Our Mother of Mercy Catholic Church and School

24 may. 2015 - Our Mother of Mercy is a predominately African American Catholic Church Community whose members, guided by the Holy .... NO CHARGE.
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Our Mother of Mercy Catholic Church and School Fort Worth’s Only African American/Diverse Catholic Parish 1001-1007 East Terrell Avenue Fort Worth Texas 76104 817.335.1695-C’;817.923.0058-S [email protected] www.omomftworth.org CLERGY:

REV. JEROME G. LEDOUX, SVD Pastoral Administrator 817.335.1695 [email protected] MASS SCHEDULE:

Saturday Vigil: 5PM Sunday: 8AM ,10AM, &1PM (Misa en español) School Mass: 8:30AM (September thru May) Holy Days of Obligation—(Consult the bulletin.) RECONCILIATION:

Before Mass & by appointment

May 31, 2015 / 31 de mayo de 2015

The Most Holy Trinity La Santísima Trinidad

———————————————————————————PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Declaración Parroquial de Misión Our Mother of Mercy is a predominately African American Catholic Church Community whose members, guided by the Holy Spirit, strive to deepen their own faith and to share the “Good News” through their faith, gifts, and culture with others. Our Mother of Mercy es una Iglesia católica de una comunidad predominante africano americano cuyos miembros, guiados por el Espíritu Santo, intentan a profundizar su propia fe y a compartir la Buena Nueva por su fe, sus dones, y su cultura con los demás. _______________________________________________ MOTTO LEMA All for the greater Glory of God. Todo para la Gloría más grande de Dios

St. Ignatius Loyola


Our hearts are restless Oh God and they will never find rest until they rest in you. Nuestros corazones son insatisfechos, oh Dios, hasta que descanse en ti. St. Augustine

REFLECTIONS ON LIFE OUR KINDNESS TURNS LOSERS INTO WINNERS The knuckles of Tanner and his brother Chase Brownlee turned white and bloodless as they clung to their $50,000 at the car auction. Having been able to raise only $50,000, they knew that they might easily be outbid for the car they coveted. The police cruiser was a 2010 Dodge Charger with 100,000 miles on it. It was not just any car, mind you. The car being auctioned at the Weld County’s Sheriff’s Office was WC679, the Greeley, Colorado patrol car of their father, Deputy Sam Brownlee, who had been killed in a one of those dreaded car chases in 2010. Although Tanner and Chase were dealing in dollars, the car was priceless. Valued at $12,500, the bar was set high above that price, since the auction was all about helping a charity. As the bids quickly soared above $50,000, their hearts sank and their spirits fell. Inconsolable, they bit their lips and fought back the tears that were beginning to wet their eyes. Little did they suspect that a guardian angel was hovering over them “All night, all day” in the guise of a stranger, one of the bidders who on the surface appeared to be their archenemy. Everything turned into a black cloud without a silver lining for Tanner and Chase as oil-land-rich local rancher Steve Wells soundly outdistanced all bidders with his bid of $60,000. Almost too heartbroken to bear it, the brothers stared in anguish as the auctioneer closed the bidding with the statement, “Sold it your way, Mr. Steve

Wells. Thank you very much. $60,000!” But that guardian angel had been busy with a special plan all along. Smiling to himself as the Brownlee brothers suffered through the terrible ordeal of being outbid, millionaire Steve Wells sprang a totally unexpected surprise. Immediately upon receiving the car keys from the auctioneer, he whipped around toward Tanner and handed him the keys with the glad tidings, “Tanner, here is your car!” While Tanner got up to hug Wells, the room exploded with applause. Not just one, but everybody had won. Steve Wells had won the bidding, but gained infinitely more by immediately giving his prize away. Tanner, Chase and their family had won through the inspiring generosity of Steve Wells. Concerns Of Police Survivors (C.0.P.S.), a charity that helps the families of fallen police officers, won by receiving $70,000 from the $60,000 Wells bid and other donations. Suffice it to say that there were no losers there, but all huge winners going forward into the future. “This is just so huge,” Tanner told Steve Wells and the adoring crowd. “I mean, me and my dad built a fence and stuff, but having something I can use and drive around that he drove around, it just means a lot.” Some guardian angels are only 5 years old, as in the case of Josiah Duncan who asked his mother about a man hanging around a Prattville, Alabama Waffle House. Informed that the man was homeless with no place to stay and with a few rags and an old bicycle, Josiah begged his mother to buy him some food. But, when no one waited on him, Josiah gave the

