Splash Lesson Plan Format - Language Arts .docx

peregrinos, el barco, los indios, la choza, la comida, dedo, dedal, dinosaurio, dado, durazno, diamante, diente, dentista, doctor, duende). - Individual reading ...
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Participate Lesson Plan - Language Arts Grade: Kindergarten WEEK 12 – Día de Acción de Gracias Standards

K.RL 1 / K.RL.2 / K.RL.4 /K.RL5 / K.RL.6 / K.RL10 / K.RI1/ K.RI2/ K.RI4 / K.RI5 / K.RI6 / K.RI10 / K.RF1 / K.RF2 / K.RF3c / K.W7 / K.SL1 / K.SL2 / K.SL3 / K.SL4 / K.SL5 / K.SL6 / K.L1 / K.L2 / K.L4a / K.L5a / K.L5c / K.L6 /K.G.2/ K.L.1.1 / K.L.1.2 / K.E.1./ K.C&G1 / K.C&G2 / K.C.1.2


Can I say the date and the weather using present, past and future statements? Can I be a good citizen in my school and in my environment? Can I identify letter D and use it in different words? Can I learn about Thanksgiving celebration?


- Flash cards about Thanksgiving vocabulary and letter D (el pavo, el maíz, el pastel de calabaza, los peregrinos, el barco, los indios, la choza, la comida, dedo, dedal, dinosaurio, dado, durazno, diamante, diente, dentista, doctor, duende). - Individual reading book. - ABC chart. - Letter books – (Alfa-libritos en español de Learning Resources). - Highfrequency ring de Participate (pupils – teacher). - Ipad & computers: (High frequency words and vocabulary in Power Point. Youtube and Reading A to Z). - Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k278jTWYQgc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvNaKOPgTxA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPiIhchHUPA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SD8K5RQFY7M - Big Book; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: “Un pastel muy especial”, “Tarta de cerezas” (Teacher reads these books in Story time). - Leveled book. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: “Una visita a mis abuelos”, “Es una fiesta”, “La huerta”, “A desayunar”, “Un almuerzo agradable” (Use this books to differentiate in Guided Reading). - Reading A to Z: Alphabet book “D” and level books. LEVEL AA: “El otoño” LEVEL A: “Maria cuenta calabzas”.

LEVEL B: “Pure de manzanas”, “Preparando salsa”, “Que hay para desayunar?” - TPT: http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Browse/Search:accion%20de%20gracias http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Browse/Search:thanksgiving/PreK-12-SubjectArea/Spanish/Grade-Level/PreK-K/Price-Range/Free - Power Point- Thanksgiving vocabulary and letter D. - Syllables Participate and syllables cubes, foam letters, wood letters, plastic letters, bananas letters, magnetic letters, construction paper, glue, scissors, butcher paper, puzzles, paper bags. Vocabulary

el pavo, el maíz, el pastel de calabaza, los peregrinos, el barco, los indios, la choza, la comida, dedo, dedal, dinosaurio, dado, durazno, diamante, diente, dentista, doctor, duende Whole Group

Day 1 Sing the song “Buenos Días.” The calendar. Review the schedule. Select the ¨Busy bees.¨ Abc review. Review classroom vocabulary. Power Point vocabulary. Introduction to centers of the day.

Day 2 Sing the song “Buenos Días.” The calendar. Review the schedule. Select the ¨Busy bees¨ Abc review. Review classroom vocabulary. Power Point vocabulary. Introduction to centers of the day.

Day 3 Sing the song “Buenos Días.” The calendar. Review the schedule. Select the ¨Busy bees¨ Abc review. Review classroom vocabulary. Power point vocabulary. Introduction to centers of the day.

Day 4 Sing the song “Buenos Dias.” The calendar. Review the schedule. Select the ¨Busy bees.¨ Abc review. Review classroom vocabulary. Power point vocabulary. Introduction to centers of the day.

Day 5 Sing the song “Buenos Días.” The calendar. Review the schedule. Select the ¨Busy bees.¨ Abc review. Review classroom vocabulary. Power point vocabulary. Introduction to centers of the day.

Guided Reading Day 1 • Abc sounds. • “Mi primer libro de lectura.” • High frequency words.(Find in your ring the word that teacher shows in her Ipad). •Read alfalibro “D”. •Read “Letra D” (Reading A to Z).

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

• Abc sounds. • Abc sounds. • Abc sounds. • Abc sounds. • “Mi primer libro de lectura” • “Mi primer libro de lectura” • “Mi primer libro de lectura” • “Mi primer libro de lectura” • High frequency words.(Find • High frequency words.(Find • High frequency words.(Find • High frequency words.(Find in your ring the word that in your ring the word that in your ring the word that in your ring the word that teacher shows in big book). teacher shows in her ring). teacher shows in her board). teacher shows in her Ipad). Read alfalibro “D”. Read alfalibro “D”. Read alfalibro “D”. Read alfalibro “D”. Read “Juego de dedos.” Read: Leveled book Read ‘Dale, dale, dale.” Read ‘Dodo, Dudu y Dada” (Elefonética / HamptonReading A to Z. (libros decodificables, (libros decodificables Brown). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt).

Word Study Day 1 * Flash cards. * Find Letter D. (in a box full of letters, find the letter D) Differentiation: make syllables with D+ vowels. * Syllables puzzles (D vocabulary).

Day 2 * Flash cards. * Palabras magneticas (make vocabulary words with magnetics letters in filing cabinet or big board). * Clasifica.(sort words by initial sound).

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

* Flash cards. * Flash cards. * Flash cards. * Read, make, stamp. (read *Chispita (Thanksgiving and * Match (picture-word). the word, make it with D vocabulary). banana letters and stamp it).

Writing Day 1 Flip book D. Diccionario palabras Thanksgiving.

Day 2 Mi Librito letra D Mi cuento de Acción de gracias.

Day 3 Diccionario palabras D. Mi librito de dar gracias.

Day 4 Venn Diagram. (Accion Gracias Past/Present).

Day 5 Free writing “Mi diario de escritura” Topic: Estoy agradecido por.


Direct observation / Free writing / Diccionario / morning work / morning book and productions.


Damos las gracias: Each child has a feather where they write what are they thankful for.

Nuestro banquete de Acción de Gracias: All Kindergarteners with parents support make a feast. Half classroom will dress up as pilgrims and half as native Americans. (Paper grocery bags).


Homework: Trace letter D (reading A to Z worksheet) www.readinga-z.com Morning work: Make your own flash cards. (Each child draw a picture and write the word in construction paper 5x5 or index card) Morning book (Every week we work some math concepts with the topic of the week. Kids have the entire week to finish the book. They have to write the date and the weather every day. The size of the book is half of a regular paper.)