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defiende! ¡[Supermercado/Chipotle] si no escuchas/ más fuerte será la lucha! Ni lluvia / ni viento / ¡detendrá este movimiento! PROTEST CHANTS & GRITOS.
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Down, down, with exploitation! Up, up, with the fair food nation! ¡Abajo abajo con explotación corporativa! ¡Arriba arriba con comida justa! J-U-S, J-U-S-T-I-C-E! What, we want, is justice in Immokalee! No more slaves / Pay a living wage! What do we want? Justice! When do we want it? Now! ¿Qué queremos? ¡Justicia! ¿Cuándo? ¡Ahora! ¿Como lograrémos? Luchando! ¿Como lucharemos? Duro, duro / duro, duro, duro! [Supermarket/Chipotle] can’t hide for long! / When we unite our voice is strong! One! We are the people! Two! A little bit louder! Three! We want justice for farmworkers! The people, united, will never be defeated! ¡El pueblo, unido, jamás será vencido! Ain't no power like the power of the people ‘cause the power of the people don't stop! Say what!? [Supermarket/Chipotle], shame on you! / Farmworkers deserve rights too! Hey Hey / Ho Ho / Exploitation's got to go! Ho Ho / Hey Hey / [Supermarket/ Chipotle] has got to pay! All we ask is one more cent / To feed our families and pay our rent!

[Supermarket/Chipotle], there’s no excuses / fooooor human rights abuses! Hey [Supermarket/Chipotle], that’s okay, turn away, you’ll have to pay, hey [Supermarket/Chipotle]! What? What? Hey [Supermarket/Chipotle]! (Tune of “Hey Mickey”) Exploitation ain't the way, farmworkers deserve fair pay! [Supermarket/Chipotle], you can’t keep hiding! / We the people are uniting! Hey [Supermarket/Chipotle] You better listen, listen/ Cause we ain't kiddin', kiddin'/ And we are stayin', stayin'/ Till you are payin', payin'/ A living wage... For our blood... Our sweat... And our tears...

[Supermercado/Chipotle], ¡escucha! ¡Estamos en la lucha! [Supermercado/Chipotle], no manches, ¡paga más por los tomates! ¡Se ve! ¡Se siente! ¡El pueblo está presente! ¡Se ve! ¡Se escucha! ¡El pueblo está en la lucha! Aquí estamos, ¡y no nos vamos! Y si nos echan, ¡regresamos! Alerta! Alerta! Alerta, que camina? La lucha popular por una vida digna! Vamos compañeros, hay que tener un poco más de huevos/ovarias. Estamos todos juntos nuevamente, la dignidad del pueblo no se vende-- ¡Se defiende!

Get up! Get down! Fair food has come to town! [Supermarket/Chipotle] youuu You got what I neeeed So just sign the a-gree-ment So just sign the a-gree-ment (Tune of “You Say He’s Just a Friend”) To stop the exploitation / you need worker participation! [Supermarket/Chipotle], take a stand! / Living wages we demand!

¡[Supermercado/Chipotle] si no escuchas/ más fuerte será la lucha! Ni lluvia / ni viento / ¡detendrá este movimiento!

CHIPOTLE Chipotle, that's it! If you want integrity, you gotta commit! We don't want your empty slogans / Get! With! The Fair Food Program! They say integrity / We say hypocrisy!


Food with integrity / has no room for slavery!

Fair Trade coffee sounds great / what about tomatoes in your home state?

Hold the rice! Hold the beans! Why you gotta be so mean?