One is paid for by the school and the other two ore optionol. Closs dues ... o Holocoust Museum/Park - April 11th o Acquorium - TBD. 7th Grade Class Dues S50.00 with yearbook, S25.00 without yearbook o Gray Infinity t-shirt for field trips a Field Tr
14 dic. 2016 - Dec 8-9: IB Authorization. Dec 13: Fine Arts Festival. Dec 14: Common Assessment Testing Begins. Dec 14: Infinity MS Science Fair 4:00 – 5:30. Dec 14: Infinity Spelling Bee Parent Meeting. (Invite Only for parents of participants) 5:30
best foot. As we close out the semester, please know that I am here to help and support- please don't hesitate to reach out. As always, thank you for your support,.
they will receive six lessons in their advisory/intervention period, facilitated by faculty .... Los comentarios que recibimos por parte de nuestros visitantes fueron.
14 dic. 2016 - If your scholar has a sibling in grades 6th – 8th grade, it is critical that you .... Read pages 384-390, turn in pages 391 & 392. Read pages 332-.
14 dic. 2016 - Dec 16 – 21 Scholar Half Days. Dec 20: Free Dress Fundraiser. Dec 21st End of Semester Party. Dec 22-Jan 9: Winter Break. Jan 12: Winter ...
May 17, 2017, Bi-Weekly High School Notes. Uplift Infinity Preparatory. 1401 South MacArthur Blvd., Irving, TX 75060. T: (469) 621-9200. Do you want to contact ...
I certainly know it can be hard for our families to take a chance on us as the high school for their children, as we are smaller, offer fewer overall options, and haven't yet had a graduating class, but I hope that feedback like that shared above hel
3 may. 2017 - May 12 – Middle and High Athletic Banquet. 6:00 -8:00. May 15 – Fine Arts Festival. May 16 – 6th and 7th Awards Ceremony and. Dance 5:30 ...
11 sept. 2017 - 2017– 2018, por favor diríjase a Si requieren ... zonas remotas en el extranjero trabajando para guardar nuestro país seguro. • Estaremos ... Nuestra comida de atletismo el jueves 7 de ...
11 sept. 2017 - 9/29- College Pride Day- $1 fundraiser for scholars to wear jeans and college t-shirt. Middle School. Important Dates. 9/9- Saturday School.
will visiting Boston. Please help them raise money for this unique experience by participating in their Yankee Candle Fundraiser. 40% will go towards the cost.
Infinity 8th graders and High School Scholars are raising for their upcoming educational trips. 8th grade will be visiting Washington D.C. and High School.
our UWRH founding families, and have had a great first few days with scholars. Scholars have made new friends and are jumping into learning with their teacher ...
Ple~:le4-1401. •. Yyrinta, . de. (>4;14,-,Q dee .2XD.t3. Visto el Expediente N° 13-012048-001, que contiene el Informe N° 064-2013-. EIE-OARH/OGGRH/MINSA, ...
“Los ministros bivocacionales pueden trabajar hasta 75 horas a la semana”, dijo Ira Antoine, el Director del Ministerio. Bivocacional. “Cuarenta horas en un ...
Él pide que oremos porque los capellanes sean su cientes para los desafíos que enfrentan y puedan ser “creativos, diligentes, capaces, y enérgicos al proveer ...
El edi cio de la iglesia necesitaba trabajo extenso, un proyecto que costaría más de $100,000 dólares. El donador decidió ofrecer una subvención compartida ...
Dejando una relación de abuso, Ashley Kaufman visitó Bear. Creek Baptist Church en Katy. Ella estaba tan acongojada que se salió del servicio de adoración y ...
del 2017 gracias a la beca de Misiones Étnicas”, a rmó Becky. Reynolds, quien ... Misionera de los Bautistas de Texas, y a la Ofrenda Mary Hill. Davis. Oremos ...