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Span. 110. MWF. Syllabus and Calendar revised by Mónica ...

Use a separate piece of paper with your name and date; you must write complete sentences, not only the words .... their conversation (standing up). Viern, 7 de.
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SPAN 110: Elementary Spanish MWF Fall 2012 Profesor/a: E-mail Oficina: Acquia Bldg. Horas de oficina:


COURSE DESCRIPTION The Basic Spanish Program at George Mason University is designed to develop and improve basic and intermediate language and intercultural skills that will enable the student to interact in the global community of today. The Program consists of the introductory (Span 110 or Span 115) and intermediate levels of Spanish instruction taken over two semesters. We emphasize understanding, speaking, reading, and writing skills with a prominence of communicative, learner-centered classroom interaction.

PLACEMENT If you have never studied Spanish or have had less than 2 years of Spanish in high school AND have not learned Spanish outside of the classroom (e.g, by speaking Spanish at home, by living in a Spanish-speaking country) have taken 2 years or more of Spanish in high school AND have not learned Spanish outside of the classroom (e.g, by speaking Spanish at home, by living in a Spanishspeaking country) have learned Spanish outside of the classroom (e.g, by speaking Spanish at home, by living in a Spanish-speaking country) have completed one year of college Spanish or have tested into 3rd semester on the GMU placement test or the SAT-2 have tested into 4th semester on the GMU placement test or the SAT-2 have completed the equivalent of 101 at another college

You must take 110

the placement test or 115 the placement test or Span 315* 210 250 The placement test or 115

* Span 315, Spanish for Heritage Speakers, is aimed at students who have learned the Spanish language at home with or without previous formal instruction. Please, contact Prof. Mónica Mulholland for further info. @ [email protected]

LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of Span 110, the students should have acquired: 1. Basic writing, reading, speaking and listening skills in Spanish. 2. Knowledge of multiple expressions of the Spanish/Hispanic culture. 3. Ability to find resources and tools to continue the study of the language. MATERIALS A. Required 1. Dos Mundos. 7th Ed. McGraw Hill* (with code access to the e-workbook) ISBN: 978-0-07-338521-1 (With used textbooks, the code needs to be purchased separately). You will need a 2nd code that is made available by your instructor. 2. Practique el español. By Marian Quintana. ISBN 978-0-7575-6411-6. B. Highly recommended 1. A good Spanish-English dictionary such as the Merriam-Webster's Spanish-English Dictionary. 2. 501 Spanish Verbs with CD-ROM and Audio CD (501 Verb Series) [Paperback] by Christopher Kendris (2010)

Span. 110. MWF. Syllabus and Calendar revised by Mónica Mulholland. Fall 2012. MCL, GMU. 1

3. The publisher’s Website with online quizzes, digital flash-cards, etc. that students can use as self-tests: (A link is available from the Basic Spanish Page). * Please note that students are only to use the students’ edition. If you notice you have purchased the instructor’s edition by mistake, please return it immediately to the seller.

