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Alger 17933 18732 Beau-Bassin 25762. Fort-National ..... Gómez Palacio 30165* San Felipe 25386 Algiers 31215. Ste-Agathe .... Battles Wharf 28891. Brockton ...
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Postquam necrologia cum prologo et appendicibus conscripta sunt, venit nobis in mentem conficere quandam "geographiam vocationalem" seu elenchum locorum nativitatis eorum qui in renata Societate Iesu certo vita functi sunt, ut cui dam legitimae cupiditati fieret satis, quae in nostris familiaribus colloquiis haud raro oboritur, sciendi quot et qui ex hoc vel illo loco in Societate Iesu mortem obierint. Levior profecto nostra opera fuisset,si unico ordine alphabetico omnia loca disponere intendissemus; putavimus tamen ea, per diversos continentes et nationes disposita videre, gratius lectoribus fore. In hoc elencho conficiendo animadvertimus eadem loca, sive erroris, sive mutatae orthographiae vel provinciae causa, pluries diversimode exprimi. Cum correctiones hac de causa in necrologiis perficiendae non essent eiusdem momenti, graviores admisimus, leviores praesumpta lectoris benevolentia amisimus: ideoque accidit, ut numerus alicuius lOCi, hodierna ratione expressi, ad loca diversa ratione conscripta referat ( Bellegem refert'ad n. 11.635 Belleghem et n. 18.524 ~ ~: post alterum bellum mundiale orthographia toponymica in Belgio simplicior reddita est. Ostuni olim ad prov.Lecce, hodie ad prov.Brindisi pertinet: necrologia citata sub nomine Ostuni hanc diversitatem co~ant). In necrologiis ratio exprimendi loca nativitatis non semper eadem est: interdum eadem urbs diver so sermone (Aalst, Alost ~ •• ) profertur, interdum ubi natus sit imperfecte cognoscitur" interdum ignoratur:quamobrem normas praemittimus quibus pro diversis casibus usi sumus. Norma communis. LocorUm nomina scribuntur prout hodie apud indigenas sonant: quodsi hi bilingues sunt, non deest referentia linguae alterius ad alteram ( in Belgio, Helvetia). Distributionemautem politicam etiam hodiernam, quantum nobis licuit, damus: ubi hodiernam alicuius loci inclusionem determinare nequivimus, antiquam servavimus. Hoc nobis evenit praesertim ex defectu librorum, quorum ope antiquis Orientalis Borussiae, Pommeraniae et Silesiae (germanicae et austriacae) nominibus hodierna Poloniae et Slovachiae dare liceret. Ceterum, meminerit lector, quae in pro logo n. 5 de mutatione toponymica scripta sunt. Normae particulares pro casuum diversitate: a) Loca a magna urbe adnexa. Ex.: Sarria (hodie pars urbis Barcelona, in Hispania). Alphabetice ordinantur tanquam non adnexa: in fi~em urbis adnectentis apponitur referentia ad locum adnexum. b) Loca dubia, i.e. addita interrogatione. Ex.: Montgomery?,Md. Numeris horum locorum interrogatio adicitW::-c) Loca homonyma indeterminata. Ex.: Ashton (qualis? Lancashire). Determinata ab indeterminatis separantur. d) Loca plura eidem iesuitae assignata. Ex.: Guillamil (a Filgueiras). Numeris loci inter uncos positi interrogatio additur. e) Loca probabiliter deformata (asterisco signata). Ex.: *Katain (fortasse pro Cerain). Servato asterisco alphabetice collocantur: si vero inter uncos probabilis correctio, ut i~plo,additu~ eius numerus cum interrogatione,in proprio loco inscribitur .. f) Loca ignota, notis vicina. Ex.: pr Mullingar. Vicinis ab'oreviatio E(ope) apponitur,sed alph~ betice ordinantur, nulla habita ratione abbreviationis. g) Loca ignota, circumscriptio nota. Ex.: ?(Brabant). ReicilL1.tur ad calcem indicis naticnis. h) Loca ignota, circumscriptio ignota, natio (non in qua natus est, sed a~uam quis pertinuit)n£ tao Ex.: (neapolitanus). Reiciuntur ad calcem nationis. ' --i) Loca ignota, circumscriptio ignota, natio ignota. Sorum numeri colliguntur ad calcem nationis ad quam pertinet'Provincia iesuitica, quam quis (primum) ingrassus est, vel in qua mortemobiit.~n necrologiis a l-X-1915 datur tantum Provincia obitus: in necrologiis praecadentibus tant~ dabatur Provincia ingressu~. Nota bene. Numeri inter uncos lectorem referunt, non ad necrologia catalogi def~~c.or~m, sed ad appendicem Albae Russiae (p. 59).





AFRICA ?il63i'3 ALGERIE Alger 17933 18732 Fort-Naiiona~19648 N~grins 3530 -EGYPTEAlexandrie 21156 22909 Ekhsas 309is -Le Caire-6264 14698 24111 600 28091 928 30027 31655 Minia 31173 Port SaId 14063 KWANGO -Kilwama 28938



Kipushi 30633 ?+ A£rC 30761 LA REUNION Beau-Bassin 25762 Bel-Air 212i3 Bois de N~£les 14277 Entre-Deux 2966~ La Rivi~re des Pluies 15802 St-Andr~ 16095 30662 St-Benott~0876-­

St-Denis 3613 8639 12059 iS126 St-Gilles19473 St-Henri 17088 St-Joseph 30904


St-Paul 16718 919 St-Philippe 11005 St-Pierre 11356 970 24241 MADAGASCAR Ambato 21928 Ambatonanty 27174 Ambohimalaza~0839 AmbohimahazinaNamehana 31002 Ambositra 32015* Amp as imposY-24153 Ampasina 30888 Anara 23756 Anjozoro£ady 28701 Faseny 11032 --

Nossi-B~ 5754 RiOmbary-Ambalaivo 30069 Tamatave 22552 Tananarive-19422 22176 -22710 26553 Vohihambana 30600 ?(Madagascar~23395



Tanger 17030 MAURICE La""""Mcir"e27428 Phoenix 19170 port-LouTS 7658 8031 22843 26328 -

ST.HELENA St.Helena 2481 SOUTH AFiiICA JohanneSburg 25569 Kimberley 13985 King Willia;,s Town 19617 MuT;enberg 11150 Newcastle 31691 Port Elizabeth 25760 27464 -Queen's Town 19774 Sea Point Cape-28584 Somerset East 19801

! !! ! ! .! Q ! SEPT. -CENTRALIS ANTILLAS (Pequenas) Donaldstown 12420 Lyster 26158 Raleigh 3704 St-Esprit 1823 Aruba 12164 Douro 29815 32173 Mabou 25982 Red B~25920 St-Eustache 25741 Castries (St.Lucia) Drummondville-28899 Marieville 23070 Richmond 23055 319 St-Fabien 20292 23864 24934 25273 29368 Eastman 30053 -Markdale 27059 Ridgetown17544 30803 --Fort-de-France-rMarti- Edmonton~0990 Memramcook:22495 Rivi~re-du-Loup 14339 St-F~lix de Valois nique) 23081 Eganville 24172 ]£737 Moncton 28010 30557 31099 ~297 11795 Macouba (Martinique) Falkland 20457 Montagne 16253-Rivi~re Ouelle 8929 St-Fran~ois-du-Lac 17537 Fort Ellisl1526 Mont-Carmel 31200 22980 20485 Pointe-A-Pitre (Guade- Fournier 24709 Mont-Joli 21546 32062 Rougemont 28890 St-Gabriel-de-Brandon 10upe) 13984 24004 Glassbeau11983 Montro!al 3057 60"35410 Roxton Falls 21841 26554 28870 6279 7485 8061 9106 St-Aim~ 13800~9131 St':George-de Beauce ?(Guadeloupe) 13699 18339 Gordonville-31390 BARBADOS Grande-Baie 29158 10665-12045 13096 St-Aim~(dc S.H:) 2544 26446 Bridgetown 11775 Grand River 11522 14747 ---15227 St-Albert 31477 St-George's 27220 BERMUDAS Grenville 29322 313 527 710 16110 17 St-Alexandre 13415 St-Germain 24314 St.Georges 11500 Grondines 17207 208 704 968 18224 236 St-Alexis 25014 St-Gervais 25632 30126 BRITISH HONDURAS Guelph 11746 14025 595 383 19896 20213 638 St-Alexis-de-MatapMia St-Gr~goireo 17919 20003 Belize 18619 22466 26458 19108~0397~4280 21207 791 22321 648 26147 St-Gr~goire(Nicolet, CANADA --25571 26096 27669 650 11107 183 644 715 St-Andr~ 17576 20830 Qu~.) 2619 Amherstburg,Ont. 29751 * 27887 29011.T.ll 872 24141 337 468594 St-Anselme 16264 St-Guillaume d'Upton Ancienne-Lorette 25568 Hamilton 26066 725 736 985 25089560 St-Anselme de Dorchester 13184 Antigonish 12717 -Hastings 25222 26062 070 085312445 24732 St-Henri-de-Mascouche Arnprior 30594 Hemming£ord 21098 542 593 27022 292 332 St-=Antoine 12358 3518 Arthur 14727 26757 28671 Hoyt Station~8118 416 518 546 594 624 St-Antoine-~-Riche St=Hermas 15638 23221 30258---Ile-du-Pas 14574 30425 674 758 966 98128014 lieu 22491 23792 --Asbestos 24906 Ingersoll 25247 -015 127 598 653 707 St-Ars~ne 16561 St-Hilaire 20029 27382 Aylmer 13584 Kamouraska 11139 882 929 29149 214432 St-Aubert de l'Islet St-Hugues 14444 22485 Baie-du-Febvre 6842 Xelly's Cross 22025 26214 24407 485 691 708 778 857 8796 11360 13088 16456 26392 -St-Hyacinthe 6735 9008 876 901 951 97430054 St-Augustin 26723 Basile 12699 --I:inkora 25643 093 490 688 31011141 St-Barnab~ 12193 11923 178 548 10466 11639 Batiscail6639 La Baie-dU-Febvre v.Baie 297 323 329 433 625 St-Barth~lemy 5578 25929 31542 Beauce-Jonction 24029 L'Acadie 5747 126B8 678 712 961 32125 : 20077 St=I"r~~e-10619 18814 Beauceville 30751 Lac M~gantic 29353 T. 98 • -St:Basile 22649 20233 32227 -Beauharnois 16530 La Malbaie 15009 21117 Muskoka 26963 'St-Basile-le-Grand St=I"r~n~e:les-Bains Beauport 25154 27345 ]£309 -Napierville 27834 27281 19315 B~cancour 1288 Lanoraie 18870 ~323 New Carlisle~1l42 'St:Benoit 10075 St=I"sidore 2896 Bed£ord(Missisquoi)~921 La POinte-du-Lac 11231 New Glasgow 30025 :St-Boni£ace-17666 23386 St-Jacques 17531 18029 Belleville 26212 Laprairie 6003 Nicolet 611915433178 I 25474 26183306i2 962 25114--Beloeil 28541 La Pr~sentation 11052 17838 --St:Canut~1581-St-Janvier 16256 BerthierVille 28443 11710 15503 27143 North River 32003St-Casimir21172 27402 St-Jean 18i214550 Boisdale 27469-La:Rivi~re-du-LOup-en- Norwood 1457816544St-C~saire 25369 26156 29274878-Bonnech~re-Point 17421 bas 10971 Notre-D_ de Graces ; 30933 --St:::1ean Baptiste 19124 Boularderie 20260-La Salette 20832 4778 St:Charles 14089 St-John 9632 11352 Brockville 14466 L'Assomption-6625 8339 Notre-Dame du Lac St-Charles,Ont. 18857 15183 20051~7702 954 Buckingham 30215 18903 1949627612 St-Constant 25107 St:::1ohn's1996'l1301 Cacouna 16626 19012 Laurierville 30100 Otta:wa 14866 16343 St-Cuthbert 8388 24397 -23030 30459 -32188-22979:28851-St-Cyrille de L'Islet St-Joseph 7755 Calgary 26521 31330 Lmltrie 7999 22933 PaSborough 1878 30005 St-Joseph-du-Lac 15082 Cap-SantT"23720 L'Avenir 31317 -penetanguishene 31586 St-Cyrille de Wendover St-Jude 5145 -Cargill 26890 Le Bic 20794 Plessisville 25373 620 26316 St-Justin 29248 Leeds 30306 Pointe-aux-Trembles St':Damase 15774 St-Lin 19980 29298 ( )carleton16247 18027 ·,Chambly 10027 17609 Les C~dres 16438 St-David,Qu~. 6013 St-Martin 5847 21159 Chapeau 26078 -L~vis 28235~1499 Pointe-du-Lac 27763 St-David(Yamaska, Qu~.) St-Mathias-1973 Charlottetown 10994 29499 L' Islet30468 32056 12314 615 St-Mathieu 26378 Chfu:eauguay 206s0 28994 London,Ont. 23034 St':D~nis 12962 St-Maurice 15677 16216 Pokemouche 15314 Chicoutimi 24680 -24812 288i231166 Port Joli 10288 St-Didace12381 21029 423:25717-Cornwall 28074 Longueui14907~1025 Powassan 29026 St-Dominique 25081 St:Narcisse 28595 COteau-du:Iac 14568 31698 -Princeville 29462 St-Dominique-de-Bagot St-Norbert,Man. 21701 COteau-St-Pierre 2635 L'Drignal 30267 Qu~bec 1755 1906 2031 2047 12,666 St-Norbert,Qu~. 19193 COte-des-Neiges ie087 Lotbini~re-S570 10202 496 ~970 1£102 St-Dominique-de-Chico~ St-Ours 1795 11842 Deschambault 766826931 14859 -17688 213"40 48922069 timi 13857 17135 23611 24380 Digby 12103 -Louiseville 13002 18352 418 232% 933 25604 27 St-Edouard 27001 25634 31537 -Dominion N.4 27876 26596 --101855 .?, St-Elz~ar 31645 St=PacOme27175 0




