Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church

25 jun. 2017 - By the time it was completely ... more Romans were inspired by the tremendous faith and ... This collection is the way we as members of the.
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Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church 300 Fulton Street ▪ Redwood City, CA 94062 Tel. (650) 366-3802 ▪ Fax: (650) 366-1421 [email protected] [email protected] ▪ www.mountcarmel.org

Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 25, 2017 Parish Center Hours Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Parish Phones Parish Center Office: (650) 366-3802 Pastor’s Office: (650) 306-9583 Religious Education Office: (650) 368-8237 Mt. Carmel School Office: (650) 366-6127 Kids’ Place (Pre-School): (650) 366-6587 Parish Staff Pastor: Rev. Ulysses D’Aquila Deacon: Rev. Mr. Thomas J. Boyle Principal: Teresa Anthony Administrative Assistant: Ivette Meléndez Director of Religious Ed.: Magdalena Hernández Youth Confirmation: Judy Draper Director of Music: Bianca Remlinger Spanish Music Ministry: Andrés García Pre-School Director: Maureen Arnott Development Director: Nori Jabba

Mass Schedule Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 pm (Español), and 5 pm Saturday: 8: 15 am and 5:00 pm Vigil Mass Monday to Friday 8:15 am Reconciliation/Confession Saturday 3:30 –4:30 pm

Baptisms / Bautismos Sing to the L , praise the L , for he has rescued the life of the poor. — Jeremiah 20:13

Call parish at least two months in advance. Llame a la parroquia a lo menos dos meses antes.

Weddings / Bodas Call parish at least six months in advance. Llame a la parroquia a lo menos seis meses antes.

Mission Statement Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish is a Christ-centered community in the Roman Catholic tradition. We try to share the Good News of salvation with others. As a diverse community, we value and respect individual differences. As God’s people, we gather in the Spirit to pray, to celebrate the sacraments, to teach, to learn, to console, to rejoice, to minister and to renew our faith with one another.

Notes from the Pastor

Notas del Párroco

This week we’ll celebrate two related feasts, that of St. Peter and Paul, and another called the First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church, a feast which commemorates all those many converts who were killed during the harsh persecutions of Christians in the early years of our faith. The two great Apostles, Peter and Paul, were also martyred during this time. The notorious Roman Emperor, Nero, was primarily responsible for bringing about the death of so many of the first Christians. Our knowledge of this persecution comes from the writings of a great Roman historian, Tacitus, who was himself not a Christian. He reports that on July 19th of the year 64 A.D., a great fire broke out in the city of Rome. It began near the Circus Maximus, in a district full of shops and easily combustible wooden booths, and it rapidly spread in all directions. The fire raged for seven days and nights, destroying much of the city. For a while it was contained, but then it flared up again for another three days. By the time it was completely over, two-thirds of the city of Rome had been destroyed. The Emperor’s behavior during this fire was reported to be extremely odd. He seemed pathologically happy the whole time. The well-known expression “fiddling while Rome burns” comes from Tacitus’ report, because that’s what the Emperor did: he ordered musicians to play and banquets to be held in court while the fire burned outside. In the end, Nero blamed the fire on the Christian community and he ordered that Christians be arrested and executed. All the executions were to take place as public spectacles in the Roman Coliseum. The tortures he invented were so brutal that even the Romans (who had a taste for cruelty) were appalled and shocked. Some of the Christians were crucified; some were covered in wax and set afire; some were sewed into animal skins and fed to wild beasts. The historian Tacitus wrote that, “it was generally believed that the Christians were being sacrificed to Nero’s insane brutality rather than to any public good.” Not long after, the Emperor lost public support. There were uprisings in the city, and four years later, Nero committed suicide. It came to be believed that Nero himself had set fire to the city. While the small Christian community of Rome was decimated in numbers and no doubt traumatized by what had occurred, the unexpected result of the persecution was that more and more Romans were inspired by the tremendous faith and courage of those who had been martyred. Hundreds asked to be received into the Church and baptized. Rome became the center of the Catholic religion as it is today, and the blood of those early Christian martyrs became the seed of a faith that would one day spread to every part of the world. Fr. Ulysses

