Sacred Heart Our Lady of the

1 jul. 2018 - SERVICES IN ENGLISH. Saturday Vigil… ... Holy Day Mas: See bulletin .... (Ps 30). Second Reading: For you know the gracious act of our.
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Our Lady

of the

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Sacred Heart


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M, W, TH, F/L-V 9:00am-12:30pm & 1:30pm-4:00pm TUESDAY………… …..10:30am-12:30pm & 1:30pm4:00pm Sat & Sun Closed


Saturday Vigil…………………………………………...5:00 PM Sunday………………………………………6:30 AM, 11:00 AM Monday — Saturday…………………………………….7:00 AM Monday — Friday……………………………………...12:00 PM Holy Day Mas: See bulletin Infant Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals, Anointing of the Sick or Confessions by appointment, please contact the parish office: ……………………………………………………..(619) 280-0515 Confessions Saturday…………………………….3:30 to 4:30pm


Domingo: 8:00 am, 12:30 pm, 2:00 pm ·Días de Obligación: Ver el boletín ·Bautizo de infantes, Quinceañeras, Matrimonios, Funerales, Unción de los enfermos o reconciliación por cita, comunicarse al: (619) 280-0515 ·Reconciliación Sábados 3:30 a 4:30pm


Pastor / Párroco / Chánh Xứ Rev. Jose Goopio, SVD Associate Pastor / Pastor Asociado / Phó Xứ Rev. Vinh Daniel Nguyen, SVD Priest in Residence / Sacerdote residente Rev. Raymundus Wea, SVD Priest in Residence / Sacerdote residente Rev. Anthony Yang, SVD

Thánh Lễ chiều Thứ Bảy 7:00PM Thánh Lễ Chủ Nhật 9:30AM Thánh Lễ hằng ngày Thứ Hai - Thứ Bảy 7:00 AM Thứ Hai - Thứ Sáu 12:00 PM Thứ Sáu: Lễ Việt Nam: 5:30 PM Xưng Tội Thứ Bảy 3:30-4:30PM Rửa Tội: Xin gọi văn phòng Giáo Xứ trước một tháng 619-280-0515 Lễ Cưới: xin gọi văn phòng Giáo Xứ trước chín tháng 619-280-0515 Xức Dầu 619-280-0515 Mục Vụ Giáo Lý 619-283-9262 Nhóm an ủi bệnh nhân của cộng đoàn Liên lạc ông Nguyễn Khắc Tấn ………..619-342-5344 / Trần Văn Diệu…………… 619-908-9848

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time- B

July 1, 2018

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church




First Reading: For God formed man to be imperishable; the image of his own nature he made him. (Wis 2:23) Psalm: I will praise you, Lord, for you have rescued me. (Ps 30) Second Reading: For you know the gracious act of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, for your sake he became poor, so that by his poverty you might become rich. (2 Cor 8:9) Gospel: He took the child by the hand and said to her, "Talitha koum," which means, "Little girl, I say to you, arise!" The girl, a child of twelve, arose immediately and walked around. At that they were utterly astounded. (Mk 5:41-42)

Primera Lectura: Dios creó al hombre para que nunca muriera, porque lo hizo a imagen y semejanza de sí mismo (Sb 2, 23-30) Salmo: Tú, Señor, me salvaste de la muerte (salmo 29) Segunda Lectura: Bien saben lo generoso que ha sido nuestro Señor Jesucristo, que siendo rico, se hizo pobre por ustedes, para que ustedes se hicieran ricos con su pobreza.(2 Cor 8; 9) Evangelio: La tomó de la mano y le dijo: "¡Talitá, kum!", que significa: "¡Óyeme, niña, levántate!" La niña, que tenía doce años, se levantó inmediatamente y se puso a caminar. Todos se quedaron asombrados. Mc 5:41-42).