*nalifax 5964 11436 12601 827 11625 12066 11120 ll306 24555 ---

(o) Cavan 1765


11145 T. 11



St-Pamphi1e de l'Is1et Solford 19720 31547 Oaxaca 3563 28441 Villanueva 31496 30115 Sorel 18816 27879 Apulco 26898 Ocotl~-32033i Zacatecas 580 26169 St-Pau1 13083 2812430699 Arandas20350 Opezwna 6892 Zacatl.1n 1065023144 St-Pau1 PErmite 14327 South Shore 15660 Armadilio23642 Orizaba 5610 10470 Zamora 11732 14018 St-Pie 5755 14424661 Springfield 10274 Atemajac 14210 11010 1926521871 199982182922502 20118-571 24866 Stratford 10864 22016 Atotonilcoe1 Alto 2609329127 23274 25026 830 25068 29402 Stuke1y 11679 22715 878 OtU;;;ba 19931 27519 30523. T.I0 St:Pierre-de-Broughton Sudbury 21193 Bustamante 21483 Pachuca313 Zapopan 20047 30878 18175 Terra Nova 19144 Calpan 82149733 .11790 Parras 29115 Zapotl.1n19984St-=P"ierre-1es-Becquets Terrebonne 12810 23942 Campeche 1909 P.1tzcuaro 318 22873 Zit.1cuar0234 (3) 12105 Tignish 28462 Carapan 26178 Pen6n Blanco 14144 NICARAGUA St-=P"ierre-Rivi~re-du- Toronto 13838 15491 573 Chalchicomu1a 18037 Perib~ 30419Chinandega 17610 Sud 5906 20699 23580 29548 Chihuahua 259io28022 Poncitl~32070 Jinotega 13074 St-prosper 12739 30807 982 31111 507 29012 82930679 Pueb1a 31 192 221 Le6n 1711 11452 (6) St-Prosper(Champ1ain) T:10 Chi1chota 13733 995 9096 ·10249 Matagalpa 6662 16691 26415 27973 Trois-Pisto1es 1936 Chipinque 30296 847 11206 1760619129 Pueblo Nuevo 7047 St-Remi 16775 14956 Ciudad Lerdo 16378 237 385 23645 25399 Tipitapa 5659St-Rocht del'Achigan Trois Rivi~res 7405 Ciudad Serd~25400 702 26071622 794891 PANAMA 24296 17508 825 18283 20020 Cocu1a 10830 31962 29850131049. T.21 Panam.1 3543 St-Roch-de-Riche1ieu 23048 25490126532 Comanja~844 Pur!per029912 FUERTO RICO 8118 31520 Conc~pcion del Oro Puru~diro29293 Bayam6n 25545 St=Sauveur-des-Monts Vancouver 28755 31690 17436 Quer~taro 16658 24698 S.Juan dePuerto Rico 30698 Vaudreuil 4791 C6rdoba 17972 26249 27550 4411 St-S!bastien 8186 Verch~res 27234 Cotija 1127 14952 Rancho del Re£Ugio ? 13487 St-Simon 15591 Verner 20493 17807-23505 25237 U.S.A. St-Stanislas 31397 Vernon River 31371 Cotija de1a paz 26478 Rinc6n de Le6n 268 Aberdeeii 31603 St-Stephen 19954 Victoriavi11e29863 27893 Rinc6n de Romos 14928 Acton 18868 St-THesphore 15340 Wales 30581 Coyoac~ 29320 Sahuayo 28854 Adams 23693 31134 18223 21151 25147 586 Warwick 31188 Cruces 31728 Saldarriaga 29575 Adamsville 20762 St:T'homaS'"de MOntmagny Waterloo 12999 27804 Cuitzeo de la Laguna 7889 Saltillo 25231 29777 Agawam 16047 14878 Wiarton 27221 Cuquio 16359 Salvatierra 31631 Albany 13015 16213 St-Valentin 8735 22828 Williamstown 2315 Durang024056 San Andr~s Calpam 2480027606~2131 St-Val~rien 21967Windsor 30326E1 Pueblito 28237 17009 18722 A1bany(qualis?~2927 St-Vincent 7348 8095 Wingham 15218 E1 Valle de 5.FranciSallBuena;entura Alderson 30397 St-Vincent-de-Pau1 Winnipeg25463 sco 26850 28860 31834 Alexandria4833 5955 18575 Yamachiche6481 11863 Encarnaci6n de Diaz SallCayet:ano 12350 8583 13585 17563 31452St-Z~phirin 1649524535 17928 29681 31418 San Crist6balLas CaSte-Agathe, Man. 14214 Yamaska .§.032 23457 (1) Est:anzue1a 22186 sas 25693 26833 pr~lexandria 4415 25931 28832 COSTA RICA· . G6mez Palacio 30165* San Felipe 25386 Algiers 31215 Ste-Agathe,Qu~. 25654 Escas11 18044 (2) Guadalajara 770118038 San Gabrie128756 A11egheny19726 Ste-Agathe de LotbiCUBA 19003 20688 21748 San Juan de los Lagos Allenton 30118 ni~re 27844 30305 Camarones 8087 27750 852 29991 . 257 27843 Allentown~1104 Ste-Agathe-du-Miont Cien£uegos-32155 Guadalupe 27665 San Juan de los Llanos Alton 1215E117583 9901 Corral Falso 12345 Huanimaro 30369 22367 24239 Ste-Agn~·s 9022 E842 La Habana. lOi24 13162 Irapuato 20799 SallJuan del Rio 26104 AlVOrd 26728 24079 29950 14146 15797 17073 636 Ixtlahuac.1n del Rio San Luis de la p;;:Z Anaconda18477 30315 Anchorville 15604 Ste-Ang~le-de-Mannoir 12624 26361 29812 899 30721 31927 24502 30138 223 830. T.13 . Jalapa,Oax. 15726 SallLuis Potosi 1111 Annapolis 16511 Ste-Anne de Bellevue Macagua 13997 Jalapa, Ver. 139 14163 15709 24805 26'056 Ann Arbor 6353 9354 27235 29554 Mor6n dela Trocha 16841 20926 31089 939 13352 15497 Ste-Anne-de-la-P~rade 20522 J alp a 30032 SaiMiguel Allende 29200 Anoka 26956 Antona21022 18369 20115 Santa Clara 17217 Jerez 24873 27085 San Nicol.1s Pin1cUaro Apalachicola 8106 Ste-Anne-:;;:es-P1aines Sti.Spiritus8694 Jiquilpan 17046 31181 19948 Appleton 869718367 Santiago 30627 741 SallPedro Tlaquepaque Argyle 28519 Ste-Anne de Stukely Trinidad 24498 La Barca 25051 26010 28699 Arlington 24412 17879 DOMINICANA (Rep.) La EstanzUela 26954 SallcebaSti~ 1428 Aspen 31208 Ste-B~atrix 19711 Lorna de la Joya 31416 Lagos 24669 San ·Sim6n 27274 Astoria31513 Ste-Brigide dolbervi1- S;Thome 19710 Lagunade T~rminos 197 Sta.Clara 28640 At1antic-City 30733 le 26177 EL SALVADOR La Paz 31604 Sta.Eulalia28183 Ste-Claire 10896 Arcato 30465 La Piedacr-27959 Sta.ln~s 2219129641742 Attica 29095 Auburn 25955 27381 Ste-Elizabeth 8933 San Salvador 24699 La Uni6n deS.Antonio Sayula 919 Augusta-l244320069 21326 643 25444 GUATEMALA 11918 (4) Sombrerete 15928 28211 Esquipulas 18402 Lerdo 16378 25919 Succosa 3501 469 26679 31010 423 875. Ste-Flavie 27823 Guatemala 7867 8154 Magueyes pr Lagos Tacubaya-22522 Aurora 16800 24221 Ste-Foy 13236 31566 11217 889 1:£090 13323 10667 Tanaya 32152 Avon 13281 Ste-H~l~ne -de-Bagot 387 421 14512 17194 M~rida 20061 Taret~ 21226 Ayer 20491 14920 28108 18069 23490 25755 M~xico 85 259 636993 Tayahua 25260 Baileyville 25843 Ste-Luce28687 29408 28395.-T.141511 3309 5719 6558 Tecamacha1co 17356 Bakersfield 19406 Ste-Marie-:;;:e-Beauce Guatemala la Antigua 9204 338 11185 909 Tecolotl~ 27089 1797.. .§.932 12801 13541 990 14879 Tehuac~ 12789 (5) Balta 21900 Baltimore 179 1635 Ste-Marie-de-Monnoir Quezaltenango 8733 15362 16279 627949 Teocaltiche 417 8564 978 16785 17511 18788 19147 345 Tepatitl~ 24343 2575 4135 408 5321 Ste-Marthe 17569 Retalhuleu .,2567 523 6462035121102 Tepeaca 75 7388 389 699 8479 574 953 9028 367 Ste-Martine7794 San Raimundo 1928 127 22202508 791 Tepotzotl.1n 15901 10049 473 860 12121 Ste-Monique 20433 Villanueva 11404 2326524169 760 25419 17286 18192 Ste-Rose de Laval Zacap.11:.Q.I04 597 26557 27019 093 TeXcoco 870 441511 541 744 13262 283 14706 1524iJ 442 27697 889 HAITI 448660 99928070 Tinguindin 1170731867 556 652 16708 725 Ste-Sco1astique .1340 Po'rt-aU-Prince 10664 757 811 291701576 947 Tlacuilotepec 21507 17526 18898 19255 Ste-Th~r~se de Terre- St-Miche1-du-Fond-des30124 149485 709 Tlaltenango 28154 bonne 10735 16254 N!gres 1965 31045 426 530 745 840 T1axco 27031410 445742 753 754 847 20000 169 946 24810 26944 JAMAlCAT:58 Toluca 2605 16905 22036070 23601 757 Ste-Ursule 11099 Kings:tCiil13852 Honte Escobebo 14840 Valle de BraVO 17d45 073 24130 183 251163 Sandwich 16364 St.Andrew29907 Monterrey 19153~2016 Valle de Santiago 841 853 26750 762 Sault-au-R~collet Spanish Town 27481 More1ia 8869 11787 14758 782 2742-;'-655 91d 8554 19741 Vere 11230 16236 1740520398 Veracruz 194 317 2d285i476 543 613 Shelter-=iiay 26733 MtXICO 21068 24114 27475 Villa de Guadalupe 986 29llS5 546 672 Sherbrooke 31322 593 Actop~ 3503 31447 15222 958 3111122 34J l,ll] 595 Aguas Ca1ientes 17 70 N"nohavd Qd28 Villil~"relos 2)195 (1).?(dc Marianop01itan) l1645; ?i Can 1:£682; 7+ GaGan 21493. (2).? 11:679 (3).? .,2573 13595; ?i Mex 4543; 7+ Mex 14502 ~939. (4).Le6n,Gto.154 24829,£2074 28792 30780 31158. (5).Tenancingo 22294. (6j.LeOn 2.370 &08311.570. Hanagua 1800.



