saint joseph catholic church

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JUNE 16, 2019

SAINT JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH 958 Epps Bridge Parkway, Athens GA 30606


CLERGY/Clero Rev. Paul Moreau, Pastor Rev. Timothy Nadolski, Parochial Vicar Rev. Michael Revak, Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Jim Gaudin, Deacon Rev. Mr. Scott Medine, Deacon LITURGICAL SCHEDULE/Horario Litúrgico Saturday Vigil/Sábado de Vigilia 5:30 PM 7:30 PM (Español) Sunday Mass/Misas Dominicales 8:00 AM 10:00 AM (Nursery provided) 12:00 PM (Nursery provided) 2:00 PM (Español) 6:00 PM Daily Masses/Misa Diaria Monday –Saturday/Lunes - Sábado: 8:30 AM Monday/Lunes: 7:30 PM (Español) Liturgy of the Hours/Liturgia de las Horas Monday-Saturday/Lunes - Sábado: 8:10 AM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament/ Adoración al Santísimo Mondays, Wednesdays/ Lunes,Miercoles: 9 AM-12 Noon Fridays/Viernes: 9 AM -6 PM Hora Santa –Jueves: 7:45 PM Reconciliation/Confesiones Wednesday & Friday/ Miercoles &Viernes: 8 AM-8:30 AM Saturday/Sábado: 9:00 AM; 6:30 PM-7:30 PM SACRAMENTAL EMERGENCY/Emergencia Sacramental If you have a sudden illness, accident or imminent death and need the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick (Last Rites),please call our Emergency Line: 706-389-0125.You MUST leave a voicemail for the call to be returned.

We are excited to announce that Deacon Gregory Tipton will be ordained a priest on the Feast Day of Ss. Peter and Paul on June 29 at the the Cathedral of Ou Lady o Walsingham in Houston, Texas. In celebration, our Parish wishes to recognize Fr. Tipton with a special Mass and Reception on Saturday, July 13 at 1 PM. As a gift, we will be giving him some of the liturgical items from his ‘Wish List”, like vestments, chalice, sick call kit, etc. Anyone who would like to contribute to the gift may leave a check at the parish office. Checks should be made payable to St. Joseph Catholic Church and designate that it is for the Tipton gift fund. These are personal donations are not tax-deductible. Deacon Gregory first came to Athens in 2009 as a student, pursuing degrees in Philosophy and Political Science. He then attended Duke Divinity, where he graduated in 2013 and ...continued next page

WELCOME! On behalf of our priests and staff, we welcome you to St. Joseph Catholic Church! For those interested in learning more about our Parish or the Catholic faith, please visit out website: or call the Parish Office at 706-548-6332.

REGISTER Registration forms are available in the window of the Parish Office and online. Please complete and drop into the After Hours Drop Slot.

STEWARDSHIP Offertory Budget Difference

June 2, 2019 $15671.22 $13,000.00 $ 2,671.22

Improvement Fund


Second Collection: St. Joseph Charities

$ 4,393.80

Weekly Offertory For those who prefer online giving, you may set up an account. Go to our website at: and look for the Quick Links to “Donate Online” and follow instructions.

Continued from front page… spent a year at the Community of the Franciscan Way [Episcopal] modeled after Peter Maurin's Catholic Worker Houses. He was ordained an Episcopal priest in 2014 and he returned to Athens as a chaplain to UGA at St. Mary's and a curate to Emmanuel Episcopal Church. He and Megan were married shortly after, in 2016.They both began the discernment process of the Catholic faith, attending RCIA classes and were confirmed into the Church in 2017. It was at this time that they and several other former Episcopalians applied to the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter. The Ordinariate was set up by the Vatican for those former Anglican/Episcopal individuals, who are fully Roman Catholic, while retaining elements of Anglican heritage in their celebration of Mass and in the hospitality and ministries of their Catholic parishes. Thus, the Catholic Community of St. Aelred began with Deacon Tipton serving as administrator. Even as a former Episcopalian priest, Deacon Tipton still went through an extensive formation process for Holy Orders in the Catholic Church and was ordained a transitional Deacon in November, 2018.

