8 nov. 2016 - C. $ºde) (GRN) c Tom Oxford (LB), C Tom Maynard (REP). C Charles E. Waterbury (GRN), C Judy Jennings (DEM). Federal - Justice, Supreme ...
6 nov. 2018 - Place an “x” in the square beside the candidate of your choice. Haga un “x” en el cuadro al lado del nombre del candidto por cual desea votar.
Do not cross out or your vote may not count. • Instrucciones: Para votar rellene completamente el óvalo ubicado junto a su selección. Utilice solo un bolígrafo de ...
(Condado de) Live Oak County, Texas. November 4th, 2008 (4 de ... Bob Barr Wayne A. Root (LIB) CD Dave Howard. C Dale Wainwright (REP). Judge, Court of ...
hace 3 días - For United States Senator. Six Year Term .... schools, school districts, county vocational school districts, and county colleges. Money ... Shall the School District of the City of Newark become a Type 1 or Type 2 school district?
The money from the new dedication would be used: (1) to preserve and care for open space. (Green Acres), farmland, historic sites, and flood-prone areas (Blue ...
24 sept. 2010 - States, Alaska, or Hawaii in support of military operations designated by the Legislature. The exempt amount will be based upon the number.
24 sept. 2010 - James E. C. Perry del Tribunal Supremo? Èske se pou Jij James E. C. Perry Tribinal. Siprèm lan rete ...... City of Miami – City Hall. 3500 Pan ...
sINGLE MEMBER DISTRICT #6. Alpine independent School District, Alpine, Texas. (Distrito Escolar independiente de Alpine, Texas). May 6, 2017 (6 de mayo ...
14 ago. 2012 - North Shore Branch Library. 7501 Collins Avenue. South Dade Regional Library. 10750 SW 211th Street. Stephen P. Clark Government Center.
the sales and u axauthorized under Section 377.101, Local. Government code, Municipal Development District in the City of. Goliad, Texas. PROPOSICIÓN NO.
partido politico. Si usted vota por uno de los partidos políticos y tambien vota por el contrincante de uno de .... DISTRICT JUDGE, 384TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT.
4 may. 2019 - El Paso Independent School District Board of Trustees, District No. 3. (Mesa Directiva del Distrito Escolar Independiente de El Paso, Distrito ...
4 may. 2019 - Tom Hicks. 30. (Condado de) El Paso County, Texas. El Paso Independent School District Board of Trustees, District No. 6. (Mesa Directiva del ...