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19 jul. 2015 - some of the faults and flaws inherent in even the best- intended human institutions. After all, we are not God or angels. Nonetheless, we need.
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Our Mother of Mercy Catholic Church and School Fort Worth’s Only African American/Diverse Catholic Parish 1001-1007 East Terrell Avenue Fort Worth Texas 76104 817.335.1695-C’;817.923.0058-S [email protected] CLERGY:

REV. JEROME G. LEDOUX, SVD Pastoral Administrator 817.335.1695 [email protected] MASS SCHEDULE:

Saturday Vigil: 5PM Sunday: 8AM ,10AM, &1PM (Misa en español) School Mass: 8:30AM (September thru May) Holy Days of Obligation—(Consult the bulletin.) RECONCILIATION:

Before Mass & by appointment

July 26, 2015 / 26 de julio de 2015 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Decimoséptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

———————————————————————————PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Declaración Parroquial de Misión Our Mother of Mercy is a predominately African American Catholic Church Community whose members, guided by the Holy Spirit, strive to deepen their own faith and to share the “Good News” through their faith, gifts, and culture with others. Nuestra Madre de la Misericordia es una Iglesia católica de una comunidad predominante africano americano cuyos miembros, guiados por el Espíritu Santo, intentan a profundizar su propia fe y a compartir la Buena Nueva por su fe, sus dones, y su cultura con los demás. _______________________________________________ MOTTO LEMA All for the greater Glory of God. Todo para la Gloría más grande de Dios

St. Ignatius Loyola


Our hearts are restless Oh God and they will never find rest until they rest in you. Nuestros corazones son insatisfechos, oh Dios, hasta que descanse en ti. St. Augustine

REFLECTIONS ON LIFE CELEBRATING LIFE, LIBERTY, PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS On the birthday of the United States of America, as I listened to the ultra rendition of “Oh beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain,” by my virtuosa pianist cousin, Andrea Lacy Perry, and incredible organist, Larry Willis, I felt the equivalent of a sledgehammer blow as the powerful song permeated my very bones. For the first time, I realized the reasons for the seething hatred of ISIS. What inspires us fires their ire. What gladdens us saddens them. They are blinded by jealousy for their Islamic culture which they are convinced is defiled, damaged and threatened by the thoroughly rotten incursions of Western culture. Blind envy follows the beguiling hypnotism of Ray Charles’soul-wringing rendition of America the Beautiful. “Blind boy,” they must think every time they hear Ray’s hair-tingling masterpiece, “why are you singing that emotional mess of lies?” Anything so beautiful and compelling must have extremist terrorists trapped against the ropes in their epic struggle against us infidels. The intoxicating words, “for purple mountain majesty above the fruited plain” serve only to infuriate them, for they ring of freedom, peace, productive work and the beautiful fruit of our labor: a ringing endorsement of the blessings of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. All day long it had been a quiet July 4, not even

punctuated well by some of the noisy fireworks. But things changed radically during that 5 p.m. vigil Mass. Just an innocent hour of prayer suddenly became a powerhouse of worship grounded in strong patriotism. The sweet hour of prayer exploded more than the fireworks. How ISIS was exposed with the roundhouse slam, “America, America, God shed his grace on thee! And crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea!” Fanatical extremists turned terrorists keep extolling their caliphates while cursing and heaping hatred upon any form of decadent democracy in Europe, Asia or America. Half agreeing with them, in a House of Commons speech November 11, 1947, Winston Churchill nailed it, “A democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.” For some mysterious reason, the extremists don’t realize how cold-blooded their caliphates really are, what with their hatred, violence and total disrespect of women. Yes, every democracy has some of the faults and flaws inherent in even the bestintended human institutions. After all, we are not God or angels. Nonetheless, we need not throw out the baby with the bathwater, but rather get rid of all the dirt, dross and imperfections from day to day while retaining what is good and positive.