Now his study comes to fruition with his ordination as a Catholic priest. While celibacy is the norm, special dispensation has been given by the Pope for former Anglican priests who are married to be ordained Catholic priests for the Ordinariate. The future Fr. Tipton will continue to teach Philosophy and Religion at Monsignor Donovan High School, and now as a priest, will also be able to celebrate Mass and hear confessions. He and his wife, Megan, have two children, Leo and Maria. St. Aelred Catholic Community is part of The Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter (OCSP). The OCSP was established on January 1, 2012 by Pope Benedict XVI in the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum coetibus to help former Anglicans reconcile to Mother Church. The OCSP functions like a Roman Catholic diocese. St. Aelred became a Catholic Community on the Feast of St. Francis 2017. Beginning July 9, the St. Aelred Mass will be offered each Sunday at 10 AM in the SJS Chapel, followed by their Catechesis program at 11 AM in room #321. Evening Prayer will continue Monday-Friday at 4:30 PM in the Chapel.

Capital Campaign III June 4, 2019

PledgedPaid Balance -

$3,434,406.97 $3,423,061.51 $11,345.46

You are Cordially Invited to Father Gregory Tipton’s Celebration Mass

Estás cordialmente invitado a la Misa de celebración del Padre Gregory Tipton Saturday, July 13/Sábado 13 de julio 1:00 PM ALTAR FLOWERS This week’s flowers are given by David and Kelly Felt in loving memory of Kelly’s father, Dr. Patrick James Neligan. Our flowers are provided by Always, Always Flowers. If you would like to donate flowers, contact Bev Fricks @ 404-4080894 or

Reception to follow in the Parish Hall

Seguir por una recepción en el salón parroquial Please RSVP online at (place Tipton in the subject line with number attending) OR Complete an RSVP card and leave in the Parish Office Completar una tarjeta de RSVP y dejarla en la oficina parroquial

ANNOUNCEMENTS Valencia-Martin Memorial Mass There will be a bilingual Memorial Mass for Gloria Valencia-Martin, former RE office administrator, on Wednesday, June 19 at 7 PM. All are welcome to attend. A reception will follow in the Parish Hall . Each year the Eucharistic Congress brings together Catholics from across the archdiocese and the country to celebrate the visible, living presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. Bishop Shlesinger and Bishop Konzen ask that you join them for this year’s Eucharistic Congress at the Georgia International Convention Center, June 21st and 22nd. The theme of the 2019 Eucharistic Congress comes from Luke 22:19, “This is My Body Given Up for You.” Let’s welcome the Lord, Who gave his life for us, into our hearts. Let’s allow Jesus to transform us, so we can become His hands and feet to go out into the world and spread the Good News.

Athens Catholic Beer Club We meet on the third Thursday of the month, encouraging those in the young (ish) professional and graduate student stage of life to meet over a drink and form authentic friendships. The next event is June 20th at 8pm at Creature Comforts in downtown Athens. Look for the waving Pope Francis figure - that's us! For more information, email organizer Rachel Mercaldo. (

Latin Anniversary Mass

Habitat for Humanity The Human Rights and Social Concerns committee will be working with Habitat for Humanity on June 29 and are looking for volunteers. See us on the porch after Masses, June 15/16 and June 22/23 or contact Deacon Jim at

St. Joseph Charities Do you need financial help to pay utility services or rent? St. Joseph Charities may be able to help. We accept calls for appointments Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 10 AM until Noon: 706850-7777.

Bible Study for Men Meets on Wednesdays from 6:30 to 7:30 AM in the Parish Hall. Hot coffee and nice warm doughnuts are available! Men of all ages are welcome to the opportunity for spiritual growth. Contact Phil Tybor:

Parking In an effort to keep our children safe, we ask that you please remember to park in designated areas only. Cars illegally parked will be towed.

