Partnerships/ELAC/Feb2017/120616 ELAC Meeting Minutes Revised

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Early Learning Advisory Council (ELAC) Meeting Minutes December 6, 2016 – 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites—Downtown Tacoma Welcome & Introductions  Co-Chair, Lois Martin and Regional Advisor, Enrica Hampton welcomed everyone, and asked for introductions.  The Council reviewed and voted to approve the October 4, 2016 Meeting Minutes. Weighted WACs Vickie Ybarra, DEL’s Director of Analysis and Research, and Genevieve Stokes, Communications Program Specialist, presented on the Weighted WACs process.  Weighted Standards Methodology and Timeline Presentation Slides  Updating DEL’s Rules & Regulations Handout Discussion  A draft text of the proposed aligned standards is available on the DEL website.  There was a question on the methodology and scope of the Small Business Economic Statement, please watch for an update on this.  There was a question on the role DEL would like ELAC to play in this process going forward. DEL offered the opportunity for a more detailed briefing to ELAC members who are interested.  There was discussion on the regional focus groups that will be providing input: o The primary role of the focus groups is to advise us on which WACs to weight—for example, to answer “in your judgement, what is child harm?” They will examine groups of WACs and give feedback on which groups should be weighted more and less. o Focus groups are comprised of specific audiences from each region to ensure that they are fitting the statewide population profile. This will include some special population focus groups, including a Spanish language focus group in Yakima, and a Somali language focus group in King County. o The groups will be comprised of 15-20 participants to follow a very structured research based focus group method. o There was a concern about ensuring that all voices were represented at the table and a request was made to include African American directors as a special population to reach out to around this topic. o There was a question about what would happen if someone just shows up to the focus group. Regions were encouraged to use best judgement, and mention that people may join as an observer and that there will be many opportunities for people to provide input, including the forthcoming survey.  There was also discussion around the need for safe spaces, especially for immigrant and refugee communities. o DEL is not in the business of reporting people to immigration. We need your help to come up with ways that DEL can address this through the alignment process and in all of our work. o There was a suggestion to invite advocacy groups and human and civil rights groups to attend and provide support. Next Steps  DEL will provide an update on the Small Business Economic Statement methodology and scope.  DEL will provide more data on Regional profiles.  DEL will share Thrive Washington’s focus group meeting dates and contact information.  If there is an interest in a more detailed briefing on the standards DEL would be willing to provide a future webinar. Please contact  If you have additional ideas on creating a safe space please contact The Intersection of Child Safety and Civil Rights DEL Director, Ross Hunter and Assistant Director, Frank Ordway led the continuation of this conversation on child safety.  Current Director’s List Handout  Background Check and Disqualification Process Handout  Disqualification Data Handout

December 6, 2016 ELAC Meeting Minutes  Disqualification Definitions Handout  Reconsideration Process Handout Discussion  There was a question around the process if a center violates someone’s civil rights in the center. If they are violating our licensing code then we have some jurisdiction, but we may not have a legal basis to pull subsidy for employment violations.  There was conversation on the disqualification criteria: o Theft 3, Malicious Mischief, Bail Jumping (missing the date in court) were discussed as potential crimes to remove from the Director’s List. o Could there be weighted crimes (like weighted WACs)? o Is there national data on a risk analysis of these crimes? o Sentencing guidelines use a grid  Judy Jaramillo, DEL Background Check Unit Supervisor, provided additional information on the process and shared some draft materials. The disqualification letter is currently not written in plain talk, DEL is working on correcting this. There was a recommendation to check the readability of the forms too; they may be too bureaucratic and intimidating.  ELAC had small group discussions around the background check process. Responses are found on the discussion template form. Next Steps  A future meeting topic of ELAC will be around founded findings. Lunch & Learn Presentation Jenny Nakata, Collective Impact Manager for Project Child Success shared a presentation, Project Child Success: A Pierce County initiative on children and families. 2017 ELAC Work Plan Frank Ordway and Deanna Stewart, State/Local Coordination Program Manager, led a conversation around the 2017 ELAC Work Plan.  2016 ELAC Work Plan  2017 ELAC Work Plan Topics Draft Discussion  ELAC provided feedback on the discussion template form. Next Steps  DEL will update the 2017 Draft Work Plan and email ELAC in January to review and vote online.

