Page 1 M 6497 dress Bhave Self-lined, mock, Wrap upper front and
l'OWer front and back, back button closing and purchased trim. A: Contrast upper right front and belt. Belt extends into tie ends. B: VariOUS Contrasts and hem ...
or dress has neck and sleeve bands, empire gathered Waistline and front button trim. A: Narrow hem lower edge. B: Hem band and rib- bonties. Pull-up pants ...
Pupil - 2%" x 22" Fabric. APPLUEF. Frog Head and Body - 15" x 6%" Fabric. Wings - 6%" x 4" Fabric. Butterfly Body - 3%" x 4%" Fabric. Cheeks - 82" x 22" Fabric.
forro (holgado en las Caderas), con ribete contrastante enla sisa y en el escote de la espal- da, Cremailera invisible enla espalda. TAILLESTALLAS 6 8 O 12 14 ...
CAMISOLE/CAMISOLA E, F - 11.5cm" - O.30Cm. CONTRAST E, F (Band and Ruffle) CONTRASTEE, F (Bande et Volant/Banday Wolante). 21" x 512" Cotton Tricots extensible Tejidos de punto stretch, 53Cr n x 13.8CIT. SUGGESTED FABRICS: Top, Leggings, Bolero: Stre
Measurement at Chestline 46, 51 cm - 0.60m. A, B 31 32 332 35 37 40 41%. ... MERCERIE: A, B: 5 Boutons de 16mm, 1 Paquet debiais simple de 1.3cm. C: 1.
C: Ourlet étroit. D:Ourlet piqué. B, C, D: Entrejambe à boutons-pres- | sion. Culotte E avec élastique. Chapeaux FG doublés. Appliqué acheté B ... Tailles Tête/Tallas Cabeza:(XP(42cm), P(43cm), M(44.5cm), G(46cm)]. Toutes les tailles sont dans la mêm
10 dic. 2014 - costuras princesa y cinturon de lamismatela. Séries/Combinaciones: A5(6-8-10-12-14), E5 (14-16-18-20-22). Créé pour des tissus tissés et destricots stables depoids moyen. TISSUS CONSEILLES: Crépe, Lainage, Gabardine, Jersey double. Dis
is a business environment designed to prepare students to excel in the world of work and future educational ... Both shorts and skirts must have a finished hem.
Buttons for Eyes, One Skein of Each, White and Brown Embroidery Floss or. Perle Cotton, Embroidery Needle ... U.S. Pat & TM Off. Marca Registrada Sold for ...
SUGGESTED FABRICS: Challis, Faille, Georgette, Linen. NOTIONS: One 22" Zipper, Hook and Eye. "With Nap "Without Nap "With or Without Nap. ROBE POUR ...
Inspired by Fashion Star Season 2/Inspire parla Saison 2 de Fashion Star/Inspirado por Fashion Star la Temporada 2. Technical Elements (C 2013 The McCall Pattern Co., 120 Broadway, New York 10271, All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Trademarks Reg
Shorts can be worn by all students from Early Childhood through 12th Grade ( ... tights are permitted when appropriately covered by a dress or skirt that meets ...
Theological Ser Tiinary E. Kansas City, MO. 40 Dias de ..... enla iglesia bautista High. Pointe de ..... Frio River, Gainesville, Jacksonville, Laredo, Lufkin,. Midland ...
bombacho Con elástico en cintura y piernas. B, C, D: Dobladillo angost. Sombrero Conforroyala, banda interior, y cinta para el laZO COmprados. Séries/Combinaciones: YA5(NN/RN-P/P-M/M-G/G-TG/XG) |. Tailles tête/Tallas Cabeza:(42Cm-43Cm-45Cm-47Cm-48cm)
Sac à main/Bolso - Coupon de tissu/RetaZO de tela, 30.5cm x 18 cm |. Soutien de sac à main/Refuer ZO de bolso. Coupon de feutre/Retazo de feltro, 30.5cm x 18cm. Chapeau/Sombrero - Coupon de tissu/Retazo de tela, 37cm x 27cm. Ceinture et Bottes/Cintur