have long sleeves; top D has upper ellastic Casing, l'OWer Concealed elastic Casing, shoulder straps and Stitched hem, straight-legged, pull- on pants E, F hawe elastic Waistline Casing, pants E have leg band;. M6250. 18 PIECES. SUGGESTEDFABRICS:Top
... top A, shorts F have purchased appliques. SUGGESTED FABRICS: Top A, C, Dress B, D, E, Shorts F and Pants G - Lightweight. Broadcloth - Lightweight Linen - Lightweight Denim. Additional Fabric may be needed to match stripes, plaids or one-Way desi
Optional flaps, patch pockets B, C, and upper pocket C, C: Drawstring poche ... C 31 31. "With Nap "Without Nap "With or Without Nap ree more remonitor. M.
con pespunte de adorno, y cremallera invisible en espalda, cierre de corchete. A: Ribete comprado. Faldas con pretina, dobladillo angosto y cremallera latera.
TOPS Y TUNICA PARA JOVENES Y SENORAS: Topsy tunica de entalle muy suelto, con hombros Caidos, variaciones depliegue y de Canesu, dobladillo angosto, y cierre de botón en frente. A B: Cuello formandolos lazos, bandas simuladas en frente, canesu en esp
Pupil - 2%" x 22" Fabric. APPLUEF. Frog Head and Body - 15" x 6%" Fabric. Wings - 6%" x 4" Fabric. Butterfly Body - 3%" x 4%" Fabric. Cheeks - 82" x 22" Fabric.
"AWe Sens "Sans Ses """A Vec Ou Sans Sels "COPE) "Si P. "CO SPE). CopyrightG 2011, The McCall Pattern Co., 120 Broadway, New York 10271, All Rights ...
tern pieces are included for Cup sizes AB, C, D. Combinations: A5(6-8-10-12-14), E5(14-16-18-20-22). Designed for medium weight woven fabrics. SUGGESTED FABRICS: Cotton Blends, Polished Cotton, Broadcloth, Gingham. SIZES 6 8 O 12 14 16 18 20) 22 д 45
frontextension with hook and eye closing, purchased lac- prolongement devant avec femeture à agrafe, co rdon acheté. A: Pattes devant ing. A: Front tabs and cap sleeves. B: Peplum, three- et têtes de manche. B: Basque, manches en trois parties, souti
A, B, C, D: Tetes demanche. TOPS PARA JOVENESY SENORAS: Tops A, B, C, D entallados, parapasar por la cabeza,. Con escote drapeado en frente, linea de ...
A, C: Purchased trim. C, D: Front andback extend into sleeve (Wrongside may ShoW). D: Side. Slits and purchased trim for shoulder strap. Combinations: B5(8-10-12-14-16), RR(18W-20W-22W-24W). Misses WOTherh'S. SIZES 8 10 12 14 16 18W 2OW 22W 24W. A 45
or dress has neck and sleeve bands, empire gathered Waistline and front button trim. A: Narrow hem lower edge. B: Hem band and rib- bonties. Pull-up pants ...
C: Cinturdn Comprado, D: Bolsillo, lazos, y mang largas con lengueta abotonada. Linea de dobladillo con forma B, Cy mangas remangadas D: Revés visible.