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Rio Grande Conference - Service of Celebration and ...

13 jun. 2014 - continue in their unifying work to soon become the Rio Texas Conference – January 2015. ... Christi, Texas at 7:30 pm on Friday, June 13th.
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Rio Grande Conference - Service of Celebration and Closure Friday, June 13th, 2014 at 7:30 pm Kelsey Memorial United Methodist Church 1610 Comanche – Corpus Christi, Tx 78401 During this 2014 Annual Conference gathering, the Rio Grande Conference and Southwest Texas Conference continue in their unifying work to soon become the Rio Texas Conference – January 2015. It is in the midst of this joint gathering time that the Rio Grande Conference will gather for historic moments of celebrating its’ mission and ministry the Lord has bestowed in faithful service, bringing closure to this era of the conference’s role in the development of the Methodist Hispanic / Latino church and stepping into its next role of continuing to doing so in the 21st century as the Rio Texas Conference. A special Service of Celebration and Closure will be held at Kelsey Memorial United Methodist Church – Corpus Christi, Texas at 7:30 pm on Friday, June 13th. During this service, Bishop Joel N. Martinez will offer the last sermon of record and Bishop Jim Dorff will officiate the last Holy Communion of record during the Rio Grande Annual Conference. This special moment can also be viewed through live streaming via . Enclosed below is the worship bulletin to follow during this historic moment. A fellowship reception will follow afterwards. Overflow parking is provided at Mt. Zion Baptist Church - walking distance across the street, at George Evans Elementary School – two blocks away, and at Garza Park on the other side of the Crosstown Expressway. Shuttle van service will be provided at the Evans Elementary and Garza Park parking lots – beginning at 6:45 pm prior to the 7:30 pm worship service start time and available immediately after the worship service ends – about 9:00 pm.

Other celebrative and closure moments during the 2014 Annual Conference gathering will be held at the American Bank Center in the room - Watergarden A on the 2nd floor. Thursday – June 12th 5:30 pm Celebration Dinner To order tickets - $20 each - contact Rebecca Ortiz at [email protected] or 210.408.4513

Friday – June 13th 3:15 pm

Live Streaming – go to: Memorial Service

4:00 pm

Rio Grande Conference Closing Session Election of General / Jurisdictional Delegates, closing business items, and group photo moment

"One pilgrimage, many tents / Un perinigraje, muchas tiendas" A closing worship service of thanksgiving and celebration Servicio de adoración de clausura de gratitud y celebración

The Rio Grande Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church Kelsey Memorial United Methodist Church Corpus Christi, Texas 7:30 P.M., Friday, June 13th, 2014 The Rev. Dr. James E. Dorff, Presiding Bishop and Celebrant The Rev. Dr. Joel Martinez, Retired Bishop and Preacher

A Closing Worship Service / Un Servicio de Adoración de Clausura At the Final Session of the Rio Grande Annual Conference En la última sesión de la Conferencia Anual de Conferencia Río Grande Kelsey Memorial United Methodist Church Corpus Christi, Texas June 13th, 2014

*Processional Himno «Jubilosos te adoramos» Processional led by Children Srita. Minerva Canales, Song Director; Dr. Raquel Martinez, Pianist; and Sr. Richard Alegría, Organist *Llamado a la Adoración Salterio No. 123, Salmo 100

Rev. Isidro Piña, Pastor, Kelsey Memorial UMC

*Opening Prayer (David Acosta Brewster), CCYM Conference O Christ who is both beginning and end, you chose to dwell with us that we might be your people. You have promised to be the end of death, pain, and mourning. You are the beginning of a new creation. May we gather with all the church’s saints in singing your praises, and glorifying your name. Amen. *Himno «Firmes y adelante» Greetings and Recognition of Visitors A litany of remembrance

Rev. Edgar Avitia, Conference Secretary Sra. Sandra Nieto, Conference Lay Leader

Recordando, Dando Gracias, y Alzando los Ojos hacia el Futuro Santo Dios, el sol de tu misericordia alumbra a todas las naciones y la lluvia de tu gracia cae sobre todos tus pueblos. En todos los caminos de tu santa Iglesia nos has sido nube protectora en nuestros días y antorcha iluminadora en nuestras noches. ¡Alabamos y bendecimos tu nombre porque nos has llevado por la mano y nos has guiado hacia el futuro con promesa, así como llevaste a Israel hasta la tierra prometida! When the Rio Grande Conference was a child, you walked with us in all our journeys. You led us as a shepherd leads the flock, with compassion, with patience, and with firm direction. We praise you and thank you for blessing the pilgrimage of our faithful mothers and fathers in the faith, who joyfully shared their stories of the resurrection hope with us. Hoy nos gozamos y te damos gracias por el ministerio de la Conferencia Río Grande, cuyas raíces en la misión de Jesucristo se extienden a más de un siglo y medio. We recall the great company of those who joined together in crossing histories, political boundaries, cultures, and overcoming xenophobia, racism, and persecution to follow Jesus. Pausemos, let us pause, to name some of that great company... (la congregación comparte nombres de los fieles / the congregation lifts up the names of the faithful) Ahora, oh Dios, renueva en nosotros el llamado que hicistes a las generaciones de ayer, continúa con nosotros sobre los caminos del mañana, haciéndote presente en el pan y la copa del nuevo pacto en tu sangre. Mientras tanto, levantando nuestros ojos hacia el horizonte de tu reino, danos tu Espíritu Santo para servirte con gozo hasta que “toda lengua confiese que Jesucristo es el Señor, para gloria de Dios Padre” (Phil. 2:10.) Escrito por Obispo Joel N. Martínez, 2014

