Our Mother of Mercy Catholic Church and School

The movies to be shown will be the following : The Miracle, The Prince of Egypt, .... 105 (104): 16-21; Mt 21:33-43, 45-46. Sábado: Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Sal 103 ...
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Our Mother of Mercy Catholic Church and School Fort Worth’s Only African American/Diverse Catholic Parish 1001-1007 East Terrell Avenue Fort Worth Texas 76104 817.335.1695-C’;817.923.0058-S [email protected] www.omomftworth.org CLERGY:

REV. JEROME G. LEDOUX, SVD Pastoral Administrator 817.335.1695 [email protected] MASS SCHEDULE:

Saturday Vigil: 5PM Sunday: 8AM ,10AM, &1PM (Spanish Mass) School Mass: 8:30AM (September thru May) Holy Days of Obligation—(Consult the bulletin.) RECONCILIATION:

Before Mass & by appointment March 1, 2015 / 1 de marzo de 2015 Second Sunday of Lent Segundo Domingo de Cuaresma ———————————————————————————PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Declaración Parroquial de Misión Our Mother of Mercy is a predominately African American Catholic Church Community whose members, guided by the Holy Spirit, strive to deepen their own faith and to share the “Good News” through their faith, gifts, and culture with others. Our Mother of Mercy es una Iglesia católica de una comunidad predominante africano americano cuyos miembros, guiados por el Espíritu Santo, intentan a profundizar su propia fe y a compartir la Buena Nueva por su fe, sus dones, y su cultura con los demás. _______________________________________________ MOTTO LEMA All for the greater Glory of God. Todo para la Gloría más grande de Dios

St. Ignatius Loyola


Our hearts are restless Oh God and they will never find rest until they rest in you. Nuestros corazones son insatisfechos hasta que descanse en ti. St. Augustine

REFLECTIONS ON LIFE HOW IS LIFE AT FOUR SCORE AND FIVE? A 20-something lady was helping me transfer things from one car to another. Perhaps noticing that her lively pace outstepped me at every turn, she volunteered pointedly with a satisfied smile, “I am enjoying my youth!” Translated, that almost seemed to be saying, “How on earth do you old coots tolerate creeping old age?” “You’ll enjoy your old age too, God willing,” I returned so low that she might have missed completely my hesitant effort to respond to such a pointed remark. To get her attention, I could have said that at her age I could whistle a baseball toward the catcher well into the nineties, could break off a mean curve, could drive the ball 400-plus feet, run with the best, could snare a football pass nine feet in the air on a dead run-andleap, could jump under a basketball rim and pop it. “That was yesterday,” I mused, and as the song continues, “but yesterday’s gone.” One distant day a weightlifting high school seminarian at St. Augustine Seminary in Bay Saint Louis, Mississippi was pressing 100 pounds. To his utter surprise, I reached down with my right hand and snatched it over my head. When he winced, for seconds I reached down again and snatched it over my head once more. Needless to say, if I tried anything close to that now, I would need both an osteopath and a chiropractor. “Flights of fancy,” we call such memories we all have. Such was the case

as I topped the hill of four score and five on February 26. And how is life in the mid-eighties? So far, I can hardly tell the difference from one year ago. Nevertheless, there are some pointed items of interest. Never too cool to school, I notice that the tendency to shuffle is trying to grow stronger. This means that, unless he exerts extra caution, an older person compensates for a decrease in physical strength by dragging his feet instead of lifting them, especially on turns. When one drags his feet in making a sudden turn to the left or right, the sole of the sandal/ shoe grabs the rug or uneven surface, setting up a serious stumble or trip. In this maneuver, the body turns before the feet do, causing an entanglement of the feet that can easily trigger a painful fall that may result in some kind of injury. A hazardous carryover from dragging one’s feet can happen when one moves to go around a chair, table or other object. The slouchiness resulting from weakened muscles inclines one to take shortcuts, and that causes one to clip the edges of objects instead of moving cleanly around them. That in turn can end in a crash. In spite of this ever-looming threat, I must continually remind myself to move wide. This same awareness and caution of movement holds doubly strong for vertical travel up and down steps or hills. Weakening muscles also try to avoid the labor of lifting one’s feet high enough above a stairstep to avoid tripping. More and more, a conscious effort must be made to assure one of stepping high enough.

