Sharing the Journey: Third Annual Catholic Immigration Summit
St. Catherine of Siena Parish. 814 NE 85th Street, Seattle 98115. Saturday, June 8, 2019. 8:30am Registration. 9am-3pm Program. 3-4pm Mass. REGISTER BY ...
Sharing the Journey: Third Annual Catholic Immigration Summit / Compartiendo el Camino: Tercera Cumbre Católica Anual sobre Inmigración St. Catherine of Siena Parish 814 NE 85th Street, Seattle 98115 Saturday, June 8, 2019 8:30am Registration 9am-3pm Program 3-4pm Mass REGISTER BY ACCESSING THIS WEBPAGE:
Gather with fellow Catholics and Tony Cube, National Manager of Justice for Immigrants for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops! We will hear about and reflect on the current immigration situations, both nationally and locally. We will have opportunities to learn, network and develop personal and communal commitments. Check-in begins at 8:30 am and the day concludes with Mass with Bishop Elizondo at 3 pm.
The day will include:
Keynote Presentation by Tony Cube, National Manager of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Justice for Immigrants program Examples of local responses and needs Opportunities to network with other parishes and develop action plans Mass with Bishop Eusebio Elizondo
Lunch, refreshments and parking provided for this FREE event.