man a menu. He ordered only a cheeseburger. “Get as much as you want!” Josiah’s mother Ava Faulk advised him. When the food came, Josiah stood across from the man and sang the blessing aloud, bringing the man and all 11 customers to tears. Going viral, the incident brought thousands of others to tears and no doubt is still reverberating endlessly over the cyberwaves. Mary Lapkowicz has known her guardian angel since fourth grade when she and Ben Moser made a pact to attend their high school prom together. Ben watched over her throughout elementary school. A special Down syndrome student, Mary and Ben had gone to separate high schools. Mary became the equipment manager in her school, while Ben became the quarterback in his. When their schools met in a game, Mary and Ben reunited and renewed their pact for the upcoming prom. To no one’s surprise, but to the admiration of all, they were the hit of the prom. Guardian angels appear with regularity at supermarket checkouts. With moving frequency, one sees someone struggling to find the last few dollars to complete a purchase when a voice from behind asks the cashier, “How much?” It warms one’s heart to offer payment to a waiter or waitress, only to be informed that some unknown person has already paid the tab. On such and similar occasions, we are lifted far above all our earthly bonds of debt, and we are forced to recall that a most special Man died on Calvary that the baleful debt of all our sins and the sins of the world could be stamped once for all time,“PAID IN FULL!”

“God is love, and all who abide in love abide in God and God in them.” (1 John 4:16)

Rev. Jerome G. LeDoux, SVD


Valeria Zamarippa, Zoraida Cleveland, Mildred Gardner, Vanessa Ussin, Jeanette Asare, John Malachi, Earline Robinson, Richard Lee, Sr., Olga Martinez, & all the sick and shut in.

Barbara Cater, David Matlock, Frank Masullo, Alberee Haynes, Johnnie McBride, Debra Hillary, Arnold Brown, Wilbert Youman, Pearl Gordon, Rosalind Reynolds, Wilhelmina Harkey, Mary Jean Lily, Oscar Haswell, Renee Gordon, Jocelyn Thomas, Thelma Wentzel, Richard Menefield, Rena Brown, Michael Charles, Wilbert Hawes, Jr., Jonathan Hawes

May 31—Trinity Sunday— A Vocation View:

“Go and make disciples of all nations!” Our lives must proclaim the Truth that comes to us from Christ, embrace the call to be a witness of Christ to the ends of the world!


31 de mayo - Trinidad domingo- Una Vocación Vista: "Id y haced discípulos a todas las

naciones ! " Nuestras vidas deben proclamar la Verdad que nos viene de Cristo, abrazar el llamado a ser testigo de Cristo hasta los confines del mundo! PALABRA DIVINA MISSSIONARIES y hermana FUNCIONARIOS DEL ESPÍRITU SANTO 800-553-3321 Happy Birthday To: Arthur Pryor, Barry Haynes, Jr., James Wortham, Barbara Haynes, Stephanie Diaz, and to anyone celebrating a birthday or anniversary between May 31 to June 6.

Feliz cumpleaños a : Arthur Pryor , Barry Haynes , Jr. , James Wortham , Barbara Haynes , Stephanie Díaz, y para cualquier persona que celebra un cumpleaños o un aniversario entre mayo 31 a junio 6

The Most Holy Trinity May 31, 2015 Go . . . and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. —

Matthew 28:19

La Santísima Trinidad 31 de mayo de 2014 Vayan . . . y enseñen a todas las naciones, bautizándolas en el nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo. — Mateo 28:19 JOHN PAUL II INSTITUTE 2015 SUMMER CYCLE NO CHARGE [email protected] —817-945-9351 SEE THE BULLETIN BOARD FOR DATES & TIMES "A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world; everyone you meet is your mirror." - Ken Keyes, Jr.

The world in which we each live is a direct reflection of the image we cast; so the question is, "How clean is your mirror?" Is it bright and streak-free, or is it smeared with dirt and filth? To keep your mirror clean, all one need do is to offer to others that which you seek most – love – once offered, twice received.