our purpose is not to disrespect your culture and history, but only to find ways and means to a peaceful and workable coexistence of yours and our culture and history. Therefore, we propose to you the things to which we aspire: a culture of life, not of death; of liberty, not of slavery; of the pursuit of happiness. Your Quran (Koran) calls for violence against infidels – nonMuslims – in at least 109 verses, such as Quran 2:191-193 and 4:89, commanding the killing of converts from Islam to another religion and all those who oppose Islam in any way. You extremists say, “Death to all infidels!” and “Death to all converts from Islam to any other religions!” I say to all you fanatical extremists that it does not have to be that way! We are more than willing to share the good things of our culture with the richness of your eastern culture that will only complement ours. No one has to say that one culture is better, but only that we are different. We say that we do not seek death for anyone who does not believe what we believe. Rather, we say with all our hearts, “Life for all Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Christians, adherents of other religions, agnostics, atheists, freethinkers and all God’s children, even those who reject any thought or acceptance of God/Allah!” Although we are not a theocracy, nevertheless we claim a Judeo-Christian foundation of a government that respects people of any faith or disbelief, while not promoting any form of religion. We call it separation of Church and State, compared to a theocracy that is ruled by God/Allah. In any case, our moral teaching is to use violence in self-defense only, such as to save our life or to fight a defensive war. A huge caveat! Do not mistake our goodwill, concern and love for weakness!

Though we have a shameful history of having practiced slavery and racism, we have begged and received forgiveness and are “God is love, and all who abide in resolved to be all Jesus commands love abide in God and God in us to be. them.” (1 John 4:16) From your lofty point of theocratic government, you Islamist Rev. Jerome G. LeDoux, SVD extremists fail to understand that


Michael London, Vanessa Ussin, Betty Hawes, John Malachi, Earline Robinson, Richard Lee, Sr., Olga Martinez, & all the sick and shut in.

Rosalind Reynolds, Mildred Gardner, David Matlock, Alberee Haynes, Johnnie McBride, Debra Hillary, Arnold Brown, Wilbert Youman, Pearl Gordon, Wilhelmina Harkey, Mary Jean Lily, Oscar Haswell, Renee Gordon, Jocelyn Thomas, Thelma Wentzel, Richard Menefield, Rena Brown, Michael Charles, Wilbert Hawes, Jr., Jonathan Hawes, Kevin Thornton

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 26, 2015 The eyes of all look hopefully to you, and you give them their food in due season.— Psalm


July 26—Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time— A Vocation View: If you are willing to share what

you have, God will multiply your gifts. Imagine how God can use you to nourish a hungry world. Consider being a sister, brother, priest, or deacon.


26 de julio - Decimoséptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario -A Vocación Vista: Si usted está dispuesto a compartir lo que tienes , Dios multiplica sus regalos . Imagínese cómo Dios puede usarte para alimentar un mundo hambriento . Considere la posibilidad de ser una hermana, hermano , sacerdote o diácono PALABRA DIVINA MISSSIONARIES y HERMANA FUNCIONARIOS DEL ESPÍRITU SANTO 800-553-3321 Happy Birthday To: Charlotte Mitchell, Denise Evans Cryer, Marquis Evans, Virginia Darlewon, Jessica Ussin, Paul Lopez, Korto Hare, Michael Davis, Ron Russell, and to anyone celebrating a birthday or anniversary between July 26 to Aug 1. Feliz cumpleaños a : Charlotte Mitchell, Denise Evans Cryer , Marqués Evans , Virginia Darlewon , Jessica Ussin , Pablo López, Korto Hare , Michael Davis , Ron Russell , y para cualquier persona que celebra un cumpleaños o un aniversario entre julio 26 a agosto 1

Decimoséptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 26 de julio de 2015 A ti, Señor, sus ojos vuelven todos y tú los alimentas a su tiempo. — Salmo 145


JULY 19, 2015 Regular Collection—————$1,958.00 Children’s Collection————–—31.00 St. Vincent de Paul——————664.00 Attendance 182



