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Parish Festival & Car Show News Noticias del Festival Parroquial

18 mar. 2017 - Saint Joseph Church / Inglesia de San Jose. Saturday ... Ugarte • Juan & Esmeralda Rodriguez • Michael & Olivia Palomares • Ramiro & Bertha.
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Saint Joseph Church / Inglesia de San Jose Mass Intentions/Intenciones De Misas

“Blessed are those who

Saturday, March 18 4:30pm Mabel Washington †

Ma. Mercedes Dario Bitong † *7:00pm Sergio Villalobos † Jose Luis Villalobos † Raul Villalobos † Sunday, March 19 *7:30am Miguel Armenta † Alicia Armenta † 9:00am Javier Gutierrez † J. Refugio Gutierrez † Richard Manibusan † 11:00am Bill Bousliman † *12:30pm Sara Lopez † Cesar Lopez † *2:00pm Juana Maria Urrutia † Fatima Castellanos ~salud Monday, March 20 8:00am Mary Louise & Rolla Powell †† All Souls in Purgatory Tuesday, March 21 8:00am no Mass Wednesday, March 22 8:00am Therese Axtell † Thursday, March 23 8:00am Betty Kirtley † *7:00pm Adelma Farias † Maria Lisa Farias † Cindy Noland † Friday, March 24 8:00 am U.S. Military Will Wedding † Saturday, March 25 4:30pm † *7:00pm Angelita Espino † Consuelo Coria † Epifamio Huizar † (* Espanol)

dwell in your house, O Lord...”

St. Joseph, spouse of Blessed Virgin Mary (Third Sunday of Lent) ~*~ March 19, 2017

Join Us Every Friday During Lent Lenten Soup / Caldo de Cuaresma

Every Friday at 6pm / Todos los viernes a las 6pm

Bilingual Stations of the Cross / Viacrusis Bilingue

Every Friday at 7pm / Todos los Viernes a las 7pm ***Each Friday a different church ministry will be in charge of bringing the soup and leading the Stations of the Cross.

Parish Festival & Car Show News Save the Date !!!

Our Festival & Car Show will be.......

September 24, 2017

More details to follow. Thank you so much to the dedicated people who attended the meeting.

Movimineto de Cursillos de Cristiandad ~Viaje a Reno~

Cuando: Marzo 25, 2017 Salida: 8:00am Donde: Silver Legacy Costo: $35 p/p mayores de 21 año Reembolso: $10 jugar/$5 para la comida Favor de llamar a Berta Pacheco 916-929-5103 para reservar

Next week, our parish will take up The Catholic Relief Services Collection (CRSC). Funds from this collection help provide food to the hungry, support to displaced refugees, and Christ’s love and respect to all people here at home and abroad. Next week, please give generously to the CRSC and help Jesus in disguise. Learn more about the collection at


La próxima semana, nuestra parroquia llevará a cabo la colecta para Catholic Relief Services Collection (CRSC). Los fondos recaudados en esta colecta ayudarán a proveerles alimentos a los que pasan hambre, apoyo a los refugiados desplazados y amor y respeto de Cristo a todas las personas aquí en nuestro país y en el extranjero. La próxima semana, por favor contribuye generosamente a la colecta de CRSC y a Jesús con otro rostro, ¿le ayudarás?

la Cuaresma es Buena para Tu Salud!

St. Joseph Feast Day March 19, 2017

Noticias del Festival Parroquial y Desfile de Carros Marquen sus Calendarios!!!

Nuestro Festival y Desfile de Carros sera el...

24 de Septiembre de 2017

Muchas gracias a las personas que asistieron la junta.

Pastoral Council Meeting

Monday 3-20-17 at 6:30pm Attention all Pastoral Council members: there is a Mandatory council meeting Monday March 20th. Please plan to attend.

¿Sabía usted que las prácticas que fomenta la Cuaresma son buenas para nuestra salud física, mental y espiritual? * Meditación y oración han demostrado ayudar a bajar la presión arterial y niveles de estrés. * Abstenerse de consumo excesivo debido al ayuno conduce a un cuerpo más sano, una mente más afilada y un espíritu más abierto a Dios. * Dar también es bueno para tu salud! Personas que dan de su tiempo y tesoro tienen más energía, un sistema inmune más fuerte y una sensación de bienestar general.

Lent is Good for your Health!

Did you know that the practices that Lent encourages are good for our physical, mental and spiritual health? *Meditative prayer has proven to help lower blood pressure and stress levels. *Refraining from overconsumption due to fasting leads to a healthier body, a sharper mind and a spirit more open to God. *Giving is also good for your health! People who give of their time and treasure have more energy, a stronger immune system, and a sense of overall well-being. Parish Registration Form - Forma de Registraciòn Parroquial

Please Pray For:

Miguel Gutierrez • Rachel S. • Pete Campos • Ernesto & Maria Flores • Herlinda Alvarado • Mateo Martinez • Andrew Miranda • Betty Venesio • Chris • Joe & Beverly Mendoza • Paul Martinez • Diana Martinez • David Martinez • Pete Ramirez • Joanne Frago • Essy Ugarte • Juan & Esmeralda Rodriguez • Michael & Olivia Palomares • Ramiro & Bertha Palomares • Juan Miguel Negrete • Denise Navarro • Janice Hernandez • Barbara Ann Torres • Vincent Miranda • Tamara Futrelle • Rafaela Palomares• Ray Radziak • Dolores Gomes • Mary Tasoni • Ivonne Garcia • Sara Ledesma • Jesse Torres Jr • Juan & Angelica Negrete • Gary Hansen • Angie Miranda • Pauline Pacheco • Anthony Pina Jr • Carmen Servin • Kelly Montoya • Bill Axtell • Madeline Martinez • Rose Iacopucci • Tiffany & Jack • Librado & Josefina Perez • Sam Ledesma • Timothy Barnes • Evelyn Lopez • Our U.S. Military: Marco Antonio Cuellar • David Costantino • Angela Barnes • Ruben Tapia • Carlos Falero • Roland Jufiar • Hans Morgan • Oren Morgan • Sean Machan

Weekly Offering: $4,204.00 Second Offering: $1,642.00 Total: $5,846.00 ~*~ Thank you for your generous donations… your donations are the only source that help sustain your parish!

Name / Nombre ____________________ Spouse/Esposa ________________

Pregnancy Crisis Help ~Call 1-800-395-HELP Hurting After Abortion? ~Call 1-888-HOPE-790 - hablan Español-

St. Joseph’s Second Collections

This weeks 2nd collection is for Annual Catholic Appeal. Next week’s 2nd collection will be for the Parish Development fund.

Last Name / Apellido ____________________ Phone # __________________ Address / Direccion _____________________________________________ ___ City / Ciudad __________________ Zip / Codigo Postal _________________ email _________________________________________