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday:

Wis 1:13-15; 2:23-24/Ps 30:2, 4, 5-6, 11, 12, 13 [2a]/2 Cor 8:7, 9, 13-15/ Mk 5:21-43 or 5:21-24, 35b-43 Am 2:6-10, 13-16/Ps 50:16bc-17, 18-19, 20-21, 22-23 [22a]/Mt 8:18-22 Eph 2:19-22/Ps 117:1bc, 2 [Mk 16:15]/ Jn 20:24-29 Am 5:14-15, 21-24/Ps 50:7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-13, 16bc-17 [23b]/Mt 8:28-34 Am 7:10-17/Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 11 [10cd]/ Mt 9:1-8 Am 8:4-6, 9-12/Ps 119:2, 10, 20, 30, 40, 131 [Mt 4:4]/Mt 9:9-13 Am 9:11-15/Ps 85:9ab and 10, 11-12, 13-14 [cf. 9b]/Mt 9:14-17 Ez 2:2-5/Ps 123:1-2, 2, 3-4 [2cd]/ 2 Cor 12:7-10/Mk 6:1-6a

EVERYDAY STEWARDSHIP - RECOGNIZE GOD IN YOUR ORDINARY MOMENTS As the baptized, we are called into community, and we are strongest when all members have full faith in Jesus Christ. When one of us falters or begins to doubt his or her faith, that is when our faith is to be shared freely as a source of strength. If we hold our faith inside, then those around us will miss a chance to be edified and strengthened by our witness. We can give freely of our money, our time, and our talents but still not share our faith with those around us. This hinders the Body of Christ's ability to evangelize and spread the Good News. It also helps to keep members of that Body weak, because without the chance to hear our stories of faith, those with the need to hear can remain discouraged and lost. Faith is a gift from God to us, just like any other. We are called to cultivate our faith and grow it into abundance. If we do not share it with others, then why grow it at all? We are not saved because we have more faith than someone else. We are no better off with storage bins filled with knowledge, devotion, and faith experience than a baby on its day of baptism. The difference between the baby and us is that we have something now to share and the responsibility to do so.

LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Domingo: Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Domingo:

Sab 1, 13-15; 2, 23-24/Sal 30, 2. 4. 5-6. 11. 12. 13 [2]/2 Cor 8, 7. 9. 13-15/ Mc 5, 21-43 o 5, 21-24. 35-43 Am 2, 6-10. 13-16/Sal 50, 16-17. 18-19. 20-21. 22-23 [22] Mt 8, 18-22 Ef 2, 19-22/Sal 117, 1. 2 [Mc 16, 15]/ Jn 20, 24-29 Am 5, 14-15. 21-24/Sal 50, 7. 8-9. 10-11. 12-13. 16-17 [23]/Mt 8, 28-34 Am 7, 10-17/Sal 19, 8. 9. 10. 11 [10]/Mt 9, 1-8 Am 8, 4-6. 9-12/Sal 119, 2. 10. 20. 30. 40. 131 [Mt 4, 4]/Mt 9, 9-13 Am 9, 11-15/Sal 85, 9 y 10. 11-12. 13-14 [cfr. 9]/Mt 9, 14-17 Ez 2, 2-5/Sal 123, 1-2. 2. 3-4 [2]/ 2 Cor 12, 7-10/Mc 6, 1-6

LA CORRESPONSABILIDAD DIARIA - RECONOCER A DIOS EN LOS MOMENTOS ORDINARIOS Como bautizados, somos llamados a ser una comunidad, y somos más fuertes cuando todos los miembros tenemos plena fe en Jesucristo. Cuando uno de nosotros titubea o comienza a dudar de su fe, es cuando debemos compartir nuestra fe con libertad como fuente de fortaleza. Si nos guardamos nuestra fe para nosotros, entonces los que nos rodean no tendrán la oportunidad de ser edificados y fortalecidos por nuestro testimonio. Podemos dar de nuestro dinero, nuestro tiempo y nuestros talentos con libertad; pero aun así no compartir nuestra fe con quienes nos rodean. Esto limita la capacidad del Cuerpo de Cristo para evangelizar y difundir las Buenas Nuevas. Además mantiene débiles a los miembros del Cuerpo, porque sin la oportunidad de escuchar nuestras historias de fe, aquellos que necesitan escucharnos permanecerán desanimados y perdidos. La fe es un don de Dios para nosotros, como cualquier otro. Estamos llamados a cultivar nuestra fe y hacerla crecer en abundancia. Si no la compartimos con otros, entonces ¿por qué habría de crecer? No somos salvos porque tenemos más fe que los demás. No estamos mejor que un bebé en su día de bautismo por tener depósitos llenos de conocimiento, devoción y experiencia en la fe. La diferencia entre el bebé y nosotros es que ahora tenemos algo que compartir y la responsabilidad de hacerlo.

