’s never to late to experience God’s Mercy and Forgiveness …


Nunca es demasiado tarde para experimentar la Misericordia y el Perdon de Dios ...

Pastor ....................... Rev. Kenneth Keke, SSJ Spanish Ministry ... Dcn. Hernando Rodriguez Parish Manager .................. Mrs. Cheryl Pyles Director of Religious Edu. Mrs. Floy Hawkins Parish Secretary........... Ms. Claudia Edwards Saturday: Sunday:

4:00 PM 7:00 AM 8:30 AM 10:30 AM Weekdays: 8:15 AM

Vigil English Español Gospel Bilingual

CONFESSION Saturday: Sábados:

3:30–4:00 PM Or by appointment 3:30-4:00 PM o por cita

OUR MISSION: We the Faith Community of St.

Brigid Catholic Church declare our mission is to know and imitate Jesus. We proclaim the reign of God in this community by preaching, teaching the Good News and celebrating our Roman Catholic worship. We witness the faith by demonstrating service and compassion for those in need. As Community, we welcome, honor and respect all people with the special emphasis on the culture and heritage of the African American and Hispanic Catholics. Infant Baptism: Prep Class for Parents & Godparents, 2nd Tuesday of the month; Baptism during Sunday Liturgy. Bautizos Infantiles: Clase de Preparacion para Padres y Padrinos, 2 º Martes de cada mes con el Bautizo durante la Misa del Domingo.

Religious Education (CCD): Saturdays, 9:30am– 11:30am, October thru MayEducación Religiosa: Sábados, 9:30am– 11:30am, Octubre a Mayo. First Communion & Confirmation: Two years preparation through the Religious Education Program. Primera Comunion y Confirmacion; Preparación de dos años Adults (Rite of Christians Initiation of Adults) RCIA: Please contact the Director of Religious Education, Mrs. Floy Hawkins to register.

Adultos (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana) RICA: por favor, contactar Floy Hawkins., Directora de Educación Religiosa,. Marriage: Please Contact the Priest at least six months in advance. Do not book the reception hall until the wedding date in the church is confirmed. Matrimonio: Contactar al sacerdote por lo menos 6 meses antes de reservar el local de celebración. Sick Calls: contact Parish Office (323)292-0781 Visitas a Enfermos: Mario Ardon: (323) 304-0194 Quinceanera: Claudia Edwards from 9am—2pm, (323) 292-0781


Isaiah 55:6-9 Philippians 1:20C-4,27A Matthew 20:1-16A

Sep 25 Monday

Ezra 1:1-6 Luke 8:16-18

Sep 26 Tuesday

Ezra 6:7-8, 12B, 14-20 Luke 8:19-21

Sep 27 Wednesday Ezra 9:5-9 Luke 9:1-6 Sep 28 Thursday

Haggai 1:1-8 Luke 9:7-9

Sep 29 Friday

Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14 John 1:47-51




For Carrie Basta, R.I.P from Mrs. Holland For Shirley Villafana O’Connor RIP From your Family



For All our St. Brigid Seniors


Por todos los Ancianos


For Shirley Villafana O’Connor R.I.P, from your Family Happy Birthday John, Love, Cheryl and Zaria


8:15 am




For Maudell Williams, Margaret Wilson, Beverly Zuniga



Happy Birthday, Frank Clay From the Lectors Ministry



For Bernadine Beatty, Beatrice Corral, Maria Matias



For Robert Mensey, Marian Parent, Beverly Robinson


Weekly Deposits (Envelopes, loose, holy days, building maintenance, St. Vincent De Paul 9/17/2017: $ 2789.00 As St. Brigid parishioners, we embrace “stewardship” and welcome the opportunity to share our time, talents and treasure within our Faith Community and the greater local community we serve. We are proud of our many accomplishments, improvements, successful projects and programs which form the foundation of our “Call to Stewardship”. St. Brigid is OUR church and OUR family. We have been entrusted with the responsibility to maintain and preserve the physical plant of St. Brigid. We need and welcome your financial support and prayers as we make this Stewardship journey together.

Ministries Honoring their annual commitment 2017

Aids Ministry – $250 Altar Servers Art/Environment Bereavement Drum Ministry Education Committee Emmanuel Eucharistic MinistersFinance Council—$250 Gospel ChoirGuadalupanos - $1000 Hospitality—$500 KPC, Council #259 KPC, Court #259 -$500 Lectors - $250 Legion of Mary Liturgy Committee Ministry Thru Prayer - $855 New Generation Choir Parish Council Religious Education—$500 Resurrection Choir Soup, Salad & Scripture - $100 Spanish Evangelization - $750 Spanish Lectors Spanish Ushers - $3000 St. Vincent de Paul—$200 Traditional Choir -$100 Tuesday Night Bible Study Usher Board—$250 Welcome Committee- $563 Women’s Ministry Young at Heart - $500 ***************************************

WILLS & ESTATE PLANNING Doris Fork - $15,000.000| 2

This Week at SBC Parish Goal: $22,400 Amount Pledged: $11,104 Amount Paid: $8,519