COURSE REQUIREMENTS 1. PREPARATION, PARTICIPATION & QUIZZES A. Classes will be conducted in Spanish, and active participation is a major requirement. The participation grade is not earned by just coming to class. Students need to participate and demonstrate they are fully prepared and have completed all assignments for the class. Furthermore, students must volunteer to participate and not expect to be called on by the instructor. Students absent on any given day will receive a zero grade for participation for that day. It is your responsibility to find out about assignments from a classmate, so exchanging email addresses with at least two classmates during the first week of class is highly recommended. Participation will be recorded daily and an average will be entered every two or three weeks, with a total of four grades spread out throughout the semester. Students will frequently be asked to work in pairs or small groups, and are expected to make every attempt to communicate in Spanish. Classwork will include activities such as role play, oral and written questions and answers, small group/pair work, discussions, and activities from the textbook. You must complete all assigned exercises from the Dos mundos textbook, which will be computed as a preparation and participation grade. Use a separate piece of paper with your name and date; you must write complete sentences, not only the words asked. Your instructor may assign other homework. Your instructor may also (1) collect written homework at random and (2) give you unannounced short quizzes on the assigned material for the day to assess your preparation for class. B. The dates for announced quizzes are specified on the calendar, the material to study will be announced by your instructor, and the lowest grade will be dropped at the end of the semester. It is recommended that students spend 3-5 hours per week of preparation outside of class. 2. HOMEWORK A. CENTRO (ONLINE) Work to be done outside of class will be assigned regularly from the CENTRO online workbook. Your instructor will assign the exercises for each of the chapters and grade them at the end of each chapter. NOTE: No late homework (after the due date) will be accepted. B. B. PRACTIQUE EL ESPAÑOL Written activities will be assigned for homework to reinforce the material discussed in class. On due dates, the assigned activities should be submitted once they have been self-corrected by the student (answer-key in the back of the workbook. Use a different color for corrections). All the assigned pages should be stapled. 3. COMPOSITIONS There will be four in-class compositions focusing on the topics and grammar structures discussed in class. Your instructor will assign the topic on the same day of the composition, which will assess the material discussed in class up to that day. The use of the textbook is not allowed but students are welcome to bring a paperback dictionary (no electronic devices are allowed). In this course, composition writing involves two steps: 1. In-class first draft (70%), 2. Typed final draft (30%). Both drafts should be submitted (stapled) when the final draft is due. A grading rubric is available at Span. 110. MWF. Syllabus and Calendar revised by Mónica Mulholland. Fall 2012. MCL, GMU. 2

4. EXAMS In Span 110, there will be three chapter-exams and a comprehensive final exam. The final exam will assess the grammar sections covered throughout the semester, and the vocabulary and culture topics dealt with in the last two chapters. 5. ORAL PERFORMANCE Students’ speaking skills will be formally assessed by means of A. Role-play B. Presentation Both activities involve 2-3 participants per group (a different group each time). On the specified date (see calendar), students will submit the names of the group participants and the chosen topic. The instructor will provide a list of possible topics to be considered; students can contribute ideas as well. In all cases, the oral-performance assessment should reflect class discussions done in class. Students are encouraged to rehearse out of class. However, no notes will be allowed during these assignments as they are meant to be as spontaneous as possible as opposed to a prepared speech by each student. Both presentations will be on the spot (not video-taped). A grading rubric is available at ASSESSMENT The progress made by students in this class will be evaluated according to the following criteria: 1. Attendance, preparation, participation & quizzes 2. Homework (online CENTRO assignments & Practique el español assignments) 3. Compositions (4) 4. Chapter exams (3) 5. Oral presentations (2) 6. Final exam

20% 20% 10% 25% 10 % 15%

The final letter grade for the class will be assigned as follows: 97+






















MAKE-UPS No make-ups are permitted for exams, quizzes, oral examinations, in-class compositions, oral presentations, or any other graded assignment in this course. In the event of a medical emergency or other extreme situation, each case will be discussed on an individual basis. In such a case, you must notify your instructor in advance by electronic mail, or by calling the Department of Modern and Classical Languages (703) 993-1220. NOTE that oversleeping, travel plans, parking trouble and similar situations are not valid emergency cases. Therefore, please make sure to plan ahead. CLASSROOM ETIQUETTE To avoid disruption and to ensure a positive learning environment, the use of cell phones or any other electronic devices will not be allowed. Classes may not be recorded (audio or video) without the instructor’s consent. Punctuality is expected in this course, and your grade will be penalized if you arrive late or leave early without prior instructor’s consent.

Span. 110. MWF. Syllabus and Calendar revised by Mónica Mulholland. Fall 2012. MCL, GMU. 3