Fr. Tim will be celebrating the anniversary of his ordination with a special Mass in Latin, on Thursday, June 27 at 7 PM. A reception will follow in the Parish Hall. All are invited!

Save the Date! CRHP for Women August 17-18, 2019 Join us to refocus, reenergize and reconfirm the purpose of your life in Christ.

Please remember the following in your prayers: The Nadolski Family The Valencia-Martin Family Bryant Hedrick Peggy Brinkman The Waldron Family Jack Duclos Dr. Beverly Ornberg Al Johnson The Wahl Family Irma “Nena” Burnum The Pardo Figueroa Harper Family Charlotte Walton Patricia Mitchell Desiree Goetz The Stevens Family Jerry Sonnenberg Deacon Jim and Elaine Gaudin Deacon Scott Medine

In Memoriam— Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. And let the perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen Gloria Valencia Martin Andrew Waldron Jr Scott Walling Linda Wahl Corky Robinson Helida Pardo Figueroa

To add a name to our prayer list, indicate if this is a prayer intention (I) or one in memory (D). submit it to

¡BIENVENIDO! ¡En nombre de nuestros sacerdotes y personal, le damos la bienvenida a la Iglesia Católica de San José! Para aquellos interesados en aprender más sobre nuestra parroquia o la fe católica, visite nuestro sitio web: o llame a la oficina parroquial al 706-548-6332.

REGISTRO Los formularios de inscripción están disponibles en la ventana de la Oficina Parroquial y en línea. Por favor, complete y colóquelo en la ranura para dejar fuera de horario.

¿PREGUNTAS? ¿Quiere Saber más acerca de Bautismo, Quinceañera, Matrimonio...Otro asunto? ¿Necesita hablar con el Padre Paul o el Padre Tim? Llame a la Oficina Parroquial para pedir cita. Teléfono: 706-548-6332

ANUNCIOS EN ESPAÑOL VBS : Junio 17-21 El tema de este año es "Varios Santos y las Virtudes de la Fe, la Esperanza y el Amor." Vamos a aprender sobre las virtudes y sobre San Juan Diego, St. Brigid de Irlanda, San Martín de Porres, St. Nicolás de Myra y St. Kateri Tekakwitha. El costo será de $25 por niño e incluye una botella de agua y una camiseta. Max por familia es $75, que incluye 3 camisas/botellas de agua. Adicionales de camisa/botella de agua será de $8 en conjunto. Empaque un almuerzo cada día. Los formularios de inscripción estarán disponibles el 10 de abril.

Proceso de Registro de Educación Religiosa 2019-2020: • Registración/Matrícula Temprana, para el próximo año escolar será del 4/24/2019 al 5/31/2019. • Las Matrículas/Registraciones, estarán abiertas hasta el 8/14/2019 o hasta que tengamos cupos disponibles. • Las clases comenzarán el 8/28/2019. Horas de oficina Educación Religiosa Verano Lunes-Viernes, 9 AM-3 PM

Caridades de San José Necesita ayuda económica para pagar servicios de utilidad o con la renta? Las Caridades de San José puede ayudarle. Para pedir una cita: Llamar solamente los días Lunes, Martes y Miércoles de 10:00 am-12:00 pm Al Teléfono: 706-850-7777.

Escuela Parroquial Católica de la San José ¿Le interesa una buena preparación católica para su hijo? ¿Le gustaria un enfoque de aprendizaje que sea académico, espiritual y ético? Contacte a la Escuela de la Parroquial Católica de San José para más información / oportunidades de becas. Teléfono: 706-5431621.

El 21 – 22 de junio de 2019

Misa conmemorativa en honor a Gloria Valencia-Martin Habrá una misa bilingüe conmemorativa para Gloria Valencia-Martin, ex administradora de la oficina de Educación Religiosa. Todos son bienvenidos a asistir, el miércoles 19 de junio a las 7 PM seguido de una recepción en el salón parroquial.