HEALING MASS WITH ANNOINTING Saturday, September 30th, 3:30pm Immediately followed by a reception in the Hall. Bring all of our Sick and Shut-Ins to experience God’s gift of Love and Healing. We need volunteers to provide transportation to and from the Mass. For more information please call our Parish Office. LOS ANGELES DIVERSITY EMPLOYMENT DAY CAREER FAIR Business attire and Resume required. Wednesday, September 27, 2017 11:00am — 3:00pm Double Tree Hotel 6161 W Centinela Ave, Culver City FACTS OF LIFE FAIR Saturday, September 30, 2017 9:00am – 3:00pm First AME Church of Los Angeles 2270 S Harvard Blvd. Los Angeles, 90018 Job postings, Job preparations, How to buy a house, Wills and Trusts, Instructional Credit Services and more. Brunch Dates Available: Nov. 26th, Dec. 10th, & Dec. 31st Please contact Parish Office 3 | St. Brigid Catholic Church

SEPTEMBER 24, SUNDAY 9:00 am – ONE LA World Freedom Day, Hall 12:30 pm – Gospel Choir, R 1 12:30 pm – Finance Council, R 2 1:15 pm – Gospel Choir, Church


SEPTEMBER 26, TUESDAY 6:00 pm – Gospel Choir Exec. Meeting, R 1 7:00 pm – Gospel Choir Reh., Church

SEPTEMBER 27, WEDNESDAY 10:00 am – 2:00 pm – 7:00 pm – 7:00 pm –

Soup Salad & Scripture Legion of Mary, Chapel Emmanuel, R 4 Youth Lectors, Church

SEMTEMBER 28, THURSDAY 7:00 pm – Spanish Evangelization, R 5 7:00 pm — Resurreccion Choir, Church

SEPTEMBER 29, FRIDAY 5:00 6:00 7:00 7:00 7:00

pm pm pm pm pm

– – – – –

Quincianeras Altar Servers OA, R 5 Youth Lectors, Church Youth Ministry, R 1

SEPTEMBER 30, SATURDAY 9:00 am – KPC Yard Sale, Church Pkg. Lot 2:00 pm – AA, R 5


Every now and then our Sunday celebration reminds us more than usual of God’s lavish and generous love. Today the Gospel presents the parable of the generous landowner and the workers in the vineyard, with the latecomers getting paid as much as those who worked all day. The message is that it’s simply never too late to experience God’s mercy and forgiveness. Today let us pray in gratitude for God whose generosity is so compelling.


De vez en cuando nuestra celebración dominical nos recuerda más de lo habitual acerca de lo espléndido y generoso que es el amor de Dios. Hoy el Evangelio presenta la parábola del propietario generoso y los trabajadores en la viña, los cuales recibieron el mismo salario de un día entero, aun si habían llegado tarde. El mensaje aquí es sencillamente que nunca es tarde para experimentar la misericordia y el amor de Dios. Expresemos hoy en oración nuestra gratitud a Dios, cuya generosidad es tan plausible. Did You Know? Many popular social media

sites offer users the ability to tag or share their locations whenever they post. Depending on the site, this information can be shared with friends, followers, and other people who use the site, regardless of whether they are friends with the user or not. Location sharing is a tool that can be used by predators searching for potential victims. Parents and children need to have open discussions about providing information online, highlighting what is safe to share and when it is safe to do so. As a general rule, widespread location-sharing should be discouraged. For more information about how to help your children understand who can see what they post and share, request a copy of the VIRTUS© online article “Technology Safety,” by emailing [email protected] or calling (213) 637-7227.

Sabia Usted?Muchos sitios de redes sociales populares

ofrecen a los usuarios la posibilidad de etiquetar o compartir sus ubicaciones cuando postean. Dependiendo del sitio, esta información se puede compartir con amigos, seguidores y otras personas que utilizan el sitio, independientemente de si son amigos o no del usuario. La ubicación compartida es una herramienta que puede ser utilizada por los depredadores que buscan víctimas potenciales. Los padres de familia y los niños necesitan tener discusiones abiertas sobre el suministro de información en línea, destacando lo que es seguro compartir y cuando es seguro hacerlo. Como regla general, se debe desalentar la distribución generalizada de la ubicación. Para obtener más información sobre cómo ayudar a sus hijos a comprender quién puede ver lo que publican y lo que pueden compartir, solicite una copia del artículo en línea de VIRTUS © “Technology Safety” (Seguridad tecnológica), enviando un correo electrónico a [email protected] o llame al (213) 637-7508.

4 | St. Brigid Catholic Church

“A sacrifice to be real must cost, must hurt, and must empty ourselves. Give yourself fully to God. He will use you to accomplish great things on the condition that you believe much more in His LOVE than in your weakness.” “Un sacrificio para ser real debe costar, debe doler, y nos debe vaciar. Entregate completamente a Dios. El te usara para cumplir grandes cosas con la condicion que tu creas mas en Su AMOR que en tu debilidad.” St. Mother Theresa

Children’s Column “Let

the Children come to me, do not stop them. “ - Matthew 19:14 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION DEPARTMENT CALENDAR Youth Sunday Mass: 1st Sunday of the month: 10:30 AM Liturgy CCD Classes: Saturdays 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM (October-May) Parent & Child Reception: September 29th, 2017; 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM, Parish Hall

Thank You Jesus, For speaking to me. Thank You Jesus, For revealing Yourself to me. Thank You Jesus, For living in my Heart. Thank You Jesus, For allowing me to see this world through Your eyes and not be afraid...


See Pam Nailes

or Marian Thomas| 5