"Love that you might create more clean mirrors!" - Steve Weston

May 24, 2015 Regular Collection——————————-————$1,448.00 Attendance—147


On average, there is a five to ten year period of denial during which a woman who was traumatized by her abortion will repress her feelings. Come find release from your anguish and experience forgiveness and hope on a Rachel's Vineyard Retreat. Rachel Ministries 817-923-4757 Next Retreat Sept. 11 817-886-4760

En promedio, hay un período de cinco a diez años de negación el cual una mujer que fue traumatizada por su aborto reprimirá sus sentimientos. Venga, encuentre libertad de su angustia y experimente el perdón y esperanza en un Retiro del Viñedo de Raquel. Ministerios de Raquel 817-886-4760 Próximo Retiro 9 de octubre



If your child is 15 or over or will be 15 before June 17, please contact Arlene Manning or Carolyn Yusuf to register for confirmation. Confirmation will be conferred by Bishop Olson on June 17, 2015 at 6pm. Please plan to attend and support our children. Si su hijo tiene 15 años o más, o sea 15 antes del 17 de junio por favor póngase en contacto con Arlene Manning o Carolyn Yusuf registrar para su confirmación. La confirmación será conferido por el obispo Olson el 17 de junio de 2015 a las 6 pm. Por favor haga planes para asistir y apoyar a nuestros hijos. A Salute to the Cotton Club Don’t forget, mark your calendar for Sunday, May 31, 7:00pm, Scott Theatre, Fort Worth. The OMM Dancers will perform a “Night at the Cotton Club”. As always, the students have worked very hard all year and would appreciate you coming out in support of their hard work. Please plan to attend. Admission is $5.00 for adults. Come prepared to hear great tunes performed by greats such as Cab Callaway, Lena Horne, Louis Armstrong, Ella Fittzgerald, and many more. Contact Beverly Torres at 817-923-8041 for more information.

PARISH COMMUNITY AND MINISTRIES Bulletin Editor —Delores Newton 817.946.6296 LITURGICAL—Joyce B. Thomas 817.483.9838 Altar Servers—John Malachi 817. 293.8897 Choir — Zenobia Collins 682.365.4156 Eucharistic Ministers—John Malachi 817.293.8897 Lectors—Malinda Walker 817.534.4772 Ushers — Tom Byrd 817.240.1224 EDUCATION & FORMATION Baptism (Children) Joyce B. Thomas 817.437.8394 RCIA/Baptism Adults—Carolyn Yusuf 817.726.6726 RCIA Children, 1st Communion, CCE Arlene Manning — 817.483.9324 PARISH MINISTERIES Hospitality —Kay Norvel, Cynthia Sanford 817.229.4750 Bereavement —Betty Harris 817.429.9492 Sick Ministry — Rev. Jerome LeDoux 817.335.7695 Bldg. & Facilities — Frank Norvel Ray Egana 817.253.0806 Youth Ministry — Sandra Domingue 661.478.5338 St. Anne’s Altar Society –Joyce B. Thomas 817.483.9838 Knights of St. Peter Claver — Tom Byrd 817.240.1224 KPC Ladies Auxiliary — Carolyn Yusuf 817.726.6726 St. Vincent De Paul —Ruby Robinson 817.939.8747 St. Vincent De Paul Emergency Line 817.768.1950 SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION 817.923.0058 Colonel (Ret.) Michael Barks—President Amy Malinowski—Principal School Board Advisory Council: Linda Campbell, Bob Hazen, Frank Norvel, Ruby Robinson Ron Russell, Art Sanford, Jodi Newton Pastoral Council Representative Leadership: Tom Byrd 817.240.1224 Keeping Children Safe — Janae T. Page 817.825.0879 RETROUVAILLE PROGRAM Laura & John Elkins 817.939.6034 OMM MINISTERS OF MARRIAGE Lana & Reginald Alexander, Sr. 504.460.9677 FINANCE COMMITTEE Kay Norvel, Carolyn Smith, Lorenzo Wilborn OMM School Alumni Ass. —Marie Barks 817.846.0332 If you would like to become more active with your church family, the names listed above are ministry leaders who are available to assist you. Please feel free to contact them to inquire about the group. Si quieren hacerse más involucrado con su familia de la iglesia, los nombres en la lista de arriba son los de los líderes de los ministerios que pueden ayudarles. Favor de llamarles en cualquier momento para más información acerca del grupo BULLETIN DEADLINE. The bulletin deadline is Sunday by 6pm.Announcements are to be received by the editor by 6pm the Sunday before your announcement is to appear in the bulletin. Please email your announcements to [email protected] or mail to the rectory 1005 East Terrell Avenue. The secretary/ bulletin editor is in the office from 10am to 2pm on Fridays. El Vencimiento del Boletín. El vencimiento del boletín es el domingo antes de las 6 pm. La editora del boletín necesita recibir su anuncio antes de las 6pm el domingo antes de que su anuncio aparecerá en el boletín. Favor de mandar los anuncios por email a [email protected] o mandarlos por correo a la rectoría 1005 East Terrell Avenue. La secretaria/editora del boletín está en la oficina de las 10am hasta las 2pm los viernes


