Spanish Ear Training

el fair play, la protección de los jugadores más hábiles… ... from the (beginning of) the game. The referees all say that they are going to protect the players.
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Spanish Ear Training    

El Galán Script

Useful Vocabulary Puntos Tobillo No entiendo Facilidad A mi Tener envidia Guapo Rico Gran jugador

Stiches Ankle I don’t understand (also like the expression, I don’t get it.) Aptitude / to have a gift for As for me To be envious/ to be jealous Handsome Rich Great player

About  Ronaldo     Ronaldo  is  Portuguese.  So  when  he  says,  “No  entiendo”  it  sounds    more  like  “no   enchinedo”.  And  when  he  says  players,  “jugadores”  it  sounds  a  little  “jogadores”.     Other  than  that,  he  speaks  great  Spanish,  Plus  he’s  handsome,  rich  and  a  great   player.  Yo  tengo  envidia  de  él  .  (I  am  jealous  of  him.).

Cristiano Ronaldo:

Cristiano Ronaldo:

Tres puntos, adobado

Three stiches, minced meat (this part is sounds like he says, “adobado”, which is minced. It’s a little strange but I think he is describing his ankle after being kicked and then stitched up.



¿Tres puntos en el tobillo?

Three stiches in the ankle?

Cristiano Ronaldo:

Cristiano Ronaldo:

No entiendo. La verdad es que no… no entiendo este arbitraje, el fair play, la protección de los jugadores más hábiles… yo no entiendo, yo nunca tengo eso. No entiendo, yo no… Me quedo triste porque desde el partido, los árbitros todos dicen que van a proteger los jugadores que tienen más facilidad, que tienen más habilidad. Cuando juego, nunca protegen nada. ¿A unos? Fantástico, no le pueden tocar. ¿A mí? Tienen que me da… que… me dan parece un palo, para calir* y no… Yo no entiendo, La verdad que no entiendo. Yo pienso que por ser, por yo ser rico, por ser guapo, por ser un gran jugador, las personas tienen tienen envidia de mí. No tiene otra explicación.

(I don’t understand) I don’t get it. The truth is that I don’t I don’t understand this refereeing. the fair play, the protection of the most able players … (I don’t understand) I don’t get it I never have that I don’t get it, I don’t… (I am sad) It upsets me because from the (beginning of) the game The referees all say that they are going to protect the players that (have) are the most gifted that have the most ability When I play the don’t protect anything For some? Fantastic they can’t touch (him) them As for me? (They have to give me) they can hit me they make me seem like a stick to knock down no… I don’t understand) I don’t get it The truth is that (I don’t understand) I don’t get it I think that for being for me being rich for being handsome for being a great play the (persons) people (have) are (envious of me) jealous of me It has no other explanation.

* This is unclear. It’s sounds like he said “calir”, which is not a Spanish word.