613 707 837 31336 899 32025. T777 Baraboo21149 Bardstown-6100 10476 11964 19587 2Cl:253 Bastress-r9561-Batavia 25821 1£043 Battles Wharf 28891 Bayon LaEourche-31932 Bayonne 17529 22962 25376 29817 30597


;Bridgeport 18183 20538 i 28965 --:Bridgton 1513 Brighton 25233 Brigus 15769 Bristoi25774 Brockton27775 Brodhead £1.467 Brokaw 31191 Brookha;;.en 27298 Brookline 15789 21901 Beards1e~2989E; 1£085 ..ll623 -Beaver 25650 Brooklyn 6552 9066 445 Beaver Falls 31576 ]d335 457 12196 11212 Belen 19884 23815 980 14439 440 16034 Bellaire 9999 071 551 574 lZ200 Belleville 29067 271 625 960 18131 587 Bellingham 24935 25276 724 12502 20056 483 Benedicta £1.072 -536 664 776 21280 Bennet £1.573 g334 489 23307 574 Berea 22761 646 670 876 880 24248 Berlin407 433 548 630 661 25183 Beverly 30558 467 717 26315 88E; Biddeford31947 £1.065 189210 325 615 B1anchester-20496 707 ~078 129 313 553 Bloom£ield 32028. 821 839 29509 532 826 Blossom 25470 839 900 975 30021 Bodega 3la16 469 488 660 979 31114 Bonne Carr! 25836 694 719 825 891--964 Bonneauvil1e-r8738 31999. Booneville 12479 T."76 Bordu1ac 30B08 Bryantown 13749 Boston 1694 2759 793 Buchanan Valley pr Gat3012 447 4575 5213 . tysburg 12419 250 394 6'037 359 Buffalo 490r-6461 966 7566 8361 916 9324 7747 9919 985 12506 365 53B 577 755 B71 14315-619 1582~16593 10391 559 60B 7·73 17701 18432611 793 779 B21 855 12003 19603 945 20600 21016 13098 209 61~649 647 789 22723 802849 708 787 822 14362 958 2396224015 022 403 708 860 15012 483 552 702772 862 158 195 262 984 25188 26076 559 719 16278 309 668 901 27616 917 28369 838 17092 363 368 413 29006 054 139 246 291 617 782 18022 066 516 632 731 757 758 071 105 266 639 742 78i 828 834 858 30020 745 790 830 19071 071 197 619 783 791 146 397 592 621 653 31145 345 750 950 738 20224 420 754 32069. T.66 862 866 979 993 994 21050 106 132 147 Buffalo Lake 24020 148 236 262 267 269 Burlington,Io~ 21B50 309 349 442 486 603 Burlington,Vt. 29976 Butown 14273 -705 776 911 951 Caledonia 11285 22101 450 490 579 Caledonia,MInn. 26670 716 947 950 23300 315 426 702 732 975 Cambridge 14058 472 674 16244 17320 23294 24146 163 254 260 24019 26194 529 799 268 344 801 85B 27566 29266 910 963 25219 251 554 677 30252.T".15 733 745 738 811 833 Camden 31519 899 935 943 948 Canandaigua 19384 26102 205 330 363 Canton,Mass.9489 408 418 902 27005 079 081 286 366 941 Canton, Miss. 22396 26188 31616-28055 135 161 184 Canton,Ohio 21153 209 213 258 282 290 Cape GirardeaU-14020 408 481 559 680 731 Caraghar 32086 -867 989 29020 063 Carbondale26732 089 112 295 377 475 Carlisle 16936 480 558 595 723 845 Carroll 28591 29607 915 920 954 30058 Carroll ton ,Mo.22627 068 106 178 179 280 Carrollton,Ill.24271 291 299 329 775 664 Cedarhurst 31206-31123 127 147 149 Cedar RapidS-21675 266 312 337 365 463 Central Falls24026 523 706 734 761 780 2B753 -794 873 925 929 954 Chalmsford 11167 32030 121 180. Charleston,S:C. IB39 T."209 12034 16263 Braiwood 15672 CharlestOn,W.Va. 29662 Brandon 12742 30082 pr Charleston,W.Va: Brasher Falls 19668 1031 -Bray 13371 Charlestown,Mass. 1225 8reaUX-Bridge 28219

25223 26B811Z,100 144 CharlestoWn,N.H·;-'7B"6"2 Charlestown, S.C.-

20455 55B 781 838 'Eagle Center. 26105 23416 549 24423 '7B5 !Eagle Harbor 24105 25656 782 26011 474 :East Berlin 4374 . ~~.4'!1~ £1.084 327 2B082 430 ,East Boston ]1943 Charlottesville 3905 29099 30122 152 312 :East Granville.£1.131 Chateaugay 23182408 528738 31185 lEast Lake 11.685 Chelsea, Iowa15092 311 428 444 663 778 iEastman 28600 Chelsea,Mass.20194 920 32192 193 211 :Easton 32I62 26883 32214 -T.38-iEastportl0963 Cheshire~0539 Clinton 16533 20265 l'East St.Louis ]&272 Chester,Md. 26810 Cloquet 32113 -,29886 31424 Chester,Pa. 25845 Cobb-Ned5748 !EaSt Tro~15896 30911 3141r. Cohoes 16711 IEdgeton 24175 Colton 31630 lEdina 21491 22439 28717 Chewelah28517 Chicago 42oka 21060 262 380 483 493 600 i Pensacola 5560 28511 J ackson,Minn. 20344 Lost Nation 23981 , Minster 28945 852 952 970 20083 459; Peola 24222 Mishawaka-818119846 471503544 660 764 ipeoria-r8966 J ackson,Miss. 1342 Lothrop 30133 Jacksonville 22487 Louisville,Ky. 10341 Mobile 18483 22820 879 890 945 21044 173: Perrysburg 27838 Jamaica Plain:26878 11195 15682 16421 27178~08 29911 216 251 395 466 474 Peru, Ill. 30404 30915 3109~175 353 20953 27662 906 579 718 763 22072 113 Peru, Ind. 8944J ames,Ga. 28302 Jamestown 25141 28251 204 827. T .10 488 32043. T.11 126 540 726 736 23096'Petaluma 32144 Janesville19314 Louisville,Ohio 28436 Monroe:22942 326 304 447 495 496 petersvi1le,Md. 8835 Je££erson,w:'ia. 1031? Lowell 3754 629216458 Monroe City 11045 526 665 730 745 902 Petersvi11e,N.B.-153S0 Montegut 22313 954 24013 064 070 202 Philadelphia 1880~409 Jersey City 1567-13363 20588-26304 27348 Montgomery,A1a. 16715 324 368 434 454 578 482 583 3634 4702 14867 18291 19336 28771 29615 pr Montgomery,Ala. 593 632 636 684 701 706 5022-395 492 6098 Luebbering 28501 21397 22453 23789 25559 770 27190 724 Lynn 15205 22617 25976 8377 867 918 12023 047 059 199 550 818 1550 ~131 Montgomery?,Md. 547 128 270 347 407 451 498 837 9497 558 579 921 28167 419 532 26893 27108 28465 Hora 23273 485 689 707 809 903 10066 677 754 870 2927131180 281 526 29581 30747 31263 MorganCity 18204 984 26137 225 268 338 12145 157 571 669 795 942 96~32201. T.23 Lynnfield10023 Morganfield 10401 355 602 609 739 844 13711 14103 461 15111 Johnson City 29647 HcMinnville22595 Johnson Co. 29330 ' Macon ~939 ~95112ll2 32171 849 856 872 27032 033 16535 17222 440 484 JOhnstown,N.Y7 28143 ~401 687 25291 581 Morganza 11267 128 205 248 336 365 579 78C118591 598 621 , Morris Plaine 12401 466 479 515 779 849 726 798 19398 597 981 Johnstown,Pa. 27647 28516 30486 Johnstown pr Chapel ' Hadelia ,!g1l7 Mott 30991 -888 28092 404 410 418 21187 272273 626 925 Point 17263 Madison 23948 MountAiry 4833 ? 439540 571 601 618 22316 663 870 23472 Jonesborough ~574 Mahanoy City ~081 Hount Carmel 19955 679 767 780 802 664 708 714 741 892897 Jordan 18375 Halden 27080 31914 Mount Holly 24348 935 29203 262 306 393 24023 OG7 140 419 797 Kalamazoo 12961 995 I, Mount Jewett 18572 397 531 5G6 675 716 927 n076 098 174 285