Oración Pastoral

Rev. Dr. Roberto L. Gómez, Presbítero Jubilado

Colecta Rev. Nydia I. Jara, Superintendente de Distrito Dios Todopoderoso, tú has entrelazado a tus elegidos en una sola comunión y hermandad en el cuerpo místico de tu Hijo Cristo nuestro Señor: Danos gracia para que de tal modo sigamos a tus benditos santos en toda virtuosa y santa vida que alcancemos los gozos inefables que tú has preparado para los que te aman sinceramente; por Jesucristo nuestro Señor, que contigo y el Espíritu Santo vive y reina, un sólo Dios, en gloria sempiterna. Amén. (del Libro de Oración Común) Himno «Jesús es mi Rey Soberano» Historical Declaration

Rev. Dr. Paul Barton, Conference Historian

*Oración por Iluminación

Rev. Francisco Campos, Superintendente de Distrito

Lectura de Deuturonomio 24.13 – 16

Sr. Aristides Laguna Presidente Conferencial, Hombres Metodistas Unidos

A reading from the Epistle of Hebrews 11:1-3; 8-13; 32-39; 12:1-2 Anthem

“I will keep my eyes on you”

*Lectura Según el Evangelio de San Juan 14: 1 – 6

Rev. Anna Náñez Soltero, Deacon Kelsey Memorial UMC Choir

Sra. Raquel G. Mariscal Presidente Conferencial, Mujeres Metodistas Unidas

Sermón "One Pilgrimage, Many Tents"/"Un Peregrinaje, Muchas Tiendas" Bishop Joel Martínez, Retired Prayer of Confession and Pardon The Peace

Rev. Máximino Pérez, President, Order of Elders Mr. Felipe Alambar, Young Adult President

Ofrenda Pro Lydia Patterson Institute Canto «Todo es de Ti» Himno «Te ofrecemos, Padre nuestro» *Prayer of the Great Thanksgiving *Oración «El Padre Nuestro» (cantado) Giving of the Bread and Cup *Himno «Somos unos en Cristo» *Bendición *Recessional

Bishop James E. Dorff. Presiding Bishop

Participants in the Closing Worship of the Rio Grande Annual Conference Kelsey Memorial United Methodist Church Corpus Christi, Texas Friday, June 13th, 7:30 P. M., 2014 Participating in the Procession Our beloved Children Deaconess: Mrs. Cindy Johnson Representing Associate Members: Rev. Javier Leyva Representing Local Pastors: Rev. Bernardo Garzón Song and Choir Director: Ms. Minerva Canales, Kelsey Memorial UMC Pianist: Dr. Raquel M. Martínez Organist: Mr. Richard Alegría Liturgist: Rev. Isidro Piña, Pastor of Kelsey Memorial UMC Opening Prayer: Representative of the Conference Council of Youth Ministries Greetings and Recognition of Visitors: Rev. Edgar Avitia Legarda, Conference Secretary Litany of Remembrance: Dr. Sandra Nieto, Conference Lay Leader Pastoral Prayer: Rev. Dr. Roberto L. Gómez, Elder, Retired Collect: Rev. Nydia I. Jara, District Superintendent Historical Declaration: Rev. Dr. Paul Barton, Conference Historian Prayer for Illumination: Rev. Francisco Campos, District Superintendent Old Testament Reader: Mr. Aristides Laguna, President, Conference United Methodist Men Epistle Reader: Rev. Anna Náñez Soltero, Deacon, Retired Anthem: Kelsey Memorial United Methodist Church Choir Gospel Reader: Mrs. Raquel G. Mariscal, President, Conference United Methodist Women Prayer of Confession and Pardon: Rev. Máximino Pérez, President, Order of Elders Exchange of Peace: Mr. Felipe Alambar, President of Young Adults Preacher: Bishop Joel N. Martínez, Retired Celebrant of the Sacrament of Holy Communion: Bishop James E. Dorff, Presiding Bishop