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Please check your child's folder daily, Remind App, and the school
Week 8: October 23rd-27th, 2017. Hi Families! This week we will be talking about leaves and the characteristics of trees in our community. Our focus letter is L. For homework, follow the letter sent last week on our Tree Study Unit. In the homework notebook, have your child write and draw what they observe about trees in ...
Week 8: October 23rd-27th, 2017 Hi Families! This week we will be talking about leaves and the characteristics of trees in our community. Our focus letter is L. For homework, follow the letter sent last week on our Tree Study Unit. In the homework notebook, have your child write and draw what they observe about trees in their community. Count how many trees there are in your neighborhood and identify their characteristics. Are the trees sturdy? Do you see deciduous trees in your neighborhood? (Deciduous trees are ones that lose their leaves. This is a big word but research shows that the introduction to these words at an early age is helpful for literary development). This week we will also have a visit from fire fighters. Our Pumpkin Patch Day is on Friday. If you would like to come and join in on the activities or volunteer to help out, please come. Homework: Daily Reading Log Homework Notebook Important Dates: October 27th: Pumpkin Patch Day October 31st: Literacy Character Day
Please check your child’s folder daily, Remind App, and the school Website for Homework, Announcements/Notices, and Child Work done in the classroom. Website:
Semana 8: 23-27 de octubre 2017 Hola familias! Esta semana estaremos hablando sobre las hojas y las características de los árboles en nuestra comunidad. Nuestra letra de enfoque es L. Para la tarea, siga lo que esta en la carta enviada la semana pasada de nuestra unidad de estudio de árboles. En la libreta de tareas, has que su hijo(a) escriba y dibuje lo que observan sobre los árboles en su comunidad. Cuente cuantos árboles hay en su vecindario e identifique sus características. ¿son robustos los árboles? ¿ves árboles caducifolios en tu vecindario? (los árboles caducifolios son los que pierden sus hojas.) Esta es una palabra grande, pero la investigación muestra que la introducción a estas palabras a una edad temprana es útil para el desarrollo literario). Esta semana también tendremos una visita de bomberos. Nuestro día de calabaza es el viernes. Si le gustaría venir para la actividad o quieres ser voluntario para ayudar, por favor ven. Tarea: Lectura Diaria Libreta de Tarea Fechas Importantes: 27 de octubre: Dia de Calabazas 31 de octubre: Dia de Personaje de Cuento Por favor revise el folleto de su hijo(a) diariamente para tarea, noticias, y el trabajo de su hijo(a). También miren la aplicación de Remind en sus teléfonos celulares y la pagina de internet de la escuela. Pagina de internet:
18 mar. 2019 - indicate what you and your child would like to purchase clearly on an envelope or ziplock bag. Homework: Daily Reading Log. TicTacToe HW.
6 sept. 2019 - Every week you will receive one of these newsletters explaining what's going in school and in our classroom. This week the students will learn ...
Week 2: September 9-13, 2019. Hi Families! This week will be our first full week of school. If you or someone else is picking up your child at school, please arrive ...
create our first class book. Please reinforce at home proper and safe ... September 21: SCHOLASTIC BOOK ORDER DUE. Please check your child's folder daily, ...
Over the vacation, try to create something with your child. Students ... Please check your child's folder daily, Remind App, and the school Website for Homework,.
hace 4 días - It is important that students remain quiet and wait until it is announced that it safe to come out. Homework: Daily Reading Log. 100th day Project ...
17 nov. 2017 - Engagement, please have someone else in the family available to come. Hope to see you at 12:30 on Thursday. Friday is our Pajama Party for good behavior and excellent display of making good choices. So proud of Pre-K. 106! Parent Teach
20 oct. 2017 - child's folder for details for details for our next party. Keep up the good work Pre-K 106. Homework: Daily Reading Log. Homework Notebook.
Week 40:June 19th-23rd of June 2017. Hi Families! LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL!!! We will be slowly packing up the room. This is an out of routine week as we ...
28 sept. 2018 - this week is “How do we make and keep friends? ... September 27: Family Engagement at 1:00-please make the necessary arrangements to ...
Here are 6 reasons m-dot websites are a dead end: 1 Hurts your search .... Maintain that context. Make sure you provide a consistent expand / collapse cue.
Read Online Now la salud de tu hijo your childs health Ebook PDF at our Library. ... to work with google to browse through the available user guide and find the ...
Millones de horas de clases se pierden cada año debido a las enfermedades relacionadas con los dientes. La pérdida temprana de dientes y las caries pueden ...
Pursuant to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the District has a duty to identify, refer, evaluate and, if eligible, provide a free, appropriate education to disabled students. For additional information about the rights of parents of el
1 may. 2014 - Once you have downloaded the App, you should be able to open and .... Technical Metadata – Other: everything not derived from the MXF file ...
1.1x growth. • Massive growth in smart mobile devices dramatically expands opportunity to reach consumers. • As revenue per mobile device is also increasing, ...
Your band is rain, splash and sweat resistant, but please don't submerge it. Remove the band before swimming, soaking in the bathtub and deep sea diving. • Use only dry cloth or paper to clean your UP24 band. Do not use any wet cleaners to clean your
Jeca'iY,-to1" w.1ta_ l_e41at~ ~1"eo.e4.1DC the ~ollur .••. Gh'.t 1 iD.1ect1ODot .1/2.· cc ot IIterile 41.Ulled. ~~81" ... , the ocapletl_ ot oontactl no o_t~er p~ot"'101l ...
Yes, please include me in the school directory! ☐ Yes! I pledge to give 2 hours to our school this year. 1. The Types of Opportunities I'm Most Interested In Are:.
Write your responses to the following on loose leaf paper. “La fiesta con mas Gracia,” pp. 2-3. (Agosto de 2017). 1. ¿El barrio de Gracias es ahora una parte de ...