i i


(1) .Metamora ~896

(2) .Paris 11209



514 548 610 742 801 Rubicon Q083 26265 275 356 642 712 Rutland 24993 29849 831 907 911 27028 216 1!.ydal 30040 446 574 988 28098 229 6abetha31775 449 552 760898 971 Sacramento 19704 20921 .ll133 350 373 538 843 Saginaw 20413 944 964 30026 362 516 St.Charles 20357 25893 923 31009177 194 257 St.Clement,s1585291 372 453 504 531 St.John's 10472 536723797 930. St.Joseph,J(y•• 24199 T.121 'St.Joseph,Mich. 19751 Phoenix 30932 24949 Piclcaway5391 6t:Louis 1293 5313 Piedmont 21099 6061 255 457-705 999 Pine Bluff 1997 1130 ~915 ,2856 863 Piopolis 28791 11613 912 12085 875 Piqua 28628 32129 13684 8551438115309 Piscat-;;ay 1308 590 996 17187 249731 Pittsburgh 1891 4430 871 18144230 569612 .ll286 751-11.3431Q504 616 815 893 12096 368 23084 31132 889 524 803 20899 21197 PittsfordMills 28735 642 22084430689 Pittston 28142 29836 23068797 972 24142 30347 204 257 373 374481 Plaquemine 18680 667 722 24831 840 Poquonoclc 26940 25036 16~204 323 Port Angeles 23110 455 827 832 26413 Port Arthur .[l007 477 573 614 726 945 Port Blakely 11.847 .[l1l5 427 555 706764 Port Clinton 270 997 28002 138 271 299 Port Hudson 16876 341433440 557608617 Portland,Me.-r5943 29272 284 375 384525 portland,Ore.21877 582 604 648 785 3001~ 24556 11225 164 204 266 377 537 pr Port Tobacco,Md. 392 656 872 985 31131 960 6188 275 434 464 568 569 Pottstown 16665 570 700 716 718 815 Prairie du-rong 24217 828 863 864 32034. Providence 5856 6143 T.117 12432 19304 809 20287 St.Martinville 31325 26382 989 30912 31005 876 017 383 5597 T.13 St.Marys,Kans. 15413 Puilman 20487 17165 30316 847 Punxsutawney 12709 St:M'ary'5,"Md. 419 551 Putnam Q149 1402* 4570 Quincy,Calif. 296'31 St:"Marys-;Pa. 14516 Quincy,Ill. 5898 16542 22410 2306720813 St:M'ichael 18410 Quincy,Mass. 5742 14383 St.Paul,Kan5: 27618 19122 20378-31508 St.Paul,Minn. 22457 Racine i8618 30898 23050 24970 25042 RandOlph,Mass:-1475 28980 29319 635 30732964 31911.T.I0 8715 Randolph,Ohio 12531 Salem 20443 28948 Randolph,Vt. 5402? San Francisco5342 481 Rathdangan 8589 ,2,6301156 698 ~049 Reading 1238 21220 9018 10849 11363 619 26668 31082697 785 12370 14599 734 Redondo Beach 29354 15620782 16041 494 Ree Heights Q639 721 837 17982 18182 Richmond,Ind. 29830 683 834 19091 390 966 932 978 20041 489 Richmond,Minn. 8251 21019 07~329 508 Richmond,Va. 4158 16594 774 971 22165 604 30228 23473 6i624193 608 RiCbmond,Vt. 11.977 614 729 25206 383 Richmond Hill 31193 679 680 776 981 26027 Ridgefield Park30333 120 165 320 508540 Riclcorstown 85891 Ql46 442 619 28484 RingwOOd 1809 575 645 730 799 Riverside-28527 848 8"81 29137 147185' Rochester 1554 844 4856 656 970 982 30270 332: .ll645 11.989 .!.§,311390 624 778 31007 081' 19052 23516 25123 109 140 294 594 634 . 29788 31307 32044 744 824 32005 143164 T.12 T.B9 Roclc£ord 24091 31505 San Joaquin 17984 Roclcland 8541 San Jos! 80i617791 Roclcnall 5748 7 19166 2516466527373,: Rome 20817 30300 RomneY-2502 San-Luis Obispo 26612 Rosendale 24450 Sta.Barbara 29702 Roseville 19369 Sta.Clara 16181 26516 Rossville 7192 29998 Roxbury 25045 Santa FA 17686 Royal Center 17679 Sargents 19661

Saugus 30905 Sault Ste.Marie 16793 29837 Savannah 9289 12428 26913 Schenectady 25011 Schuyler 25060 Scottsville 19673 Scranton ~402 Q577 28252 Seattle ~276 .[l532 29463 890 Sedalia 26837 Selma 32148 Settlement of St.Philips 6155 Sharon 29622 Shawno 18953 Sheffield 26191 Sheldon 11.680 30797 Shenandoah 23602 30491 Shubert 19986 Shullsburg 30785 Sioux City 25112 Six Mile Bridge 22882 Skowhegan 28269 Somerville2520728673 29386 516821 952 30273 South Bend 26814 South Bethlehem 22416 South Brewer 23298 Southbridge 16133 1Q390 ~078 South Framingham 23791 South Norwalk 25659 South Royalston14778 South Weymonth 23794 Spalding 30972 Sparta 19095 Spencer 25978 Spirit Lake 25254 Spokane 2191026107 27514 29508 717 31090 379 657 842 Sprague 14563 29445 498 31838 Springfield,Il1. 7978 31490 664 Springfield,Ky. 742 Springfield,Mass. 23376 27374 28422 Springfield,MO:-22973 1118 5 27485 Springfield,Ore.28158 Stafford 2402 Stamford .ll883 Stapleton ,2,286 Star Lake 31846 Stephentow27439 Stewartsville 21509 Stier Horn Neck 12.350 Stoclcbridge 26049 Stockton 25440 Stoneham 28823 Sublimity 22295 28005 Sunset 30772 Sutro 18883, Swamscott 14746 Syracuse 11088 Tacoma ]&964 27329 598 Tacony 24432 31546 Tampa 31865 944 Taneytown 1956 Tarnov 30675 Tarrytown 6291 Taunb:l1l24988 25075 28038Taylorsville 19134 Terre-Bone 6ii2 8210 Terre Haute-156i8 Thompson 31076 Tiffin 25850 31351 32073Timonium 24312 TitusvillT31764

Toledo 9582 1276114737' West Warren 27310 18310-1908~22567' Weyburn 3008~ 24579 671 86128596 ,Weymouth31437 616 29613 763 30451 Wheeling 25752 28240 31877: T.15 White LakT3221~ Toiiibstone 21785 White Plains20732 Tonawanda 27767 28762 Whitesboro 28570 31133 Trenton 16562 Wichita 26896 Trevilians 30943 Wilbur 30910 Triadelphia-r1993 Willey 26099 Trinidad 32077 Wilkes-Barre 18647 988 Troy 4870-r1l25 17138 23074 27761955-18505601 993 Willimantic 29646 2053522035 23282 Wilmette 17835 24586 25105 445 Wilmington,Del. 12712 26772 29882. T.15 26663 32174 Troy center 22940 Wi'iiiiingtOn,Ill. 27534 tucson 28612Winchester 30881Tulsa 26460 Winthrop 19568 Tuscaloosa 11562 26180 WisconsinRapids 26848 Tuscorora 31941 Woburn 16067 24755 Union, Va. 6667 2742931451'Jniontown,Ky. Q772 WOOddhaven 31239 Uniontown,Pa. 24354 Woodstock 18783 Upper sanduskY25403 Woonsocket20307 Upton 29297 Worcester 4632 14941 Urbana-r4951 22987 23283 24007 Utica 21090 26481 25117 28696 94330119 2987532061 638 31581. T.ll UtSalady23653 WyandaIe 21437 Vancouver6700 Wyocena 31658 Verboort 27581 Wyoming 20585 Vergennes-r9716 Yakima 27923 30724 Viclcsburg 29884 Yankton30947Victor 29929 Yazoo City 16559 Vincennes 8466 Yonkers 16632 27272 Virginia City 23541 672 859 Wadena 31903 Youngstown 23625 Wadesboro 1622 Ysleta 230~ Wakefield 15670 32153 Zaleski28042 Wamego ~196 Zanesville 23914 Wappingers Falls 11141 7 358 624 789 1117 985 Warren 28429 5262 6011 7 13677 Washington 763 967 14015-30936 3013 030 644 4455 7 Baltimore) ,g295 5297 6524 7361 9951 7 dc Baltimoren) ,g251 11239-13797 15054 7 Bed£ord,Pa.) 12146 148 249610 17031 7 dc Cincinnateny 2467 238 819 18101141 7 Frederick,Md.) 1089 573 19541856 20046 7 Jefferson,Va.) 1564 366 2l0l5 22116 7 Maryland) 38 6iG' 1048 23860996 24253 942 646 2513 25121 781 26337 7(Maine) 1733 28128 979 .ll091 904 7(dc Neo-Aurelianen) 30117 230 344 475 2403 50165295911,810 T.47 7~New Jersey) 10338 Washington Cf.Georgetown 7 New York) ~807 11194 Wataga 11207 7 Prince George I s,Md.) Waterbury 2899 26910 1294 29629 7(dc Richmondien) 1712 Watertown 14841 24476 7(Sutter,Calif.) 11512 31243 ?i USA 467 4072 Watervliet 11014 7i Calif 12175 609 Watkins Glen ]&270 ?i Mary 3139 Wausau 27158 ?i Miss 5389 Wauzeka 25533 7+ BU£f 30389 Waverly 19278 815 7+ Chic 29365 Webster 18826 7+ NEb 27258 19.452 Webster Groves 30702 7+ Oreg 30631 West Boylston 15869 West Chester,Pa. 5041 .AMER.- CENTR. 1 25461 7l. 19. 94 WeSt Frankfort 29249 West Grow 22603West Louisville 24177 West Newton 12122 West New York28080 West Park 17979 Westphalia-;!owa 25786 26545 WeStphalia, Kans. 18450 Westphalia,Mo. 15134 22831 weSt Point 29676 Westport 18119 Westseneca1l337




