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St. Anastasia Parish – Parroquia de Santa Anastasia

13 oct. 2012 - McManus, Mary Quinn, Gina Scheer, Sandra Bickerstaff, ... Josephine Iannicco, Pamela Albertie, Brian McDermott, Dale. Talmadge, Barry Witte ...
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St. Anastasia Parish – Parroquia de Santa Anastasia 21 North Main Street, PO Box 942, Harriman, NY, 10926-0942 Phone: 845-238-3844 email: [email protected] All our buildings are handicapped accessible

Shrine Church

Parish Church

Mass Schedule – Horario de Misas Monday – Saturday – 9:00 AM Sunday – 8:00AM

Parish Staff Pastor: Rev. Michael F. Keane Parochial Vicar: Rev. Eder Támara: Deacons: Rev. Mr. Eugene Bormann: Rev. Mr. James Faulkner: Rev. Mr. Brian O'Neill Director of Music: Anthony Daino

845-238-3747 845-238-5032 845-469-5903 845-469-5012 845-782-4978 845-351-4044

Parish Office – Oficina de Parroquia: Monday – Friday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Office Secretary: Mrs. Jean Marie Weinberg 845-238-3844 Religious Education Office: 845-782-5099 Director: Sr. Mary Rose Mullervy O.P. Sr. Mary Rose is available on school days, please call for an appointment. All arrangements for religious instruction for grades 1-8 are made through this office. Devotions Benediction is on the First Friday of the month at 9AM Devotion to the Lady of Fatima is the First Saturday of the month at 9AM Eucharistic Adoration & Benediction is on the first Saturday of the month at 6:30pm in the Parish Church St. Anastasia Cemetery Our new St. Joseph's and St. Patrick's sections are now open to all parishioners and Catholics in Orange County. Please call Cathie Rahon at 238-3844.


Fax: 845-238-3846

Mass Schedule – Horario de Misas Saturday – 5:00 PM Sunday 9:30 AM – Family Mass Sunday 11:30 AM Domingo – 2:30 PM (ESPAÑOL) Sacraments - Sacramentos Baptism – Bautismo The Sacrament of Baptism is conferred on the third Sunday of the month in the church at 1:00 PM. Please call the office for an appointment. El Sacramento del Santo Baurismo se celebra el segundo Sabado de cada mes en la Iglesia Pequeña a las 2:00 PM. Llame P. Támara para acordar la Fecha de Bautismo Reconciliation – Reconciliacíon Confessions will be heard: Saturday 4:00 – 4:30 PM Other times by special appointment. P. Támara: El Sacramento de Confesion lo tenemos todos los Domingos a las 5:30 – 6:30 PM. Otro tiempo seria con cita previa Marriage – Matrimonio For wedding arrangements, please call the office for an appointment with Father Keane. Para el Sacramento del Matrimonio , por favor llame al Padre Támara y haga una cita. Ministry to the Homebound If a family member is sick or homebound, call the Parish Office to arrange a home visit by Fr. Keane Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings are held in the basement of the Shrine Church: Monday – Friday at 1:30 PM and 5:30 PM Spanish –Thursday at 7:30 PM Counseling The Parish Counseling Network, provided by Catholic Charities offers short term counseling for parishioners in need. A copay of $10 is required. Please contact the parish office for a referral.


God's Plan for Giving

Thank you all for your generous and continued support of our parish. ________________________________________________________________________

The Future of Our Church

The childrens collection was $14.55 Giovanni Paulino played the piano and gave generously to his church. Trinity Santiago shared a locker with someone. Stefanie was very good this week. Nick Klimek brought my neighbor her mail and newspaper. Dominic Cipriani babysat his little brother ,Jimmy. Gracie Paulino did gymnastics and gave generously to her church. Gabby Paulino did gymnastics and gave generously to her church. Olga Guitteriez/Samantha G. listened to their parents. How Blessed we are in our Children! ____________________________________________________________________________

Save the Date !!!!!!!!

