Ritmos - Unit 2 Vocabulary - Amigos y familia

father los padres parents el/la primo/a cousin el/la sobrino/a nephew/niece el/la suegro/a father-in-law/mother-in-law el/la tío/a uncle/aunt un rato a while la vida.
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Ritmos - Unit 2 Vocabulary - Amigos y familia 2.1 Intereses el pasatiempo andar en bicicleta aprender bailar beber caminar en la playa charlar con amigos comer correr descansar dibujar escribir escuchar música estudiar hablar (por teléfono) hacer ejercicio

pastime; hobby to ride a bicycle to learn to dance to drink to walk on the beach to chat with friends to eat to run to rest to draw to write to listen to music to study to talk (on the phone) to do exercise

ir de compras oír jugar (ue)* fútbol leer (un libro) levantar pesas mirar televisión nadar navegar por Internet salir con amigos tocar la guitarra tomar trabajar traer ver una película viajar visitar

to go shopping to hear to play soccer to read (a book) to lift weights to watch television to swim to surf the Internet to go out with friends to play the guitar to take; to drink to work to bring to see a movie to travel to visit

*Note: letters in parentheses after a verb, such as here, represent a stem change that the verb goes through during conjugation. You will learn about stem changes in the present tense in grammar 2.3c.

2.2 ¿Cómo eres? el/la amigo/a el/la compañero/a de cuarto la familia aburrido/a alto/a bajo/a blanco/a bonito/a callado/a cariñoso/a delgado/a divertido/a flaco/a flojo/a generoso/a gordo/a

friend roommate family boring tall short white; fair-skinned pretty, lovely quiet loving, affectionate slim, slender funny, amusing skinny lazy generous fat

guapo/a hablador/a insoportable inteligente joven mediano/a moreno/a pelirrojo/a rubio/a simpático/a trabajador/a viejo/a hay poder (ue)

good-looking, handsome talkative unbearable, intolerable intelligent young medium, average dark-haired; dark-skinned red-haired blond, fair-haired nice, likeable hard-working old there is, there are to be able to, can

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2.3 Familia el/la abuelo/a grandfather/grandmother el/la cuñado/a brother-in-law/sister-in-law el/la esposo/a husband/wife; spouse la escuela school el/la hermano/a brother/sister el/la hijo/a son/daughter la mascota pet la madre mother el marido husband el/la nieto/a grandson/granddaughter el/la niño/a boy/girl, child el/la novio/a boyfriend/girlfriend la nuera daughter-in-law el padre father los padres parents el/la primo/a cousin el/la sobrino/a nephew/niece el/la suegro/a father-in-law/mother-in-law el/la tío/a uncle/aunt un rato a while la vida life el yerno son-in-law algo something todo everything; all

abierto open acostumbrado (a algo) usual; (used to sth.) casado/a married mayor older menor younger poco little serio serious también also afectar to affect; to sadden creer to believe tener (ie) to have

¿Cómo? ¿Cuál? ¿Cuáles? ¿Cuándo? ¿Cuánto(s)/a(s)? ¿De dónde? ¿Dónde? ¿Por qué? ¿Qué? ¿Quién?, ¿Quiénes?

How? Which one(s)? When? How many?, How much? From where? Where? Why? What? Who?

estar feliz estar frustrado/a estar mal estar triste mandar (mensajes de texto) pensar (ie) patinar practicar preferir (ie, i) querer (ie) recibir soler (ue) tener (ie) que vivir

to be happy to be frustrated to be bad to be sad to send (text messages) to think to skate to practice to prefer to want; to love to receive to usually do something to have to do something to live

2.4 Me presento almorzar (ue) cantar cenar conocer dar un paseo dormir (ue, u)* estar agobiado/a estar bien estar cansado/a estar contento/a estar de buen/mal humor estar deprimido/a estar enamorado/a (de) estar enfermo/a estar enojado/a

to have lunch to sing to have dinner to know to go for a walk to sleep to be overwhelmed to be well to be tired to be happy, content to be in a good/bad mood to be depressed to be in love (with) to be sick to be mad, angry

*Note: for notes in which two stem changes are noted, such as this one, the first applies to the present tense and the second applies to a past tense, which you will learn about in 7.1

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