Policy Development & Review Update Frank Ordway and Stephanie Liden, Communications Manager, introduced the idea of an Unlicensed Care Campaign and provided an update on the Blue Ribbon Commission and agency request legislation.  Unlicensed Care Summary and Analysis Report  Blue Ribbon Commission Recommendations/Report Discussion  The Governor’s budget is expected soon. DEL will organize webinars to clarify what is in the budget and what is not included.  Stephanie Liden opened a conversation on a proposed unlicensed care campaign by sharing Don’t be in the Dark a public awareness campaign in Texas. ELAC provided feedback on the discussion template form and indicated that a campaign should include a look at unlicensed centers, family homes, and nanny services.  ELAC had a discussed around the Blue Ribbon Commission Recommendations. o There was concern about the creation of a large agency resulting in some aspects of the mission of the agency getting a lot of attention and others getting less. This was discussed in the commission proceedings as well. There will be budget firewalls in place with clear provisos for example, early learning (prevention) money cannot be used for hiring more caseworkers. The success of Early Learning was the inspiration for the recommendation—early learning won’t get lost. o There was conversation on how these recommendations can be an “upstream approach” that is truly reaching all WA children—not just those who have involvement with the systems. Through data and predictive analytics we can narrow the field of strategies and provide more upstream options. One new agency = one point of accountability. This is an opportunity to be a new model for serving at risk children, for example, using Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) research with the Strengthening Families framework and embedding racial equity. o Where does the Juvenile Rehabilitation Administration (JRA) fit in? At first through their facilities and

Approved by ELAC_______

December 6, 2016 ELAC Meeting Minutes services; the inclusion of juvenile enforcement system would come later. There was a question on how Accountable Communities of Health might intersect with this new agency. It seems like a good idea to connect them. o There was a question on recommendations for how local communities would be involved. DEL will provide the details as we are able and recommends looking to your advocacy community for ways to get involved. o There was a question about what would happen to the current, big, long-term policy items (ECEAP expansion, ESIT reorganization) if this goes forward and DELs focus is on the new agency structure? This is a legitimate concern and we encourage you to keep us accountable to this. DEL will continue to bring the unlicensed care conversation to future ELAC meetings. DEL will share a link to a public webinar on the BRC Recommendations happening next week. o

Next Steps

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Feedback Loop and Q & A on State Agency/Partner and Regional Coalition Updates  Feedback Loop  State Agency/Partner Updates (revised)  Regional Coalition Updates Discussion  There was a question on what recommendations would be included in the Early Start Act Annual Report to the Legislature and a request to do the budget decision activity from the October Meeting again.  Laurie Thomas, DEL’s ESIT Program Administrator requested a correction to a statement under the ESIT Bill section. A public hearing was held on November 22 to receive public comment not public testimony. Next Steps  DEL will follow up with the Early Achievers Review Subcommittee (EARS) staff and provide additional information on the Accreditation response listed in the feedback loop.  DEL will make the correction to the State Agency/Partner Updates document to reflect the requested change. Meeting Follow-up, Closing Remarks & Adjourn Follow-Up  DEL will work on providing materials to ELAC sooner with a specific asks.  The next ELAC meeting is February 7, 2017 at various locations around the state through the K20 video system. Please watch your email for a link to RSVP for the location you will attend.

ELAC MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Bianca Bailey Mark Bergeson Bob Butts Representative Tom Dent Kristi Dominguez Chelle Downey-Magee Peter Finch Kathy Goebel Ross Hunter Jennifer Jennings-Shaffer Caitlin Jensen Lois Martin Maria Nardella Deborah Sioux Lee Laurie Thomas Dan Torres on behalf of Thrive WA

REGIONAL ADVISORS (RA) IN ATTENDANCE Susan Barbeau Lindsay Boswell Mary Ellen Braks Gary Burris Enrica Hampton

ELAC MEMBERS ABSENT RaShelle Davis Susan Kavanaugh Nigel Lawrence Senator Mark Miloscia Jennifer Ross Representative Tana Senn Karla Weeks

REGIONAL ADVISORS (RA) ABSENT Yolanda Esquivel Wilanne Ollila-Perry Nancy Spurgeon Tiffany Stutesman Jodi Wall

Approved by ELAC_______

December 6, 2016 ELAC Meeting Minutes

Approved by ELAC_______