Portico_Medicine in the Medieval Mediterranean - Pórtico librerías

unknown, overlooked or poorly known documents interpreted with the most appropriate methods, and publish the results of cutting-edge research, so providing ...
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PÓRTICO Medicine in the Medieval Mediterranean Series Editor: Alain Touwaide

PÓRTICO LIBRERÍAS Muñoz Seca, 6 50005 Zaragoza — España

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Junio 2017

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PÓRTICO · Medicine in the Medieval Mediterranean

Medicine in the Medieval Mediterranean Series Editor: Alain Touwaide Medicine in the Medieval Mediterranean is a series devoted to all aspects of medicine in the Mediterranean area during the Middle Ages, from the 3rd/4 th centuries to the 16th. Though with a focus on Greek medicine, diffused through the whole Mediterranean world and especially developed in Byzantium, it also includes the contributions of the cultures that were present or emerged in the area during the Middle Ages and after, and which interacted with Byzantium: the Latin West and early vernacular languages, the Syrian and Arabic worlds, Armenian, Georgian and Coptic groups, Jewish and Slavic cultures and Turkish peoples, particularly the Ottomans. Medicine is understood in a broad sense: not only medical theory, but also the health conditions of people, nosology and epidemiology, diet and therapy, practice and teaching, doctors and hospitals, the economy of health, and the non-conventional forms of medicine from faith to magic, that is, all the spectrum of activities dealing with human health. The series includes texts and studies. It will bring to light previously unknown, overlooked or poorly known documents interpreted with the most appropriate methods, and publish the results of cutting-edge research, so providing a wide range of scholarly and scientific fields with new data for further explorations.


Arsdall, A. van / T. Graham, eds.: Herbs and Healers from the Ancient Mediterranean through the Medieval West. Essays in Honor of John M. Riddle 2012 – 394 pp., 8 fig. € 139,60 2017 – 394 pp., rústica € 44,40 Índice

Bourbou, C.: Health and Disease in Byzantine Crete (7th-12th Centuries AD) 2010 – xxii + 242 pp., fig. € 139,60 Clark, P. A.: A Cretan Healer’s Handbook in the Byzantine Tradition. Text, Translation and Commentary 2011 – 320 pp., 5 fig. € 139,60 Índice Cooper, G. M.: Galen, De diebus decretoriis, from Greek into Arabic. A Critical Edition, with Translation and Commentary, of Hunayn Ibn Ishaq, Kitab Ayyam al-Buhran 2011 – xx + 614 pp. € 145,95 2016 – 640 pp., rústica € 48,10 Índice

D. Bennett

Medicine and Pharmacy in Byzantine Hospitals A Study of the Extant Formularies 2016 – 250 pp., 14 tabl. € 139,60 Índice

Foreword • Transliteration conventions • The scope of the present study • Part I Historical Background: Introduction: The Critical Days in Arabic • An historical reconstruction • The sciences in the Critical Days • Sources of the edition • Part II Edition and Translation of the De diebus decretoriis: Signs and conventions employed in the Apparatus Criticus • The Critical Days: Arabic edition: Book I; Book II; Book III • English translation: Book I; Book II; Book III • Part III Commentary: Preface to commentary • Referencing the main text Book I; Book II; Book III • Part IV Appendices: Bibliography; Indices

PÓRTICO · Medicine in the Medieval Mediterranean S. R. Kyle

Medicine and Humanism in Late Medieval Italy The Carrara Herbal in Padua 2016 – 244 pp., 35 fig. € 139,60

3 Peter of Spain: Questiones super libro De animalibus Aristotelis. Critical Edition with Introduction. Edited by F. Navarro Sánchez 2015 – 468 pp. € 139,60 Índice

Índice Introduction: Medicine and Metaphor at the Carrara Court 1. The Carrara Herbal and the Traditions of Illustrated Books of Materia Medica 2. The Healthy Pleasures of Reading the Carrara Herbal 3. The ‘Physician Prince’ and his Book 4. Portraits of the Carrara 5. Physiognomy in Late Medieval Padua 6. Embodiments of Virtue in Francesco Novello’s Library Conclusion Appendix: List of Manuscripts from Francesco Zago’s Inventory, 1404

Si este catálogo le resulta interesante y conoce a quien pueda serle de utilidad, reenvíelo o pásele el enlace: http://www.porticolibrerias.es/c/E1706MMM.pdf

A. Touwaide

A Census of Greek Medical Manuscripts From Byzantium to the Renaissance 2016 – 432 pp. € 139,60



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