For decades, all the way into my late forties, I literally streaked up and down flights of stairs, often mounting the flight in two bounds. In all those years I had one harmless slip on a flight of stairs, one slip on a landing and one interesting stumble halfway down a 22-step staircase. Flying through the air with the greatest of ease, I hit the deck with a crash and roll, no worse for the wear. So hard is a young body. Nowadays, the very thought of such a stumble and rough landing steadies my every move around stairs, high precipices and uneven surfaces. For the young, the key to sureness and safety of movement is the combination of power, balance and dexterity of motion. Eventually eroded by time and usage, that great combination can be salvaged only partially by meticulous attention to one’s environs. In a blast from the past, every now and then, I catch myself striding with near abandon, although running with abandon is out of the picture. I invariably smile as I walk that special walk, remembering the way it was so many summers ago. It still startles me that I live free of any dependence on reading or magnifying glasses, reading a computer screen for many hours with no signs of strain, reading books or annoyingly-small texts of food ingredients or signs in the ambient world. Since April 30, 1996, forgoing all meats, seafood, dairy, salt, sugar and caffeine has served me well, normalizing all my body organs and fluids to the point where I live free of pain and medications, except for the baby aspirin daily regimen. No day is a work day, because every day is a bonus, a vacation, a special gift of God that brings with it more joy, more rewards, more thanks for all the relatives, friends and others in my life. How long will I live? Till I die. That’s enough for me.

“God is love, and all who abide in love abide in God and God in them.” (1 John 4:16) Rev. Jerome G. LeDoux, SVD


Jeanette Asare, Evelyn Joseph, John Malachi, Giselle Robinson, Earline Robinson, Debra Hillary, Richard Lee, Sr., Olga & Larry Martinez, & all the sick and shut in.

Mildred Gardner, Don Snow, Thang Nguyen, Arnold Brown, Wilbert Youman, J. D. Brown, Pearl Gordon, Rosalind Reynolds, Eunice Wilson, Wilhelmina Harkey, Mary Jean Lily, Oscar Haswell, Renee Gordon, Jocelyn Thomas, Bernard Washington, Thelma Wentzel, Richard Menefield, Rena Brown, Michael Charles Happy Birthday To: Delores Newton, Betty Dixon, William McDowell, Joseph Chandler, Sandra Brooks, Art Sanford, and to anyone celebrating a birthday or anniversary between March 1 to March 7. March 1--Second Sunday of Lent--A Vocation View: We are encouraged to listen to Jesus, the

Beloved Son of God. Take time to listen in prayer. Listen to what Jesus is saying to you. Divine Word Missionaries and Sister Servants of the Holy Spirit 800-553-3321 01 de marzo - Segundo Domingo de Cuaresma Vocación Vista: Se nos anima a escuchar a

Jesús , el Hijo amado de Dios . Tómese el tiempo para escuchar en oración. Escuche lo que Jesús está diciendo a usted. Misioneros del Verbo Divino y hermanas Siervas del Espíritu Santo 800-553-3321

LENT—TURN AWAY FROM SIN Sister in the Spirit of St. Mary of the Purification Catholic Church Invite all Women 18 and Older to their Women’s Lenten Retreat Friday March 6 thru Sunday March 8 3006 Rosedale at Ennis, Houston, TX Hotel information at [email protected] Presenters: Frs. Kenneth Hamilton, SVD, Charles Smith, SVD, and Chester Smith, SVD of the Bowman Francis Ministry Team See bulletin board displays for more info!

Second Sunday of Lent March 1, 2015 If God is for us, who can be against us? — Romans 8:31b Segundo Domingo de Cuaresma 1o de marzo de 2015 Si Dios está a nuestro favor, ¿quién estará en contra nuestra? — Romanos 8:31b

Saturday, February 28—5pm Mass offered for the intentions of Charles Boatright as requested by Kateri Howard. Sunday March 1—10am Mass offered for the soul of Tyler Townsend as requested by Deborah Graham. Sábado , Misa de febrero 28-5pm ofrecido por las intenciones de Charles Boatright lo solicitado por Kateri Howard . Misa del domingo de marzo 1-10am ofrecido por el alma de Tyler Townsend . Conforme a lo solicitado por Deborah Graham Feb. 28-March 1, 2015 - Today’s gospel tells of the Transfiguration of Christ; make the time to renew and transform your relationship. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is Apr. 10-12, 2015. Dates fill fast. To apply, visit our website at: http://www.dfwme.org/apply . For more information e-mail [email protected] or call 469-444-0904. Para mas informacion de Encuentro Matrimonial en Espanol, escriba a [email protected] o visite http://www.seccion15.org/



Stations of the Cross each Friday 7-7:30pm Saturday Night Soup and Cinema Thru March 28th The evening will start at 6:30pm. Each Saturday meals will consist of two different soups which will include bread or a sandwich and a drink. There will also be a movie which will kind of go along with a lenten reflection. The cost will be $7.00. The movies to be shown will be the following : The Miracle, The Prince of Egypt, The Robe, Ben Hur, Song of Bernadette, The Greatest Story Ever Told, Jesus of Nazareth and the Passion of Christ. We will also have popcorn to be served with a small donation as cost.

