salt shaker

appointments, showing the family how to use the bank, library, gro- cery stores, the bus .... We will focus on the needs of the Easton Community and the arrival of ...
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SALT SHAKER Covenant Church of Easton Monthly Newsletter

May 2018

Be Active

Be Active

How beautiful is the Word of God, it strengthens us and gives us life. I started to attend Easton Covenant Church about 6 years ago. Being born in Colombia, and English being my second language, I was not able to express myself to my greatest ability. Due to the language barrier present, my frustrations, and insecurities began to fester within me. Typically a person congregates at a church in their native tongue, but God had other plans for me, and the plans of God are not destroyable. What do we really look for when we go to church? To pray, feel the presence of God, to share and feel accepted, or to just satisfy the need of having somewhere to go? For me, the most important thing is to solidify our personal relationship with our Creator. However, the fear of not being accepted by those around me, affected my path on fortifying my relationship with God. When you allow fear to take a complete hold of you, it becomes a weapon that the enemy can use against our lives.

Que hermosa es la palabra de Dios, nos fortalece y nos da vida. Empecé a congregarme en Easton Covenant Church aproximadamente 6 años atrás, habiendo nacido en otro país y teniendo el inglés como segundo idioma, mis frustraciones para comunicarme era muchas, por lo general las personas latinas encuentran una iglesia latina para congregarse; Pero dios tenía otros planes para mi y los planes de Dios nadie lo destruye. Realmente que buscamos cuando vamos a la iglesia, orar, sentir la presencia de Dios, compartir, sentirnos aceptados, actividades, o sólo satisfacer la necesidad de tener a donde ir? Para mi, lo mas importante es solidificar nuestras relación personal con nuestro creador. Mi adaptación fue muy difícil al principio porque el medio de no ser aceptada, y de ser rechazada invadian mi mente. Cuando hay miedo hay debilidad, dos armas que el enemigo usa en contra de nuestras vidas.

The shame of not being able to express myself properly blocked my desire to participate, which led me to believe that this may not be the place of worship for me. I looked at activities from afar, and always had an excuse when someone asked for my involvement. One day I shared with my daughter my thoughts of leaving the church, and her response echoed in my ears. She said "Mami get involved, be a part of the church,

La vergüenza de no poder expresarme correctamente, detenían de me todo deseo de compartir, llegue a pensar que este no era el lugar de adoración para mi. Me conformaba mirado los actividades de lejos, siempre evadiendo integrarme, y teniendo siempre una excusa cuando alguien me pedía hacerlo. Un día compartí con mi hija el deseo de abandonar la iglesia y su respuesta retumbó en mis oídos. Ella dijo “Madre involucrate, se parte de la iglesia, be active.” Eso era precisamente lo que necesitaba escuchar! Cambie