XX, 2017 Time 13thMonth Sunday in Ordinary Sunday July 1 6:30am †Richard Green & Victor Donati 8:00am Ángela, Sergio, Pedro & Giovanny (sanación y conversión) †Carmen y Armando García †Guadalupe López Delgadillo 9:30am †Maria Vu Nam Phuong †Gioan Phero Vu Minh Tien †Lucia Pham Thi Lung †Maria Nguyen Thi-Loan †Joseph Daniel K Rebman 11:00am †Dominc-Dinh, Tuan †Maria-Dinh, Tam Thi 12:30pm Por los niños migrantes seoarados de sus familias 2:00pm Por las almas del purgatorio Monday 2 7:00am †Trudy Campbell 12:00pm †Anna Tuesday 3 7:00am †Esther Madrid 12:00pm For peace Wednesday 4 7:00am Everardo Alvarado Burgua (in God's hands/ en manos de Dios) 12:00pm NO MASS Thursday 5 7:00am For a safe trip 12:00pm All souls in purgatory Friday 6 7:00am For speed recovery of a loved one 12:00pm For peace in the family 5:30pm †Maria Nguyen– Thi-Loan Saturday 7 7:00am †Ancestors 5:00pm For migrant children separated from their families 7:00pm Gioan Phero Vu Minh Tien †Maria Nguyen– Thi-Loan Thank you & peace in the family

June 24, 2018 $ 7,968.25 Total families using envelopes: 457 Thanks for your generosity!!


July 1, 2018


GRUPO DE CONVERSION El Grupo de Conversión de la Iglesias del Sagrado Corazón les hace una invitación a su Primer Retiro de Mujeres que se llevará a cabo del 19 al 22 de Julio. Mujer atrévete a vivir este Retiro, es una experiencia muy bonita, Al terminar la misa afuera de la Iglesia le podrán dar más información. LET US PRAY / OREMOS

Special intentions / Intenciones especiales: LORD, hear our prayer for the sick members of our community:

Benita (Auntie girl) , Fr. Jose Valadez ,Esther Eleazar, Elvia Kubelis, Gabriel Naves, Dolores González, Julián Orozco y familia., Benita Jardón , Jose De J Vasquez, Manuel Santos, Jackie Gallenberger, Brandon Aguon , Siena Aguon , Elfego Morales, John Guerrero, C. Leona Aguon , Tomas Juarez, Jemmi Candelaria, June Masnas Aquino Sanchez, María Lanzar , Socorro Abina, Luciano Acedo, Jose Acedo , Jesús Echeagaray, Doreen Santos, Alejo Aguon, Jess Aguon, Juana F. Lopez Ramirez, Carmelo San Nicolas, Juana Bravo, Ignacia Ceballo, Nabor y familia Gutierrez, Juan Orozco y familia, Familia Francisco y familia Zamudio, Familia Durazo, Cristina Durazo, Dolores y Rudy Roman.

July 1, 2018



The IMMACULATE HEART of OUR LADY OF FATIMA Will Visit Our LADY OF THE SACRED HEART CHURCH Wednesday July 11, 2018 6:00pn to 9:00pm This Statue was blessed by Pope Francis at the Vatican October 2013, ten (10) days after he consecrated the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and has been visiting parishes all over the US since then. Contact Parish for details and Ying Palmos 909-287-9268 / [email protected]/ [email protected] / World Apostolate of Fatima USA / to have your parish visited