MERCY HOUSE OF BLUES Friends of OMM Alumni Association presents Mercy's House of Blues, Legacy Gala. 2015. The Gala will be held Friday, August 7, 2015 from 7:30 pm -12:30 am at Marquis on Magnolia (1227 W. Magnolia Ave., Fort Worth, TX 76104). Individual tickets are $65 and VIP tables are $750. Reserved seating is available. Please join us for a fun-filled evening of dinner, dancing, a live blues band, musical acts and a silent and live auction. Please see any member of Friends of OMM to purchase your tickets.     MISERICORDIA HOUSE OF BLUES Amigos de la Asociación de Antiguos Alumnos del OMM presenta la Casa de Misericordia de Blues, Legado Gala. 2015. La gala se llevará a cabo Viernes, 07 de agosto 2015 de 7:30 pm -12 : 30 am en Marqués de Magnolia ( 1227 W. Magnolia Ave., Fort Worth, TX 76104 ) . Los boletos individuales son $ 65 y mesas VIP son $ 750 . Asientos reservados disponible. Por favor , únase a nosotros para una noche llena de diversión de la cena, baile, una banda de blues en vivo, actuaciones musicales y una subasta silenciosa y en vivo . Por favor, consulte cualquier miembro de Amigos de OMM para comprar sus boletos MAMMOGRAM AND CERVICAL SCREENING AT OUR MOTHER OF MERCY AUGUST 10, 2015 PLEASE CALL 1.855.318.7696 TO SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT



BID WHIST y dominó TORNEOS CADA UNO, TRAE UN ( O 10 ) Children’s Mass 4th Sunday of July 8am Mass Meetings each Saturday @10am to prepare for the monthly Mass Contact Sandra Domingue at 661.478.5338 with questions. Misa de los Niños Cuarto domingo de 8 a.m. Misa julio Reuniones cada Sábado @ 10am a prepararse para la misa mensual Contacto Sandra Domingue al 661.478.5338 con preguntas

Mamografía y Cribado Cervical A NUESTRA MADRE DE MISERICORDIA 10 de agosto 2015 POR FAVOR LLAME 1.855.318.7696 PARA PROGRAMAR SU CITA

PARISH COMMUNITY AND MINISTRIES Bulletin Editor —Delores Newton 817.946.6296 LITURGICAL—Joyce B. Thomas 817.483.9838 Altar Servers—John Malachi 817. 293.8897 Choir — Zenobia Collins 682.365.4156 Eucharistic Ministers—John Malachi 817.293.8897 Lectors—Malinda Walker 817.534.4772 Ushers — Tom Byrd 817.240.1224 EDUCATION & FORMATION Baptism (Children) Joyce B. Thomas 817.437.8394 RCIA/Baptism Adults—Carolyn Yusuf 817.726.6726 RCIA Children, 1st Communion, CCE Arlene Manning — 817.483.9324 PARISH MINISTERIES Hospitality —Kay Norvel, Cynthia Sanford 817.229.4750 Bereavement —Betty Harris 817.429.9492 Sick Ministry — Rev. Jerome LeDoux 817.335.7695 Bldg. & Facilities — Frank Norvel Ray Egana 817.253.0806 Youth Ministry — Sandra Domingue 661.478.5338 St. Anne’s Altar Society –Joyce B. Thomas 817.483.9838 Knights of St. Peter Claver — Tom Byrd 817.240.1224 KPC Ladies Auxiliary — Carolyn Yusuf 817.726.6726 St. Vincent De Paul —Ruby Robinson 817.939.8747 St. Vincent De Paul Emergency Line 817.768.1950 SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION 817.923.0058 Colonel (Ret.) Michael Barks—President Amy Malinowski—Principal School Board Advisory Council: Linda Campbell, Bob Hazen, Frank Norvel, Ruby Robinson Ron Russell, Art Sanford, Jodi Newton Pastoral Council Representative Leadership: Tom Byrd 817.240.1224 Keeping Children Safe — Janae T. Page 817.825.0879 RETROUVAILLE PROGRAM Laura & John Elkins 817.939.6034 OMM MINISTERS OF MARRIAGE Lana & Reginald Alexander, Sr. 504.460.9677 FINANCE COMMITTEE Kay Norvel, Carolyn Smith, Lorenzo Wilborn OMM School Alumni Ass. —Marie Barks 817.846.0332 If you would like to become more active with your church family, the names listed above are ministry leaders who are available to assist you. Please feel free to contact them to inquire about the group. Si quieren hacerse más involucrado con su familia de la iglesia, los nombres en la lista de arriba son los de los líderes de los ministerios que pueden ayudarles. Favor de llamarles en cualquier momento para más información acerca del grupo BULLETIN DEADLINE. The bulletin deadline is Sunday by 6pm.Announcements are to be received by the editor by 6pm the Sunday before your announcement is to appear in the bulletin. Please email your announcements to [email protected] or mail to the rectory 1005 East Terrell Avenue. The secretary/ bulletin editor is in the office from 10am to 2pm on Fridays. El Vencimiento del Boletín. El vencimiento del boletín es el domingo antes de las 6 pm. La editora del boletín necesita recibir su anuncio antes de las 6pm el domingo antes de que su anuncio aparecerá en el boletín. Favor de mandar los anuncios por email a [email protected] o mandarlos por correo a la rectoría 1005 East Terrell Avenue. La secretaria/editora del boletín está en la oficina de las 10am hasta las 2pm los viernes