MERIDIONALIS ARGENTINA Garimpo das CanOas -vale Reiu. 28816 -30015 /CiPacon 10107 Tunj a 31646 Adrogu! 11..47·2 24603 7 2737 14530 ,Coeorn~ 23739 TUquerTes 10275? Ambul 30718 Guaraciaba 26941 7(Rio deJaneiro) ,.g]86s.:Coeuy 8474 UbaU 30236 Baradero 23508 28957 Ieeo 5296 7(de S.Ludoviei in H.)iConeepeiOn 15404 Ubat! 24548 Bella Union 29435 Iraceiiia 26621 6183 ;Coneordia 18378 28794 Umbita 30283 Buenos Aires 1436 16556 Itajai 11.645 7rBrasS 11..561 21343 'Dolores 24615 Usme 21522 Itapiranga 11..145 198 ?i GoMin 31052 .Duitama 31896 Valledel Socorro 6114 11.852 ,gQ058 l!,943 , ~065 931 ,.g]672 1§.975 Itu ,2113 2,992 22645 ,CHILE 31 Penoi-'30566 yacu:k..quer '10275 30554 667 31696 793 25401 ~ehao 11..462 El Poblado19693 Yarumal 20078 26442 T.13 IVot'i 29038 ~albueo 12961 31785 .El Retiro 16314 YolombO 25594 Carmen de Areeo 24336 JahO. 28858 alera deTango24045E1 SantuariO, v.Santu.! ZipaquirT'2597 911 7584 Catamarca 1376 LageadO 11309 16488 astro 20511 I: rio 7 14639 Chacabuco ,ll832 Linha DomDiogo31703 auquenes 19046 ;Envigado 23586 7+Col 21903 932 955 Chivilcoy 31271 Nazareth 12530 ~hel1n 1§.175 "Firavitoba 18954 22006103 332 592 824 ConcepciOn 20470 Niraciceta 11786 ,bhuquicamata 32146 :Floresta 11..788 923-5 24154 28852 COrdoba l589 1427 .!Q.934 NiterOi .;g082 Coihuiss 30685 ,Floridablanca l§.314 7+ ColDe3133420441 840 25858 1§.087 Nova-Feliz 18948 'Concepci6n23249 569 !F6meque 19301 ECUADOR29736 Nova Trento 11.359 24228 l~onstituci6n23912' ,Fredonia 31375 AiansiT5936 Esc;riii~ 27352 l2.916 11..498 28951 'lFrutillar l2.641 ,'Funza 27993 Ambato 19090 Esperanza25988 1l..933 29062 092 ILa Serena 12700 ,:Girardota 29698 Atuntaqui 11291 25555 Gualeguaych11 29186 NoVO Hamburgo 24675 Linares 21137 Granada 29192 26109 27897 Jes11s Maria lll54 ',Pelotas 20024 Linea Pantanosa 24459 Guached 21161 Cayambe ll930 20030 Junin 13069 'Pietade de Soracaba ,[PiiiuelaS 17276 ,GUad.uas .!Q.336 Cotacachi24589 La Carlota 3ci120 ... 2,623 . Puerto Motrtt 26798 Guatavita 18174 Cuenca 897416293 880 La Plata 22452 Pinheiral 31402 I 29870 31097Honda 1l..521 18417-1920463520001 La Rioja 90 265 Pocinhos 22498 ~Puerto Octay 20415 Inmaculada ConcepciOn 2267425495 3086'6 Panaholma 15712FOrto Alegre 11309 7!Puerto Varas 20373 I .!.§.696 Guayaqui129941073 8 Paran~ 1l..340 E791 246021l..866 lQuilanto 24849 !Ita~; 12375 ll422 Huaca 28109 ,Rosario de Santa 'Fe ll644' . Rengo 2,211 25339 Huach07900 14231 Proen~a Nova 30073 'Rere 29892 ,La Cabrera 14118 Ibarra 183 912611361 Rosario Tala 31058 Promissao 24429 Rio PUel0 19160 iLa Capilla de Tenza 12733 16738 29645 Salto 20867 Rachadel i97'06 : JRoma 2819319181 . :uDbabura25062La Hesa 120 75 SampachO 15993 24843 Rachadel Alto Bi~' "S.Felipe 15752 Isamba prAmbato 4952 S.Javier 30720 30984 ,. S.Fernando6624 ,La Plata 31871 Latacunga 7173 S.JerOnimo20238 25751 Rebordoes 29399 S.Javier de-nuble iManizales 26680 28852 Licto 17285 360 26490 31918 Reci£e 12321 22130 iMarinilla ,gQ528 24335 Machachi' 22551 23846 s.Tos! de Urquiza 17561 Rezende 15861 :S.Miguel 16515 f 26889 29734 Mira 19232 S.Juan de Cuyo 1836' . Ribeira Grande 16429 - Sta.Juana 32057 IMarular;>-da 30198 Pasa 26874 S.Justo 31236 Rio de Janeiro 4080 '5ta.Rosa delos Andes !Medel11.n l070 ,2302 . Penipe17673 18396 S.Lorenzo8711 5767 11.466 22038 20067 ' , .§.655.!Q.405 15267 31449-S.Vicente 31788 24223 569 25998 :, santiago 79 366 406 .!.§.376 ~277 818 26371 PifO 12160 18796 19202 16 Sta.Fe 331455 12231 26846 . -420 2648 5495 8971 ,873 1l.. 7 326 901 22140 26085 , '1~460 prRio de Janeiro 9149' 10806 11000 534 725 29024 051l9.209 404 Pillaro 24905 Sta.Rosa de Dio 18250· Salvador 234071l..276 .- 14308 1~377 16464 ~ 427. T.:8 Pue;11bo 9492 1965830368 Sobremonte 11326Sta.Anna del Sirivo 18923 19822 20111 esopotaml.a 30458 Quero 22807 Temperley 25306 29739 6381 249 2i'358 22606 23040' lon~:t l§.455 29392 Quito 280 306 4293 552 Tigre '31363 Sta.Cruz do Sull§.996 114 787 25518' 958 !MU~l.Sena 16258 830 5452 6304 10311 Tr~sito 1501~ 27394 22458 23385 24258 26067 28652 745 29981i N:l.ra 28004 31443 14107 15014 16161 Villa Ascasubi 20398 28594 3061831648. T.'31 11.474 240 17yh 19534 912 Villa 'Cura Brochero Sto.Antonio de Padua . TalCa 13181 14191 IOnzaga 32017 2045021441 86124303 19601 28331 ..!2552 Valparaiso .2,127 851 Pangote 32102 308 27965 28719Villa Rosari9 8720 Sto.Antonio de la Pa18727 Pasto 1329 .11091 14186 3C6i5.' T.23 BOLIVIA trulla 1598 viii S.Joa026385 1227 0 17235 18761 Riobamba 12262 19548 C~9922 Sto.C!ist? 2971?_~_, Vina del Mar25875 19236 545 925 ,.g]327 24176 30682 La Paz 22625 'S.Carlos 28283 ~, 7+ Chil 24261~771 25104 28507 . S.Andr!s26343 BRASIL S.Gabriel 24560 COLCMBIA - 50929756 21004.T.16 Tabacundo 26631 Ar"iiCati27296 . S.In~io da Felix \\grado 29923 'Pesca ,1306 TUmbaco 32220 Araraquara 24074 24920 cuya lO579 28378 Pie de Cuesta ,1794 Urcuqui 20273 6 495 ~v!z 7587 ; s.Tos! 15754 A.'l01aima18128 Popay~ ,133 1 Yaruqu1 25316 Batataes 14386 , S.Jos-! de Hortencio tioquia15908 .110 57 15293 Zaruma 7262 31202 Bom Jardiin'"29440 . 26708 29692 anzazu 27129 Rionegro 10777 ll940 ? 25131384 Bom Princ{pio 6690 S.LeopoldO 1497 Barichara26987 ROble~o 11. 7+~eq ]QOOl 15778 20955 24445 IS.Luiz do Maranhio Bel!n 1547925861 21331 GUYAI.'1A 29913 : 25100 32020 Belb de Cerinza 28371 S.Carlos ll.511 Georgetown 18435 28086 Bragan~a 26982 lS.PauI0 24392 31348 IBoavita 30691 • S.Cayetano l!,535 New-Amsterd'iiii 11357 Brazopolis20008 31848 IBOgot1_2245 634 641 ~.Gil1125 PARAGUAY Cabrob6 .!§.423 ~S.Pedro d'Augustem "ta.Marta 26528 AsunciOn 20 .,' 24550 I ,2230 633 .§.048 724 Sta.Rosa 13645 Campestre _7158 ' _ _ ' 7005 512 802 904 R d 78 Coronel Bogado 23965 Cameinas 30172 :S.Pedro d'Alcantara 8307 566 9746 IJlOl Sta. os~. e Osos ,L 24. PERU' Capao Bonito do Parana-: 24036 : 191 282 11882 TIS87 Santuarl.O 2,71B ~732 Chupaca 5617 1 tAnema ll606 :S.Pedro do Marat~ 19.499 13599 14217 55T569 11. 57 10402 l§.208 Cuzco 4161 Castello 29276 : S.Salvador 20155 28936 15022 l44 803 16443 674l§.025 Lima 11145 15127 16672 Caxias 19063 ,S.Salvador de Joanne 11.741 '!'§'285 502681 Sasaima 25133 ~875 1l..266 .;g008 2 C@rro Alegre 32206 18671 19953 21074 287 Simijaca 12. 52 Patos 20632 Chique-Ghique4835 ;s.Sebastiao do Alto 22B4O 23233 26306 Socorro l!,374 Paucartambo 21880 COrrega D'Anta-26170 1l..290 31695 29116 31027.T.39 Sogamoso 1:£835 ]&513 Sta. Marta 1734 Crugeira 19785 S.Valentim 29578 ,Cr. Chapinero .!.§.320 21730 Trujillo 7436 Cura~! 31847 ; S.Vendelino 30393 iBucaramanga 19404 SonsOn 17439,gQ542 Yaque 16585 Curitiba 31395 I Sobradinho 26522 ! 21419 31245 n,,479 24499 £l...992 TRINIDAD Dois Irm;;.Os 18562 Sorocaba 11.705 ,Buga 1l.230 Sopetr~ .12.306 Port of Spain 26041 346 Encantado 16420 Ta1J,bat! 22720 Cajic~ 30431 Sora 30';29 7 5644 Estrada Nova de Itaoca Tupandi 28319 30265 Caloto 30574 Susa .l1127 URUGUAY ra 20616 31973 980 Cartagerui 12328 Tambo pr Popay~ 1 80 5 31551 Estr@la.' 20822 29935 Ub'i'"31441 Cerinza 1136 Tena 21117 Carmel0 29258 30008 Uberaba 15799 lChoachi 10257 Turnaco 11.8 31 Corrales 28764 -. Turnbo pr Pasto 4139







626 Costa del Tala n,533 Florida 26780 Mercedes26648 part.Mercedes 23362 Montevideo 183313234 ..§.254 13890 ll492

19230 24103 148 25429 26541 27987 28037 31946 32160. T.14 Quiebra Yugo 21301 Rivera 26462 29489


Rocha 23399 30010 31035 Sta.Clara de 01imar Salto 16729 30533 S.Jos~ 30748 TacuarembO Chico 29152 S.Juan Bautista 12824 VENEZUELA S.RamOn (Canelones) Caracas 29813 J.9.945 El Consejo 27950



.! !