Esta semana celebraremos dos fiestas relacionadas, la de San Pedro y San Pablo, y otra llamada los Primeros Mártires de la Santa Iglesia Romana, una fiesta que

conmemora a todos los conversos que fueron asesinados durante las persecuciones de los cristianos en los primeros años de nuestra fe. Los dos grandes apóstoles, Pedro y Pablo,

también fueron martirizados durante este tiempo. El notorio emperador romano, Nerón, fue responsable de provocar la muerte de tantos de los primeros cristianos. Nuestro conocimiento de esta persecución viene de un escritor romano, Tácito, que no era cristiano. Nos dice que en el 19 de julio del año 64 empezó un gran incendio en la ciudad de Roma. Comenzó cerca del Circo Máximo, en un distrito lleno de tiendas y se extendió rápidamente en todas direcciones. El fuego duró siete días y siete noches, destruyendo gran parte de la ciudad. Estuvo contenido por un rato, pero luego se encendió de nuevo por otros tres días. Cuando terminó completamente, dos tercios de la ciudad de Roma habían sido destruidos. El comportamiento del emperador durante este incendio fue reportado como extremadamente extraño. Parecía patológicamente feliz todo el tiempo. La conocida expresión "tocar mientras Roma arde" proviene del informe de Tácito, porque eso es lo que hizo el emperador: ordenó a los músicos que tocaran durante las muchas fiesta y banquetes que celebraban en la corte mientras el fuego ardía fuera. Al final, Nerón culpó al fuego de la comunidad cristiana y ordenó que los cristianos fueran arrestados y ejecutados. Todas las ejecuciones tendrían lugar como espectáculos públicos en el Coliseo romano. Las torturas que inventó fueron tan brutales que incluso los romanos (que tenían un gusto por la crueldad) estaban horrorizados y sorprendidos. Algunos de los cristianos fueron crucificados; Algunos estaban cubiertos de cera e incendiados; Algunos fueron cosidos en pieles de animales y dados en alimento a bestias salvajes. El historiador Tácito escribió que "generalmente se creía que los cristianos eran sacrificados a la brutalidad del Emperador Nerón, y no de ningún bien público". Poco después, el emperador perdió el apoyo público. Hubo

levantamientos en la ciudad, y cuatro años después, Nerón se suicidó. Por fin, la población de Roma llegó a creer que el mismo Nerón, en su demencia, había ordenado la destrucción de la ciudad. Mientras que la pequeña comunidad cristiana de Roma fue diezmada en sus números y sin duda traumatizada por lo que había ocurrido, el resultado inesperado de la persecución fue que cada vez más romanos fueron inspirados por la tremenda fe y coraje de los que habían sido martirizados. Cientos pidieron ser recibidos en la Iglesia y bautizados.

Roma se convirtió en el centro de la religión católica como lo es hoy, y la sangre de aquellos primeros mártires cristianos se convirtió en la semilla de una fe que un día se extendería a todas partes del mundo. P. Ulises


Peter’s Pence

This collection is the way we as members of the Catholic Church unite ourselves to the concerns of the Holy Father. Donations to this collection support the charitable works of Pope Francis for the assistance of those most in need, especially to provide assistance to victims of natural disaster, war, oppression, and disease. Esta colecta es una manera de unirnos a las preocupaciones del Santo Padre. Los donativos dados a esta colecta financian la labor caritativa del papa Francisco para ayudar a los mas necesitados, especialmente para proporcionar asistencia a las víctimas de desastres naturales, de la guerra, la opressión y las enfermedades.