GMU HONOR CODE Upon applying for admission, all Mason students sign a commitment to uphold the Honor code, and to “pledge not to cheat, plagiarize, steal, or lie in matters related to academic work.” All students are responsible for understanding the Honor Code, as well as for reporting any violations. For more information on the Honor Code and its requirements, the Academic Integrity Website: Plagiarism, or the use of someone else’s words, ideas, sequence of ideas, or other intellectual or creative work without proper acknowledgement, constitutes an Honor code violation. All students are strongly encouraged to read the Writing Center’s online guide for avoiding plagiarism: In this course, you are NOT allowed to have a native speaker or a more advanced student correct your papers. If you have any doubts about the types of assistance that you are permitted to receive from others, ask your professor. Students who violate the Honor Code in this course will be reported to the Mason’s Honor Committee: and should expect to receive an “F” in the course. George Mason University is committed to providing equal opportunity and an educational and work environment free from any discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or age. Mutual respect and civility of others will be considered an essential component of students’ participation in this class. GMU EMAIL ACCOUNTS: Students must activate their GMU email accounts to receive important University information, including messages related to this class. OFFICE OF DISABILITY SERVICES: If you are a student with a disability and you need academic accommodations, please inform your instructor and contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS- formerly DRS) at 993-2474. All academic accommodations must be arranged through the ODS. OTHER USEFUL CAMPUS RESOURCES: COUNSELING AND PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES (CAPS): (703) 993-2380; UNIVERSITY POLICIES AND CATALOG: The University Catalog,, is the central resource for university policies affecting student, faculty, and staff conduct in university affairs. For university policies, please visit IMPORTANT DATES First day of classes; last day to submit Domicile Reclassification Application; Payment Due

August 27

Labor Day, university closed

September 3

Last day to add classes—all individualized section forms due. Last day to drop with no tuition penalty

September 4

Last day to drop with a 33% tuition penalty

September 18

Final Drop Deadline (67% tuition penalty)

September 28

Midterm progress reporting period (100-200 level classes)—grades available via Patriot Web

September 24 - October 19

Span. 110. MWF. Syllabus and Calendar revised by Mónica Mulholland. Fall 2012. MCL, GMU. 4

Selective Withdrawal Period (undergraduate students only)

October 1 - October 26

Columbus Day recess (Monday classes/labs meet Tuesday. Tuesday classes do not meet this week)

October 8

Incomplete work from spring/summer 2012 due to instructor

October 26

Incomplete grade changes from spring/summer 2012 due to registrar

November 2

Thanksgiving recess

November 21-25

Last day of classes

December 8

Reading Days

December 10 December 11, 4:30pm


Span. 110. MWF. Syllabus and Calendar revised by Mónica Mulholland. Fall 2012. MCL, GMU. 5






Week 1 Lunes, 27 de agosto

Mier., 29 de agosto

Viern. 31 de agosto

- Read complete course description: sic-spanishprogram/syllabi-schedules - Read pp. xxvii-xxxii

PASO A Vocab.: p. 8 Gramática (read and do exercises; the key to exercises is in Appendix Four): A. 1-A. 5. pp. 11-20. Vocab.: p. 8-9 Review PASO A PASO B Vocab. p. 29. Gramática: Read & do exercises: B.1- B.4. pp. 31-34.

Create an account on

Introducción al curso, al método de trabajo y al calendario

*No exercises need to be printed or given to the instructor. They need to be done online before the deadline. No late homework.

Introducción al libro

PRACTIQUE EL ESPAÑOL Even exercises: p. 1 Numbers 0-30 p. 7 Subject Pronouns p. 9 Present tense of SER p. 11 Definite Articles p. 13 Indefinite Articles

Span. 110. MWF. Syllabus and Calendar revised by Mónica Mulholland. Fall 2012. MCL, GMU. 6

Paso A. pp. 1-5 Gramática: (The instructor will explain how grammar is to be studied at home and how these pages fit in the textbook) PASO A ¡Conozca Panamá! (p.1)

Go through major gram/vocab items from homework. pp. 6-7 Review PASO A PASO B ¡Conozca Nicaragua! (p.21)

pp. 21-24

Week 2 3 de sept.

Labor Day Recess

4 de sept.

Last day to add/drop without penalty

Miérc., 5 de sept. Viern, 7 de sept.