BUIDIA MoUiiiiefn 7934 Rangoon 5729 CEYLONBatticaloa 22532 24096 28831 29195 Colombo 2385 Dummaladenija 26937 Gampola 18897 Kalutara25048 Kandy ll!.409 Thiriyai 28468 Trincomalie 21247 29949 ? lceylon) 5588

Si Hot~ou 13468 Calicut 26624 Sitim 3925Canandhaeoudy 14628 Cannanore 6404Siuentsiuen 11611 Si lI'angkiatchoang 22881 Cansaulim 31340 Siweichiachuang 31022 Chanpatia 29159 Song Kang 3173 cheruvally~0275 Soutcheou 18878 Chichuani 28981 Tagueudang-r9455 Cochim 31113 Taming 2975:rCordel 27279 Tamongkiao 9240 .. Coringo3843 Tangmoukiao-12486 Cuddalore 6746 27854 Taotsikieng 13169 Cuttack 12525 Tasan 10280 Darjeeling 29764 Tchangtong 21235 Dindigul 28638 30745 Faizabad 25653 Tchoukiatchai 20597 Goa 1467 565 4579 7857 Q!ill:l! Tongkadou ~727 27671 29477Chenkingts'uenn 21103 *Tongkoly 18476 Chenntcheou 6173Tsangkagh;[ao 18082 Goaiundo9864 Ch'ent'un 29472 Tsangkaleu 16670 23736 Hastings 27134 Honavar 19206 Doutsitsao 10981 Ts'aOkiatchoang 20035 Hyderabadl7764 30647 Fahouo 11:.766 *Tseghiao ,1&874 IdeikkattUr 834824167 Fongnoangchau 9903 Tseso 5164 30583 Fongkia 24066 Tsih~ao 16435 Ishapore 20724 Footchau26651 Ts'ikiatchoang 17622 Jamalpur 14139 Ha::..:.ehieren 2.899 Tsuhang 18688 Jamtoli 27770 Victoria 14503 Haimen 5823 Jatadanr29905 HongketC25629 Vousi 10511 Jehanabad-r2689 Hong Kon9i'20385 29169 lI'eits'o-unn 21233 Jinthodia 31112 Houp~ 17494 Wousi 17146Kadri 8920Hsiao wangtsun 29895 Wuchiao-25763 *Kainakary 26182 Ingling 17329 Wuhu 12482 Karikal 819113478 Inn KiatCiioang 26195 Wupeh27434 Karungulrun 30355 Kantwantsih 21138 Yangzeyu 19044 Karwar 29750 Kaoghiao 3398 Yaolo1i ·9808 Kavalam~0779 KaOkiao i415 11759 Yaoyang-28119 Kavur 32079 12913 Yingkiat'ai 27564 Khandala 25025 1!,425 Kienkiatchouang 11.812 Zangso E,2,585Khisagur 24631 Kolaokieou 6530 Zickinso 10480 Kinnigoly28597 1C0ulitsen 12783 Zikawei 15258 21477 Kirem 21078 Likatseng 19142 ? (Chine~1437S;493 Kodyalbail 2332332068 Likiak'eou 20851 21274 22319 330 512 Likiatseng 21256 23770 24194 937 30762 Kolar 28186Koravilangad 30958 Lioulou 20889 32089 090 Kosavapatty 29614 Liousinn 16374 ? lHopeh) 15481 Kottayam 22296 Litcheets'uenn 17991 HONG KOllG Kottekad 'i4451 Liupa Chuang 28368 cf. Chine Kuli talai~1368 Loukhia Tcho~ 19050 ~ Kumbakonam20846 Loutchoang 21398Adeiachandor 9440 Kuninji 28907 Macau 106971302219268 Agra 27444 29797 Kurseong21973 946 2156523285931 Ahilandirur-;;;;;; 26103 Kuthalur 27551 31776 26052 Allahabad 800722584 Madras 13489 n,470 MalChia Chuang 30766 Alleppey 24435 31666 29007 862 l1achiao ~244 Alwaye 17224 MadUrai 11979 29956 Ma Kiatchoang 24406 Ammembal 14546 Manapad 24788 30821 Hiaoghiao 12.284 Anjengo 8145 Mangalore-1255S1987 Hoghiao 11650 12845 Aour 8478 14594 26549 Aouv 1153613885 14136 500 722 TIi316 549 1984120301 MokIao 2760 Assagao 20834 383 21227 258 22735 Nanliyao 22148 Avoor 24283 2324r-592 2563iL26046 N~ghiao 18909 Bandra~1303 218 950 28016 494 N~zi~ 25481 Bangalore n,817 813 29257348 363 Outs'uenn 21228 Banripahar 28536 805 30473 792 31003 pazengkiao-r2964 Barrackpore-r5255 16930 062 382 485. T~3 P~haiso 25922 Belgaum 1829~20816 Manguly 28793 Pei Tsan:tu 29032 Bhagolp 970r-12289 Marcela 31218 Poutong 17904 Bhikhampur 30461Margao 29243 418 Sakiapan9i'11263 Bimlipatam 19307 Marol 31951 Seking 28691 Bokta 31717Masmano-30705 Seutchoang 23803 Bombay22308 24943 Shanghai 9158 15693 29380:-cf.Bandra,Su- Meerut 2311. 16153 Megalathur 22281 19703 2051022890 '?a:t,Vinayalaya. 891 28336 71829004 Calcutta 5160 490 7301 Michaelpatna; 20529 21692 24482 826 30199 044 045. T.l1 10454 12768 13774 Milagres~2221 Siaofan 23194 TIi423 19889 25143 Moodbidri 18103 597 Sienhsien-24815 24727 31659.~.11


* Tou

Kiat'oenn 14960 Tsen Tsong ~452

Guasipati 22611 Los Teques 28555 Puerto Cabello 2898 AHER.MERID.? 450,691

* Kanjirappally ~563

Moolky 10647 Mount AbU 30723 Mundaltoli24504 Mylapore 28477 Naini Tal28136 Neemuch 30784 Ootacamund 81411£095 Palai 30460Palayakayal 29520 Palayamkottar-21242 Panjampatti 24252 Pannur 32098Pasalai-r6881 Patpur 31467 Perambral31466 Pernal 30500 Pilliadittarmam 6535 Pondich~ry 8268 Poona 6725 29612 30890 PramapUram 23829 Pulampatti 29242 Pulicunnoo Kerala 31783 Puttur 19759 30466 Ramapuram 120~ 22563 Rangasamu~ 28030 Ravipadu 29146Rayappanpatti 27486 28732 30128 Rengharih21723 St-Christophe-en-Bazel le 22284 Salem 25173 Saligao-31748 Sarakanei31742 Sargans 29332 Sarugany 13562 Savariarpatnam 30969 Seolim ~41 Seebpore 20276 Sengudi 31814 Serampore-16499 Settur 26128 Sevilpatty 25305 Shevagengai20250 Sinnandipatti29327 385 Sitapur 19510 Tanjore 1191 ..§.559 10138 11895 12087 l5390 16207 25061 27703 Thironttakondy,Karaikal 29324 Tiruchir'apa11i 18008 20795 21892 23066 24479 480 84725934 26946 31389 32048. T.ll Trichur 16233 Turitaraipundi 21920 Tuticorin 21933:25564 . 26976 27694 --Umballa 25867 Urva 28200 32065 Vadugarpet I4694 Vailanlcanni22814 Valamburi prTanjore 12556 22401 VaLangan)r'3575 18799 Valapuram 25108Vall am 16931 28871 Varca 30234 Veerakii:[ Vannampatti 21034

Velangani 15124 Vellore 31512 Vembar 31054* Veragalur 29642 verd 22361 Vytillal28843 ? (India~3045 22550 29205 ? lBengala) 1797 ? (Madras) 1281 INDONESIA Bandung 21595 Bangunsari 27314 Boroboedoer22861 Djagalan 20545 Dj akarta 14119 Djanggan 23659 Djanten 23661 Fort-de-KOclc 23486 Imogiri 31346Jogjakarta 23657 28196 Kadisaba,Sleman 28912 Kartasoera 26197Kedunggubah30813 Klaten 2390031459 Kota Gede 27390 Madiun 21017 MeesterCornelius 30271 Pasuruan 13965 Semarang 22392 658 23660Sonajan 32000 Surabaia-r9433 Surakarta29585 Tanggul 31720 Tegal 22922 IRAQBasra 30307 729 Har JakOub pr Mossoul 23099 Mossoul 23664 29727 ISRAEL-HaiTa'10041 Jerusalem 23531 JAPAN~ 25415 Mugi 26ilci Nomamura 23059 Sakai-Minatomachi, Tot tori-ken 32165 Suwa, NaganQ:ken 30154 Tokyo 20968 Yokohama 26243 ? (Japan)23427 31875 952 LIBAN AlgeCh7310 Beit Chabab 31560 Bejebdine 18003 Bekassin pr-sayda 22860 Bellouni 25482 --Beyrouth 10402 12199 398 14668 18913 21863 2388~2553726788 Bikfaia 9892 10158 874 31195 Birii~ 8151 Chartoum 19391 Checca pr~ipoli 15449 Cornet.oChahoua 18068 Damour 16526 DeIr-el-Kamar 13799 El Metn 2492 Karac 24673 Kfardebiane 1!,436

ASIA - EUROPAz Albanie ••• Belgicr.1e Koubeiat 23503 Koulaihate-11667 Marjeyoun 16498 Meks~ 23097 Menjez29013 Meyrouba26647

Baguio 27431 Baliwag 24486 Baybay 30334 Binalbagan 27454 Binondo 6992 Butuan 29433 Ne££akhi~15639 Dagupan19829 Ouad-el-Araich 6644 Daraga 19762 Safad-el-Batikh20543 Dumaguete 30378 Sayda 24012 Gapan 28191 TarchiChe 29844 Jasaan26698 Thaou!ta 14632 Laoag 29594 Zahl~ 249:i"16748 B1932 Lipa 23380 Zouk i072 Malolos 31457 MACAU MambOja016138 cf:-chine Manila 6231810123375 PAKISTAN 28624-298ii 877 . Karachi 10568 13882 30042711 32217 Rawal Pi'iidi 19053 Philippeville-14471 PILIPINAS Samal 22783 Abucay 22676 S.Carios 19465 Agno 13391 S.Fernando-23387

S .Juan del Monte 26758 S.Pabl0 11886 Santa 16965 Sta.Crus 22246 31189 Tagudin 29212 Zamboanga31713 SINGAPURE

Singapure 8677 23148 SYRIE Alep 2190 4618 6395 12389 130'06 095 934 15243 16558 22478 23146 24921 25905 101 758 96:i"31632: T.17 Bethla!a pr Damas 11989 Bisconta 11435 Damas 13337 16190 19121 22014206 26903 27410 -28446 Dlepta 4922 G~sin 18346 Ghazir £494 494* 1512