Sábado Noche Sopa y Cinema 21 febrero-28 marzo La velada comenzará a las 6:30 pm . Cada comidas Sábado constarán de dos sopas diferentes que incluirán pan o un sándwich y una bebida. También habrá una película que tipo de ir junto con una reflexión cuaresmal . El costo será de $ 7.00. Las películas que se mostrarán serán los siguientes : El Milagro , El príncipe de Egipto , La túnica sagrada , Ben Hur , canción de Bernadette , La historia más grande jamás contada , Jesús de Nazaret y la Pasión de Cristo. Nosotros también hemos palomitas de maíz que se sirve con una pequeña donación como costo . February 22, 2015 Regular Collection—————–——————–—–-$2,133.00 Spanish Mass—————–————–—–———–———–——77.00 Church in Central & Eastern Europe———219.00 Black & Indian Mission—————————————340.00 Ash Wednesday——————————————————105.00 Attendance—130

Wednesday—Bible Study in the Rectory Saturday, April 4, Annual OMM Easter Egg Hunt 11am (Volunteers & Contributions contact Mrs. Betty Harris 817.429.9492) Our Mother of Mercy School Golf Classic 2015 Friday, April 24, 2015 at 1pm Woodhaven Country Club 7113 Country Club Lane Ft Worth, TX 76112 Registration begins @11:30am Shotgun start at 1pm Event hosted by: Knights of Peter Claver, Council 89 2015 Classic Honorees: LaVida News/The Black Voice Chuch Hatley, Deputy Constable Precent 7 Special Guest: Mayor Betsy Price Early Registration: http://www.tournevents.com/ omm2015 Early registration (before April 18, 2015) $90 per player$340 per team After April 18, 2015 $100 per player$400 per team Contact Art Sanford @ 817.296.3921 or [email protected]

Nuestra Madre de la Misericordia Escuela Golf Classic 2015 Viernes, 24 de abril 2015 a 13:00 Woodhaven Country Club 7113 Country Club Carril Fort Worth, TX 76112 La inscripción comienza @ 11 : 30 am Disparo de salida a la 1 pm Evento organizado por : Caballeros de Pedro Claver , 89 2015 Classic homenajeados : LaVida Noticias / La Voz Negro Chuch Hatley, Adjunto Constable Precent de 7 Invitado especial: Mayor Betsy Precio

Inscripción anticipada : http:// www.tournevents.com/omm2015

Inscripción temprana (antes de 18 de abril 2015 ) $ 90 por jugador $ 340 por equipo Después de 18 de abril 2015 $ 100 por jugador$ 400 por equipo Contacte Arte Sanford @ 817.296.3921 o [email protected]

