St Brigid Catholic Church

John 13:21-33, 36-38. Isaiah 49:1-6. John 8:21-30. Isaiah 50:4-9A. Matthew 26:14-25 .... forgive those who hurt me. Thank You for teaching me how to share ...
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APRIL 9, 2017

St Brigid Catholic Church 5214 S. Western Ave. LA, CA 90062 Phone: 323-292-0781 | Fax: 323-290-1254 Email: [email protected] Website:


Pastor ....................... Rev. Kenneth Keke, SSJ Spanish Ministry ... Dcn. Hernando Rodriguez Parish Manager .................. Mrs. Cheryl Pyles Director of Religious Edu. Mrs. Floy Hawkins Parish Secretary........... Ms. Claudia Edwards

MASS SCHEDULES Saturday: Sunday:

4:00 PM 7:00 AM 8:30 AM 10:30 AM Weekdays: 8:15 AM

Vigil English Español Gospel Bilingual

CONFESSION Saturday: Sábados:

3:30–4:00 PM Or by appointment 3:30-4:00 PM o por cita

OUR MISSION: We the Faith Community of St.

Brigid Catholic Church declare our mission is to know and imitate Jesus. We proclaim the reign of God in this community by preaching, teaching the Good News and celebrating our Roman Catholic worship. We witness the faith by demonstrating service and compassion for those in need. As Community, we welcome, honor and respect all people with the special emphasis on the culture and heritage of the African American and Hispanic Catholics. Infant Baptism: Prep Class for P arents & Godparents, 2nd Tuesday of the month; Baptism during Sunday Liturgy. Bautizos Infantiles: Clase de Preparacion para Padres y Padrinos, 2 º Martes de cada mes con el Bautizo durante la Misa del Domingo.

Religious Education (CCD): Saturdays, 9:30am – 11:30am, October thru MayEducación Religiosa: Sábados, 9:30am– 11:30am, Octubre a Mayo. First Communion & Confirmation: Tw o years preparation through the Religious Education Program. Primera Comunion y Confirmacion; Preparación de dos años Adults (Rite of Christians Initiation of Adults) RCIA: Please contact the Director of Religious Education, Mrs. Floy Hawkins to register.

Adultos (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana) RICA: por favor, contactar Floy Hawkins., Directora de Educación Religiosa,. Marriage: Please Contact the Priest at least six months in advance. Do not book the reception hall until the wedding date in the church is confirmed. Matrimonio: Contactar al sacerdote por lo menos 6 meses antes de reservar el local de celebración. Sick Calls: contact James Gibson: (323) 545-8172 Visitas a Enfermos: Mario Ardon: (323) 304-0194 Quincianera: Claudia Edwards from 9am —2pm, (323) 292-0781


9 Sunday

Matthew 21:1-11 Isaiah 50:4-7 Philippians 2:6-11 Matthew 26:14-66

Apr. 10 Monday

Isaiah 42:1-7 John 13:21-33, 36-38

Apr. 11 Tuesday

Isaiah 49:1-6 John 8:21-30

Apr. 12 Wednesday Isaiah 50:4-9A Matthew 26:14-25 Apr. 13 Thursday

Apr. 14 Friday

HOLY THURSDAY Isaiah 61:1-3A, 6A, 8B-9 Revelation 1:5-8 Isaiah 61:1 Luke 4:16-21 GOOD FRIDAY Isaiah 52:13-53:12 Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9 Philippians 2:8-9 John 18:1-19:42



For The Homeless



For All Children


Por todos los Ninos


For Ministry thru Prayer past & present petitions


8:15 am




For Minnie Finks, Timothy Galendez, Esperanza Garcia



For James Gibson, Dyllis Godoy, Aline Heisser-Ovid



For Tyrone Jackson, Tereie Jamerson, Barbara Johnson



Happy Birthday, Claudia Edwards


Weekly Deposits (Envelopes, loose, holy days, building maintenance, St. Vincent De Paul 4/2/2017: $9090.00 As St. Brigid parishioners, we embrace “stewardship” and welcome the opportunity to share our time, talents and treasure within our Faith Community and the greater local community we serve. We are proud of our many accomplishments, improvements, successful projects and programs which form the foundation of our “Call to Stewardship”. St. Brigid is OUR church and OUR family. We have been entrusted with the responsibility to maintain and preserve the physical plant of St. Brigid. We need and welcome your financial support and prayers as we make this Stewardship journey together.