PASO B Vocab. p. 30 Gramática: Read & do exercises: B. 5 pp. 35-36. Study for Quiz PASOS C Vocab. 46-47 Gramática: Read & do exercises: C. 1- C. 4: C. 5. 4855 Prepare for in-class composition 1

p. 15 Plural of Nouns

CAP. 1 Vocab. 74-75

PRACTIQUE EL ESPAÑOL Even exercises: p. 21 Time Before the Hour p. 35 Numbers Over 30

CAP. 1 ¡Conozca Cuba! (pp. 56- 57)

p. 39 Present Tense of -ER Verbs p. 41 Present Tense of -IR Verbs

CAP. 1 pp. 61-62

PRACTIQUE EL ESPAÑOL (Capítulo 1, 1.1-1.4) Even exercises: p. 3 Months and Dates p. 5 Seasons of the Year p. 17 Time by the Hour p. 19 Time After the Hour

pp. 25-27 Role-play: in pairs, choose a character on p. 25, and imagine their conversation (standing up) CENTRO: All activities Paso A-C are due tonight by 12:00 midnight. No late assignment will be accepted for a grade.

PASO C pp. 38-45 85-100 word in-class composition 1 (40 min.)

Week 3 Lun, 10 de sept.

Miér., 12 de sept.

Gramática: Read & do exercises: 1.1, 1.2, pp. 76-78 CAP. 1 Vocab. 74-75

Gramática: Read & do exercises: 1.3, 1.4: pp. 78-81

Span. 110. MWF. Syllabus and Calendar revised by Mónica Mulholland. Fall 2012. MCL, GMU. 7

pp. 57-61

El Instructor diseña una actividad creativa enfocada en Cuba

Viern., 14 de sept

CAP. 1. Vocab. 74-75 Gramática: Read & do exercises: 1.5: pp. 82-83 Prepare for in-class composition 1

PRACTIQUE EL ESPAÑOL Even exercises: p. 55 IR A and Infinitive p. 121 Ordinal Numbers

CAP. 2 Vocab. 106 Gramática: Read & do exercises: 2.1, 2.2: 108-109

p. 23 Present Tense of -AR Verbs p. 29 Possession with DE p. 33 Possessive Adjectives

Vocab. 107 Gramática: Read & do exercises: 2.3: 108-112


CAP. 2. Vocab. 106-107 Gramática: Read & do exercises: 2.4, 2.5: 113-117 Study for Quiz 1


CAP. 1

pp. 63-73 85-100 word in-class composition 2 (40 min.)

Week 4

Lunes, 17 de sept.

Miér., 19 de sept.

Viern., 21 de sept

CENTRO: All activities Cap. 1 are due tonight by 12:00 midnight. No late assignment will be accepted for a grade.

p. 91 Weather Expressions p. 93 Demonstrative Adjectives

p. 27 Interrogative Sentences

CAP. 2 ¡Conozca Ecuador! (p.86)

pp. 85-92 CAP. 2 pp. 93-97 Ventanas culturales: 98

CAP. 2 pp. 99-103: Do activities and let students choose one of the situations shown in the pictures to role-play standing up. Quiz 1 THROUGH CAP. 2

Submit Version 2, Comp 1 Collect Version 2, Comp 1 Week 5 September 24 - October 19: Midterm progress reporting period (100-200 level classes.) Grades available via Patriot Web.

Span. 110. MWF. Syllabus and Calendar revised by Mónica Mulholland. Fall 2012. MCL, GMU. 8

Lunes, 24 de sept.

Study Pasos A, B, C and Caps. 1 and 2

p. 83 Verbs with Irregular First Person Forms

Miér., 26 de sep.

Prepare for Exam 1

Bring the book or the assigned pages to submit (Stapled).

Viern., 28

CAP. 3 Vocab. 138-139

p. 93, Demostrative Adjectives

Capítulo 2 Enlace a la música (p.102) Lectura (p.104-105) Repaso Pasos A, B, C y Caps.1 y2 CENTRO: All activities Cap. 2 are due tonight by 12:00 midnight. No late assignment will be accepted for a grade.

Examen 1: Pasos A, B & C. Cap. 1 & 2. Intro Cap. 3

CAP. 3 ¡Conozca los Estados Unidos! (p.119)

Gramática: Read & do exercises: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3: 140-145

pp. 120-125 Collect Version 2, Comp 2

Submit Version 2, Comp. 2 Week 6 Lunes, 1ro de oct.

Miér., 3 de oct.

Cap. 3 Vocab. 138-139

Gramática: Read & do exercises: 3.4, 3.5: 145-149 Submit list of group members and description of Oral Presentation #1. Review. You instructor may assign homework as necessary.