Echa un vistazo a! Nos complace anunciar un nuevo recurso para nuestra parroquia en el sitio web, Gracias a un regalo de un feligrés, St. Joseph ahora tiene una cuenta que abrirá una variedad de temas para estudiar, leer, reflexionar y discutir tanto en inglés como en español. Para configurar una cuenta, simplemente vaya a y haga clic en el cuadro e ingrese el código. Nuestro código parroquial es VGZGPF. Desde allí puedes configurar tu propia cuenta y contraseña. El sitio es una excelente manera de inspirarse y transformarse a través de películas católicas, libros y respuestas

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Save These Important Dates! 2019-2020 Religious Education Registration Procedures: • Registration will be open until

Office Hours for Religious Education 9:00 –3:00 PM, Mon-Fri.

8/14/2019 or as space allows. • Classes will begin on 8/28/2019.

Special Needs RE Classes Our focus in the Special Needs RE classes are two fold: teach the faith and live the faith. We hope to eliminate injustices, ignorance, apathy by replacing with sensitivity and warm acceptance and offer full participation in our Christian community. Our classes will begin again in September. Please contact our Director of Religious Education, Lynn Langston for more information: 706-548-6332

VBS Supplies Many thanks to those who have generously purchased needed VBS supplies. If you would like to help, see the poster on the porch for specific items that are still needed or you may make a cash donation.

Vacation Bible School: June 17-21 This year’s theme is “Assorted Saints and the Virtues of Faith, Hope and Love.” We will be learning about the Virtues and St. Juan Diego, St. Brigid of Ireland, St. Martin de Porres, St . Nicholas of Myra and St. Kateri Tekakwitha. Camp is from 9 am to 3 pm each day. Please send a lunch with your child every day. Fee is $25 per child and includes a t-shirt and a water bottle. Max for family $75.00 which includes 3 shirts and 3 water bottles. Extra t-shirts and water bottles are $8.00

2019-2020 HSYG Activities Fall Planning Meeting: Monday, Sep 16 from 7-9pm Retreat Training Session: Monday, Sep 23 from 7-9pm. Fall Retreat: Sep 27-29 (Covecrest) SUMMER SCHEDULE June 19-Sports Night, 7-9 PM June 27-Hangout at Cookout, 7 PM July 10-Sports Night, 7-9 PM July 18-Spider Man Movie Night at University 16, 7 PM July 24-Sports Night, 7-9 PM

Confirmation Planning Meeting: Monday, Jan 20 from 7-9pm Confirmation Retreat: Jan 31- Feb 2 (Covecrest) Winter Planning Meeting: Monday, Feb 17 from 7-9pm Winter Retreat: Feb 29-Mar 1 (Covecrest)

If you are new to our parish and transferring in a child into RE, please contact the RE Office at For older students and young adults we offer the following:

Middle School Youth: Edge Meets on Wednesday night from 6:157:15 pm in the Youth Room Middle School Youth Minister Jeff Donahue Follow us on Facebook! St. Joseph EDGE

High School Youth Group Meets each Sunday from 7:00 PM– 9:00 PM in the Youth Room Bible Study for Teens Boys meet on Thursdays 7:00-9:00 PM in the Youth Room. Girls meet on Tuesdays 7:00 –9:00 PM in the Youth Room . HS Youth Ministers, Megan and Justin Estes Follow us on Facebook! StJosephAthensYouthMinistry

Young Adults: Equip age 18-25 Meets throughout the year for fellowship and fun! Need info? Contact Follow us on Facebook! EquipAthens

