AW3-2 Prescribed by Secretary of State Sections 52.094. 172.082. 172.084, Texas Election Code 03/2007
NOTICE OF DRAWING FOR PLACE ON BALLOT Notice is hereby given of a drawing to determine the order in which the names of candidates are to be printed May 4 19 on the ballot for the election to be held on _______________________________, 20 ______ in (date)
10:00 (a.m.) (p.m.) City of Ingleside _______________________________________, Texas. The drawing will be held at ______ (name of political subdivision) (hour)
19 at _____________________________________________________________ 2334 State Highway 361, Suite 162 on February 25 , 20____, , (date) (address, including room number, if applicable) Ingleside _______________________, Texas. (city)
Kimberly Sampson Henry, City Secretary _____________________________________________ Officer Conducting Drawing
AVISO DEL SORTEO PARA UN LUGAR EN LA BOLETA Por lo presente se da aviso que habrá un sorteo para determinar la orden en que aparecerán los nombres de 19 May 4 los candidatos en la boleta para la elección que se celebrará el _________________, 20 ________ (fecha)
10:00 (a.m.) (p.m.) el City of Ingleside en ________________________________ , Texas. El sorteo tendrá lugar a las ________ (nombre de la subdivisión política) (hora) 19 2334 State Highway 361, Suite 162 February 25 __________________________, 20 _______ a _____________________________________________, (fecha) (dirección, incluyendo el número del cuarto, si aplicable) Ingleside ______________________________ , Texas. (ciudad)
Kimberly Sampson Henry, City Secretary __________________________________________ Oficial Manejando el Sorteo
Page 1 ... Rankin ISD Trustee and Bond Election held on May 4, 2019 will be tested on April 17, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. in the boardroom at the Rankin ISD ...
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