PULASKI COUNTY SPECIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT Purchasing Department 1101A E. Dixon Rd/P. O. Box 8601 Little Rock, AR 72216 May 24, 2016
RFP17-009 CUSTODIAL SERVICES To Whom It May Concern: ADDENDUM I The following revision below will be added as an official part of the record. PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS I.
General The contractor shall furnish all management, supervision, cleaning personnel, equipment, cleaning supplies, tools, and other materials as required for custodial services for the following Pulaski County Special School District sites: Central Office, Maintenance, Security and Warehouse Complex, Special Education Complex, Robinson Elementary and Oakbrooke Elementary.
General In general, the overall requirement is to provide complete custodial services as required for the District for the following schools: Central Office, Maintenance, Security and Warehouse Complex, Special Education Complex, Robinson Elementary and Oakbrooke Elementary.
Note: A signed acknowledgment of this Addendum, of page 6 of RFP17-009 Custodial Services, must be received with in the sealed envelope with the Bid Response on or before 8:00 a.m., June 10, 2016. Signature on this addendum does not substitute for your signature on the original Proposal document. The original Proposal must be signed.
_____________________________________________ Monica Bryant, Interim Director of Purchasing _______________________________________ Signature/Title/Date _______________________________________ Company
(Favor de utilizar letra de molde y asegurar que toda la información provista sea legible. El Municipio de San Juan no será responsable por errores en la ...
30 ago. 2019 - Las responsabilidades del personal de seguridad nocturno itinerante incluyen, pero no se limitan a: 1. Patrullaje de áreas asignadas. 2.
29 ago. 2014 - el Barrio La Puntilla de San Lázaro en el Viejo San Juan. A todos las Entidades Interesadas: Como resultado del alto número de persona y ...
dictar y administrar las políticas de las OCEX y para designar a los consejeros y agregados económicos comerciales;. Que, del mismo modo, de acuerdo con lo ...
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Patrimonio Histórico Inmueble, con la señora Doris Elizabeth Pacheco Cruces, .... obtener su corrección antes de la culminación del procedimiento;. HO. AUG.
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