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Page 1 Page 2 On tl'ie occasion uftl'ie tentl'i anniversary of tl-ie ...
Important Oratorio presrntntinns include Mozart's quuierri. Fauré's Requiem, Verdi's Requiem, Beethovens Mess iii C. Handels Messiani*I Szymanowsky's. Stalin ...
Colophon production Channel Classics Records bv producers Ashley Solomon, C. Jared Sacks recording engineer/editing C. Jared Sacks photography Florilegium design Ad van der Kouwe, Manifesta, Rotterdam liner notes Piotr Nawrot, Ashley Solomon recording location Catedral de Concepción, Bolivia recording date April
Technical information microphones Bruel & Kjaer , Schoeps digital converter dsd Super Audio / Meitnerdesign AD/DA Pyramix Editing/Merging Technologies speakers Audiolab, Holland amplifiers Van Medevoort, Holland cables Van den Hul* mixing board Rens Heijnis, custom design *exclusive use of van den Hul cables The INTEGRATION and The SECOND®
Instruments Kati Debretzeni Sarah Moffatt Jennifer Morsches Elizabeth Bradley Eligio Quinteiro James Johnstone
violin Anonymous Italian (poss Gagliano family) c. violin Anonymous, Netherlands, c. cello Anonymous Italian Tyrol c. double bass La Jeune France 1750 theorbo by K. Jacobsen, London, , baroque guitar by C. González, Paris, harpsichord after P. Taskin, by W. Takahashi, organ by W. van der Putten
HMA 7. To. h ha. N. OCO CéSC. Tamb. Z - s se s mp pOCO apoco CreSC. c. Cym. ... 1 1 - 7 up. 2.2. SD. F.D.. Tamb. Cym. B.D.1. B.D.2. 74 J s. S.D.. F.D.. Bo. To.
29 sept. 2016 - I swear (or affirm) that to the best of my knowledge and belief this political committee has not violated any provisions of the act of June 3,1937 ...
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Please use a black or blue ink pen only. Completely fill in the box provided to the left of your choice. Make no stray marks on the ballot. Do not use inks that soak ...
11 sept. 2017 - Además del apoyo a las tareas, BFC proporcionará actividades de enriquecimiento incluyendo ajedrez, actividades relacionadas con las artes ...
e fare aftermzicrne che le dita ecc. non wengano intrappolati scotto la testa della macchina quando si incliraa la esta della macchina. lnoltre, quando la ...
Transporte/Autobús: El Distrito Escolar Público de Englewood es responsable del transporte en autobús desde Quarles hasta Grieco. Por favor llame a la ...
... obligado por leiir a presentar una declaracion jurada patrimonial y omitisre hacerlo. ... Ministerio de Justicia, Seggridad y Derechos Humanos/Página 4 de ...