MASS INTENTIONS AND READINGS Monday, June 17 2 Cor 6:1-10; Ps 98:1, 2b, 3ab, 3cd-4; Mt 5:38-42 8:30 AM-Elizabeth Reuter (D) 7:30 PM-Marvel Jr/Juan Robledo (I) Tuesday, June 18 2 Cor 8:1-9; Ps 146:2, 5-6ab, 6c-7, 89a;Mt 5:43-48 8:30 AM-Richard Alpaugh (D) Wednesday, June 19 Saint Romuald, Abbot 2 Cor 9:6-11; Ps 112:1bc-2, 3-4, 9; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 8:30 AM-Lisa Stanaland (I) 7:00 PM-Gloria Valencia Martin Thursday, June 20 2 Cor 11:1-11; Ps 111:1b-2, 3-4, 7-8; Mt 6:7-15 8:30 AM-Thanksgiving for BlessingsMontayre Family Friday, June 21 Memorial of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, Religious 2 Cor 11:18, 21-30; Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7; Mt 6:19-23 8:30 AM–Tom Rocks Saturday, June 22 Saint Paulinus of Nola, Bishop; Saints John Fisher, Bishop, and Thomas More, Martyrs 2 Cor 12:1-10; Ps 34:8-9, 10-11, 12-13; Mt 6:24-34 8:30 AM–Laine Cullom (I) 5:30 PM-Alphonse Portogallo (D) 7:30 PM–Jaqueline Galiote Perez (D) Sunday, June 23 The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Gn 14:18-20; Ps 110:1, 2, 3, 4; 1 Cor 11:23-26; Lk 9:11b-17 8 AM–Carolyn Borowski (I) 10 AM –Ryan Collado (I) 12 Noon –St. Joseph Parish 2 PM-Jose Moreno Garcia (D); Rosa Cornejo Moreno (D); Maria Elena Leyva (D) 6 PM– Tom Heneghan (D)

CALENDAR OF EVENTS THIS WEEK AT ST. JOSEPH: BLACK-Regular weekly meetings RED-New meetings this week Monday, June 17 10 AM St. Joseph Charities-Hawthorne Office 6 PM Misioneros-#253 6 PM CRHP Ladies-#2546 PM Glory & Praise rehearsal- #251 Tuesday, June 18 9 AM Carismatico Rosary-Chapel 10 AM St. Joseph Charities-Hawthorne Office 7:45 PM Eventos Unidos en Cristo#253 7:45 PM Grupo Carismatico-#254 7:45 PM Cristo Renueva Su Parroquia: Hombres-#255

Saturday, June 22 Eucharistic Congress-Atlanta 8:30 AM I-9 Sports-field 11 AM Baptisms -Chapel 1 PM Quince-Chapel 3 PM Wedding-gym 4:30 PM Glory &Praise Choir rehearsalgym 6 PM Luz y Esperanza Coro -#226

Sunday, June 23 12:30 PM Laudate Si Coro Rehearsal– #303 3 PM Corpus Christi Procession 4:30 PM Praise Band Choir Rehearsal gym

Wednesday, June 19 6:30 AM Men’s Bible Study– Parish Hall 10 AM St. Joseph Charities-Hawthorne Office 1 PM Craft Guild-Hawthorne Office 7 PM Memorial Mass for Gloria Martin Thursday, June 20 6 PM St. Cecilia Choir Rehearsal - #251 6 PM Cristo Renueva Su Parroquia: Mujer-#253 6 PM Human Rights/Social Concerns #254 Friday, June 21 Eucharistic Congress-Atlanta


St Aelred Catholic Community Evening Prayer: Monday –Friday, 4:30 PM in the Chapel Adult Formation Class: Sunday, 9:15 AM -#321 Next Ordinariate Mass: Sunday, June 23, 3:30 PM– SJS Chapel

We Need Your Vote! There is still time to vote for St. Joseph Catholic School and St. Joseph Catholic Church to take the number one spot for Best of the Best of Athens 2019! You can vote one time per day per email: Visit Best-of-the-Best-2019/gallery/ Enter St. Joseph Catholic Parish School in the "Private School" Category AND Enter St. Joseph Catholic Church in the "Places to Worship" Category! Voting for the NUMBER ONE SPOT will take place starting today through Monday, June 24th! That gives us 2 whole weeks to vote every day for St. Joseph Catholic School and St. Joseph Catholic Church!