Ministries Honoring their annual commitment 2017

Aids Ministry – Altar Servers Art/Environment Bereavement Drum Ministry Education Committee Emmanuel Eucharistic MinistersFinance Council—$250 Gospel ChoirGuadalupanos - $1000 Hospitality KPC, Council #259 KPC, Court #259 -$500 Lectors Legion of Mary Liturgy Committee Ministry Thru Prayer New Generation Choir Parish Council Religious Education Resurrection Choir Soup, Salad & Scripture Spanish Evangelization Spanish Lectors Spanish Ushers - $1000 St. Vincent de Paul Traditional Choir Tuesday Night Bible Study Usher Board Women’s Ministry Young at Heart ***************************************

WILLS & ESTATE PLANNING Doris Fork - $15,000.00| 2

This Week at SBC Parish Goal: $22,400 Amount Pledged: $11,104 Amount Paid: $8,519



APRIL 9, SUNDAY 8:30 am – Usher Board, R 7 9:30 am – KPC Brunch, Hall 9:45 am – Gospel Choir, R 1 10:00 am – Spanish Ushers, R 7 1:15 pm – Gospel Choir Reh

APRIL 10, MONDAY 6:00 pm – ONE LA, R 7

APRIL 11 TUESDAY 7:00 pm – Guadalupanos, R 5 7:00 pm – Gospel Choir Reh. Church 7:00 pm – RCIA, R 4

Holy Thursday, April 13th 7:00pm Bilingual W ashing of the Feet: Confirmation Class 9:00pm ADORATION Good Friday, April 14th 3:00pm: Stations of the Cross 4:00pm: English Service: Seven Last Words 7:00pm: Servicio en Español Holy Saturday, April 15th (Easter Vigil) 8:00pm: Bilingual M ass Sunday 16th, EASTER SUNDAY 7:00am, 8:30am, & 10:30am “A Seder Meal”, or Passover Meal,

commemorating the Israelites’ deliverance from their bondage in Egypt, and the Christian view. Tuesday, April 11th at 6pm-8pm; St. Bernadette Catholic Church, 3825 Don Felipe Dr. 3 | St. Brigid Catholic Church

APRIL 12, WEDNESDAY 12:00 pm —NO FOOD OUTREACH 2:30 pm- Soup, Salad, & Scripture, 2:00 pm – Legion of Mary , R 9 7:00 pm – Youth Lector Rehearsal, Church 7:00 pm – Emmanuel, R 7

APRIL 13, THURSDAY HOLY THURSDAY 7:00 pm – Bilingual Mass 9:00 pm – ADORATION

APRIL 14, FRIDAY GOOD FRIDAY 12:00 pm – FISH FRY 3:00 pm – Stations of the Cross, Church 4:00 pm – Seven Last Words 7:00 PM – Servicio en Espanol, Church

APRIL 15, SATURDAY HOLY SATURDAY 9:30 am - NO CCD 12:00 pm – NA, R 5 2:00 pm – AA, R 7 4:00 pm – Postal Alliance, R 7 8:00 pm – Bilingual Mass


The palm branches that you hold now to be blessed will be displayed in your homes for the coming year. As we bless them, let us be mindful of the lives to which they will bear witness in the coming year. Hold your palm branch high today, praising the Lord for the Christian life that you live ~ REFLEXION ~

Las palmas que ahora tienen en sus manos para ser bendecidas las mostrarán en algún lugar de sus casas durante el año próximo. Durante esta bendición estemos conscientes de las personas a quienes estas palmas darán un testimonio en el próximo año. Levanten en alto su palma hoy para alabar al Señor por la vida cristiana que ustedes llevan. Did You Know? As w e begin April, National Child Abuse Prevention Month, the Archdiocese wants to reiterate that it remains committed to helping survivors, and their families, heal and find peace. If you believe that you, or someone you know, is a victim of sexual abuse by a Church employee or volunteer, please contact the Archdiocesan Victims Assistance Coordinator at (213) 637-7650 for help and support Sabia Usted? Arquidiócesis sigue ayudando a sobrevivientes de abuso sexual y a sus familias. Al comenzar el Mes Nacional de Prevención del Abuso Infantil, la Arquidiócesis quiere reiterar que sigue comprometida a ayudar a los sobrevivientes y a sus familias a sanar y encontrar la paz. Si usted cree que usted, o alguien que usted conoce, es víctima de abuso sexual por un empleado de la Iglesia o un voluntario, comuníquese para ayuda y apoyo con la Coordinadora de Asistencia a las Víctimas, de la Arquidiócesis, al (213) 6377650.