CAP. 3


pp. 126-135

p. 57 Present Tense of E:IE Verbs p. 65 Present Tense of O:UE Verbs

PRACTIQUE EL ESPAÑOL p. 123 Reflexive Constructions

Collect list of group members and description of Oral Presentation #1. CENTRO: All activities chapter 3 are due tonight by 12:00 midnight. No late assignment will be accepted for a grade.

Span. 110. MWF. Syllabus and Calendar revised by Mónica Mulholland. Fall 2012. MCL, GMU. 9

CAP. 3

pp. 126-137 Enlace al cine (p.132) Actividades (pp. 133-134) Role-play: Entrevista (example: 135, students may impersonate somebody famous, eccentric..

Viern., 5 de oct.

Gramática: Read & do exercises: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3: 170176.

CAP. 4

Even exercises: p. 51 Idioms with TENER

¡Conozca Guatemala! (p.151) 4.1-4.2: 152-155


Martes, 9 de oct.

Mier., 10 de oct.

Viern., 12 de oct

CAP. 4 Vocab. 168-169 Prepare for in-class composition 3

100-120 word in-class composition 3 (40 min.) CAP. 4

pp. 151-157 CAP. 4 pp. 158-167 Quiz 2: CAP. 3 Y 4

CAP. 4 Vocab. 168-169 Gramática: Read & do exercises: 4.4, 4.5: 176-181 Study for Quiz 2 Extra homework may be assigned. Prepare for Exam 2: CAP. 3 y 4

Ventanas culturales (pp. 154155) Ventanas al pasado (p. 159) Review for exam 2

Week 8 Lunes, 15 de oct.

Prepare for Exam 2: CAP. 3 y 4

Bring the book or the assigned pages to submit (Stapled).

CENTRO: All activities chapters 4 are due tonight by 12:00 midnight. No late assignment will be accepted for a grade.

Span. 110. MWF. Syllabus and Calendar revised by Mónica Mulholland. Fall 2012. MCL, GMU. 10

Exam 2: Cap. 3 y 4 Intro Cap. 5

Miér., 17 de oct.

Viern. 19 de oct.

CAP. 5. Vocab. 204-205 Gramática: Read & do exercises: 5.1, 5.2: 206-209 5.3, 5.4: 209-211

PRACTIQUE EL ESPAÑOL Even exercises: p. 69 Present Progressive Tense

CAP. 5. ¡Conozca Venezuela! (pp. 184185) pp. 185-193

p. 45 TENER QUE and Infinitive

193-198 Role-play based on pp. 194, 195

PRACTIQUE EL ESPAÑOL Even exercises: p. 61 Comparative and Superlative Forms p. 63 Irregular Comparative and Superlative Forms

CAP. 5. Review vocab. pp: 199-201

Week 9. Lunes, 22 de oct.

CAP. 5 Vocab. 204-205 5.5: 212, 213 Submit Version 2, Comp. 3

Miér., 24 de oct.

Presentaciones orales

Viern. 26 de oct.

Presentaciones orales

Submit Version 2, Comp. 3 Presentaciones orales Lecturas de cap. 4 y 5 Presentaciones orales Lecturas de cap. 4 y 5

Week 10. Lunes, 29 de oct.

Review Cap. 5 Extra homework may be assigned

CENTRO: All activities chapters 5 are due tonight by 12:00 midnight. No late assignment will be accepted for a grade.

CAP. 5. Ventanas culturales (p.190) Enlace a la música (p.193) Canción venezolana a elección del instructor. Resumen (p.201)

Span. 110. MWF. Syllabus and Calendar revised by Mónica Mulholland. Fall 2012. MCL, GMU. 11

Miér., 31 de oct.

Viern. 2 de nov.

CAP. 6 Vocab. 234-235 Gramática: Read & do exercises: 6.1, 6.2: 236-239 Study for Quiz 3

CAP. 6 Quiz 3: Cap. 5 y 6

CAP. 6 Vocab. 234-235 Gramática: Read & do exercises: 6.3

6.3: 225-228

Prepare for in-class composition

Ventanas al pasado (p.228) El instructor diseña una actividad creativa con los dibujos p. 227.