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Be Active

Be Active

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de actitud y rechace el miedo de mi vida espiritual, really try and be active." That was precisely what I tome parte en actividades que hacen parte esenneeded to hear! I began to change my attitude and cial en el desarrollo y madurez espiritual de cada pushed away the fear from my spiritual life. In order to ser humano en la iglesia, me integre en estudios do that I took part in activities that became the essenbíblicos donde aprendemos, analizamos, y compartial development of my spiritual maturity, and I also timos nuestra necesidad de crecer como Crisjoined biblical studies where we learn to analyze and tianos. Empecé a hablar no importando mis ershare our need to grow as Christians. I started to rores, al mismo tiempo conocía y escuchaba perspeak, no longer caring about the grammatical missonas maravillosas, con mucho deseo de ayudar, takes I made. At the same time I met and listened to personas que siempre están ahí dando el mejor! Al wonderful people who had a lot of desire to help, peomismo tiempo empecé a darme cuenta que todos ple who were always there giving their best. Allowing pasamos por circunstancias difíciles en nuestras myself to open up helped me come to the realization vidas, y la oración y el apoyo that we all go through difficult mutuo hacen la diferencia. Me circumstances in our lives, and “Allowing myself to open up helped me acerque a personas con mucha prayer and mutual support make come to the realization that we all go madurez espiritual que me han a positive difference in through difficult circumstances in our enseñado y afirmado mi comsomeone’s life. I approached lives, and prayer and mutual support people with a lot of spiritual ma- make a positive difference in promiso cristiano, aprendiendo de su dedicación y esfuerzo, turity who have taught and someone’s life.” pero sobre todo del amor y affirmed my Christian commitdeseo que fluyen de sus corament, learning from their dedizones. cation and effort, but above all “Al mismo tiempo empecé a darme from the love and desire that cuenta que todos pasamos por circun- Esto era exactamente que tenía flows from their hearts. stancias difíciles en nuestras vidas, y la que ser, ser activa y receptioración y el apoyo mutuo hacen la va. Empecé a leer libros CrisThis was exactly how it had to diferencia. “ tianos, a leer la biblia como algo be, to be active and receptive. I que no podía faltar diariamente started reading Christian books, en mi vida, mi pan espiritual, pedir discernimiento, reading the Bible daily became something I could not a tener hambre y sed de la palabra de Dios, a orar miss, I asked for discernment, and for hunger and más y criticar menos, a ayudar cuando mi tiempo thirst of the Word of God. I asked God to help me to lo permitía con amor y entrega. Si! Dios tenía pray more and criticize less, and to help when my time planes para mi, el todo lo hace perfecto, solamente allowed it with love and dedication. Yes! God had tenemos que creer en el, afianzar nuestra fe, a plans for me, He makes everything perfect, we just meditar en su palabra día y noche. Lo demas venhave to believe in Him, strengthen our faith, and meddra. Si, me siento diferente de hace seis años itate on His Word day and night. The rest will come. atrás, y lo he conseguido aquí en Easton Covenant Yes, I feel different from six years ago, and I got it Church, por esto Dios me trajo aquí! here at Easton Covenant Church, that's why God brought me here!

Angelica Hernandez Translated by: Kimberly Navas and Sarah Hernandez

Angelica Hernandez Translated by: Kimberly Navas and Sarah Hernandez

Refugee Family Set to Arrive Birthdays & Anniversaries 5/1 Cheryll Pittera Alexa Meachen 5/3 Siena Hernandez 5/4 Sofia Estrada 5/5 Nolan Gilmore 5/6 Julia Morin Karen Sheridan 5/7 Brett Gibbs 5/8 Katrina Hatfield Ben Grumet 5/11 Matthew Blair 5/12 Pat Swanson Mike Testa Sarah Ambrose 5/15 Mindy Hatfield 5/16 Graham Gilmore 5/22 Wivan Sundman 5/23 Isobel McEwan 5/24 Mike Pavia 5/29 Austin Bachelder 5/30 Steve Domyan MAY 4 ♥Bill & Christine Austin♥ MAY 6 ♥Alan & Joan Bjork♥ ♥Pete & Nancy McDonald♥ MAY 11 ♥Mark & Laura Svenson♥ MAY 15 ♥Arne & Linda Gustavson♥ MAY 25 ♥Andy & Lucia Zager♥ MAY 27 ♥Rob & Debbie Packnick♥

In early May, after a year of preparation and fundraising, Easton ACTS is excited to announce that we are welcoming a refugee family from The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)! DRC is a vast country with immense economic resources that unfortunately has been plagued with massive violence and war claiming up to six million lives, either as a direct result of fighting or because of disease and malnutrition. Now’s your chance to demonstrate God’s love and help this family transition to a new life in America! Please pray Easton ACTS can secure solid employment for the father, excellent doctors to care for them, and a quick grasp of English for the entire family. Also, please keep the Easton ACTS Steering Committee and volunteers in your prayers – we are ready and willing, but have limited experience in refugee resettlement.

Volunteer opportunities include:     

Transportation and Hospitality, including providing rides to various appointments, showing the family how to use the bank, library, grocery stores, the bus system, etc. English as a Second Language (ESL) tutoring and general school tutoring for the children Childcare/Babysitting Resume and interview assistance And much more!

