Propagation Cacao - Sustainable Agriculture Training

Luis Orozco Aguilar ∙ Francisco Quesada Chaverri ∙ Marilyn Villalobos Rodriguez ∙ Shirley Orozco Estrada. Eduardo Say ∙ Olivier Deheuvels ∙ Lauren Fins.
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Central American Cacao Project

Grafting and other methods for the asexual ural Agricultivity, l a ic p o roduct IE (Tr at CAT crease the p tions of at ) C C ct (P to in planta o Proje enter) aims f the cacao a c a C tion C erican value o tral Am igher Educa vironmental n e C with The and H cial and en milies. iances ns, ll h a c r s a e t n e a io nf fina Res crea ract merica y and Project e social inteions and e h t , diversit 000 Central A s t h , aniza amilie nce t least 6 rming f er to enha oducers’ org a f o a c r d h ca he p in or sely wit the region capacity of t . lo c g in ing s r s Work artners in of farm my usines their membe b ls il p k d s n r a o f so othe itiveness agron ge and ndition t nowled colleges and k e compe the living co h t ase ical e improv to incre chools, techn s t r o ff s otes e and ltural acao. social nic ct proments at agricuoduction of c , je ic o r m P o pr tud The econ ent eth tainable s and s well as nd from differ s a familie s, for the sus s ges a rtunitie facultie l oppo omen of all a a u q e dw ers also off s for men an t c je o r ie . it The P responsibil res of action l cultura in all its sphe s p grou n conta

For m

rmatio ore info


strada rozco E ons O y le Shir icati ommun PCC C osta Rica C CATIE, 2558-2466 6) 0 5 ( Tel: o@cati c z o r o s E-mail:

Propagation of Cacao COLLECTION


Eduardo Somarriba Chavez ∙ Carlos Astorga Domián ∙ Nelly Vasquez Morera ∙ Rolando Cerda Bustillos Luis Orozco Aguilar ∙ Francisco Quesada Chaverri ∙ Marilyn Villalobos Rodriguez ∙ Shirley Orozco Estrada Eduardo Say ∙ Olivier Deheuvels ∙ Lauren Fins