... 4250 meters (13,944 feet), Cristal del Azufre, 4150 meters (13,616 feet), as well as several other rock points and peaklets. Participants were W. Lara, leader, ...
Peaks in the A zu fre area. Between January 26 and F ebruary 9, climbers of the Asociación de A ndinism o de O ’Higgins m ade the follow ing first ascents in the A zufre group, located 40 miles east of San F e r nando in Central Chile: A lto del A zufre, 4550 meters (14,928 fee t), C erro Violeta, 4250 meters (13,944 fee t), Cristal del A zufre, 4150 meters (13,616 fee t), as well as several other rock points and peaklets. Participants were W. Lara, leader, P. M iranda, C. M uñoz and M. Viedma. E v e l io E c h e v a r r ía