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church GOSPEL MEDITATION ENCOURAGE DEEPER UNDERSTANDING OF SCRIPTURE Today's Gospel offers a rare framework -- a story in a story. Most of the healing miracles are standalone encounters. One person approaches Jesus, demonstrates faith, and is healed. The evangelist tells the next story. This Gospel, however, is different. Jesus is on his way to heal one person, a young girl of twelve, and is interrupted on his journey by "a woman afflicted with hemorrhages." She bravely approaches Jesus in a crowd, despite being ritually unclean from her bleeding, and stretches out to touch his cloak. She is healed! Jesus meets her eye, confirms her faith, and continues on to resurrect the young girl. Reading this passage, it might be easier to identify with one story -- the long-suffering woman or the young, innocent girl -- and to move past the other. But here they sit side by side. The girl is twelve. The woman has been suffering for twelve years. For the Gospel writers, number parallels have deep symbolic meaning. Between the woman and the young girl, we are not one or the other. We are both. None of us had a perfect childhood, perfect families, or a perfect peer group. As we endure pain, disappointment, or unmet expectations, it can feel like a part of our childhood hopes have died. Our coping mechanisms, social adaptations, and hidden secrets can make us the "walking wounded" in some respects. Jesus wants to do more than simply staunch the bleeding. His healing hand makes dead things come alive. He awakens the dreams that are asleep. This process requires prayer, conversations with trusted community and spiritual mentors, and critical looks at difficult areas of our life. However, we can believe the words of our Lord. If we approach Jesus in faith, believing that he wants to heal and save, we, too, will hear his calming words spoken over the hurts of our life. "I say to you, arise!" "Go in peace."


God does not rejoice in our demise or our destruction. Rather, He made us in His image and desires that we have life. He also desires that we be healed and know His loving touch. There is great power in an embrace. The touch of another can heal wounds and restore life. There is also power in faith. Faith can turn us toward the truth and turn us toward God. God can profoundly change how we see Him, ourselves, and one another. God desires that we turn toward Him and be healed of all that wounds and binds us so that we can be free and enjoy the fullness life. Reach out and share your faith with someone this week so that they can receive God's life-changing embrace.


MEDITACIÓN DEL EVANGÉLIO - ALENTAR ENTENDIMIENTO MÁS PROFUNDO DE LA ESCRITURA El Evangelio de hoy nos muestra un momento cumbre con un doble episodio en la vida pública de Jesús. Sana a una mujer de edad avanzada y resucita a una adolecente de doce años. ¡Hermosa, admirable providencia de Dios! Doble acto de fe, doble milagro y doble esperanza para el que cree. Una, temerosa por haber tocado a Jesús, recibe palabras alentadoras: "Hija, tu fe te ha salvado; vete en paz y queda sana de tu enfermedad" (Mc. 5:34). A la segunda joven, Jesús toma de la mano y le dice las siguientes palabras: "'Talitá kumi', que quiere decir: 'Niña, te lo digo, ¡levántate!'" (Mc. 5:42-43). Y agrega: "denle de comer". Sanar a las personas de sus enfermedades era un aspecto importante del ministerio de Jesús. Pero observemos que la tarea de sanar requería fe, una fe grande de parte de aquel que necesitaba sanidad. La fe es un regalo de Dios, que se experimenta por la cercanía, la relación y la unidad con Jesús. No basta solo con decir que se tiene fe, hay que dialogar con el Maestro para obtener beneficios. Entonces, ¿por qué cuando pedimos a Dios que sane nuestras enfermedades nos gana la desesperación al no tener una respuesta inmediata? Es bueno recordar que el solo hecho de pedir por la sanidad de nuestras enfermedades y otros tantos problemas ya es un gran paso de acercamiento a Jesús. Pidamos más fe este domingo, que nuestro acercamiento a Jesús nos lleve a luchar por la justicia y la paz tan necesitada en este tiempo de incertidumbre. ¡Qué no muera la confianza en Dios! Hay vida en aquello que creemos muerto en nosotros. Pidamos a Dios que lo resucite.


Dios no se regocija en nuestra muerte o destrucción. En cambio, nos hizo a su imagen y quiere que tengamos vida. También quiere que seamos sanados y que conozcamos su toque de amor. Hay gran poder en un abrazo. El toque de otros puede sanar heridas y restaurar la vida. También hay poder en la fe. La fe puede volvernos a la verdad y a Dios. Dios puede cambiar radicalmente cómo lo vemos a Él, cómo nos vemos a nosotros mismos y cómo vemos a los demás. Dios quiere que nos volvamos a Él y seamos sanados de todo lo que nos hiere y nos ata, para que podamos ser libres y disfrutar de una vida plena. Acércate a alguien y testifícale de tu fe esta semana para que pueda recibir el

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Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, San Diego, CA

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