We are also looking for employment opportunities for the Father that require limited English and can provide steady work to support his family. If you’d like to help with transportation/rides contact Craig Carlson or Bob Merritt for more information. If you think you’d like to help in other ways, please contact Amy Zima or Stephanie Wirth for more information and ideas on how you can get involved. Transportation Craig Carlson: Bob Merritt:

203.676.7661 or [email protected] 203.924.1914 or [email protected]

Easton ACTS Co-Chairs Amy Zima: 203.418.0629 or [email protected] Stephanie Wirth: 203.260.2608 or [email protected]

Treasurer’s Report

weather. Fortunately, snow plowing bills are a little less than expected, but who knows how long that will last with the weird weather we have been having!

The financial results of the General Operating Fund for the three months ended March 31, 2018 were as follows:

In my report two months ago — I skipped last month due to some vacation time — it was noted the Mortgage Fund contributions were unexpectedly high. This same trend has continued in the intervening two months. Once the most recent payment is recorded, the mortgage balance should be under $280,000. Your generous contributions to this Fund will bear real fruit when the mortgage balance is eliminated and we can begin addressing other mission priorities. It was just yesterday that we held a nearly all-day DREAM Again workshop where we started down the road to addressing our Church priorities over the next couple of years. It would be wonderful if we see the day within the next couple of years that we are debt free. If that is one of your dreams, please consider helping to make it a reality without diminishing your support of the General Operating Fund.

INCOME: Offering Receipts Investment & Other Income Total Income EXPENSES Excess of Income over Expenses

$144,801 529 $145,330 $142,725 $2,605

First quarter Offering Receipts were virtually equal to the financial projection for the period, but were about $7,000 below 2017. This decrease was all due to one more Sunday in 2017 than this year. This is a timing difference since each year eventually has 52 Sundays. Expenses in total were almost $4,000 below expectations, mainly due to savings nearly across all ministries, most notably the Personnel Ministry. The exception was electricity spending which is running 29% higher than expected, due to colder than normal

As always, thank you for your continued generosity.

Bob Fiscus, Treasurer

Secret Pal Brunch—Saturday, May 5 at 10am The Annual Secret Pal Brunch is a fun time to fellowship, eat some delicious food together and where Secret Pals will be revealed. Senders and receivers are encouraged to attend. Secret Pal “Senders” should bring a gift worth no more than $15 for their Pal. If you cannot attend, please drop off your gift at the church ahead of time, so your Pal won’t be left out. Please RSVP to Mindy Hatfield by April 30th. Anyone interested in participating in the Secret Pal Ministry, or for more information, please contact Mindy Hatfield (203.650.2424 or [email protected]).

Camp Squanto Do your kids have summer plans yet? It’s not too late to register for Camp Squanto at Pilgrim Pines in New Hampshire. Follow the link below to find out more information or to register:

Pathfinders (entering grades 2-3) June 27-30

Trailblazers (entering grades 4-6) July 1-7 OR July 8-14 John Schneider Camp Fund John Schneider was a young man who attended Covenant and died in a tragic drowning accident. A camp fund was set up in his honor for scholarships for young people to attend camp, because that was where John received the Lord. Ever since, this fund has helped many students to experience the wonderful ministry at Camp Squanto in New Hampshire. If you would like to offer your support for one of our student’s to attend camp this summer, visit the online giving website: c-225-covenant-churcheaston-ct.aspx Your support is greatly appreciated!

Welcome Kristine Lackowski! Covenant Church of Easton welcomes our Director of Children's Ministry, Kristine Lackowski! Kristine has been part of the Covenant staff since July 2017, and we are thrilled to remove the title of "Interim" from her position. Join us in praying for Kristine and the ministry God has planned for her, the children and their families at Covenant. A big THANK YOU to the Search Committee for their time and commitment over the past year — Paula Keegan (Chair), Luiza Estrada, Joyce Fiscus, Sena Povinelli, Bill Croasmun (Council Chair) and Pastor Cary.

Friends Night Out End of Year Party Our last Friends Night Out for the school year will be held on Tuesday, May 15 and we’ll be having an End of Year Party! Please let Kristine know if you would like to bring a dessert or beverage for the celebration.

Staff Luncheon for Teachers and Assistants Sunday, May 20 A luncheon to show our appreciation for all teachers and assistants who volunteer in Children’s Ministry will take place following the 2nd Worship Service on Sunday, May 20. You have blessed our families at Covenant with your time during the school year and now it’s YOUR turn to be blessed! Please RSVP via email to Kristine ([email protected]) so we can plan accordingly.