Barvaux-sur-Ourthe 19365 Bas~le 9264 Basel-Waas 29936 Bastogne 2742 16002 Beauraing 26439 30151 Beauvechain-135131 Beeringen 11058 Prizren~2430SBeernem 20805 Renzi 14576 Beerse 16338 SHkOd~6170 348 8394 Beersel~024 10952 13766 930 14033Beez 25735 17992 21813124156 Beire~echt 13106 26538 27749 30089 Be11ecourt 14360 T.12 Bellefontaine 14296 Stajka 31381 Bel1egem 1163518526 Stubla 20197 Be11em 604 4678 ANDORRA Berchem 3337-8707 Cani110 4601 15213 20706-23024 BELGIQUE 25790 30608 Aalst 595 1973 2128 Berendrecht 7635 136 544 3658 4140 Berlaere 6271 312 70853756186 Berneau 12244 12253 259 7068-313 983 Bertr~e 29184 8195-10221 11255 Betekom 27302 379 471 877~42 Beveren 5477 868 20473 12078 592 13071 231 Beveren-Leie 30671 416 14366 819 15002 Beveren-Roeselare 161001147 401 17111 29938 260 927 18445 19327 Binche 6167 14266 673 20416 22426 54~ 946 27710 31320 24075 730 25235 947 Bissegem 17517 26457 524 978 29987 Blandain 2384 30399 31480 544. Blankenberghe 30363 T.52 Arc-Aini~eS-3909 Aarsele 20604 Ardoye 1896 9606 11037 Bl~haries 7147Bocholt 27642 32024 Adegem 32140 12232-16622 Boechout1281627791 Alost, Cf.Aalst Arendonck9944 30534 Boekhoute25333Alveringem 16441 21178 Arlon 20080' 28221 Boezinge 1342 Andenne 23054 31548 11334BOitsfort-18193 Andergem6085 ll688 As 10902 Bolleghem-Capelle Anderlecht 602~17542 Asse-12342 12606 19898 24979 32199 Assese-9641 26625 Boninne 1425 Anseghem .!.Z.54128906-Boom 32133 29710 Antoing 4978 At~~327 2491 616 Boort;eerbeek 30914 Antwerpen 233 381 1586 Aubel 27141 Borgerhout 766115543 887 £249 443 527-871 Audenarde 3381 4624 19077 651-223901 923 926 941 3756 764 5311 9017 30249 28321 721 30050 967 ,i039 243-329 900 ~f:ve:x.apelle 23236 Bomem 279195061 065 431 461 733 Awans 22493 Borsbeke-21493 751 6058 289 961 Aygem 10746 7026-180 309 351 549 Baelen-lez-Gheel 10126 Bouffiouii< 2777 3 Bourcy 8052650 801 879 8146 201 Baerle 18827 Bovigny-27017 Baerle-DUc 19094 221 499 762 776 859 Braine-11A11eud 31573 911 926 9309 407 598 Bagimont 7030 Braine-le-Comte 3759 610 669 676 766 Balen 19850 11280 27331 23497 10346 365 495 807 Bamst 13057 30443 ll130 405 502 560 Barnic~12706 Br~ndonk gQ440 653 985 12075 063 Barry 20190

ALBANIE Blinishti 23800 Durr~s 13505 Giadri 26397 Jakova 6422 Oblik~ 21083 Oroshi 17346 30885

154 202 203 295 334 374 476 539 662 819 13007 080 456 603 886 14157 297 483 660 919 929 934 948 15588 999 16113 214 220 602 85S-988 17036 077 216 274 429 454 465 623 717 18133 163 206 414 753 981 19072 093 322 333 580 833 20066 257 286 323 579 831 883 21045 467 519 573 707 825 858 22304 323 692 839 907 965 23090 176 414 444 24044 124 188 234 408 426 25153 290 304 312 344 353 433 516 552 574 764 26098 274· 395 424 587 620 722 815 820 928 27009 066 291 335 500 661 810 870 28204 866 869 29061143 174 304 317 30041 440 949 3112~154 168 278 419 454 475 755 32006. T.194 C£.Berchem Appelterre 15962

(*) Avernas-le-Baudin 1155 1645


9116 16433 17160 27399Hasbaya 12550 Horns 25469 Lattaqui~ 16472 Marache 25734 Yabroud 21499 Yaraoun 11142 ? (Syrie~2998 3640 TURQUIE -


Adana 15915 Amasia14805 DiarMkir 17778 Edirne 14540 Erbaa 30311 Istanbul 5568 13804 19610 20050 21845 23304051 31429 IziiiIr 7050 10676 19797 28148 Kayseri 14088 Ka!sari~ 30445

Kharpout 26990 Marache 13777 Mardin 14361 742 17444 1880319758 21066 24381 26186 354 28364 29110 874 30831 l1arsivan 28028 30814 S~hert pr"J1ardin-17107 Sivas 31159 Tokat 16135 895 ? (Armenia) 589 ? (Maronita) 3640 VIETNAM Saigon 13714

Broechem (Antwerpen) 975 10226 11936 20480 2151723279622 685 27054 30349645 31989. T.13 BrOechem (Anvers) 7499 Brugelette 7401 Chastres 19180 Brugge 45 55 693 1106 Chateau de-Witry 26 261 325 579 957Chatelet 11093 Chateline~ 6338 18557 2220 225 857 907 3071 364 441 800 23690 24129 15023 Chatil10-r1372-r5069 952 4218 348 551 CMn~e 19878 704 764 916 5118 Chercq 3434 13136 19972 761 6377 7219 259 Chimay 762 8078-994 9271 326 Chiny 21504 467 651 10318 330 Ciel1e-Pr Marcourt 4972 610 639 11279 606 Ciney 19313 967 24342 483 490 758 12180 25949 514 773 13152241 915 1579416395 481 Clermont 7903 Clermont-sur-Berwinne 946 17352 615 712 24536 18011200 640 21511 Co~lain-au-Pont 21446 22556 561 24341 Contich 7295 1825~ 25351 2614~27936 Couckelaere 29098 28846 29686.T.88 Cource11es 24489 B~elleS-1434 496 Courtrai, cf. Kortrijk 2015 313-706 766 Couture 3t-Germain 3514 766 859 937 4597 872 5616 6820 14947 euesmes 20453 7279 323 430 466 Cureghem15681 775 8826 9167 662 663 10577-905 11225 Dacknam 12011 917 13862 1412S-200 Dampremy ,2.101 16955 511 15159 764 16390 23474 989 17324 92419873 Deerlijk 4695 Deinze 13881 21122133 325 548 Denderbel1e 12325 742 22701 722 989 997 23355 593 24415 Denderhoutem~324 4114 2516~28043 29162 8917 9'123 if554 Denderieeuw 28284 31044 447 85~3005~121 458 320801094. T.GO D~l1derwindeke 5206cf. Etterbeek,Ixel- Destelbergen 11380 l~s, Laeken,Holenbeek Dest~ldonck 11542 687 St-Josse-ten-Noode. Deurne 10370~53 17890 29718Buizingen 25465 Burdinne 29122 Dhuy 4526 Diepe~eek 12534 18108 Bure 12150120622 Bury 22528 Diest 2399 3774 5727 15425 20996 BuvriMes 6803 Dikk~bUS27675 Cachtem 6534 Diksmude 4712 21300 Calcken 22219 438 Dinant 16010 17184 Calmpthout 12648 22299Caprijcke 15917 3276 Dison 13643 16237 Casteau 2953 6376 Doel 28363 Castel 28466 Dohan7535 Casterl~7120 15634 16270 DOlhain 10713 24938 Doornik, cf. TOUrnai Cel1es 2750 16548 17433-2439~ Dormaal 22398 Champion6176 Dour (Hainaut) 18493 g951 Charleroi-865 1187

628 Drongen 3579 5374 412 6169 256 310 8050 075 11060 12843 16678 T.'11 Dudenhove-Ste-Harie 7874 Duisbourg 6994 14097 18351 Durnal 13812 Ecaussinnes d'Enghien 3481 E~loo 1801 16163 512 Eerneg';; 46826328 17613 Egem 11152 1154O Egem pr Tie1t 23610 Eghez~e 16377 28551 Eigenbi1zen 24219 883 Eine 2515 Eke 2809 7385 29519 Ekeren 3989 Elene 1532 3556 E1senborn 24900 E1sene 11455 ]1258 Elst 8543 Emael-20608 Emptume 9622 Ename 133Enghien 6394 610 850 14645 21947 24656 EnSival 26969 31987 ErembOdegem 2155925318 29389 -Erondegem 5550 30328 30782 ErPe 4129 694114311 18355 Erps-Kwerbs 1105 1345 11640 20546 Ertve1de~714 20087 Esen 8450Essen-15893 25970 Estaimpuis 27322 .. Etal1e 17007 Etterheek 21783 30854 Eupen 2437:r-2580Ci" Exaarde29036 Fauvi11e~11765 15191 464 -.Faymonvi11e 21190 Fayt-1ez-Man~e 13304 Fexhe-1ez-Slins 14159 18479 Fl~inne 2610 9087 F10becq 26288 F10r~e i3530 Flore££e26028 F10rennes-r3345 23438 26769 27393 21554 Fontaine:r'Ev!q7e 16735 Forchies-1a-Marche-14672 Forest 1390 Fosses 27349 30520 Fouron-irt-Pierre 18876 Frameries 11032 18879 20733 30097 Franc-Waret 17994 Frasnes-1ez-]hiissenal 1729 9705 11113 FresinuS 21297 Freyneux 15513 Frizet 21686 Froyennes 9851 Furnes 6389 30653 Gant, cE. Gent Gaurain-Ramecroix 20704 Gavere 4504 Gee1 6939 13105 30012 Ge1uwe ll948 ~189 Gemb10ux 8548 23175 29507 31356 523 Genappe 16997 Cent 244-Y76 1524 675 £084 354 431 718 737