DIA DE DISCERNIMIENTO Te has preguntado como es la vida de una monja? Las monjas dominicanas del monastarerio de Corpus Christi, 215 Oak Grove Ave. Menlo Park, tendrán un día de discernimiento para mujeres solteras, entre 18 a 38 años, el 7/15/17, el 10/21/17 y el 1/13/18. Single, Catholic women between the ages of 18-38 are invited to experience a taste of the life of a cloistered Dominican nun. Contact Sister Joseph Marie,O.P. en: [email protected]. Website at http://nunsmenlo.org/

Archdiocesan Annual

Appeal 2017

Thank all of you who have contributed to the Archbishop Annual Appeal. Our parish assessment this year is $77,050. To date we have received $17,000. Our new balance $60,050. Please consider how you can help us meet our goal. For those who have not, would you take one of the brochures and consider what you might do to help us make our goal?


VANCOPAYMENTS.COM is an agency created to facilitate the process of donations, if you wish to make your donations to the Church electronically or by Credit Card, please see our website www.mountcarmel.org press Donate and follow the easy instructions.

Thank You, God reward your generosity.

HOMEBOUND MINISTRY Next Week Second Collection The second collection next week, will be for Parish Facilities. La segunda colecta de la próxima semana, será para las Instalaciones de nuestra Parróquia.

If someone in your family is homebound, lives nearby and is unable to attend Mass, but would like to received the Eucharist, please contact Julie O’Leary at (650) 361-8681. Communion ministers are needed to bring the Eucharist to homebound parishioners. Please call Julie O’Leary if you would like to participate in this worthy ministry.

Saturday, June 24, 2017 05:00 PM Alfred Schneider † Sunday, June 25, 2017 08:00 AM Bobbi Nocon † 10:00 AM Eileen Giannini † 12:00 PM Miguel Buenrostro † 05:00 PM Sr. Mary Raymunda BVM † Monday, June 26, 2017 8:15 AM Leticia del Rosario Mendoza † Tuesday, June 27, 2017 8:15 AM Guillermina Hernandez (Int.) Wednesday, June 28, 2017 8:15 AM Michael Lutz (Int.) Thursday, June 29, 2017 8:15 AM Alba Rosa Rigali † Friday, June 30, 2017 8:15 AM Augusto Saguin † Saturday, July 01, 2017 8:15 AM Pro-Populo


Sunday, June 25, 2017 Children’s Liturgy 10:00 a.m. Monday, June 26, 2017 Grupo Carismático (Mesa Directiva) 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, June 27, 2017 Men’s Basketball 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 28, 2017 Grupo Carismatico 7:00 p.m. Thursday, June 29, 2017 Good Grief 6:00 p.m. Friday, June 30, 2017 Coro Hispano

7:00 p.m.

Church Parish Center

Large Hall Large Hall Old Chapel Parish Center

Sunday: Monday: Tuesday:


Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Cyril of Alexandria San Cirilo de Alejandría Wednesday: St. Irenaeus/ San Ireneo Thursday: Ss. Peter and Paul, Apostles San Pedro y San Pablo, apóstoles Friday: The First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church/ Los Primeros Santos Mártires de la Iglesia Romana Saturday: St. Junípero Serra; Blessed Virgin Mary; First Saturday; Canada Day




The loss of every loved one creates many changes, challenges and pain. “Good Grief”, an ongoing support group, meets every Thursday at the Parish Center, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. We care. We share. Do come.

Welcome Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish Registration Form The following confidential information will be entered in our parish data system. It is only for the purpose of knowing and serving you better. Name (s): _______________________________ Address: _______________________________ City:_________________ zip:_______________ Telephone:______________________________ e-mail:_________________________________ Others in your household:_________________ Number of adults over 18 years of age: ______ Number of children under 18 years of age: ____

OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL #919128 300 Fulton St. Redwood City, CA 94062 CONTACT PERSON Ivette Meléndez, Bulletin Editor: 650-366-3802 Fr. Ulysses D’Aquila, Pastor: 650-306-9583 EMAIL ADDRESS [email protected] SOFTWARE Microsoft ®Publisher 2007 Adobe®Acrobat®X Window7® PRINTER Toshiba e studio 3055c TRANSMISSION TIME By 11:00 a.m. On Wednesday SUNDAY OF PUBLICATION June 25, 2017 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 6 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS