REPASO: Irregular yoForms Remember that some verbs

Remember that some verbs are irregular in the present tense only in the first personal singular (yo) form. Compare the yo and tú forms of these verbs. • Verbs like hacer. Caer. Caigo. Caes. Hacer. Hago. Haces. Poner. Pongo. Pones. Salir. Salgo. Sales. Traer. Traigo. Traes. Valer. Valgo. Vales. Venir. Voy. Vas. • Verbs with a ...
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REPASO: Irregular yo Forms Remember that some verbs are irregular in the present tense only in the first personal singular (yo) form. Compare the yo and tú forms of these verbs. Yo 

Verbs like hacer Caer Hacer Poner Salir Traer Valer Venir

Caes Haces Pones Sales Traes Vales Vas

Verbs with a spelling change c zc Conocer

Caigo Hago Pongo Salgo Traigo Valgo Voy



Other verbs irregular in the yo form Dar Doy Saber Sé Ver Veo

Das Sabes ves

Ir verb Ir