Columbus Day Spaghetti Dinner~October 6, 2012 Fall Wine Tasting ~ October 12, 2012 First Grade Class Mass~ October 21, 2012 Tricky Tray ~ October 21, 2012 Cemetery Centennial ~ November 4, 2012 Giving Tree Kick-off Meeting ~ November 6, 2012 The Olivewood Carving Event ~ November 11, 2012 Radio City Christmas Spectacular Trip ~ Nov.11, 2012 Second Grade Class Mass~ November 18, 2012 Holiday Boutique ~ December 1 & 2, 2012 Third Grade Class Mass~ December 9, 2012 Margaret Wilford Kick-Off Party~January 12, 2013 Parish Picnic~September 8, 2013 _______________________________________________________________________

$50.00 $10.00 $10.00 $5.00

Margaret P. Wilford Winners For October 1, 2012 #50 #315 #236 #242

James & Frances Schneider Ken & Elaine Schermerhorn Charles & Pamela Iacovella Hugh O'Neill

Congratulations!! There are still tickets available. _____________________________________________________________________________

Senior Outreach

Transportation Help – A parishioner, an elderly woman in Monroe, off Lakes Road, needs a ride to doctor appointments in Monroe; one on Wed., Oct. 10, 11:15am , on Route 208 by the Rte 17 interchange, and the other on Monday, Oct. 15, 11:30am by the M&T Bank, Route 17M. Please, if you can serve her with one or both, contact Paul Bumbar: 845-351-5680 or [email protected].


Saint Gianna Mass


On Thursday, October 11th at 7:30pm, the St. Gianna Mass will be offered at the Church of St. Paul, 82 Lake Road West, Congers, NY for the intentions of those struggling with infertility and pregnancyrelated difficulties. Time for veneration of the relics of St. Gianna will be made available. A light wine and cheese reception will follow, at which Dr. Anne Nolte from the Gianna Center for Women's Health and Fertility, as well as additional Creighton fertility care practitioners, will be on hand to speak with anyone who is interested. The event is open to the public, and all are invited to attend. __________________________________________________________________________

St. Anastasia's Holiday Boutique

Our Holiday Boutique will be held December 1st from 9am to 5pm and December 2nd from 9am to 2pm. We are currently looking for vendors. The price is $35.00 for a table for both days!! Please call Jean Weinberg in the parish office to sign up. __________________________________________________________________

Cocktail Party & Silent Auction

October 13, 2012 7pm-10pm Queen of Apostles Center , 98 Harriman Heights Rd. Monroe, NY 10950. Tickets $25. Hors D'Oeuvres, Desserts, Wine, Beer, Coffee & Pastries & Live Music. This event is to benefit the enhancement for the outreach of the sisters in Harriman, NY. The sisters have always opened their home and their hearts to us in so many ways, which include Spiritual days of Prayer, Bible Studies & Youth ministries. _________________________________________________________

Breaking The Spiral of Silence:A Documentary “The Spiral of Silence:A Social Phenomenon, out of a desire to avoid reprisal or rejection people go along with what they think is the popular opinion~even if they object to that opinion personally. Instead of voicing their objections, they remain silent” A two hour documentary addressing the sanctity of life, traditional marriage, and religious freedom and why we as Christians should all be informed and involved. For further information regarding this documentary go to the following website: PLEASE JOIN US FOR A VEIWING FOLLOWED BY COFFEE, CAKE & CONVERSATION DATE OCTOBER 20,2012 AT 6PM In the Cardinal O'Connor room Contact :Tom LaPolla @ 845-783-0233 or [email protected]


Worldwide Marriage Encounter

“Therefore what God has joined together, no human being must separate” Make a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend And strengthen your sacrament against the pressures of life. Priests and religious also find great support on our weekends. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is November 16-18. For more information go to: or call toll free 1-877-NYS-WWME ext. 3 or [email protected] _____________________________________________________________________

Senior Outreach~Feeding the Hungry

The orange County office for the Aging/Home delivered meals program needs volunteers who will, once a month for an hour and a half (10:30am to Noon) on any weekday, take frozen and shelf-stable food to 11(max.) homebound people in Monroe. There are no deliveries if schools are closed, either for weather or days off. A small reimbursement for gas is available to persons over 55. A volunteer can go alone, or with a spouse, friend or child. Escorted training is provided on the first deliveries. The length of commitment is up to the volunteer. Contact paul Bumbar for additional information 845-351-5681 ______________________________________________________________

6-week Bible Study: Being Disciples of Jesus Every Tuesday, Oct. 2 through Nov. 13, 2012. 10:0011:30am. Fee :$10.00 (cost of book Being Disciples of Jesus by Stephen Binz) Mail check payable to Sisters of the Catholic Apostaolate to bible Study -Queen of Apostles Center, 98 Harriman Heights Rd., Monroe , NY 10950. To register or obtain additional information, call Sr. Carmel Therese at 845-492-5075 ______________________________________________________________