4 | St. Brigid Catholic Church

“A fight is going on inside me,” "It is a terrible fight and it is

between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.” “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.” “Which wolf will win?” “If you feed them right, they both win.” “You see, if I only choose to feed the white wolf, the black one will be hiding around every corner waiting for me to become distracted or weak and jump to get the attention he craves. He will always be angry and always fighting the white wolf. But if I acknowledge him, he is happy and the white wolf is happy and we all win. For the black wolf has many qualities – tenacity, courage, fearlessness, strong-willed and great strategic thinking – that I have need of at times and that the white wolf lacks. But the white wolf has compassion, caring, strength and the ability to recognize what is in the best interest of all. "You see, the white wolf needs the black wolf at his side. To feed only one would starve the other and they will become uncontrollable. To feed and care for both means they will serve you well and do nothing that is not a part of something greater, something good, something of life. Feed them both and there will be no more internal struggle for your attention. And when there is no battle inside, you can listen to the voices of deeper knowing that will guide you in choosing what is right in every circumstance. Peace is our mission in life. A man or a woman who has peace inside has everything. A man or a woman who is pulled apart by the war inside him or her has nothing. "How you choose to interact with the opposing forces within you will determine your life. Starve one or the other or guide them both.”

"Una pelea está pasando dentro de mí,” es una pelea

terrible y es entre dos lobos. Uno es malvado-es ira, envidia, tristeza, pesar, avaricia, arrogancia, autocompasión, culpa, resentimiento, inferioridad, mentiras, falso orgullo, superioridad y ego." "El otro es bueno-es alegría, paz, amor, esperanza, serenidad, humildad, bondad, benevolencia, empatía, generosidad, verdad, compasión y fe. La misma lucha está sucediendo dentro de usted – y dentro de cada persona, también." "¿Qué lobo ganará?" "Si les das de comer bien, ambos ganan." "Ves, si elijo sólo alimentar el lobo blanco, el negro se esconde en cada esquina me espera para ser distraído o débil y saltar para obtener la atención que ansía. Él estará siempre enojado y siempre luchando contra el lobo blanco. Pero si lo reconozco, es feliz y el lobo blanco es feliz y todos ganamos. El lobo negro tiene muchas cualidades: tenacidad, coraje, valentía, carácter fuerte y gran pensamiento estratégico – de lo que a veces tengo necesidad y que el lobo blanco carece. Pero el lobo blanco tiene compasión, cuidado, fuerza y la habilidad para reconocer lo que es en el mejor interés de todos. "Si vez, el lobo blanco necesita el lobo negro a su lado. El alimentar solamente uno, el otro estaría hambriento y los dos se ponen incontrolables. Paro al alimentar y cuidar de ambos quiere decir que los dos te servirían en hacer algo grande, algo bueno, algo de la vida. Al alimentar a ambos ya no existe una lucha interna para tu atención. Y cuando no hay ninguna batalla interior, usted puede escuchar las voces más profundas que le guiaran en la elección de lo que es correcto en cada circunstancia. La paz es nuestra misión en la vida. Un hombre o una mujer que tiene paz interior lo tiene todo. Un hombre o una mujer que se estira por interna no tiene nada. "Como decida interactuar con las fuerzas de oposición dentro de usted va a determinar su vida. Matar a uno u otro de hambre, o guiar ambos".

Children’s Column “Let

the Children come to me, do not stop them. “ - Matthew 19:14

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION DEPARTMENT CALENDAR Youth Sunday Mass: 1st Sunday of the month: 10:30 AM Liturgy CCD Classes: Saturdays 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM Parent Sessions: Date TBA; 7: 00 PM – 8:30 PM, Room 4 APRIL 2017 Classes: 1st, 8th, 22nd, 29th

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for waking me up this morning. Thank You for always helping my parents. Thank You for teaching me to forgive those who hurt me. Thank You for teaching me how to share what I have. Thank You for showing me how to Love everyone around me. Dear Jesus, Thank You for loving me, Especially when I haven't Loved back…!!!


See Pam Nailes or Marian Thomas| 5