Monday: Tb 1:3; 2:1b-8; Ps 112:1b-2, 3b-6; Mk 12:1-12 Tuesday: Tb 2:9-14; Ps 112:1-2, 7-9; Mk 12:13-17 Wednesday: Tb 3:1-11a, 16-17a; Ps 25:25ab, 6-7bc, 8-9; Mk 12:18-27 Thursday: Tb 6:10-11; 7:1bcde, 9-17; 8:49a; Ps 128:1-5; Mk 12:28-34 Friday: Tb 11:5-17; Ps 146:1b-2, 6c-10; Mk 12:35-37 Saturday: Tb 12:1, 5-15, 20; Tb 13:2, 6efgh8; Mk 12:38-44 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA

Lunes: Tob 1:3; 2:1b-8; Sal 112 (111):1b-2, 3b-6; Mc 12:1-12 Martes: Tob 2:9-14; Sal 112 (111):1-2, 7-9; Mc 12:13-17 Miércoles: Tob 3:1-11a, 16-17a; Sal 25 (24):2-5ab, 6-7bc, 8-9; Mc 12:18-27 Jueves: Tob 6:10-11; 7:1bcde, 9-17; 8:4-9a; Sal 128 (127):1-5; Mc 12:28-34 Viernes: Tob 11:5-17; Sal 146 (145):1b-2, 6c-10; Mc 12:35-37 Sábado: Tob 12:1, 5-15, 20; Tob 13:2, 6efgh -8; Mc 12:38-44 The Offices of Marriage and Family Life and Hispanic Ministry will be having a Bilingual Family Life Conference on Saturday, June 20, 2015 at Nolan Catholic High School in Fort Worth from 9 AM to 5 PM. The theme of the conference will be Love is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive. This family-friendly event will offer faith sharing opportunities for the whole family, a series of short talks for children and adults, plenty of break time, lunch, a magic show, and Mass. Tickets are $25 per person or $40 per family, and may be purchased at the door or online. More information coming soon! Las Oficinas de Matrimonio y Vida Familiar y el Ministerio Hispano tendrán una Conferencia Bilingüe Vida Familiar el Sábado, 20 de junio 2015 en la Nolan Catholic High School en Fort Worth de 9 am. a 5 pm. El tema de la conferencia será “El amor es Nuestra Misión: La Familia Plenamente Viva”. Este evento familiar ofrecerá oportunidades para compartir la fe con toda la familia, una serie de charlas cortas para niños y adultos, tiempos de descanso, la comida, un espectáculo de magia, y la Misa. Los boletos cuestan $ 25 por persona o $ 40 por familia, y se

CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS Our Mother of Mercy #727500 1001 E. Terrell Avenue Fort Worth TX 76104 PHONE 817-335-1695 CONTACT PERSON Delores Newton 817-946-6296 (C) [email protected] SOFTWARE Microsoft Publisher® 2007 Adobe Acrobat 9.0® Windows XP Professional® PRINTER ??? NUMBER OF PAGES SENT Cover + 4 text pages + this page = 6 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION ??? TRANSMISSION TIME ??? = to be determined SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS

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