Stand up for Religious Freedom Stand up for religious freedom Nationwide Saturday October 20,2012. This peaceful, nationwide event, the third of its kind, will protest the HHS mandate and other attacks on religious freedom coming from the federal government, especially during this critical election year. Location for Orange County is Goshen Village Square, South Church St and Main St. __________________________________________________________________

Choir Rehearsals

Choir rehearsals for the November 4th, 1pm Mass with His Eminence Cardinal Timothy Dolan will be Wednesday October 17th at 7pm Wednesday October 24th at 7pm and Thursday November 1 at 8pm 473STA

October is Respect Life Month Orange County Life Chain

Sunday Oct. 7th, 2pm to 3:30pm on Rte 211 in Middletown, NY beginning near the Galleria at Crystal Run and going south. Sacred Heart and St. Anastasia will be on Rte 211 in front of Shoprite. This is a quiet time of prayerful demonstration and reflection. For more info call Christine Tighe at 845-496-0391

Prayer Vigil There will be a prayer vigil in front of the local abortion clinic on Rte 208 each Wed from 8am to 1pm starting Sept. 26 to Oct 31st. Contact Eileen Colopy at 845-7748584 or Gen Mende at 845-728-0391

Rosary for Life Sacred Heart~Will be on the front lawn of the church after the 9am mass on Sat., Oct. 13, 2012 St. Anastasia~Will be on the front lawn of the church on Rt. 17M after the 9am Mass on Sat. Oct. 27 th, 2012 _______________________________________________________________

Thank You !!!!!!!!!

A Big Thank you to the Spanish Community for their wonderful international food night. Due to the generosity of the Spanish community who donated their time and all the food , drink and dessert, they raised over $1300.00 for the Restoration Fund! Here's a letter we received from a parishioner;

Dear Father Mike, Our family had the absolute pleasure of attending the international dinner held at St. Anastasia's this past Saturday, September 15th. The food was incredibly tasty, tender and over all super delicious. While other organizations host dinners with typical foods such as pasta or seafood, it was a real treat to have delicious chicken and pork dishes with different international flare. The “typical” pasta and meatballs that were served also; were sooo good! I sure hope that when the recipe book comes out, it contains at least some of the recipes of the food that was served. I would strongly encourage holding another international dinner with the same foods. With plenty of advance notice, we will definitely do our best to attend AND that most members of our family will try to attend as well as friends and co-workers. The price per person was well worth it. If we went to a restaurant, we would have spent considerably more. Thank You for hosting this dinner. We are VERY glad we did not miss out on it! Very truly yours, Lorraine Dargis, Mary & Bill Scolza &Amanda P.S.~Our thanks and compliments to all those that worked so hard(servers,prep people & cleaners) especially the cooks! 3


October 7-13, 2012

5:00pm: Stephen Jurik requested by Theresa Friedman 8:00am: Michael Joseph Casey requested by The Weinbergs 9:30am: Paul Jakaitis requested by Trish & Sam Brewer 11:30am: Neil Brady requested by Neil & Louise Doherty MONDAY Mary Noone requested by Sr. Mary Rose Mullervy TUESDAY John C. Lee requested by The Longo Family Fred & Theresa Weiduwilt requested by Margaret Erickson WEDNESDAY Thomas Earley requested by The Earley family John J. Downey requested by John E. Downey THURSDAY Mary Carolan requested by Anne McPhail The Families of Droll & Kelly and Msgr. William Kelly requested by Amy Droll Rose Marie Santini requested by The Krause family Charles & Sloane Droll requested by Amy Droll John Ferris requested by Nancy Youngblood FRIDAY James Mullervy requested by Sr. Mary Rose Mullervy Margaret Wilford requested Sr. Mary Rose Mullervy