PARISH COMMUNITY AND MINISTRIES Bulletin Editor —Delores Newton 817.946.6296 LITURGICAL—Joyce B. Thomas 817.483.9838 Altar Servers—John Malachi 817. 293.8897 Choir — Zenobia Collins 682.365.4156 Eucharistic Ministers—John Malachi 817.293.8897 Lectors—Malinda Walker 817.534.4772 Ushers — Tom Byrd 817.240.1224 EDUCATION & FORMATION Baptism (Children) Joyce B. Thomas 817.437.8394 RCIA/Baptism Adults—Carolyn Yusuf 817.726.6762 RCIA Children, 1st Communion, CCE Arlene Manning — 817.483.9324 PARISH MINISTERIES Hospitality —Kay Norvel, Cynthia Sanford 817.229.4750 Bereavement —Betty Harris 817.429.9492 Sick Ministry — Rev. Jerome LeDoux 817.335.7695 Bldg. & Facilities — Frank Norvel Ray Egana 817.253.0806 Youth Ministry — VACANT St. Anne’s Altar Society –Joyce B. Thomas 817.483.9838 Knights of St. Peter Claver — Tom Byrd 817.240.1224 KPC Ladies Auxiliary — Carolyn Yusuf 817.726.6762 St. Vincent De Paul —Ruby Robinson 817.939.8747 St. Vincent De Paul Emergency Line 817.768.1950 SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION 817.923.0058 Colonel (Ret.) Michael Barks—President Amy Malinowski—Principal School Board Advisory Council: Linda Campbell, Bob Hazen, Frank Norvel, Ruby Robinson Ron Russell, Art Sanford, Jodi Newton Pastoral Council Representative Leadership: Tom Byrd Keeping Children Safe — Janae T. Page 817.825.0879 RETROUVAILLE PROGRAM Laura & John Elkins OMM MINISTERS OF MARRIAGE Lana & Reginald Alexander, Sr. FINANCE COMMITTEE Kay Norvel, Carolyn Smith, Lorenzo Wilborn OMM School Alumni Ass. —Marie Barks 817.846.0332 If you would like to become more active with your church family, the names listed above are ministry leaders who are available to assist you. Please feel free to contact them to inquire about the group. Si quieren hacerse más involucrado con su familia de la iglesia, los nombres en la lista de arriba son los de los líderes de los ministerios que pueden ayudarles. Favor de llamarles en cualquier momento para más información acerca del grupo BULLETIN DEADLINE. The bulletin deadline is Sunday by 6pm.Announcements are to be received by the editor by 6pm the Sunday before your announcement is to appear in the bulletin. Please email your announcements to [email protected] or mail to the rectory 1005 East Terrell Avenue. The secretary/ bulletin editor is in the office from 10am to 2pm on Fridays. El Vencimiento del Boletín. El vencimiento del boletín es el domingo antes de las 6 pm. La editora del boletín necesita recibir su anuncio antes de las 6pm el domingo antes de que su anuncio aparecerá en el boletín. Favor de mandar los anuncios por email a [email protected] o mandarlos por correo a la rectoría 1005 East Terrell Avenue. La secretaria/editora del boletín está en la oficina de las 10am hasta las 2pm los viernes


Monday: Dn 9:4b-10; Ps 79:8, 9, 11, 13; Lk 6:36-38 Tuesday: Is 1:10, 16-20; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23; Mt 23:1-12 Wednesday:Jer 18:18-20; Ps 31:5-6, 14-16; Mt 20:17-28 Thursday: Jer 17:5-10; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 16:1931 Friday: Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a; Ps 105:16-21; Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 Saturday: Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Ps 103:1-4, 912; Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA

Lunes: Dn 9:4b-10; Sal 79 (78):8, 9, 11, 13; Lc 6:36-38 Martes: Is 1:10, 16-20; Sal 50 (49):8-9, 16bc17, 21, 23; Mt 23:1-12 Miércoles:Jer 18:18-20; Sal 31 (30):5-6, 1416; Mt 20:17-28 Jueves: Jer 17:5-10; Sal 1:1-4, 6; Lc 16:1931 Viernes: Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a; Sal 105 (104): 16-21; Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 Sábado: Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Sal 103 (102):14, 9-12; Lc 15:1-3, 11-32

“Our lives wouldn't have been the same without this healing retreat. We feel that the retreat has put us down the path of healing and our relationship with God has been renewed, revived and rejuvenated!" - Couple's testimony after a Rachel's Vineyard Retreat

Come on a Rachel Weekend Retreat for healing after abortion and receive His healing mercy and love . Rachel Ministries 817-923-4757 Next Retreat April 10

“Nuestras vidas no hubieran sido lo mismo sin la sanación de este retiro. Sentimos que el retiro ha puesto el camino de sanación y nuestra relación con Dios ha sido renovada, revivida y rejuvenecida!” -Testimonio después de un Retiro del Viñedo de Raquel

Ven a un retiro y experimenta una relación renovada con Nuestro Señor y recibe Su sanación, sericordia y amor. Ministerios de Raquel 817-886-4760 Próximo Retiro 24 de Abril

CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS Our Mother of Mercy #727500 1001 E. Terrell Avenue Fort Worth TX 76104 PHONE 817-335-1695 CONTACT PERSON Delores Newton 817-946-6296 (C) [email protected] SOFTWARE Microsoft Publisher® 2007 Adobe Acrobat 9.0® Windows XP Professional® PRINTER ??? NUMBER OF PAGES SENT Cover + 4 text pages + this page = 6 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION ??? TRANSMISSION TIME ??? = to be determined SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS

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