¡Conozca Costa Rica! (pp. 214-215) Actividades (pp.216-220)

100-120 word in-class composition 4 (40 min.)

Week 11 Lunes, 5 de nov.

Miér., 7 de nov.

Viern. 9 de nov.

CAP. 6 Vocab. 234-235 Gramática: Read & do exercises: 6.4, 6.5: 239-243 Vocab. 262-263 Prepare for exam 3: CAP. 5-6 Submit list of group members and description of Oral Presentation #2. CAP. 7 Vocab. 262-263

CENTRO: All activities chapters 6 are due tonight by 12:00 midnight. No late assignment will be accepted for a grade. Bring the book or the assigned pages to submit (Stapled).

CAP. 6 pp. 225-230 Review for exam 3

Exam 3: Cap. 5 y 6 Intro Cap. 7 Collect list CAP. 7 ¡Conozca Argentina! (pp.244245) Actividades (pp.246-248)

Week 12 Lunes, 12 de nov.

CAP.7 Vocab. 262-263 Gramática: Read & do

Span. 110. MWF. Syllabus and Calendar revised by Mónica Mulholland. Fall 2012. MCL, GMU. 12

CAP. 7 pp. 246-249 Actividad creativa enfocada en

Miér., 14 de nov.

exercises: 7.1, 7.2. Vocab. 262-263 Gramática: Read & do: 7.3, 7.4, 7.5: 264-272

Viern. 9 de nov.

Review CAP. 7. Extra homework may be assigned.

PRACTIQUE EL ESPAÑOL Even exercises: p. 131 Irregular Preterites CENTRO: All activities Cap. 7 are due tonight by 12:00 midnight. No late assignment will be accepted for a grade.

Submit Version 2, Comp. 4

el tema Argentina. CAP. 7 pp. 250-253 Vocab. Pp.262-263 Ventanas culturales (p.254) Review CAP. 7 Canción: música argentina (tango, folklore, rock). Elegir una canción. Collect Version 2, Comp. 4

Week 13 Lunes, 19 de nov.

CAP. 8 PRACTIQUE EL ESPAÑOL Vocab. 296-298 Even exercises: p. 135 HACE Meaning Ago Gramática: Read & do: 8.1, 8.2: 299-303 Prepare for in-class composition 21-25 de nov. FERIADO NACIONAL: Día de Acción de Gracias

CAP. 8 120-150 word in-class composition 5 (40 min.) pp. 275-283

Week 14 Lunes, 26 de nov

Miér., 28 de nov. Viern. 30 de nov.

CAP. 8 Vocab. 296-298 Gramática: Read & do exercises: 8.3, 8.4: 306-306

PRACTIQUE EL ESPAÑOL Even exercises: p. 101 Constructions with GUSTAR p. 79 Affirmative and Negative Expressions

Gramática: Read & do exercises: 8.5 Presentaciones orales

Span. 110. MWF. Syllabus and Calendar revised by Mónica Mulholland. Fall 2012. MCL, GMU. 13

CAP. 8 Conozca El Salvador! (pp. 274-275) Actividades (pp.276-280) Ventanas culturales (p.280)

pp. 284-287 pp. 288-292 Role-play: at the restaurant (i.e. the food is too cold, check too expensive, etc) Presentaciones orales Lecturas Cap. 7 y 8

Week 15 Lunes, 3 de dic. Miér., 5 de dic.

Presentaciones orales

Review Cap. 8 Extra homework may be assigned.

PRACTIQUE EL ESPAÑOL Even exercises: p. 77 Present Tense of E:I Verbs p. 115 Preterite of E:I and O:U Verbs

CENTRO: All activities Cap. 8 are due tonight by 12:00 midnight. No late assignment will be accepted for a grade.

Presentaciones orales Lecturas Cap. 7 y 8 Review for the final exam 293-295

Bring the book or the assigned pages to submit (Stapled). Viern. 7 de dic.

Review for the final exam


Span. 110. MWF. Syllabus and Calendar revised by Mónica Mulholland. Fall 2012. MCL, GMU. 14