Please Pray For All Sick and Especially: Pasquale Accardo, William Keenan, John Cinque, Joann Krauss, Lizette Lamboy, Anthony Andreala, Anna Baird, James Finan, Cory Keenan, Nancy Shannon, Mike Bermingham, Mike Coleman, Phillip Villasor, Briana Barker, Bill Lee, Kathryn Troiano, Eric Kruleski, Saviello Family, James Robert Read, Florence Keane, Michael and Mary Steiner, Joseph Stenson, John Agapito, Rusty Smith, Frances Hurd, Kathleen King, Vicky McCauley, Mary Borich, Richard Sposato, John McManus, Mary Quinn, Gina Scheer, Sandra Bickerstaff, Hanah Duffy, Tom Wand, Joyce Fazio, Fred Bornemann, Pat Keegan, Michael Martino, James Murray, Patricia Gleeson, Frank & Georgina Kunak, James Weatherly, Nina DeCicco, Mary Gamba, Christopher Wandy, Jorge Molina, Nancy Cuomo, Anna Adamo, Allison Florio, Fr. Dennis Billy, CSSR, Kathleen Hall, Savannah, Paul & Marianne Surrette, Rachael Snitofsky, George DeVarennes, Sarah Urban, Harry Hartling, Josephine Iannicco, Pamela Albertie, Brian McDermott, Dale Talmadge, Barry Witte, Howie Springmeyer, Richard Ivey, Marion Carlson, Jim Varney, Grace Mcallister-Skopin, William M. Kopchak, Helen Perez, Albert & Angie Mastrogiacomo, Eileen Gavin, Theresa Parker, Rosaleen O'Riley, Emily Thatcher, Joe Laraia, Geraldine Brownesy, Pamela Schofield, Kathleen Maier,Richard Peterson, Carl Carlson, Mary McShane, Christie Famularo, Alfred Switzer, Marie Vassuer, Daniel Shanley, Elizabeth O'Grady., Sarah Merenda, John Vaccaro,Tom Farrell, Bill Quinn, Stephan Malik, Nancy Ann Spano, Philip Caiazza, Margaurite Lorenzini, Rose Mulqueen, Mary Bice,Christopher Flynn, Leo Brodala, Rose Plunkett.


Raul Follerau solía contar una historia emocionante: visitando una leprosería en una isla del Pacífico le sorprendió que, entre tantos rostros muertos y apagados, hubiera alguien que había conservado unos ojos claros y luminosos que aún sabían sonreír y que se iluminaban con un "gracias" cuando le ofrecían algo. Entre tantos cadáveres ambulantes, sólo aquel hombre se conversaba humano. Cuando preguntó qué era lo que mantenía a este pobre leproso tan unido a la vida, alguien le dijo que observara su conducta por las mañanas. Y vio que, apenas amanecía, aquel hombre acudía al patio que rodeaba la leprosería y se sentaba en frente del alto muro de cemento que la rodeaba. Y allí esperaba. Esperaba hasta que, a media mañana, tras el muro, aparecía durante unos cuantos segundos otro rostro, una cara de mujer, vieja y arrugadita, que sonreía. Entonces el hombre comulgaba con esa sonrisa y sonreía él también. Luego el rostro de mujer desaparecía y el hombre, iluminado, tenía ya alimento para seguir soportando una nueva jornada y para esperar que mañana regresara el rostro sonriendo. Era -le explicaría después el leproso- su mujer. Cuando le arrancaron de su pueblo y le trasladaron a la leprosería, la mujer le siguió hasta el poblado más cercano. Y acudía cada mañana para continuar expresándole su amor. "Al verla cada día -comentaba el leproso- sé que todavía vivo". No exageraba: vivir es saberse queridos, sentirse queridos. ¡Qué bonito un matrimonio cuando se vive así! Cuando para la otra persona yo soy alguien importante. Sin embargo, no siempre es así. La misma lectura del evangelio nos recuerda los problemas que surgen siempre en toda vida común cuando un grupo de fariseos se acercan a Jesús y le preguntan sobre el divorcio. Esta pregunta hay que entenderla dentro de una sociedad machista en donde el hombre, según la ley de Moisés podía dar acta de repudio a su mujer por una serie de razones que luego, incluso, desde las escuelas de maestros se fueron ampliando de modo que le era muy fácil a un hombre divorciarse de su mujer. La invitación a apostar por el amor lleva consigo también otras cosas: Saber escuchar. No es la primera vez que surgen tensiones entre dos personas porque uno no escucha. Es más, tampoco es la primera vez que un matrimonio se va deteriorando cuando uno quiere contar un problema al otro y la otra pareja no le puede dedicar tiempo porque está ocupada en sus cosas. Transparencia en el diálogo que es algo que se consigue día a día. Detalles de cada día. La vida está hecha de detalles y estos son los que alegran cada momento. Detalles como preguntar qué tal el día, como preguntar si te hecho una mano, un beso... Saber estar por encima de los sentimientos . Cada uno podría añadir más cosas en esta lista y que habría que cuidar continuamente porque el matrimonio se construye día a día, pero también se puede destruir día a día cuando alguna de estas cosas esenciales faltan.

ADORACIÓN EUCARÍSTICA ¡NUEVO! Adoración Eucarística se llevará a cabo el primer sábado de cada mes, apartar del 6 de octubre del 2012. Hora: 6:30PM a 8:30PM