Monday: Ex 32:15-24, 30-34; Ps 106:19-23; Mt 13:31-35 Tuesday: Ex 33:7-11; 34:5b-9, 28; Ps 103:6 13; Mt 13:36-43 Wednesday: Ex 34:29-35; Ps 99:5-7, 9; Jn 11:19-27 or Lk 10:38-42 Thursday: Ex 40:16-21, 34-38; Ps 84:3-6a, 8a, 11; Mt 13:47-53 Friday: Lv 23:1, 4-11, 15-16, 27, 34b-37; Ps 81:3-6, 10-11ab; Mt 13:54-58 Saturday: Lv 25:1, 8-17; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 7-8; Mt 14:1-12 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA

Lunes: Ex 32:15-24, 30-34; Sal 106 (105):19-23; Mt 13:31-35 Martes: Ex 33:7-11; 34:5b-9, 28; Sal 103 (102):6-13; Mt 13:36-43 Miércoles: Ex 34:29-35; Sal 99 (98):5-7, 9; Jn 11:19-27 o Lc 10:38-42 Jueves: Ex 40:16-21, 34-38; Sal 84 (83):36a, 8a, 11; Mt 13:47-53 Viernes: Lv 23:1, 4-11, 15-16, 27, 34b-37; Sal 81 (80):3-6, 10-11ab; Mt 13:54-58 Sábado: Lv 25:1, 8-17; Sal 67 (66):2-3, 5, 78; Mt 14:1-12 TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Sooner of later, as they plan their wedding liturgy, a couple will receive some advice about a “unity candle.” They need one, they are told (at great expense); it is a tradition; it is what Catholics have always done. Not so. In the last thirty years or so, the custom has enjoyed wide popularity in the United States. It has never been officially part of our liturgy, and it exists in tension with some of our core symbols. Usually there are two smaller candles and one larger one to be lit from the smaller. Large candles in our tradition always mean Christ, and smaller ones are always tokens of our baptismal candle. If the candles are meant for a kind of renewal of baptismal vows, then the meaning is clearer, yet this is seldom the understanding. Why, then, are those smaller candles extinguished? It’s hard to tell where these pesky candles came from. Some suggest that the Presbyterian Church, which has a very lean wedding liturgy, introduced them as an option for extending a short service. Generally, it’s been experienced as a “photo opportunity” rather than a genuine liturgical ritual. The “unity candle,” a recent invention rather than an authentic tradition, has not been approved as an adaptation to our rite,

and it is to be hoped that it will gradually disappear from view. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS Our Mother of Mercy #727500 1001 E. Terrell Avenue Fort Worth TX 76104 PHONE 817-335-1695 CONTACT PERSON Delores Newton 817-946-6296 (C) [email protected] SOFTWARE Microsoft Publisher® 2007 Adobe Acrobat 9.0® Windows XP Professional® PRINTER ??? NUMBER OF PAGES SENT Cover + 4 text pages + this page = 6 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION ??? TRANSMISSION TIME ??? = to be determined SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS

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