EUROPA: Belgique 3127 288 674 4183 Heks 2636 7291 8033 086 516 683 188 352 354 387 4429 Hemiksem 22222 9117 10005 11231 5752 874 6001 107 Hemptinne~9199 13296-r4846-r5662 206 212 577 641 847 Herck-ia-Vllle 32147 19900 20038 23405 973 7164 217 420 Herenthals 26638290 24590 964 26220 605 ,§,04r306 528 673 686 !:!}37 27649 869 29118. T.32 806 965 9242 430 977 Herenthout 5285 11243 Laarne 8567 12099 15021 H~rinnes-lez-Pecq2458~ ~386869 10287 422 701 907 11120 373 777 Herk-de-Stad 20476 La Hamaide 5357 12268 417 635 638 23735 26152La Hulpe 31491 673 914 919 99213011 Hermal1e-r861 La Louvi!re 25698 ,gJ!560 014 280 844 14198 Herm~e 10121 Lamain 21198504 520 792 15001 HerseauiC11626 20703 Lambermont 14752 008 242 523 569 912 Herssalt 10514 Lampont 22213 987 16128 141 446 Herstal 30057 Lanaken 31486 450 489 ll052 101 Herve ,§,9oo Langdorp ~397 11868 250 707 1&086 147 Herzele 1919 16380 &257 229 286 625 716 853 Heule 9133 La Roche-en-Andenne 880 933 19247 767 Heusden 11735 15334 29027 20150 4i4'-442 481 32095 Lebbeke 2053 723 943 21470 568 Heusy 13542 29776 Le Bruly=de-Couvin 1882 637 886 982 992 Heveriee 31598 Lede 5941 6071 149 ~009 121 382 494 Hingeon 30817 11589 15731 803 23042 118 179 Hoboken 27958 Ledeberg 30754 246 560 764 827 956 Hodimont~5704 26009 Leest 824]1 957 24366 416 769 Hoesse1t 13004 Lende1ede 2365 2500iL'"007 152 492 Honde1ange17453 Lennick-St=ouentin 563 871 990 26125 Hoog1ede 2215 J:.§,977 299 544 639 644 Hoogstraten 24216 Les Bulles 1459 .ll168 . 11116 173 223 328 Hoorebeke-St-Corneille ~605 631 872 28039 366 4295 426 5346 12474 Lesves 1732 783 29180502 902 18170 Leuven 2210 11246 12765 918 30450 934 981 Hoorebeke-Ste-Marie 973 17772 18171 20152 3119032050 107. 8091 16119 388 410 561 21557 T.'152 Horrues5987 ~154 24063 187 244 Gentbrugge 24534 28700 Hotton 9587 20770 £2.825 26738 27247 HoU££alize 1078 339 28683 £2649 ~108 Ghoy £441 11553 Gibecq 9051 918 Houtem 11341 19419 T.22 Gier1e 8710 29932 Hoves-1ez-Enghien 10335 Leuze 594530175 Gilly 19916 23488 Huise 25828 Leuze-Longc~ps 10763 GUs 3426 Humain-Y750 Libin 14329 G1onS-3148 Huppaye-13111 Lichtaart 19736 Gosse1ies 26984 ]1261 Huy i854 12730 11723 Li!ge 1373485 2008 975 Gr~ce-Ber1eur 19377 lchtegem 1569 . 3191-238 456r5218 Grammont 1)26 ~966 lenal 1230 934 6549 8056 9173 5101 802 6081 658 leper 26600 603 917 948 10430 11049 Grandfestin-2129? Ingelmunster 3801 250 430 760 12291 652 Grand-Hal1euX pr Vie31412 654 13386 77216321 salm 12365 . Irchonwe1z 3038 836 17736 18167388 Grandmenil 25528 ltegen 24674 26745 644 19103 392 474 623 Grimbergen 5136 29588 ltterbeek 31040 899 20288 371 975 Grivegn~e 15436 27776 lzegem 45066568 8656 21180303 22185 835 1£253 1:£15C15791 ll607 24190 595 654 777 823 Groot-Vossen 2129 23436 27909 893 25199 279 388 822 Guirsch 2519 Ixelles 10140 17884 2764:r-28428 761 29428 914 19089 21049 314 730 30221 506 69:rGul1egem-12448 13835 Gussenhoven 363:r22446-23378462 31120":' T.61 Haacht (208)-£8581430 24545 26005 577 Lier 1535 2820 4497 Haaltert 5786 10842 30361. T.13 5026 699-8480-10988 .ra'iiibes 23419 12509-24201 28522 Habay 1a Neuve-r4669 Haasdonck 1990 .ramoigne2524O 30400."T.ll Halen 15030 .remappe~ 31971 Lierneux 26176 31136 Halle '"{Antwerp en) .rette J:.§,652 Limal 127Ci" 28741 .ruerbempde 12116 Limbourg-DOlhain 29682 Haile (Brabant) 26785 .rumet i189 13276 15781 Linde1ede pr Brugge Hamme 3009 18984 22597 19848 29253 11538 24878 26388 .rupille 28779 . Loker ~49 Kain 10301 Lokeren 4115 5189 12165 Hamoir 6796 Hannut 26795 KapelIen 14359 23280 24084 Hansbeke20707 Xaprijke 20920 24055 Lombise 16000 Hare1ebeke7273 812 Kaster1ee~9853Longchamps 17868 10166 Keerbergen9070 Lotenhul1e 21291 Harz~ 1813 16410 19805 Kemme111359 Louette-St-i5'enis 24621 Hasse1t £693 14541374 Kemzeke 11517 1&149 Louvain, c£.Leuven 18197 22174 697 Kermt 20036 Louveign~ 6115 24500 28276 KesselTO' 16933 21492 Lovendegem-23206 Hairte-crOix 12624 Kessenich~3456Lubbeek 234iij' Hautrage 24916 Knesse1are3464 13628 Luingne 2959 . Have1ange~7418 Koeke1berg 20534~9933 Lummen 24161 Heestert 12505 21209 Kontich 26406 Lustin 11448 18518 He££en 10464 16156 Kooigem 217 Luttre .ll,251 Heinsch=iez-Arlon Kortijs 1381 Luxembourg 5595 8757 26440 Kortrijk-479 784 1022 Maarcke-Kerkem 1317 He:r5t-op-den-Berg 2832 2086 3304 4121 574 Maaseik 27744 29130 11869 24046 5304 424 725 i009 Haldegem 15989*Laeken ~658 £2.722

Malines, cf.Meche1en Malonne 7770 30379 Marbaix 17913Marbehan-r2445 27809 Marche 21556 Marche-e;;:-Famenne 28351 Marchovelette 14609 Marcinelle 833627569 601 -Marcour 28212 Marcq 5925 Mareour 16951 Maria-Lerne 12424 Marte1ange 8076 28927 Martilly 13656 . Martouzin8385 11129 Massenhoven 23987 Maubray 9219Maurage 10910 Mechelen'""TAntwerpen) 2292 3871 6165 10531 13998-17510 180la' 024 23475 26623 30004. T.liL'" Meche1en (Limbourg) 15621 Meerbeke 29634 Meerhout 5597 Meer1e 7693 Meire 9725 Meise 18324 He1ckwesez 7916 Me1den 9122Melle 2009 Me1se1e 2816 Menin 2171 2367 4434 5018-11451 15724 19235-Merbes-1e-Ch~teau 19008 Merchtem 11578 29946 30381 Mere1beke 19769 Merksp1as 409 5525 11384 Messines 15044 Mettet 6488 Meuleb~e 1984 2212 3205 46C85429075 527 Meux 20054 Michelbeke 8484 Millen 8142Mirwart-11563 29496 Moere 3067 Moerz~e 9288 10951 Mol 8782 986 11106 194 30047 110lembaix 9216 18995 Mo1enbeek 11871-r8838 19040 25882 MOlinfaing 9046 16557 Moll sur Geer 14524 Monceau-sur-Sa'iiibre ,li713 Mons (250) 1015 £874 1135 869 1033 .§.514 11676 12167 659 15247 16176 417 18010 720 19919 2079623006 377 477 24948 26145 28874 32067: T.24 Moiit'enaken· 925 Montignies-sur-5ambre 19009 30535 Moiit'-St..:xli"bert 12442 14078Moiit'-St-Guibert 25205 Mont-Ste-Genevi!ve 21632 Moarse1 1:£938 Moorse1e 4325 30260 Moorslede-16268147 Moresnet 6916 Mormont &:458

EUROPA: Belgique,Bi!lorussie Mortsel 10642 19231 Pittem 30503 Sclayn 14498 MoUscron2l.53 3953 Plombi~res 23746 Sene££e7989 ~409 2,061 11278,-24790' 28423 Poeke 30358Seny 21856 Po11inkhove 1676 Senzei11es 7932 18956 Moyen 1789Mozet 24903 Poperinghe 3807 4444 Seraing-sur=Meus;Muno 21549 532 798 5630 6351 412 12376 MUSSY-la-Ville 16462 1445~oi9 12687 13331 Serskamp 24543 NaErai ture 25661 25212 969 Sichem 6569 Namur 135 1394 695 2257 Poppel 1389 Q547 17853 Signeulx 13279 Pottes 9319 29808 Siney 3918 3257 4030 5615 810' ~319 1465 877 2,201 Pro£ondevill;-£l586 Sint-kmand 15781 1728 508740 814 10116 234 Putte'993O 16650 4781827 11339 345559 610 Ragnies s..796 Sint-Antelinclcx 3955 14556 533 15136 72.2 Ramscape11e 5738 19678 1612 16283 17954118006 169 Reichlange 22661 Sint~Baa£s-Vijve 28268 19439 20672 21146,282 Rekkem 2948730241 Sint-Denijs';'lolestrem 545 66922262374 628 Rembodegem 23214 .~ ~19323 ' Renaix 4028--6440 10042 Siilt-Denis 16875 23177 24173 487 814 25471 26550 572 26669 12028-18760' Sint-Gillis:rez-Termon 11209 934 ~173 230 Resteign;-29598 de 1921 1093 291 29193 196 962 Rhisnes 3910 Sint-Gillis-Waas 2235 310801607 996.T.58. Roche£ort 1678 3002 5514 27733 NatOye 24933 2,478 ~9 31054 Sint-Jans-Molenbeek Nazareth 8850 Roeselare 30240 31762 29591 Nechin 180'99 23771 Ro11egem. ,1134 2462 Sint-Joost-ten-Noode Nederbraekel 3856 14030, 4851 16719 24051 25726 Rongy 30418 Sint-I:vintens-Lennik 19659 2579r314601 Neerijse22703-Ronst 1080 14670 Neerpelt 19283 Rosi~res 25901 Sint-Laureins 6246 8601 NeU£chate~ 25818 Rotselaar-r972 4378 Sint~Lievens-Esse Nevele 1851 4191 12655 494 9027-10228 14488 10691 Niel 17404 -Roulers 7882473 7854 Siiit-Lievens-Houtem Nieucapelle 15538 9777 12933-16619 21821 Nieuport 19239 25398--Sint-Haria-Horebeke Nieuwerkerken 7517 8065 Roux 8830 29726 20547 Ruien-22271 Sint-NiUaas 9115 650 16025 24442 27836Ni!=St-Hartin 24716 Ruisbroek 20427 12040 21799 22659 Nimy 3810 1726729084 Ruiselede 31538 30439 --Ninove 2937953226523 Rulles 276523737 Sint-Martens-Lennik Nive11es 3627 6536501 25431-17854 17760 30'263 R,.;;;j)eke 6122 9259 Sint-Pieters-Leeuw Nothomb 31445 23703 9296 11123 578 Oordegem5782 31238 RuBies 25041 Sint-Wi11ibrord 3095 00stakker-2408228666 Rumillies 7532 Sleidinge 16868 24956 29453 32051 -Rupelmonde-21777 25673 27842 -00stcamp2773 11182 Russeignies9745 Slijpe 14510 25684 -Sa££elare 12974 18620 Smetled;-2271 Oostduinkerke 31399 St-Amand 28372 -Soignies 10395 Oostende 3054 570 8592 St-Andre 8037 Sombre££e-r7649 25352 27471 29335 Sainte-Marguerite 9562 Sottegem 13658 30625 -Sainte-Marie-Eta11e Soumagne 24467 Oostham 10131 20734 18750 Spalbeek 13179 Oostrozebeke 16487 St-Ghislain 11344 Spiennes 4659 00stvletteren-r3316 -St-Gilles 17567 18606 Spy 24978Opbrakel 1677 -29917 31162 Stalhi11e 10653 Opdorp 15756 St-Hubert19381 Stavele 17821 31456 Ophasselt 17855 St-Josse-ten-Noode Stavelot9531 15617 Opitter 27271 4991 9495 12517 Steinbach-7714-Opont 385s..144 16327-16363484 Stekene 11859 17818 25907 Stembert-r8662 Opwijk 2,714 20786 Oret 9736 St-Leger 28897 30002 Stevoort 14456 Orsain£aing 18997 St-NicolaS-1526~360 Stokkem 6935 Otegem ~589 1715 1674-I968-,§.194 Stoumont-21537 Oudenburg 4280 10752 11226 13463 Stremont 15728 OU££et 7496 St-Vaast24132Striipen 11897 OUl