Vacation Bible School Needs Volunteers! July 30—August 3 Please consider joining us, during this amazing week while we learn how to be Rescued by Jesus! A Staff Meeting for adult volunteers will be held on Sunday, June 3 at 12 noon; lunch will be provided. There will also be a Junior Helper Meeting for volunteers entering grades 7-12 at 10am in the Junior Worship Room; donuts will be served! Please let Kristine know if you are interested in volunteering and whether you will be attending the meeting.

Youth Ministry Schedule OASIS (High School) Wednesdays, 6:30-9:00pm JHAMS (Middle School) Thursdays, 7:00-8:30pm CROSSFIT (Youth Bible study) Sundays, 9:00-10:00am

OASIS — Senior Night We’ll celebrate and bless our High School Seniors at our final night of Youth Group for the school year on Wednesday, June 6th.

ALL High School youth (and Foundation graduates in 8th grade) are invited to join us for CROSSFIT. Our last class for the school year will be Sunday, May 20th.

JHAMS All kids currently in 5th grade are invited to join us for JHAMS on Thursday, May 24th to get to know the new friends they’ll be attending youth group with in the Fall. Our final JHAMS meeting for the school year will be Thursday, June 7th. That night we’ll be celebrating and honoring our graduating 8th graders who will be moving on to High School and attending OASIS in the Fall!

FOUNDATIONS Our 2-year Foundations program (which covers the Old and New Testament) will celebrate their graduation on Sunday, June 10.

CHiC UPDATE Please pray for our youth and leaders (physically, spiritually and emotionally) as we make final preparations for our journey down to the University of Tennessee this July.

STAY-TUNED **Stay-tuned for upcoming details about a Bible study at Pastor Debbie’s home this summer!**

INFORMATION For questions or more details about our Youth Ministry programs, information can be found by visiting the Church website or by contacting Pastor Debbie directly on her cell 203.668.5350 or by emailing [email protected]. An email goes out to all youth/families each week with details about our topic for the week and upcoming events. Let Debbie know if you’d like to be included.

Loving God is...

NEW MEMBERS INFORMATION CLASS If you are interested in becoming a member of Covenant Church of Easton or want more information about the church, Pastor Cary will lead a class on Sunday, May 6th. Please contact the Church Office if you plan to attend.

BAPTISM If you are being called to be baptized or want more information about baptism, please speak with Pastor Cary. A Baptism is scheduled to be held during the Worship Services on Sunday, May 20.

Day of Fasting & Prayer “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you.” Join together on Friday, May 4th in a day-long fast followed by an evening of prayer focused on seeking God’s face for the revival of individuals, the congregation, the community around us, and beyond. Prayer done in community and in conjunction with fasting leads to the heavens and earth being moved as God responds to His people. We will seek together the Holy Spirit’s assistance in the expansion of God’s Kingdom, as strongholds of the enemy are broken, and renewal is brought to the Body of Christ and all with whom He comes in contact. WHEN: Friday, May 4 at 7:00pm WHERE: Bob & Kim Rieger’s home, 23 Larkspur Drive in Trumbull WHO: Anyone passionate about seeking God is invited to attend WHAT: Day-long corporate fast, prayer and worship, potluck after CONTACT: Colby Putnam ([email protected])

National Day of Prayer The National Day of Prayer, Thursday, May 3rd, will be hosted at Covenant Church from 6:30-7:30 pm in the Church Chapel with our JHAMS students also participating. We will focus on the needs of the Easton Community and the arrival of our Refugee family; as well as, pray special prayers of protection for our families, with emphasis on adolescents & teens. We will also pray for Easton’s Seniors and the men and women of the Armed Forces serving our nation. There will be time set aside for participants to share the concerns of their hearts. This is a non-denominational event; everyone is invited!

May Food Pantry Needs Suggested donations for the Food Pantry at Summerfield United Methodist Church in Bridgeport for May include: Rice, Beans CLEANING SUPPLIES Laundry & Dish Soap Sponges, Garbage Bags Windex, Ajax, etc.

Look for the Sign Up in the Welcome Center!


Loving God, Growing Together, Serving Others

1 Sport Hill Road Easton, CT 06612 203.371.8335