Semillas de Esperanza (Seeds of Hope) Suggestions for
limited knowledge of U.S. geography. (Please don't send your family Christmas letter.) 2. Be sure to ask the students a few questions about their interests and ...
Semillas de Esperanza (Seeds of Hope) Suggestions for Writing to Your Student in El Salvador
When writing letters to sponsored students . . . 1. Keep the letters simple and relatively short. Briefly describe your family, hobbies and other interests. Try to describe your job in 1-2 words. Keep in mind that most of these students have limited knowledge of U.S. geography. (Please don’t send your family Christmas letter.) 2. Be sure to ask the students a few questions about their interests and family life. (Be aware that they have very few toys and not much free time since they are from families of extremely limited means.) 3. Try to build a relationship with your student through your cards/letters. Point out similarities between your lives rather than the differences that are the evidence of your contrasting economic situations. 4. Ask questions about their church experiences. (One of the requirements of this program is that students participate in church.) 5. Photos and pictures are a welcome addition. Be sensitive to the economic disparity between you and your student(s). (If you have children who like to draw, include some of their artwork.) 6. It is best not to use Google translate or other electronic means for more than a couple of words or phrases. These translators cannot pick up the nuances of conversational language and often result in misrepresented content. 7. Most students write letters 4 times/year: Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Mother/Father’s Day, and Summer. They may not respond to you right away since they probably have already written their Christmas letters to you.
Note: Keep in mind that most students from El Salvador begin their letters with a few polite introductory sentences prior to getting to the main body of the correspondence. This is a writing style found in hispanic culture. It is not necessary that you understand the exact content of these first sentence; likewise it is not expected that you begin your letters in the same style. Sample of letter beginning from one of our students: Le saludo deseando que se encuentre
bien de salud a lado de gente que les rodea a ustedes en familia. (I am greeting you hoping that you and your family members are well.)
English/Spanish Sentences (prepared by Patti Rude) Greetings:
Querido Roberto
(Dear Roberto or boy’s name)
Querida Ana
(Dear Ana or girl’s name)
Body of the letter:
Muchas gracias por tu carta.
(Many thanks for your letter.)
tu tarjeta de Navidad
your Christmas card
tu dibujo
your drawing
Ojalá que todo vaya bien contigo y tu familia. Nos alegramos que estudies tanto y sigas con éxito en tus clases. Me alegro que . . .
(I hope that everything is well with you and your family.) (We are pleased that you are studying so much and that you are doing well in your classes.) (I am pleased that . . .)
Esperamos que todo vaya bien este año escolar.
(We hope that everything is going well this school year.)
Espero que . . .
( I hope that . . .)
También es bueno que asistas a
(It’s good that you go to church often.)
los servicios de iglesia a menudo. Recuerdos a tu familia también.
Donovan, William T. El Sacramento de servicio: comprensión de espiritualidad Diaconal. Green Bay, WI: Alt Publishing Company, 2000. * Además, Prensa de ...
T H E M A G A Z I N E O F T H E C A T H O L I C C H U R C H I N W E S T E R N W A S H I N G T O N. Brian Thompson and Dean Mbuzi answer the call to the ...
14 oct. 2016 - Page 1. Estoy dispuesto a servir en un grupo pequeño como: Líder. Anfitrión. Coordinador de Oración. Nombre: Teléfono: Email: Vivir con ...
el poder de la esperanza hope | Read & Download Ebook el poder de la esperanza hope for free at our Online Library. el poder de la esperanza hope PDF ...
semillas de cielo y tierra sky and earth seeds reflexiones sencillas para tiempo dificiles simple reflextions for difficult | Read &. Download Ebook semillas de ...
Page 1. Vivir con Esperanza. (Hope Trending). Un Curso Intensivo sobre cómo vivir sin temor. Octubre 14–22, 2016 Te invitamos a esta serie ...
This Semillas De Cielo Y Tierra Sky And Earth Seeds Reflexiones Sencillas Para Tiempo Dificiles Simple. Reflextions For Difficult Times PDF on the files/S3Library-7303a-898eb-C0c29-Ea9c9-71997.pdf file begin with Intro, Brief Discussion until the Ind
naturaleza puede parecer natural a quienes tienen ... naturaleza y una perversión de la creación divina. ... habla de sus creencias religiosas pero que las niega ...
Have students write all the new words in their journals and draw a picture of the seeds and their respective fruits, vegetables, or trees. • Some seeds have ...
offer protection against the weather and predators. Protecting seeds is very important because later on they become new plants, with flowers and fruits of their ...
(Note that T stands for teacher.) T: Number 1: Colorea el número uno de rojo. T: Number 2: Colorea el número dos de anaranjado. T: Number 3: Colorea el número tres de amarillo. T: Number 4: Colorea el número cuatro de verde. T: Number 5: Colorea el n
Barras de higo. Galletitas de vainilla. FRUTAS Y VEGETALES FRESCOS. Fruta fresca en estación. Zanahoria, brócoli y coliflor con salsa o aderezo bajo en ...
Iota Theta Zeta Chapter. Nassau County. Interdenominational Ministers' Wives. & Ministers' Widows Association. Affinity Health Plan. The Little Black Book, Inc.
box of crayons that includes red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. • Tell children that you will read each direction twice. (Note that T stands for teacher.).
marrow suppression (e.g. inexplicable bruising or bleeding)2 or liver impairment (e.g. new onset jaundice)4. Sunscreens and protective clothing should be encouraged ..... Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) for Actos (date of revision of text. M
aldosterone antagonists.1. For other patients NICE and CKS advise that monitoring is required at least 6- monthly for stable patients with proven heart failure 1,9 but CKS recommend more frequent monitoring (for example every 3 months) when there are
(Note that T stands for teacher.) T: Number 1: Colorea el número uno de rojo. T: Number 2: Colorea el número dos de anaranjado. T: Number 3: Colorea el ...
Características. > Buena plasticidad. > Resistencia a enfermedades. > Vigor de rama. > Punta redonda. > Buen formato de raíz. Santa Fe - Santiago del Estero.
Difundir la agricultura urbana. * Documentar y difundir la experiencia local. Agrícolas de Nampula (UGCAN) de. Mozambique demuestra que las ferias son.