Then join the statewide electronic. Catholic Advocacy Network. This uses the convenience of email to let you contact your legislators from your own home, with ...
Advance Bulletin/Pulpit Announcement A New Way to Make Your Voice Heard Do you want to be a more effective player in the public arena? The Bishops of New York State have established a way for us to do so -- the Catholic Advocacy Network. This uses the convenience of email to let you lobby your legislators from your own home, with just a few clicks of the computer mouse. There is no cost. His Eminence, Cardinal Egan, has asked every parish in the Archdiocese to participate in a "Sign-up Weekend" for the Network next weekend, November 3 and 4. Please keep your eyes peeled for more information.
Sign-Up Weekend Pulpit Announcement It's Time to Make Your Voice Heard Do you want to be a more effective player in the public arena? Then join the statewide electronic Catholic Advocacy Network. This uses the convenience of email to let you contact your legislators from your own home, with just a few clicks of the computer mouse. His Eminence, Cardinal Egan, has asked every parish in the Archdiocese to participate in a "Sign-up Weekend" for the Network this weekend. A flyer is included in today's bulletin, and is available at the entrances to the Church. Please fill out the sign-up form in the flyer, and return it to the boxes at the entrances to the Church. Or, you can use the information on the flyer to go to the New York State Catholic Conference website, where you can join the Network. This is an important way for Catholics to influence our laws by using the democratic process. Please join the Network today.
¡Haz que su Voz se Escuche! ¿Le gustaría ser una contribución más efectiva en el ámbito político? Entonces únase a la nueva red electrónica de Apoyo Católica (Catholic Advocacy) a nivel estatal. Esta nueva red está siendo establecida por el Cardenal Egan y los Obispos del Estado de Nueva York. Con ella se utiliza el poder del Internet y la conveniencia del correo electrónico, lo cual le permite peticionar a sus legisladores desde su propio hogar simplemente usando su computadora. Es gratuito y la manera más fácil de inscribirse es entrando a la página Web O puede enviar su nombre, dirección, número de teléfono y correo electrónico a: Catholic Advocacy Network, New York State Catholic Conference, 465 State Street, Albany, NY 12203-1004 (Asegúrese de mencionar el nombre de su parroquia y el hecho que usted reside dentro del área de la Arquidiócesis de Nueva York). ¡Juntos podemos impactar las leyes Estatales !